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Chapter 928 Pork sold out

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After drinking several cups in a row, he drank up the first colored tea, refilled the water, and then poured Tong Aiguo a cup. As expected, it was as light as water. Cai Gen quickly explained.

"Uncle Tong, drink it quickly. The second brew will no longer smell like inferior tea. Please replenish water after bathing.

By the way, Azhu, that number 666 you just mentioned, how is it arranged? Are there any internal rules?"

Shi Huozhu was not that particular and answered after taking a few sips of tea.

"Oh, that's sorted by risk level.

Even if a foreign object with a seven-digit ranking is reported, it will not be considered a meritorious service, Xiao Xiami.

Even if I don't have your face, I won't bother you."

I'm so confused, I just finished giving a favor and now I tell the truth again.

Is the water here bad or the air here bad?

Have you already been affected by the aura of a foreign body?

Cai Gen also discovered the problem. His words were so unrestrained and inconsistent with Shi Huozhu's character. Could it be that even when he was taking a shower here, he would tell the truth unconsciously?

Then why wasn't it affected?

Could it be related to the properties of the Stone Fire Pearl? He is usually very sensitive to the aura, and he always steals luck secretly, and then here, he snatched a lie detector.

If the ranking of foreign objects has reached seven digits, how many different spaces and worlds must there be?

How many millions?

"Azhu, the top ten are the top ten in terms of threat level. What are they?"

Shi Huozhu didn't seem to have done much research on this aspect. He took out his mobile phone and checked carefully. It seemed that the search failed, and he had a lawsuit on his head.

"Hey, I don't have enough permissions to see it.

What's the point of keeping this secret? Why would you commit suicide in despair if you were afraid of being seen?

I don’t know what to think, but for a little shit, permission is needed.

How can I improve my skills in a mysterious way?

The pattern is too small and the eye sockets are too shallow.

From now on, I will be the leader and post everything online.

Download it casually, it will definitely make everyone live clearly.

Let me go, what am I talking about?

Duan Xiaohong, why are you pointing your phone at me?

Was it videotaped?"

Duan Xiaohong stuffed her cell phone into her clothes and nodded honestly.

"Well, I'll keep a video file to save you from being recognized as the head of the unit in the future."

Shi Huozhu panicked, what was the name of what he just said?

Not only was it treasonous, but it was quite explicit. If the leaders of the unit heard about it, I would be embarrassed.

Let alone being a top leader, it is impossible to be a janitor or a cleaner.

"Brother Cai, look at Duan Xiaohong, this is too shady.

Why did she record it when we were talking to each other?

If this continues, who will dare to speak? Even the bathhouse no longer feels safe."

Cai Gen felt that it was indeed a bit excessive.

Duan Xiaohong would not use the video to report Shi Huozhu, but he would definitely use the video to report Xiong.

"Short Potato, you've made it through, Xiong Shihuozhu doesn't need to threaten you with the video.

Aren't you unnecessary?

It’s really free, and I’m not afraid of occupying the memory of my phone, so I deleted it quickly.

Oh, Xiao Shui, why are you so pale? Are you sick?"

Zhen Shuiyin had already drank five cups of tea. She had eaten her last meal too early. After drinking this strong tea and taking a bath to consume her energy, she became uncontrollably hypoglycemic.

"It's okay, Brother Cai, I'm just a little hungry.

I originally wanted to drink enough water, but the more I drank, the hungrier I became and I felt a little tired."

Cai Gen blamed himself for this situation. He kept talking and didn't pay attention to the time. It was almost noon.

"Uncle Tong, do you think it's time for lunch?"

Tong Aiguo hadn't finished his cup of tea yet, and he felt puzzled when he saw this situation.

Cai Gen and his gang are a bit weird. They can actually starve themselves to the point of hypoglycemia?

You are not young anymore, why are you so indifferent?

The treat has already been said, and Tong Aiguo thinks how much the meal will cost.

"Let's go, I'm a little hungry too.

What a big deal if I let you eat me today."

This state of mind is so good, I guess I will collapse after eating.

Cai Gen and the others smiled knowingly at the same time.

When they arrived on the fourth floor, Xiao Sun saw Cai Tuantuan playing with the children's fort, but he had no friends, so he was very bored. When he saw Cai Gen and others coming up, he ended the play.

When we arrived at the restaurant, it was very stylishly decorated. They were all private rooms with imitation tatami mats. The place where the table was placed was recessed so you could put your legs.

Move Tong Aiguo to the middle, and Cai Gen and his group are sitting on both sides.

Cai Tuantuan and Zhen Shuiyin were on the other side, while Cai Gen and Xiao Sun were on the other side. They were all gearing up and secretly competing. The atmosphere on the table was a little different.

Tong Aiguo held the menu on the table and felt something strange keenly. Looking at the people on both sides, he felt very strange. Why are they so serious?

After looking at the menu and calling the waiter, without being polite to Cai Gen and the others, Tong Aiguo started ordering.

"Let's have a chicken stewed with mushrooms. Is the chicken a stroller chicken?"

The waiter tilted his head and held the ordering device. He had just finished pressing the order and was busy answering.

"It's not a stroller chicken, it's a fast-growing chicken.

They are chickens that are fed hormones and grown up after thirty days.

Don't be surprised if there are more than one wing after a while, it's because it's deformed.

If you like chicken wings, just pay for them, there is no extra charge.”


Everyone frowned a little. After eating such a chicken, will it also grow wings?

Tong Aiguo hesitated for a moment and then changed his mind.

"Then I don't want it. Let's try another one, pot-wrapped pork. There are kids who like it."

The waiter deleted the dish he just ordered and re-entered it.

"Yeah, old-school pot-roasted pork, sweet and sour without adding tomato sauce.

However, pork is too expensive and the boss is reluctant to part with it, so he only uses chicken.

It’s what I just said, made of chicken breast with several wings.”


Tong Aiguo felt a little uncomfortable, so he just said that bathing was not a serious place to eat. It was really unprofessional for you to be perfunctory like this.

"Instead of the hotpot pork, let's have the fish-flavored shredded pork. Is this pork?"

"No, shredded chicken. Pork is too expensive to match, boss."

"Okay, okay, let's have some braised pork. This is always pork, right?"

The waiter didn't even click on the order button this time and just shook his head.

"The braised pork is sold out."

"Braised ribs?"

"sold out."

“Braised elbow?”

"sold out."

“Pork belly stewed with sauerkraut?”

"The pork belly is sold out, can we have chicken stewed with sauerkraut?"

Tong Aiguo gave up and handed the menu to Cai Gen.

"I won't order it. You can order it. I'm afraid my blood pressure will rise and my blood vessels will burst."

Cai Gen was a little upset when he was listening. He didn't eat anything.

If the boss were here, he would definitely beat this waiter to death.

"Just tell me, if there is no chicken on this menu, what are the meat dishes?"

The waiter took the menu, read it carefully, and whispered it from time to time.

"Sold out, chicken, sold out, chicken, sold out

By the way, pickled cabbage oil shuttle pie, this one is pure pork.

I passed by the kitchen in the morning and saw the chef making meat oil, which was all serious pork.

I guess that kid wanted to steal meat oil from home, so he boiled all the pork."

Cai Gen nodded, he would never order vegetarian dishes.

Then let’s have pie, with rice and vegetables included.

This chapter has been completed!
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