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Chapter 681

Xiao Xiao pushed the pickup truck and felt uncomfortable.

It's not a question of whether you're tired or not, it's a question of principle.

A girl is still a girl even if she becomes a landlady, and there is a bottom line in everything she does.

For example, don’t go out without makeup, wear nice clothes every day, fart without letting anyone hear you, etc.

This is an instinct, just want to show the good side to others and hide the bad side, which is very reasonable.

What's the result now?

Cai Gen asked her to push a cart or a donkey.

There is a huge gap in Xiao Xiao's mind. It is difficult, very difficult to cross it.

Even with Cai Gen's brainwashing and all kinds of praise, Xiao Xiao's motivation was still not enough.

The three words "moyanggong" are deeply engraved in Xiao Xiao's bones and are practiced in action.

On this eighth lap, I pushed for a full hour before I saw the crowd at the finish line.

Even so, it was still the result of Cai Gen's many outbursts and many ideological work during this period.

When he passed the finish line, Cai Gen's imagination of being the center of attention did not appear. There was nothing like popping champagne, reporters taking photos, nothing at all.

Then a staff member came and had an extremely bad attitude, full of contempt and indifference.

He directed Cai Gen to park the car at a designated location, handed out a ribbon, and told him that the award would be given in ten minutes.

Cai Gen felt that the atmosphere was not right, so he got out of the car and started looking for Xiao Feng and Duan Xiaohong to ask what happened.

As a result, Xiao Feng didn't find it, but Duan Xiaohong was found.

This guy is sitting next to the award podium, drinking beer and smoking, like a little girl.

Not to mention, where you sit, it fits perfectly with this competition with a strong local flavor, and it plays the finishing touch without any sense of dissonance.

Seeing Cai Gen coming, Duan Xiaohong was a little excited. She jumped down from the two-meter-high podium and patted Cai Gen on the shoulder.

"Caibangzi, you're here after all. Just because of you, they have been delayed from getting off work."

What's happening here?

Cai Gen was confused by just one sentence.

"Duan Doudou, please explain clearly. What do you mean? Who did I delay from getting off work?"

Duan Xiaohong looked around for Naqi, but didn't see it, which made her a little sad.

"You're the only one to live? Forget it, just keep an eye out, there's a solar eclipse, there's too much movement."

What are these words?

Seeing Duan Xiaohong starting to light incense, Cai Gen couldn't stand it anymore.

"No one died, they were just injured. You put the incense away first. Why do you love giving to others so much?"

Duan Xiaohong said as she reluctantly put away the incense.

"Just now when we reached the finish line, there was a solar eclipse, and then the dust dispersed.

There were more than a hundred cars, and the only one that could still move was Xiao Feng's championship car. Originally, everyone wanted to get off work as soon as the awards were presented.

It turns out that your car is also moving, albeit slowly, but very tenaciously.

It's not good to wait for you, but waiting for you will delay everyone's get off work, so you will cause everyone a headache."

Is this why players who have gone through all kinds of hardships and achieved second best results are treated with indifference and contempt?

Just because I was late from get off work?

Do you have some sportsmanship?

Can it be a bit like a regular competition?

If the quality is not good and the professionalism is not good, why can't we give it a good training?

If you do this, you won't be able to repair this circuit for a long time, right?

Only when Cai Gen put on the ribbon and stood on the podium did he understand.

The staff at the finish line are not locals, they are people hired by the sponsor after returning home.

Although they are all ordinary people, if the boss runs away, who is still willing to work?

Who do you work for?

Is there any question whether I can get my salary?

Therefore, getting off work early is to stop losses. The shorter the working hours, the smaller the losses.

Understanding this, Cai Gen put away his dissatisfaction, which is understandable and understandable.

The first place, Xiao Feng, received a prize of 1 million yuan.

Seeing Xiao Feng holding up the trophy and the big paper check was really dazzling.

He doesn't look like a champion at all. Looking at his appearance, he looks like a big-headed spirit with a thin neck. Cai Gen is full of contempt and doesn't even bother to hide it.

Second place, Cai Gen, received a certificate.

Holding the certificate for second place in his hand, Cai Gen suppressed the urge to tear it up.

What game?

Are the people who design awards mentally ill?

One million for the first place, and half a million for the second place.

We are not greedy, you can just give me 100,000 or 80,000 yuan to deal with it.

OK, if you play the theory of success and defeat, just give me a trophy.

What the hell is this fifty-cent certificate?

Since Cai Gen was in the third grade of elementary school, his father brought a cart of coal to the class teacher in exchange for a certificate for being a good student. In all these years, he has never received a certificate.

I have had a deep resentment towards awards and certificates since I was a child, and I hate them extremely.

But Xiao Feng was very excited, making various speeches, thanking him in various ways, crying, and even wanted to take a photo with Cai Gen. Cai Gen turned around and left, not giving him a chance at all.

This is a million-dollar hatred, enough to punish the nine tribes.

I took Duan Xiaohong back to the pickup truck. Before I could sit down, the atmosphere at the finish line suddenly changed.

The originally dead-looking staff were all cheering enthusiastically. I don’t know if they collectively won the lottery or if they came back and paid their back wages.

"Duan Tudou, I'm injured. Go and ask what's wrong?"

Duan Xiaohong didn't get out of the car. She already knew what that big head who wanted honor would do.

"It's nothing, it's just that Xiao Feng donated all the winnings.

Half is donated to the track for maintenance fees, and the other half is donated to all staff as bonuses.

That big-headed guy is a nice guy, and he really pursues his ideals."

What? Donated? Donated all one million?

Cai Gen's heart was bleeding. That's my money. If I had known that this guy would be donated, it would be better to let Munn leave him halfway.

"Mao Ideal, putting on a show is just putting on a show.

It’s shameless to be generous to others.”

Duan Xiaohong didn't understand where Cai Gen's resentment came from. It was fine to simply understand it as jealousy.

Just after scolding Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng came over.

Looking at the appearance of the pickup truck, I really admired it. The wheels were even crooked. How did you make it to the finish line?

"Brother Cai, congratulations."

"Brother Xiao Feng, congratulations to you. You are so elegant and honest, I admire you."

"Wherever, wherever, I am also doing it for honor.

The organizing committee asked me to ask you, the first place has donated money, why don’t you, the second place, express your gratitude?”


I just get a certificate, what do I mean?

What should I show for it? Should I be asked to advance money myself?

Cai Gen's blood pressure suddenly spiked.

"Brother Xiao Feng, I don't have any bonus, how should I express it?

Otherwise, can I donate the certificate?

In the future, a museum will be built to display the competition items."

When Xiao Feng saw that Cai Gen was very resentful, it was inappropriate to mention the donation again.

But in today's event, if I can win the championship, I can brag about it for most of my life. I am really happy.

"Brother Cai, I see that your car is seriously damaged. What are you going to do?"

What to do? Na Qi is inside, so he can’t throw it away. Cai Gen is scratching his head.

This chapter has been completed!
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