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Chapter 766 Arranged

The bust over there cursed for a while, but Cai Gen and the others didn't respond. Then they remembered that Cai Gen and the others couldn't hear it, and they became even more angry.

There was business in front of him, and he couldn't care less about arguing with Cai Gen and the others, so he snatched the small sign from the teddy bear's hand.

This is a bit new. In the myth, the magic lamp giant seems to have never taken the magic lamp. This is unreasonable.

It is just as unreasonable as if the two masters of Guan and Taoyuan were sworn brothers, kowtowing to the statue of Guan Gong, making sworn vows, and making a blood alliance.

The bust held a small sign and lightly gestured at the blood cell, and a golden light shot out, hitting the center of the blood cell.

The blood cells that were constantly swelling were suddenly illuminated by golden light and stopped, as if the stop button had been pressed.

Then I heard a cow's cry, which echoed throughout the space and was very long.


This cow's braying created a resonance at the same time, and dust and pebbles fell from the ceiling of the cave from time to time. There was no doubt that if the cow brayed a few more times, the cave would definitely collapse.

Fortunately, I only yelled once and they stopped.

The cry this time was louder than the cow calls Cai Gen had heard before. It seemed to have a power that made the heart beat out of rhythm.

An impulse arises that cannot be suppressed. I really want to shout along with you. Only by shouting can I feel comfortable.

Cai Gen opened his mouth and wanted to shout along, but it turned out that he didn't make it because he was done. This made him feel uncomfortable.

Cai Gen looked at the blood cell that made a sound in frustration, and Cai Gen was extremely angry.

The sound ended, and a pair of broken horns protruded from the mouth of the blood cell.

One of them was intact, but one was broken in half, and the stubble was very uneven, as if someone had broken it off abruptly.

As soon as the horns of the cow came out, Cai Gen felt a sense of country smell, yes, it was the smell of the countryside in summer.

The scent of green grass and wild flowers is mixed with livestock excrement and green moss from the creek outside the village.

This compound smell refreshed Cai Gen's brain as if a basin of cold water had been poured on it.

The urge to scream just now was completely suppressed. I didn't dare to open my mouth and wanted to cover my nose.

As the smell spread, the space in front of Cai Gen's eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of green gauze.

Is this a biochemical weapon, the kind that will cause ulcers and rot if it encounters it?

Fortunately, no one around him had any tendency to run away. It was probably just infuriating people and there was no harm done.

Once the horns are finished, the body is ready.

Only then did Cai Gen understand where the smell came from.

This cow was supposed to be the same as the colorful sacred cow phantom seen by the upper level, with its body full of colors, but the reality was more miserable.

The colorful skin is not very complete, and there are many scars on the cow's body, and the bones are deeply visible.

Especially the bull's head, half of which is made of white bones, and its teeth are exposed, making it look ferocious and terrifying.

It's unclear whether it's because of old injuries that haven't healed or because of incomplete development. This Cai Gen cannot be verified.

What can be verified is that the expression of this cow, no, you can't tell the expression by looking at the bones, only the eyes.

These two big bull's eyes are red and full of cynicism.

"Xiao Shui, is that your Grandpa Kuiniu? Why is he so miserable?"

Zhen Shuiyin didn't seem sure, so she just guessed in a low voice.

"It's a bit like that, but Grandpa Kui Niu was originally much bigger, at least five or six meters tall. Why is he still less than two meters tall now?

Could it be that something went wrong during the resurrection? Not only is the body not fully developed, but the mind also seems to be unclear?"

It was indeed a mad cow, Cai Gen could actually tell it from the red bull's eyes.

He quietly lowered his head and looked at his divine robe. It was okay, okay, most of it was white, and a small part was a little red, which was not very obvious.

I checked the people around me again. They were all dressed simply and not flashy at all. They should not be able to attract this mad cow.

Cai Gen's worry was necessary, because after the miserable-looking mad cow came out, he didn't look at the blood ball behind him, but saw a fiery red bust at a glance.

The fiery red color seemed to be afraid that others would not see it, which deeply attracted or angered the mad cow.

He rushed straight towards the bust.

The speed was so fast that Cai Gen didn't even notice whether the cow was running or flying.

The bust was shocked when he saw the horns coming out and the body behind.

"Oh my God, why did Kui Niu come out?

Chiguo, you bastard, can anyone work like you?

Are you trying to trick me on purpose?


Seeing Kui Niu rushing toward him, the bust didn't hesitate at all, turned around and ran away, cursing constantly and not caring about the teddy bear.

It may be that the cow's braying broke their secret spell, so Cai Gen and the others could hear the words spoken at this time. It turned out that it was not in the plan, and it seemed that he was also surprised.

The bust ran back, probably wanting to get back to the small sign, but due to excessive fright, he forgot that the small sign was in his hand. It was a bit like riding a horse to find a horse, completely confused.

By chance, the teddy bear happened to be on Kui Niu's path, and before he could finish hearing the bust's curse, he was strung up by the horns.

The next second, Kui Niu caught up with the bust. As soon as it came into contact with the horns, it turned into little golden lights and returned to the small sign.

Kui Niu was very dissatisfied when he saw that the target of his attack had disappeared. He acted completely with anger and instinct, without any logic, and looked around for a target to vent his anger on.

The teddy bear was hung on the horns of a bull, and it didn't struggle or resist. It was hopeless.

I remember I made it clear when I took the job.

My brother is only responsible for gathering energy and activating the magic circle, and the rest is arranged.

Looking at it today, there is indeed an arrangement, and the leader did not deceive himself on this point.

However, it seems that the leadership’s arrangement is not very safe?

The reprimands and insults the bust just received are all normal.

King Dhrita Dhrita can understand and feel relieved. After all, he did not do a good job and accidentally gained too much energy.

But what about the agreed-upon arrangements?

Why did you release Kui Niu so quickly?

No matter what you do, what does it mean if you run away?

When you see Kui Niu, you turn around and run away. Aren't you afraid of being embarrassed?

Besides holding toys, the teddy bear doesn't know what to do with it.

After Kui Niu came out, he kept posing and shouting to the sky, as if the whole world owed him money and he just wanted to come back.

Unfortunately, he didn't get any response. Heaven and earth were silent, and no one paid any attention to him, which made him feel a bit stuck.

This is like a resentful woman who keeps telling her grievances to her neighbors, but no one supports her and chooses to ignore her. How can this make the resentment of a woman so embarrassing?

Crying, making trouble, and hanging are all the least serious. If you ignore them, then I will act like a monster.

The biggest target is the four statues of heavenly kings. The kneeling posture just now has not been restored, but it is still a big lump, an extremely huge lump.

With a teddy bear hanging from its horns, Kui Niu rushed towards the kneeling statue of the King of Heaven.

This chapter has been completed!
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