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Chapter 722

Money, that's money, eight hundred thousand.

The 800,000 yuan that helped Cai Gen escape poverty and become rich?

These good days have only lasted two days, right?

I still remember the bitterness and the sweetness, and it really hasn’t even been two days.

Not to mention not keeping warm, Cai Gen has not yet fully accepted the 800,000 yuan psychologically, is it going to be gone?

How can you support your wife and children, and survive the famine, all relying on this money?

Cai Gen was silent, squatting together with Shi Huozhu and smoking, smoking one cigarette after another.

When Xiao Sun and Zhen Shui Yin saw this situation, they couldn't help but feel sorry for Cai Gen.

Besides squatting down with Cai Gen, what else can you do?

Silence, everyone is silent, silent.

No one moved except for the lingering smoke.

The door opened, and a big head came in. I was surprised to see people squatting in a circle. What kind of shape is this?

"Brother Cai, if it's inconvenient for you today, I'll go back first. What are you doing squatting here?"

Cai Gen took a look and realized that Xiao Feng was waiting in a hurry.

Yes, everyone in the store has come out. It's not good to let Xiao Feng look at the store. It's strange that he doesn't panic.

After slamming the cigarette butt on the ground, Cai Gen made a decision.

If you give Naqi away, you will definitely regret it in the future.

Moreover, this money is originally external wealth, and it is not earned by selling lunch boxes.

Money that is not easy to come by will certainly not be easy to get rid of. As the old saying goes, it makes sense.

Cai Gen enlightened himself with this old saying.

Just like the 300,000 pieces that were broken, the 200,000 pieces from Mr. Long, and the 600,000 pieces that were taken advantage of by the fire to rob the Xiong Stone Fire Bead.

None of the money is considered a normal channel that Cai Gen understands, so let the wealth be scattered and the people gather together.

Spending so much money to cultivate your character, Cai Tuantuan, this is all for you. You must be filial to me in the future.

Cai Gen stood up suddenly and felt a little dizzy. He was helped by Xiao Sun before he could stand still.

"I'm sorry, Brother Xiao, my mobile banking has a limit. I will transfer you 500,000 today, and I will transfer the rest to you tomorrow. Please give me your account number."

"Third uncle! You"

Xiao Sun was afraid that Cai Gen would be impulsive, and he knew best what the money meant to Cai Gen.

"Master! You"

In fact, Xiao Tmall still wants to kill people and silence them cleanly.

"Brother Cai! You"

Shi Huozhu was very happy that Na Qi would not be betrayed, and she really wanted to praise him.

"Brother Cai! You"

Zhen Shuiyin was really impressed by Cai Gen's moral bottom line, but she didn't expect Cai Gen to be willing to do it.

"Don't be like this. You are hesitant to speak. If you want to praise me, you can speak slowly later. If you don't need it, don't say it. I have made up my mind."

Xiao Feng saw what was going on?

Don't have much money?

For the car modification industry, less than one million is a small amount of money.

Why does it look so serious?

Does Cai Gen have any difficulties?

After all, he is a boss, right?

"Brother Cai, do you have something to hide? I don't want the fraction, just give me eighty."

Cai Gen really wanted to tell the truth. There was nothing else he could say but that he couldn't bear to give up money.

"It's okay. Brother Xiao is overthinking it. Please give me your account number quickly. I can't let you work and pay for it."

Cai Gen was really afraid that he would change his mind. After getting the account number, he transferred the money and gave Xiao Feng two good cigarettes that Huang Ping had stored.

"I'll transfer the rest to you tomorrow. Just hold this cigarette. It's not a good cigarette. Share it with the brothers in the team. You've worked hard.

Tell the buddies in the team that I will treat them to dinner, come to my shop and try my craftsmanship."

Xiao Feng received the account arrival reminder on his mobile phone. He didn't even look at it. He didn't feel embarrassed to hold the cigarette. It wasn't really a good cigarette, so just think of it.

