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Chapter 710

"Brother, something seems wrong?"

Dai Nihai looked at the center of the magic circle. At this time, he could no longer see the horn and a half, only a round blood ball.

With the mysterious rhythm, it keeps swelling, shrinking, swelling, shrinking, like a heartbeat.

The teddy bear ignored his brother and kept pouring liquor into his mouth, hoping to numb his nerves or make the time pass slower.

Because of its material, which has relatively good water permeability, the sofa was already wet. It couldn't digest the strong alcohol, and it was all wasted after having a good time.

"Brother, what on earth is going on? You should be talking."

Ever since she pressed the start button, Danifei was scared to death.

I don’t know why, but my eldest brother never said a word. He only smoked and drank, feeling alone.

Dai Nisi's idea was the most direct. He found something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong.

It's just that the blood ball in the center of the circle will hit the ground from time to time, which will then cause the earth to shake.

Although this is the first time for these brothers to implement this kind of project, there shouldn't be such a big movement.

The original plan was to be quiet, drain the soul, implement everything within control, and leave after the work is done without leaving any traces.

But the current situation is obviously out of control, and I don't know if there is any way to remedy it.

"Second brother, third brother, why don't we work together and destroy the magic circle? This time it will be for nothing. Let's talk about it next time."

This mentality of breaking things down is extremely irresponsible and stupid.

The teddy bear picked up the wine bottle and threw it at Dai Ni Temple. The speed was so fast that the wine bottle flew halfway. Due to the speed, it friction with the air and melted the glass bottle. The wine inside turned into a fireball and hit Dai Ni Temple.

The long mohawked hair on Nisi's head was instantly burned away, causing Dai Nisi to jump in place.

"Brother, how will you perform in the future without your hair?"

Still thinking about performing?

The teddy bear picked up another wine bottle and wanted to continue smashing it.

Danny Hi and Danny Fei came over quickly, knelt in front of the teddy bear, and took his arm.

"Brother, calm down, what happened? Can't you tell us what happened?"

"Yes, brother, even if you beat us to death, you still want to make us understand."

The teddy bear seemed to be in a daze. He flicked his arm casually and threw the two brothers away, knocking out two human figures on the stone wall.

Without looking at his brother, the teddy bear stared closely at the bloody ball and the pulsations of different frequencies.

How vicious is this?

If you can't run, if you continue to wait, you will be blind.

The teddy bear suddenly thought of the performance his brother mentioned just now.

Yes, since you can't stop, then let's drag it out for as long as possible.

"You guys come over here quickly, take out everything from this guy, and focus your fire on him."

The three brothers were very obedient and quickly took out their own things.

Diane is a clarinet, Diane is a violin, and Diane is an electric guitar.

After getting ready for everything, I turned to my eldest brother to play and sing. Now that everything is ready, all that's left is the eldest brother's singing.

The teddy bear took out an extremely flashy gold-plated microphone from his body, waved his short hand, and the brothers' instruments played.

"The moon is bright, the wind is calm, the leaves are covering the window lattice, and the crickets are chirping

Mother's baby, close your eyes, sleep, sleep in your dream

In the night sky, silver stars fly, flying to the east is red

The little baby, in his sleep, flew into space, rode on the moon, and stepped on the star."

As the four waves of sound were emitted, it seemed as if they were actually washing away the blood cells.

In the voice of the teddy bear, the frequency of the sound was constantly adjusted, and finally it matched the pulsation of blood cells.

After being coordinated, these four sounds were like four ropes, binding the blood cells, delaying his vibration and making his pulse no longer so violent.

"Brother, the baby is not well-behaved and cannot be coaxed. The resistance is too strong."

"Yes, if you pull with all your strength, you can only slow it down, but you can't hold it back."

"We can't last long in this state. Brother, please think of other ways quickly."

The teddy bear didn't stop singing, nor did he stop answering. I don't know whether he spoke fast or talked too much.

"If you can't hold on, you have to endure it. How long can it take? Don't let him wake up."

"Brother, aren't we just trying to wake him up after we've been struggling for so long?"

"If he wakes up, won't we be done with it?"

"Second brother and third brother are right."

The teddy bear began to repeat for the third time, very seriously, and every note was accurate, guiding the brothers to maximize their efficiency.

"Originally, a thousand spiritual envoys are activated through the small magic circle above, which is called directional resurrection. It is very accurate."

The eldest brother was talking about the original plan. All three brothers knew it. Could it be that something went wrong?

"As a result, in addition to the variables of the thunder's remnant, Moon's Bichi and her silly men also created a situation where the sun and the moon shine together.

Even Cai Gen was broken, but Little Sun's spiritual power was not consumed and remained.

All that abundant spiritual power was absorbed by the magic circle, 10,000% of the spiritual power.

Now it is no longer a matter of directed resurrection, now it is a matter of random resurrection."

After pressing the start button, Danifei was reminded by her elder brother that it seemed that there was indeed a 10,000% chance. Could it be that she had caused trouble?

"Silly brothers, don't you know whose horns these horns belong to?

If he is resurrected, who among us is spiritual? Who can control him?"

Well, the rhythm of the three younger brothers triggering the instruments suddenly went out of tune and was a bit out of tune.

"Concentrate, your tone must be accurate, your hands must be steady, and your output must be standard."

The teddy bear calmed the brothers' minds through his command, but everyone's expressions looked like they had eaten coptis.

"Brother, why don't we start a fire?"

"Yes, do as you like."

"If we don't care, someone will definitely take care of it."

The teddy bear wanted to laugh miserably, but he didn't have so many facial nerves, so he could only laugh bitterly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha

The magic circle is complete and running automatically. If we forcefully destroy it, we will have to finish it ourselves.

If we ignore him and resurrect him, we will be doomed.

We have reached a dead end and there is no way out."

"Brother, let's call for help quickly? We are on official business, and the Heavenly Society will not let you die without rescuing us."

The teddy bear did not answer the brothers, fearing that their mental quality was too poor and they would not be able to bear it.

As soon as he activated the magic circle, he asked for help.

The top management of the Zhutianhui responded quickly, saying they indeed took it seriously and agreed to provide assistance.

However, this reply was actually handled by Moon.

At the track, Moon was being taken care of by Cai Gen. His brothers did not help, they were just watching the fun.

Then, if you and your brothers are not in trouble, help will not come.

This chapter has been completed!
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