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Chapter 884 Suppose it's a bottle

"Last time I went to Changbaisan and met Maomao, do you still remember?

He was arranged to lift the basin by your master, do you know these things?"

Du Ming seemed very excited when he heard the word Maomao, and his body shook like a mountain.

"I don't remember him. Who can remember him? Who is he?

He is just a daily necessities, not worthy of me remembering him.

He deserves to lift the basin, so why not lift him to death?"

This is meant to be a festival. Is there any grudge or grudge?

Cai Gen looked gossipy and wanted to explore more.

"Well, that's right. Maomao also said he doesn't remember you. You look really unfamiliar."

Du Ming was shaken even more violently, but he was just angry and stopped talking.

Seeing that this was going to be a cold show and no gossip was revealed, Cai Gen felt that it was quite boring and nothing happened, so he wanted to go back.

The harvest from this visit is quite great. At least I finally know that the price of committing suicide is endless troubles.

At the same time, there is also the twisted and perverted growth method that needs to be carefully considered.

Just when I was about to get up and apply to leave, I suddenly thought of Tong Aiguo.

"One last thing, Du Ming, your master has nothing to do with shamanism, right?"

"Shamanism? Are they the guys who put feathers on themselves and dance around the fire?"

Cai Gen had never seen Tong Aiguo put on feathers or watch him dance, but when he and his wife performed a traditional shaman performance at a tourist attraction, it was exactly as Du Ming said, dressed in bells and feathers, wearing fancy clothes, and wearing a scarf.

Dancing with a fake fire.

"Yes, they should be the group of people you mentioned."

"Oh, then the master has something to do with them."

It was really related. So when Tong Aiguo approached him, was he also coming for the God of Pain? Cai Gen began to think too much.

"What does that matter? Are we friends or foes?"

"Customer relations, the master chef cooks and they eat.

Most people in Shamanism have eaten meals cooked by master chefs.

Does eating require a relationship as complicated as friend or foe?"

Well, it’s really not necessary. The relationship between supply and demand does not require subjective likes and dislikes, everyone just gets what they need.

After all, it is rare to fall in love with a cook because a dish is delicious.

It is rare for a cook to be killed because a dish is unpalatable.

Since we have already asked this question, let’s expand on what Cai Genjue said.

"Then, what is your master's relationship with Heaven and Buddhism?"

"It doesn't matter. When my master was walking on earth, there was no heaven or Buddhism."

Oh, the years are different, they are not from the same era, so it’s normal if we don’t meet them.

Cai Gen stood up and felt relaxed this time.

Although I haven’t found clear answers to many questions, at least I feel less burdened than when I came here and I have a direction to work towards.

In fact, Cai Gen felt that it would be easier if Du Ming told everything he knew.

It's just that I don't have the ability to force myself to sing alone, my strength doesn't allow it.

"Happy New Year, I wish Duming become more and more beautiful, younger and younger, good health and all the best in the new year.

I will go back first and come back to see you later."

The sudden New Year greetings shocked Du Ming.

Once upon a time, the master's blessing was so abrupt, so unexpected, without any foreshadowing, and very insincere.

Looking at Cai Gen again at this time, it seems that he has a double image with the master in his memory. I don’t know if Cai Gen is becoming more and more like the master, or it is his own hallucination.

Lifting the snake's head high to prevent Cai Gen from seeing the moisture in his eyes, Du Ming sent Cai Gen out without answering.

After sending Cai Gen away, Du Ming raised his butt and released the three friends.

Zhang San, Li Si, and Zhu Fangfang who also died.

"You three, do you think it would be better for the master to come back or for Cai Gen to become the new master?"

Zhang San looked at Li Si, Li Si looked at Zhu Fangfang, and Zhu Fangfang looked at the ground under his feet, and they were silent at the same time.

"You guys are talking. I keep you here to relieve my boredom, not as decorations."

Zhang San pushed Li Si to show him that he could think quickly.

Li Si pushed Zhu Fangfang, indicating that she was of the same gender and had affinity.

Zhu Fangfang had no one to push her, so she had to give herself a mouthful.

"Aunt Duming, me"

"Call sister!"

"Sister Duming, I really don't know the cause and effect, so I can't give you any rational advice."

"You don't need to know cause and effect, you just need to tell based on your feelings."

Wow, isn't that just a fool's errand?

Does this blind suggestion make any sense?

Oh, it's really just to relieve boredom. What I say is of no use at all.

Zhu Fangfang immediately understood the meaning of her existence.

"Aunt Duming, no, sister.

I think it would be better for the master to come back.

After all, they are acquaintances and have more feelings for each other than newcomers."

"But when the master left, he never wanted to come back.

If you force him to come back, he will be unhappy."

Zhang San was very clever and rushed to answer.

"Then let Cai Gen become the new master."

"But I miss the master so much. I really, really miss him. I really want to see him again."

Li Si felt that since everyone had spoken, if he didn't speak, he would have revealed himself, and he would not be able to hide in the future.

"Sister Duming, I think if the old ones don't go away and the new ones don't come, who wouldn't want to try something new?"


Du Ming and Zhu Fangfang condemned Li Si in unison, making him understand that people of the same sex are indeed natural allies.

Cai Gen was in a trance and returned to the Naihe Bridge, still holding the bell in his hand.

I felt my numb thighs and didn't know how long I had been there. I stuffed the bell into my pocket and walked to the car.

Back in the car, Cai Gen thought he should say something when he met Shi Huozhu's curious eyes.

"Azhu, how long have I been gone?"

Shi Huozhu looked at his watch and calculated carefully.

"Ah? About seventeen seconds. What happened? Did it fail?"

It seems that the flow rate is still different at different times. Why do we always encounter such places?

"Huh? What failed?"

"Didn't you use the bell to summon something?

Come back so soon, is it a failure?

No more efforts?

Do you give up so easily?

Come on, Brother Cai, I’m optimistic about you!”

This sudden encouragement left Cai Gen at a loss as to what to say, and it was not convenient to explain to him.

Do you want to take him there directly?

Forget it, Du Ming has a bit of a childish personality. It would be difficult if he left the Stone Fire Pearl there to relieve his boredom. He still wanted to stay by his side to increase his luck.

"The time is not right today, come back after the new year."

With that said, Cai Gen started the car and decided not to take the highway when he went back. This would save him some tolls and there was nothing urgent to do when he returned to the store.

As a result, when I got off the expressway, I encountered the check-in registration again.

Registering on the expressway and also registering when getting off the expressway is a bit cumbersome.

During the Spring Festival, the joint defense and security inspection requirements are very high. How else can we say it is the safest place in the world?

Cai Gen didn't feel any trouble at all. He felt very safe and happy.

This chapter has been completed!
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