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Chapter 818 filial piety is a blessing

Dinner is ready, a big pot of braised pork and potatoes, and even the vegetable soup is filled with beautiful oily flowers, simple and affordable.

After seeing the cooking skills of Lord Dhritarashtra, Cai Gen felt that it was meaningless and not at all down-to-earth.

Maybe the gods like those flashy things.

Or maybe your own realm is not enough.

Isn’t this big pork belly delicious when you eat it?

Of course it's delicious, especially when paired with big white steamed buns and refreshing cabbage. It won't even cost you your life.

Just as I took a bite of the steamed bun, the shop door opened and the bell rang.

Cai Gen couldn't bear to raise his head and just glanced at it with his eyes.

He is wearing a black woolen coat and a crisp suit underneath, especially the three-jointed British leather shoes that are so shiny and reflective.

Looking at his appearance, he didn't match his clothes well. He had a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks and a slicked-back hairdo, and his gold-rimmed glasses didn't add much elegance.

who is this?

Cai Gen kept talking, and his brain worked hard to switch from the braised pork to memory.

Let me go, isn’t this Erlu?

I just met her in the hospital yesterday. She was not dressed so formally. Did she dress up specially to meet her today?

Is it necessary? It’s not a blind date.

Cai Gen quickly stood up and went to meet him, taking the plastic bag from Erlu's hand with his hands, which contained two bottles of wine.

"Tell me, Erlu, you can come as soon as you come. What are you going to take? It's just an outsider. I won't be an exception next time. I won't be an exception next time."

Erlu did not let go, nor was he polite to Cai Gen.

"Lao Gen, your hair style is quite fashionable, are you wearing a wig?

Who brought you something? This is for us to drink, why do you want to save it?"

Can you die if you don’t mention your hair? Why does everyone mention it?

The blue bottle indicated the identity of the wine. There were more than a thousand bottles. Cai Gen really wanted to keep it secret.

"We are not outsiders, so why would we drink such good wine?

My bubble tonic wine is very powerful, you must try it."

Erlu had a high immunity to Cai Gen's deception, and wouldn't let go of the plastic bag.

"Okay, just drink this. You can also drink some good wine and quickly prepare the dishes."

Seeing how persistent he was, Cai Gen really couldn't take it away, so forget it and just drink it.

I filled a large bowl of braised pork and brought it to another table. I didn't eat it with Xiao Sun and the others, and Er Lu wasn't familiar with it either, so as not to make it difficult to talk.

"Is your dad feeling better? Why don't you stay with him in the hospital?"

Erlu opened the wine, poured a glass for Cai Gen, and poured a glass for himself. Before he could say anything, he found an extra wine glass on the table.

There was also a fat girl standing next to him, who seemed to be the owner of the wine glass.

Cai Gen noticed something strange about Er Lu and turned around to see Duan Xiaohong. This was so embarrassing.

Why did she come to ask for a drink?

How can my 40-pound wine jar not be enough for her to drink?

"Pour me a glass to try, I've never drank it."

Well, this Blue Bottle was heavily advertised, and because it was expensive, Cai Gen never drank it.

It is said to be nutritious, so even if you don’t have much alcohol intake, you’ll be fine just by drinking one bottle.

Erlu didn't know what was going on or what his relationship was with Cai Gen, so he obediently poured a full glass for Duan Xiaohong.

Duan Xiaohong didn't say thank you. She picked it up and took a careful taste. She felt that it had no taste at all, so she drank it up in one bite.

Then, he went to the bar to pick up Sanbai, still mumbling.

"What a piece of shit. You forgot to add some wine. It has no taste at all."

Cai Gen was already extremely embarrassed. That one drink cost at least two and a half and cost three to four hundred yuan.

You might as well think about it after drinking it. What does forgetting to drink wine mean?

Cai Gen didn't want to explain or introduce it, so he just skipped this episode.

"Is your dad okay?"

Erlu was finally pulled back to normal thinking by Cai Genqiang.

"It's okay. The rescue was timely and the thrombus melting needle is very effective. It's just that I'm older and it takes time to recover.

The nurse is watching over there, I'll go back and have a look later."

With that said, Erlu picked up the wine glass.

"Lao Gen, if you want to thank me, I won't say anything. Thanks to you this time, I did it and you don't have to drink it."

Just like Duan Xiaohong, Erlu also drank up the wine in one gulp.

Cai Gen feels bad for this. Although the wine is not his own, shouldn’t good wine be tasted slowly?

Besides, did you really drink the wine you brought?

What do you mean I don’t need to drink?

"I'd better drink with you."

Cai Gen just wanted to raise his glass, but Erlu held him down with his hand.

"Lao Gen, this cup is from me. It comes from my heart. You can bear it."

Well, Cai Gen reluctantly put down his glass of wine. You can do whatever you want. Who can say good things?

The second donkey poured another glass and raised it without eating the food.

"Lao Gen, we have known each other since childhood. Although we have not been in the same city these years, we have not moved around much.

When I first went to the big city, you helped me a lot.

I remember that my first business was given by you, which helped me stand on my feet. I won’t say thank you. It’s all in the wine. I did it, and you don’t need to drink it.”

After saying that, Erlu drank another drink. After half a kilogram of wine, his eyes were a little red.

Cai Gen's eyes were also a little red.

Normally at the wine table, if I do it and you don’t drink, does that count as showing respect?

Or am I doing it for your own good, so you don’t need to drink with me?

Cai Gen was a little confused. A bottle of wine had reached the bottom after four glasses. He hadn't tasted anything yet?

Erlu opened another bottle of wine and filled it up.

Cai Gen was about to speak, but Erlu beat him to it.

"I offer you a third glass of wine. I want to express that I really envy you and that you have courage.

I'm back home, beside my parents, and can see them anytime and anywhere.

I can't, I'm not as lucky as you, you know?

Lao Gen, it is a blessing to be able to fulfill your filial piety by your parents' side. I am not as blessed as you. If I do it, you don't have to drink it."

After the first two glasses of wine, these two donkeys started to talk in a rude manner, but their emotions were clearly expressed.

Especially when I mentioned that filial piety is a blessing, tears welled up in my eyes and I was about to cry.

It can be felt that he really envies Cai Gen for being able to be by his parents' side.

After drinking the third glass of wine, Erlu's face was completely red and his eyes were a little blurry.

Cai Gen seemed to be sitting in the audience, a little dazed. What were you talking about? What kind of wine was he drinking?

Just as he was about to raise his glass, he was stopped by Erlu.

He took out two piles of red tickets from his pocket and pushed them toward Cai Gen.

Maybe he drank too much, maybe he was a little excited, and knocked over Cai Gen's wine glass.

Seeing the drink spilled all over him, Cai Gen felt like his heart was pounding.

"No, Erlu, please slow down, what do you mean?"

Erlu didn't mind at all if the wine was spilled, he didn't feel bad.

"Ten thousand is the deposit you paid when my dad was hospitalized.

10,000 is just a small gift from me. I was not told when I opened the business. This is considered as a supplementary gift."

Oh, I really don’t want to express my gratitude verbally, it’s more economical to pay directly, and I thoughtfully made an excuse.

I open a fast food restaurant, do I receive a commission as a gift?

Cai Gen put away one pile and pushed back the other.

"When I go public, I will definitely tell you, and you will follow suit when the time comes. There is nothing to make up for in the past."

This chapter has been completed!
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