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Chapter 663

Shi Huozhu talked for a long time. Although what he said was very secret, what did it have to do with the Shi family?

Isn't this just telling Xiao Sun the blame for why he took the blame in the first place?

As for this Moon Slave, he didn't participate either. Didn't he run to Guanghan Palace to hide in trouble?

Cai Gen's understanding ability is relatively strong, and he made speculations instantly.

"Is this Moon causing trouble?

No way, that's the Jade Emperor, how brave is she?"

Shi Huozhu was actually shocked when he heard this secret news and nodded with difficulty.

"Brother Cai is right, this month slave has really caused trouble, and has also done a series of things.

The six maids who were implicated were all Yue Nu's biological sisters. When they suffered Wuwu disaster, Yue Nu became resentful.

Yes, she is so courageous that she actually resents the Jade Emperor."

This, this, Cai Gen doesn’t know what to say. Isn’t that asking for death?

I looked at Xiao Sun and thought, this woman is much better than you.

You have great talent and the ability to fight, so you make a fuss there.

She is just an ordinary palace maid with such great ambitions, she is not an ordinary person.

"This Moon Slave knows that the General of the Rolling Shutter at that time was famous for being a young man, with strong magic skills and handsome appearance. He was often accompanied by the Jade Emperor. He was simply recognized as a lover of the public.

So, Wu Gang was asked to cut a laurel branch and make it into a weapon.

In front of the Jade Emperor, in the name of Chang'e, he gave it to the general rolling curtain to express his love and deliberately disgust the Jade Emperor.

This time, even if it breaks the sky, what kind of anger can match the fire of jealousy?

From then on, the Jade Emperor never went to Guanghan Palace again, and there was an extra Sha Wujing in the Liusha River."

These few simple words were like thunder, and both Cai Gen and Xiao Sun were dumbfounded.

The amount of information revealed is simply too great.

Cai Gen decided to have a fight with Xiao Sun, after all, he knew the person involved.

"Xiao Sun, your third junior brother, still have this drama?

Didn't you say it was because of breaking a cup?

Why are you so jealous?

Besides, the looks don’t match up. Is there something wrong with the aesthetics of Heaven?”

Xiao Sun's eyes widened and he blinked for a long time.

"The official version is that for breaking the glass cup, he was demoted to the Liusha River and was struck by lightning.

What does it look like? Even if lightning strikes for such a long time, it’s quite scary. This makes sense.

But, but

Hey, I wonder why Junior Brother Sha has such a gloomy personality, it turns out he has experienced this before."

This makes sense. There was jealousy first, and then there was an excuse to throw a cup. Although it is not advanced, it is still excusable. Who has the final say?

Cai Gen also admired the Jade Emperor. For such a great leader, he did not directly kill the general who rolled the curtain, which was because he had a good attitude.

If there is a cause, there must be an effect. Only by looking at the root of the problem can we understand it.

Cai Gen had already imagined at this time that the Jade Emperor and Chang'e had an implicit relationship of mutual admiration, so all this made sense.

However, after thinking about it, Cai Gen felt that something was wrong. Where was the promised god?

What do you say you can see through all aspects of life?

What is the ideal state of mind?

Is it really okay to treat someone so cruelly even though they are considered to be gods?

Cai Gen could understand it, but he couldn't accept it. There was a hurdle in his heart and he still didn't want to cross it.

An idea formed in an instant, something seemed wrong?

"Then can Chang'e let Yue Slave go? She's so obviously cheating on her master?"

Shi Huozhu looked to the west and sighed.

"Sometimes, I really admire this Yue Slave.

Before provoking the Jade Emperor, he had already thought of a way out and had already hooked up with Guanyin.

Chang'e was surprisingly aloof, she did not explain to the Jade Emperor, nor did she take action against the Moon Slave, perhaps because of Guanyin's favor."

This is getting complicated. If what is said above is true, then Yuenu, Xiaosun and the others are all caught in the gap between heaven and the west, taking advantage of and being used, taking the blame and shirking the big pot, deceiving each other, playing tricks on each other, and calculating gains and losses.

If the West suffers a loss at the Pantao Conference, then it must be in urgent need of finding an opening in Heaven to counterattack. Could it be that this important task falls on Yue Nu?

"Brother Shi, tell me, what does Yue Slave have that is worthy of Guanyin's plot?"

Shi Huozhu wiped his face with his hands, and then wiped his face for a long time before continuing.

“Our family has no first-hand information on the intention behind it, we just know that it is related to the Buddhist scriptures project.

The direct result was that Yue Nu faked Chang'e's love letter and deceived my second grandfather.

My second grandfather is so clever and clever. He saw through Yue Nu's plot at a glance and wanted to expose her conspiracy face to face.

Then, and then, and then, the result was a bit unexpected, so I can’t say it.”

Well, after all, he is an elder and needs to beautify it, but the result is there, an attempt is an attempt, and the explanation is very weak.

This incident involved many people and had serious consequences.

What Cai Gen could think of was that all three parties had suffered.

"That is to say, kill three birds with one stone.

The second senior brother was tricked into the human world and joined the team of Buddhist scripture collectors.

The Jade Emperor suffered a second injury and was baptized by the fire of jealousy.

Chang'e, the lord of Guanghan Palace, lost her reputation.

The West is completely victorious.

Guanyin is good at planning, and Yue Nu is a good chess piece."

Shi Huozhu shook his head,

"The actual situation is not that simple. My second grandfather's problem is more complicated and is not a matter of three parties.

Due to family background issues, he is not completely considered a Jade Emperor. How about the Ziwei Emperor?

With this excuse, the Jade Emperor went along with the flow and drove my second grandfather to death and kicked him out of heaven.

After that incident, Yue Nu disappeared. Our family searched for her for a long time but could not find her.

Looking at the current situation, she found the west side as her backer, and in an instant she became the protector of the twenty-four heavens."

Cai Gen reached out and counted. The first one was the Jade Emperor, the second one was Chang'e, and the third one was Guanyin. So who was the fourth one?

"Didn't you mean Yue Si Slave? Why is there still a lack of a master? Did you remember it wrong?"

Shi Huozhu also stretched out his hand and counted. There were indeed three, which did not match the name.

"I don't know about that. The name of the fourth slave this month and the things involved are the information left behind by my second grandfather before he disappeared.

Our family has been trying to verify the specific situation over the years, but the coverage is a bit wide, and we dare not conduct a blatant investigation, so the progress is slow.

Grandpa, as a direct participant in the scripture learning project, do you have any more information?"

Cai Gen and Shi Huozhu looked at Xiao Sun at the same time. Yes, there is someone involved here. He must know more, right?

Xiao Sun didn't say anything, and pointed at Mu En who was fighting Xiao Tmall over there.

"Third uncle, let's talk about that bad thing later. Let's get rid of this woman first.

The idea is tricky, but you can still get it without help from others.

I went to help."

Oh my gosh, when it comes to learning from scriptures, Xiao Sun remembered all the slang, and Cai Gen is a little new.

Imagine that the four masters and apprentices, pretending to be monsters, speaking slanderous words, and looking ferocious, deceive and slay monsters along the way.

The style of painting is a bit crude.

This chapter has been completed!
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