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Chapter 746

Regarding Cai Gen's request, the reaction of his colleagues was almost unanimous. They seemed to take it seriously, but in fact they didn't take it seriously.

Cai Gen was also helpless. The development of a world view did not happen overnight. Even though he tried to force them to change their attitude towards life, it was a bit far-fetched.

What needs to be said has been said and what needs to be asked for. Cai Gen feels that the rest is left to luck.

Cai Gen has been inking here for a long time, and found that Naqi has stopped moving again. If he keeps inking like this, when will he be able to finish his work?

"Xiao Shui, escape to the ground.

Are you waiting here to eat hot pot?"

Zhen Shuiyin looked at Cai Gen with a confused look on her face.

"Brother Cai, there's no problem with me. The main reason is that we didn't enter the magic circle."

What does Na Qi want to do? Cai Gen feels that it is too difficult to maintain a good attitude recently.

"Uncle Na, haven't we already agreed? Isn't it just a matter of your hair?"

Na Qi heard about the hot pot again, his resentment rose again, and he slowly and slowly opened the conditions.

"Your body, hair, and skin are inherited from your parents and should not be damaged easily. Everything has a price."

Is this a temporary price increase?

Cai Gen patiently talked nonsense with Na Qi.

"Sure, Uncle Na, what do you want this time?"

No need to think about it, Naqi quickly gave the answer.

"Let the bitch commit suicide. I won't eat him this time. I need him to sacrifice and give me that hair to be buried with him."

Cai Gen bowed his head in frustration, feeling like he had no interest in doing anything anymore.

"Is there any alternative? Come up with it."

"The bitch cat has an unfair hatred against me. If he doesn't die, it will be difficult to relieve the hatred in my heart."

The first thing that Xiao Tianmao glared at was Xiao Sun. If nothing happens, you always have something to tie him to. Look, the silly donkey is getting excited, right?

"Naqi, just say you are a stupid donkey. How could the master be willing to let me die? Please be more realistic."

"If you don't shut up, I will really give up and let Na Qi finish."

Cai Gen scolded Xiao Tmall to see what Na Qi wanted.

"It doesn't matter if the bitch cat doesn't die, I want to eat pickled cabbage hot pot, and I want to eat it now."

Where can I get hotpot for you in this big underground pit?

I can't live without being crazy, so you Naqi is not a monster and won't let me live?

Forget it, let's destroy the world. Cai Gen really doesn't want to live anymore. He is getting too upset every day.

An unknown fire broke out, and Cai Gen started his evil taste.

"Xiao Xiao, are you there?"

"Yes, my benefactor, I am always here."

Xiao Xiao jumped down from the rear side of the car and came to the car window, feeling very proud.

Look, as soon as my benefactor called me, I was there. How considerate.

Cai Gen wasn't too surprised. He couldn't explain the entanglement.

I always feel that as long as his name is Xiao Xiao, there will be a response.

"When did you come?"

"It's time to fly down. At this critical moment, I must accompany my benefactor, even if I die."

The expression of loyalty without warning immediately interrupted Cai Gen's train of thought.

A charming and beautiful woman with short hair, she almost didn't get hurt by accident, but now comes the silly and sweet Xiao Xiao, and she can't defend herself.

He looked around at the people in the car in warning, not to talk nonsense.

In fact, the people in the car have long been accustomed to Xiao Xiao's virtue, and no one will talk nonsense, after all, Duan Xiaohong is not here.

Cai Gen got satisfactory results, and everyone avoided looking, as if the scenery outside was better.

"Go to the store and bring me my copper hotpot and a pickled cabbage."

"Yeah, right away."

With a swish, Xiao Xiao left.

Whoosh, Xiao Xiao came back, holding a copper hot pot in one hand and a pickled cabbage in the other.

Cai Gen got out of the car and put these two items on the front cover of the pickup truck.

"Uncle Na, everything is ready. You have finished eating. Let's go down quickly. To tell you the truth, I bought this hot pot for more than 300 yuan. I can't bear it for you."

The hot pot is copper-plated. Cai Gen didn't buy the pure copper one at the beginning. Cai Gen doesn't know what it tastes like in his mouth. Who has nothing to chew on the iron pieces?

Sauerkraut is better. You can buy it for five yuan a pound. It is crisp and delicious.

"Cai Gen, don't think I'm stupid. How do you eat these broken pieces of iron? You need to cook them and feed them to me."

Cai Gen slapped the front cover of the machine.

"Na Qi, don't go too far. I've given you the hot pot and sauerkraut. What else do you want?"

"Cai Gen, don't fool me. What you just said is pork belly, blood sausage, frozen tofu and so on."

"I don't have money to buy it."

"Where's the money?"

"I fixed your car."

"Then you just said you would go back to eat, how come you don't have money?"

"You will have money after doing this job, but now you have no money."

"Then what are you waiting for? Get in the car quickly and let's go to work."

What the hell am I waiting for? Waiting for you to bullshit me

Cai Gen cursed in a low voice, put the hot pot and sauerkraut in the car, and got in the car himself.

"Xiao Xiao, you should go back to work and stop interfering here."

"My dear friend, I'm afraid you need me."

This was a wake-up call, Cai Gen rang in his mind.

What if one day Xiao Xiao does this in front of Yuanyuan in the store, how can I survive?

"If I don't call you, don't come. It's too dangerous to go down. I'm doing it for your own good."

Go quickly, the most important thing is to do your job well, if you see the pelvic dolphin again, I will "

Xiao Xiao didn't dare to talk nonsense and left in a swish.

"Third uncle, the teddy bear didn't say anything about giving money? Did you remember it wrong?"

Xiao Sun heard Cai Gen's words just now and became worried for him.

"Xiao Sun, don't be a money maker all day long. If you don't have money, won't you stop working?

What's wrong with helping him so much and eating his meal?"

Of course, it’s nothing. Cai Gen wants to sit down and raise the price. After all, he is also in the entertainment industry. How can he still save money?

After Naqi had gone through so much trouble, Cai Gen would probably be furious if he didn't move and start trouble.

The most important thing is to torture Cai Gen to control the temperature. Don't collapse it all at once, otherwise the gain will outweigh the loss.

The pickup truck moved slowly and slowly sank into the ground. The golden scriptures were like a shield machine, silent and powerful.

As soon as Cai Gen and the others entered the underground, a group of figures appeared on the edge of the pit.

The one standing in the first place is still the charming and beautiful woman with short hair.

However, Tamamo is a little embarrassed now. Her originally delicate face is wrapped with a circle of delicate gauze, and there is faint blood seeping out. She looks pitiful and pitiful, comparable to a baby cabbage.

"Tamamo-senpai, are your injuries okay?"

Abe Satoshi, who had grown taller again, asked with concern. He really didn't understand who could hurt Tamamo.

Tamamo didn't want to answer this question, didn't even want to think about it.

"Arrange a short-distance teleportation and wait until Cai Gen is completely inside before launching. Today, Cai Gen must be in front to weather the thunder."

Abe Satoshi did not speak, but waved his hand at the entourage, and the people below had already begun to form an array.

"My brother, are you okay, Tamamo-senpai?"

Tamamo kept staring down the pit and pointed in the direction of Meigan Mountain.

"what is that?"

"My brother's sacred mountain."

"Then you still ask, are you looking for something to talk to if you have nothing to say?"

Abe Satoshi remained silent, the sacred mountain is still there, the mountain god is intact, and Shintoism has failed.

This chapter has been completed!
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