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Chapter 91 Revenge Never Overnight

Xiao Xiao, a new landlady, came out of Cai Gen's shop and did not go to the Taiping Temple. She had a more direct idea. There was no need to stay overnight for revenge, just fast food, it was neat and tidy.

After tasting the warmth and coldness of the human world for thousands of years, Xiao Xiao can actually achieve a higher divine status, but it’s just like Niutou said, eating that meal depends on luck. Xiao Xiao’s luck is too low, so he only became a god like the accountant of the brigade.

But she is already satisfied and her revenge is almost done.

A golden light came to the Red Romantic Hotel, turned into Xiao Xiao, and walked towards the hotel door step by step.

He passed through the blockade set up by the police without stopping at all. As a god, he still has this privilege. The cordon can block Xiaoling, but it cannot block Xiao Xiao now.

Passing through the locked door of the hotel, after all, Cai Gen’s glass door is not found everywhere.

Xiao Xiao came to the hotel lobby. Since it had been sealed, there was no light on, but the golden light on Xiao Xiao's body coated everything with a golden brilliance, dispersing all the darkness.

Standing in the center of the hall, looking around, all the monsters and monsters dared not show their heads, and they didn't know where they were hiding in some dark corner.

Xiao Xiao had a solemn face, the majesty of the real god was vividly displayed, and his tone was cold,

"Everyone come out."

Three words, not loud, but spread throughout every corner of the Red Romantic Hotel, notifying every soul hiding in the darkness. The charred shadows, as if their bodies were out of control, slowly gathered in the hotel lobby.

, keeping a certain distance from Xiao Xiao, and a dense darkness surrounded Xiao Xiao in the center.

A tall black figure spoke on behalf of all the Burning Necromancers. The fire had not completely burned out the brain, and the logic of thinking was still very clear.

"Fortune is a god. Every injustice has its own owner, and every debt has its owner. It was Xie An'an who asked us to kill you in the first place. It's a bit unreasonable for you to express your anger at us. Even gods must be reasonable."

Xiao Xiao didn't look at the talking shadow, but stared at the Buddha statue on the bar, his eyes full of contempt, you just watched me being strangled.

Because since Xiao Xiao walked into the hall, the Buddha statue has emitted a faint light. The radiation range is not large, but as the same luminous body, Xiao Xiao feels it is very dazzling.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the Buddha statue flew into Xiao Xiao's hand, and he touched it gently. When he let go, the Buddha statue fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

The sound of the Buddha statue coming into contact with the ground startled all the black figures present. In the past, when they wandered here, what they were most afraid of was the Buddha statue. They did not dare to get close to it, just like snowflakes avoiding the sun. The Buddha statue they were most afraid of was,

It turned into debris on the ground. Is this Xiao Xiao demonstrating?

Although the time is not long, more than 30 years, these more than 200 Burning Necromancers have the bonus of collective resentment. After being a nail household for so many years, I have also resisted many clerks in Bodifu, and I have been bargaining. It is not that I can't leave, nor that I can't leave.

I didn't want to leave because the benefits and benefits provided were not good enough, so I never left.

The underworld has also been short of funds in recent years, and they have an attitude of putting off their unreasonable demands one day at a time. Anyway, those who are suffering are the undead souls who are suffering from it. Who knows who will feel uncomfortable.

Looking at Xiao Xiao, who was full of hostility from the beginning, these Burning Dead Souls also have tempers. If you don't take us seriously, we can't be polite to you. Whether the underworld is big or powerful, isn't there nothing we can do about it?

You, a new little landlady, come here to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf like us, who gave you the courage?

That tall black figure turned out to be the owner of the dance hall and the leader of this group of undead souls. He immediately set an example and shouted loudly,

Then, he knelt in front of Xiao Xiao,

"Master Xiao Xiao, you really don't blame us. We can't help it. Xie An is so cruel and wants to give us treatment. We have endured for more than 30 years. Please spare us."

With the leader in charge, all the black figures knelt down. Although they couldn't see the tears, they were probably crying and begging, hoping that Xiao Xiao would spare them.

After Xiao Xiao dropped the Buddha statue on the ground, he had a little accident and turned from a soul into a god. His body control was not very good, and his hands were a bit awkward. He couldn't even hold the Buddha statue, which made him very angry.

"Xie An'an is my benefactor's assistant. I don't dare to go to him, so you don't need to provoke me to embarrass Xie An'an."

When Heiying heard this, he seemed to be able to communicate with Xiao Xiao, or at least talk about it, which was good, not to mention being a fool.

"Master Xiao Xiao, you are the most reasonable as a god. We are really just being used."

Listening to Heiying's meaningless words, Xiao Xiao actually had a lot of things to do and had to go to Boss Zhao. He couldn't waste time here and walked out as soon as he turned around.

All the shadows breathed a sigh of relief. This aunt is so reasonable. Yes, she is a god. Can she have the same knowledge as us little spirits?

Xiao Xiao walked to the door, stopped, without looking back, and said,

"In the past, local land was neglected and managed, resulting in the current smoky situation. I am very heartbroken. From now on, this land will be under my control and I can no longer continue."

When the Burning Necromancers heard what Xiao Xiao said, there was nothing wrong with what he said. In the past, the Earth Lord always turned a blind eye to the Earthbound Spirits. In the end, both eyes were closed.

Since we are no longer going to continue, and we are no longer a thorn in the side, why don't we go to the underworld? It will be safer to stay away from you. All the shadows secretly made up their minds.

It's a pity. The most important thing for two parties to interact is communication. If you don't say what you are thinking, who knows. Xiao Xiao didn't know the determination of these undead souls and expressed his most direct thoughts.

"Today I'll start cleaning. I want to clean up my benefactor's city and destroy it."

General cleaning? Isn't that the job of sanitation workers? You, a landlady, don't have to compete with sanitation workers, right?

The Burning Death Soul was still wondering. At the same time as the word "exterminate" came out, Xiao Xiao's body burst out with a dazzling light, as warm as the sun. No, it should be scorching hot. All the dark shadows in the red romantic hotel were touching the light.

In an instant, the smoke disappeared and turned into a fart.

After the light passed, the entire Red Romance Hotel was extremely clean, as if it had been washed by clean water. Even the lobby was not completely dark, with the light of the street lamp shining through the glass windows.

Xiao Xiao was very satisfied with the effect. He originally wanted to go directly to Boss Zhao and take revenge at once. However, since he had just become a god and had no power of incense, he had just eliminated more than 200 Burning Necromancers in one go.

His old capital, his divine power has been weakened a lot.

Feeling the weakness in his body, Xiao Xiao has no strength left, so he should take it easy first before taking office. After all, there is a staff but no reporting. Even if he continues to clean up, his reputation will not be justified and his words will not be smooth. Official status is very important.

Thinking of this, a burst of golden light flew to the Taiping Temple and took office.

Zhao Daniu, escaped a disaster tonight,

Perhaps Xiao Xiao was also able to escape the disaster.

This chapter has been completed!
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