"Okay, then I'll go back and rest first, and then contact you again."

Cai Gen sent Xiao Feng to the gate of the community, and saw the modified Naqi again. His heart couldn't stop bleeding, and it felt uncomfortable to look at it even more.

Turn around and go back to the store, take out your phone and start calculating.

It was originally less than 800,000 yuan, but I paid more than 10,000 yuan as a deposit for Aunt Li's hospital stay. Now there is a shortfall of 40,000 yuan, which must be made up before tomorrow.

I've given you 800,000 yuan, is there still a fraction left?

Cai Gen still thinks about this very happily.

Should I go to Flies for emergency treatment next, or call Erlu to ask for hospitalization fees?

Cai Gen didn't want to find either of them.

If you tell the fly, he will definitely help and will be overjoyed, which is what Cai Gen doesn't want to see.

It's not appropriate to tell Erlu. The old man is in hospital and there are a lot of things to do. He only needs money in one day, which is a bit revealing.

How did the old saying come about?

Observe people in terms of neglect, observe people in terms of wealth, matters, and appearance.

Although Cai Gen doesn't have the mentality to save face and suffer, he still has some mental barriers when doing some things.

Forget it, just use your credit card. If you have too many lice, you won’t bite them. If you have too many debts, you won’t have to worry about them.

Opening up new profit points cannot be postponed until the end of the year and must be put on the agenda.

Xiao Sun and the others also returned to the store, but Shi Huozhu didn't dare to follow them.

At this critical moment, I was too depressed and needed an outlet to vent.

If he came over, that would be the exit. Shi Huozhu was very self-aware.

Zhen Shuiyin saw Cai Gen standing in front of the bar, worried that he must not have enough money.

I turned around and went back to my store. When I came back, I had a plastic bag in my hand.

There were four stacks of red tickets inside, which were placed in front of Cai Gen.

"Brother Cai, although this money is not much, it is already all the income of Xiaotian and I during this period.

The clients are all high school students with little money.

You use it first, we will start raising prices in the new semester to make more money."

Looking at the four piles of red tickets in front of him, Cai Gen was forcefully pulled back from his thoughts.

forty thousand?

Let me go, it’s only been a few months?

More than 10,000 per month?

How many hundred a day?

Or pure profit, right?

Can you make so much money just by reading horoscopes?

Do you still want to raise the price in the future?

Cai Gen was shocked by Zhen Shuiyin's business.

I am really incompetent, I am worse than this cat and an evil star.

"No, it's not easy for you two to make some money. How can I take your hard-earned money?"

When he mentioned hard-earned money, Cai Gen wanted to slap himself in the mouth, wasn't he just sitting there and fooling around for a while?

Where there is blood, where there is sweat, there is only money. What I said is too false.

"Master, just take it. We eat and drink your food every day, and you should get your fair share.

At worst, when Xiao Shui gets married in the future, you will pay for the dowry."

Although it was a joke, Cai Gen was not amused by Xiao Tmall and nodded heavily.

Hey, this is another debt of gratitude.

Xiaosun's betrothal gift and Xiaoshui's dowry have become his own responsibilities.

A lightbulb went off in my head.

If Xiaosun married Xiaoshui, wouldn't the ending be perfect?

Xiao Sun's betrothal gift was put in his left pocket, and Xiao Shui's dowry was put in his right pocket. Both things were done without spending a penny.

Then Cai Gen felt ashamed of his brain twitching. How long had it been before, and he still had the thoughts to talk nonsense like this?

"Xiao Sun, go and deposit the money into your bank card for me. I will transfer the money to Big Head tomorrow."

Xiao Sun took the money and went to the bank. He must not have known that Cai Gen was arranging his life-long events.

After giving the money, Zhen Shuiyin went back to the store, saying she was doing homework.

Prepare to flex your muscles in the new semester and raise prices to rip off customers.

This chapter has been completed!
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