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Chapter 891

After the business was finished, Kui Niu had no intention of leaving Wen Zhongda to eat.

No matter the status before or now, there is a difference in seniority.

There is a huge gap that is difficult to cross.

"Little Mosquito, you are busy with things. If you have nothing to do, go back as soon as possible.

If anything happens in the future, please tell the mistress directly."

Mr. Huang San was still thinking about Changbai San's future blessings and misfortunes, and he was a little overwhelmed when he suddenly became an important contact person.

But does he dare to raise objections? Certainly not.

Wen Zhongda had no idea of ​​further discussion.

Pretending to be a grandson in front of Kui Niu is indeed very stressful.

He politely handed Mr. Huang a business card and put on a smile.

"So Brother Huang, if anything happens, let's contact you."

Mr. Huang San took the business card with both hands and kept nodding. Fortunately, the other party didn't call him "grandpa", otherwise he would be even more embarrassed.

For a brother to become such a big shot, he must have experienced a highlight moment in his life.

Fortunately, Brother Hu Sange and Sister Hei are not here, so this good thing can only be my turn. I feel a lot of secret joy in my heart.

"Director Wen is very polite. If anything happens in the future, please feel free to give me your instructions.

I will definitely devote myself to it, take the lead, live to the point of death, and do my best.”

"Xiaosanzi, you're almost ready. Go and deliver it quickly."

Kui Niu really couldn't stand listening anymore. He usually seemed quite deep, so why didn't he know what to do now?

Mr. Huang's face turned red when Kui Niu reminded him, what's wrong with him? He's really worthless.

He sent Wen Zhongda off with a frown on his face. When he arrived at the gate of the hospital, he wanted to take advantage of Kui Niu's absence to make some casual remarks. However, when he looked up, he saw that Wen Zhongda was not looking at him at all.

At this time, Wen Zhongda's attention was completely attracted by the charming short-haired woman walking from a distance.

When Mr. Huang San saw it, he seemed to understand.

Well, after coming down, do you also have human emotions and six desires?

It is said that the world is like a big dye vat. If it soaks for a long time, it will inevitably change its color. This is human nature and is understandable.

However, it is not the peak tourist season when the mountains are covered by heavy snow, so why would outsiders come to this resort?

When I looked at it carefully, I was shocked. It turned out to be one of my own, but I had never seen it before.

It looks very strange, what's the reason?

After discussing it with Lingzi's mother, Tamamo felt that she was still unsure, so she decided to take advantage of the Chinese New Year to visit Changbai San.

Did Kui Niu say it casually, or did he really accept himself and feel uncertain?

If you sincerely accept it, then it is necessary to get Kui Niu as a good backer for the treasure under the pit and subsequent matters.

After getting off the expressway, the car stopped at the entrance of the village and couldn't pass. The narrow village road was blocked by a row of cars.

I didn't dare to use magic, as that would show little respect for Kui Niu, so I got out of the car and walked over step by step, showing more sincerity.

However, the further we walked, the more something felt wrong. The people in these cars looked at me a bit directly.

Not the eyes with good thoughts in the past, but the eyes with evil thoughts.

Are all the enemies in this car?

There are more than ten cars in a row. If they are all hostile, it will be a bit troublesome.

As they approached the entrance of the resort, Tamamo finally caught Wen Zhongda's eyes.

"Old immortal, you ambushed me?"

"Monster, how dare you come back."

What did you say? Mr. Huang San, who was standing next to him, felt a little uncomfortable.

Monster, this word is considered a sensitive word in Changbaisan, right?

Not to mention how awesome your status is, standing in front of our house and shouting "monster" really doesn't give you any face.

Did you forget that you kowtowed just now, or did you forget how sadly you cried just now?

Even though he was dissatisfied, Huang Tianye did not immediately come forward.

Looking at Tamamo, who is obviously one of my own, my mind is filled with questions.

Who is this guy?

He is so strong, he looks like someone from the Hu family, but Brother Hu is not that strong either.

Where did such a powerful senior appear?

Are you coming to Changbai to recognize your ancestors?

The title of liaison officer given by Kui Niu just now made Mr. Huang San feel that he should speak.

"Director Wen, what's the issue between you and this senior?"

Wen Zhongda ignored Mr. Huang San. The arc in his hand was the best answer.

It's not just a holiday, it's an endless feud.

The good human emperor's orthodoxy was ruined by this woman.

Not only would I be unemployed when I was almost fifty years old, but I would also have to die to avoid being listed on the list.

Saying anything was unnecessary, Wen Zhongda raised his hand and fired the arc condensed in his hand towards Tamamo.

The speed of the arc was not very fast, it could be said that it was a bit slow, and it flew towards Tamamo in an erratic manner.

It's not that it's slow, it's less powerful.

This is because the lightning attribute energy contained is too large, so the attack must be carried out smoothly. If the speed is too fast, it will cause energy chaos, which will affect the power and accuracy.

When Tamamo saw the electric arc, he instantly understood that this old immortal was a killer, and he really wanted to kill him with one move.

You can't avoid the seemingly slow arc. If you move, the arc will explode in advance, and damage will be inevitable.

To deal with such an attack, one must defend and resist this wave of attacks before one can consider counterattack.

Tamamo no longer held back, and the Nine-Tails that had just recovered under the pit suddenly appeared.

Nine big fluffy white tails, burning with emerald green demonic fire, wrapped tightly around the body, preparing to resist the arc attack.

As the electric arc left Wen Zhongda's hand, it became bigger and brighter, and the thunder energy inside began to become violent, like a small sun.

So much so that in broad daylight, everyone's vision is a bit blurry. Under the influence of strong light, it is very difficult to distinguish things.

Suddenly, the arc disappeared, as abruptly as a welding gun suddenly running out of power.

The contrast between bright light and dim light makes everyone's eyes dazzle.

What's going on here?

The first person to have this question was Tamamo. He didn't wait for the attack.

Is it because the old guy is weak, strong on the outside but weak on the inside, and has created a showy thing?

If it were someone else, it would be possible, but for Wen Zhongda, it probably wouldn't be possible.

Wen Zhongda was also puzzled. There was a thunderbolt in his arc.

I didn’t have much inventory originally, so I just wanted to solve the problem this time. Why did it suddenly fail?

After everyone's eyesight recovered, there was an old man standing on the forehead path of the arc, it was Kui Niu.

When Wen Zhongda saw Kui Niu, he was shocked and asked quickly with concern.

"Grandpa Kuiniu, are you okay? That's mine."

"Little Tianlei, what can you do to me? You think too much."

His mouth sounded so calm, but when Kui Niu opened his mouth, black smoke kept coming out of his mouth, and his teeth were blackened.

He opened his mouth to eat the electric arc, which was a bit impulsive. Kui Niu felt bitter, but he didn't want to say it.

Now the internal organs are half cooked as if roasted by fire.

"Kuizu, he attacked me secretly. I listened to you and came to recognize my ancestor and return to my clan. You have to make the decision for me."

Tamamo knelt down in front of Kui Niu with a plop, and her whole body hid behind Kui Niu's figure.

This chapter has been completed!
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