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Chapter 679

Does this count as clearing the level?

Cai Gen sat on the ground, breathed a long sigh of relief, took out a cigarette, lit it several times, but failed to light it.

Xiao Xiao was afraid of Dayi, so he carefully turned sideways and helped Cai Gen light the cigarette, then he didn't dare to smoke and hid far away.

Dayi felt that the work was done, but this time, he was a little reluctant to go back.

Because as long as I go back, I have to face that person's anger. Think about it, it's a bit difficult to deal with.

If you have nothing to say, ask Cai Gen and delay for a while.

"Master, um, um, by the way, is Naqi okay?"

Cai Gen was a little embarrassed to be asked this question by Dayi.

Naqi has been ruined and can't even maintain his body. He can only maintain his life by possessing a pickup truck.

Emperor Yi originally asked him to take good care of Na Qi, but as a result, he became like this now. How should you answer?

While he was in trouble, Cai Gen suddenly thought, why didn't Dayi go back in a hurry?

It's a rare opportunity, so asking something can also divert your attention and kill two birds with one stone.

"Dayi, who was that just now? Are you so afraid of her?"

It's okay not to ask. As soon as Cai Gen said this, this question was obviously a question in Dayi's mind.

"Master, when you see me in the future, ask yourself.

My last arrow is gone, so let me tell you in advance.

Without arrows, I'm just useless. Please don't use me as an excuse to drive people away in the future, please.

By the way, please be nice to Naqi, I would like to thank you in advance."

Dayi's daily habits must have been very good, and he certainly did not smoke or do any exercise.

This set of words was spoken without taking a breath, and without giving Cai Gen a chance to continue speaking, a puff of green smoke came back.

Oh my gosh, I’m blaming myself.

When did you interrupt him?

That girl frightened Dayi like this?

Did you unknowingly bring hatred to him?

Seeing this last meaning, you don’t want to come out in the future?


If I didn’t learn how to cook well, would it be great to be able to shoot archery?

Cai Gen unconsciously fell into the identity of a master and couldn't extricate himself.

Finally, I glanced guiltily at the pickup truck that was on the verge of being scrapped, and at the dying Naqi.

What happened this time was thanks to Naqi, but he was too cruel, so I'm sorry to Yi.

The condemnation of conscience is fleeting, but it is better to be sorry for one person.

After Cai Gen finished smoking, he called Xiao Xiao and carried the injured people to the pickup truck.

Xiao Xiao didn't know why and quickly asked Cai Gen.

"My dear friend, isn't this car broken down? Why are you lifting it up?"

Cai Gen picked up his grandson and walked to the pickup truck.

"It's broken, but you can't throw it away.

Now that we’re here, I want to go to the finish line and have a look, so it’s not in vain.”

Xiao Xiao was in Fu Zhen Shui Yin and kicked Shi Huozhu by the way.

"You can't open it then. How can we get to the finish line? Are you thinking?"

Frightened by her own speculation, Xiao Xiao did not dare to say anything.

Cai Gen put his grandson into the back of the car. He couldn't lie down in the back seat. It was more comfortable to lie flat on the back of the car. He came back to hug Tmall.

"Well, our Xiaoxiao is a beautiful girl who has a close connection with me and is both smart and wise. You are right."

Xiao Xiao felt excited when she heard the connection.

Hearing about wisdom and beauty, he was even more elated.

But when I think about what happens next, I really can't be happy.

The most detestable thing is that Cai Gen picked out all the minor injuries first and saved a stone fire bead in the end, which was his own work.

It was impossible to boulder the Fire Bead. Xiao Xiao was definitely not willing to do so. He grabbed the belt of the Stone Fire Bead and dragged it on the ground like a dead dog.

There was a wound on the body originally, but with another pull, the wound that had healed a little cracked again.

"Godmother, if you don't mind the trouble, just leave me alone. I can take my time and go back by myself."

Xiao Xiao didn't take it seriously and imitated Cai Gen's tone.

"My benefactor often said that partners need to support each other and never abandon or give up.

You can’t leave a teammate behind, not to mention you are my godson?”

Shi Huozhu couldn't find the words to refute. If he was not a partner or a godson, wouldn't all this work be in vain?

After finally integrating into this small group, how can I give up? Just be patient.

With a strong force, he threw the stone fire beads into the rear compartment of the car. Xiao Xiao pretended to take out a wet tissue and wiped his hands seriously, as if the stone fire beads were buried too much.

Three people and a cat were lying in the back of the car, very neatly, and treated as injured.

Cai Gen asked Xiao Xiao to go to the store and get two blankets to cover them. Let's make do with it first, and then think of a solution when we get to the finish line.

When he turned around, he saw the seven bald heads still buried in the ground, and asked Xiao Xiao to put them into the commercial vehicle, along with the seven children.

Whether it is an innocent disaster or bad luck, we are all ordinary people.

When gods fight, mortals suffer, but they can’t be held accountable, so they can’t sue, right?

After sitting in the driver's seat, Cai Gen grasped the steering wheel tightly with both hands and shouted excitedly toward the outside of the car.

"Xiao Xiao, let's set out, aim, and finish. Let's fight for two and three, and the commemorative prize is also a prize."

Xiao Xiao was reluctant, but still started pushing from behind the pickup truck, working very hard.


Hong Lei has just arrived in this world and has just released the seal. He cannot control his strength well and can walk faster than he can drive a car.

On the second lap, we met a mini off-road vehicle. As Lingzi mother passed by, she knocked on the car window.

The car window rolled down, revealing a beautiful woman with short hair.

"It's done down there!"

"Is it that simple?"

"Hey, if you are not strict in your upbringing, you should stop joking."

"Oh, what are you talking about? Your son is so awesome. What's the point of bullying Cai Gen?"

"Have you learned so badly outside that you no longer know how to speak well?"

"Sister, if you don't play like this, don't you know how important Cai Gen is?

You spoil your child and give him the sun and the moon all day long. What if something happens to him?"

"If anything happens, it's not Cai Gen. He's fine."

"Yeah, it's a different son. Isn't this the same one just now?"

Tamamo drove the car without slowing down, looking at Hong Lei who was traveling at the same speed.

Honglei also looked at Tamamo with ill intentions. This girl was very rude to her mother just now!

Do you want to eat it?

It's better to wait until mother turns against her before taking action.

Mother Ling Zi gently patted Hong Lei on the shoulder.

"This is your Aunt Su, call someone."

Hong Lei's angry expression was stunned, and he spoke sheepishly.

"Hello Aunt Su, I am Honglei, and the person you saw just now is my eldest brother, Capricorn."

Tamamo smiled softly, pretending to be an aunt, and almost reached out to pat Hong Lei on the head.

"Good boy, you should call me Aunt Yu. It's unlucky to call me Aunt Su."

"Well, hello Aunt Yu."

Mother Lingzi was very proud of Honglei's politeness, just like an ordinary mother.

There were no words at first, but after they parted ways, Mother Lingzi suddenly thought of something.

"Do you want a small favor?"

"Whose favor?"

"Cai Gen's."


"His car broke down and he needs someone to pick him up."

Micro off-road, drift in place, turn around, drive directly off the track, and drive down the slope to the pit.

It can be said to be jumping or it can be said to be flying.

This chapter has been completed!
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