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Chapter 938 I'm optimistic about you

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Cai Gen didn't come back to his senses until Xiao Sun came back from delivering the meal.

I have been thinking in my mind, why does Xiao Tmall think of herself that way?

What had he done to give him that sinister impression?


I have always considered myself a good person, a very kind person.

"Third uncle, why don't you get some sleep? We have to make a lot of noise tomorrow."

Xiao Sun had already taken out the box of red shredded paper and was ready to start his efforts.

Cai Gen agreed, he would be thirty tomorrow and he had to stay up late, so he didn't know what time he would go to bed. He really needed a good rest today.

"Don't stay up too late, go to bed early."

Cai Gen went to the kitchen to have a look, briefly communicated with the waiter about the arrangements for tomorrow's New Year's Eve dinner, and then returned to bed.

As soon as I closed my eyes, the scene of Mickey Mouse being beaten appeared in front of my eyes. He was obviously powerful, so why did he endure it so much?

It seems like everyone has their own way of living, and everyone has their own reasons.

Just as he was dying of consciousness, he suddenly heard the bell on the door ringing, and someone walked in furiously.

Xiao Sun spoke first.

"Azhu, what are you doing if you don't sleep so late?"

"Grandpa, I'm looking for Brother Cai. Something happened. Something big happened."

Xiao Sun stopped Shi Huozhu and lowered his voice.

"My third uncle just fell asleep. What's the big deal? Are you worried?"

It seems that Shi Huozhu still wants to find Cai Gen, but is helpless when Xiao Sun stops her.

"Grandpa, something happened to the people who went to Taiqinggou, the place where Mr. Long worked on the project."

Originally, Cai Gen decided to close his eyes and pretend to be asleep.

But when I heard about Mr. Long, I started to get distracted.

Could it be that Huang Ping, Master Long and the others went to Taiqinggou to arrest him unsuccessfully?

After all, he was the one who introduced him. If something happened, he wouldn't be able to get rid of the involvement. He couldn't just give Mr. Long a benevolent dismissal in the end, could he?

Sitting up and lighting a cigarette, Cai Gen called Shi Huozhu.

"It's been a day, I just fell asleep, what happened?"

When Xiao Sun saw that Cai Gen was awake, he stopped blocking him and followed Shi Huozhu to the back of the bar.

Shi Huozhu showed Cai Gen his cell phone. It turned out to be a message from the Eight Disciples.

"Chief Shi, we were captured by Shinto leader Ms. He Naiko. They asked you to bring Shutun and Meiganshanshen to Taiqinggou to exchange hostages. Please, save us."

At the end of the entire paragraph, there are three expressions of hands clasped together.

I don’t know why this Eighth Disciple student has such a big heart and still has the heart to post emoticons.

Cai Gen looked at his phone and then at Shi Huozhu, very confused.

"Azhu, your subordinate was caught, what are you doing to me?

The waiter is in the back kitchen, and the wine is at Xiao Tianmao, go ahead."

Shi Huozhu thought to himself, who among these two people can listen to me?

Should I go to a waiter or Xiao Tmall?

After his eyes flickered, he found the excuse.

"Brother Cai, when I said something happened, I didn't mean to exchange hostages.

I think there are other conspiracies here.

According to common sense, our unit has no intention of exchanging hostages.

You can kill hostages, but you are never threatened, and you can't afford to lose that person.

The worst case scenario is that he dies and gets on the honor roll, and tries his best to avenge him.

Eight Disciples must know these common sense.

It's a bit strange that he sent the message even though he knew it was impossible to exchange hostages to rescue him."

Cai Gen nodded in agreement, put out the cigarette butt, and lay down on the bed again.

"Well, your analysis makes sense, I think you should go find out.

A lone hero who bravely overcomes a shocking transnational conspiracy.

Hope to see you on Xinwen Network tomorrow.

I'm optimistic about you."

After saying that, Cai Gen closed his eyes, his intention to see the guests off was obvious.

Shi Huozhu wanted to speak again, but was pulled out of the door by Xiao Sun.

"Azhu, if you are still panicking while waiting for the hostage exchange, at least you won't die.

Besides, those losers will die when they die. Is it more important than celebrating the New Year?

The Chinese New Year is tomorrow, a great day for family reunions, why don’t you have the eyesight to see it?”

This is exactly the tone of lecturing a grandson. Xiaosun is also sincere in his words. If it were anyone else, he would not be shy about saying it.

Shi Huozhu shut up in time when Xiao Sun still had something nice to say.

If you think about it carefully, Cai Gen has survived this messy year.

Tomorrow is the official day of the Chinese New Year. Parents, wives and children are all coming to reunite. It is indeed a bit inhumane for me to cause trouble for Cai Gen.

If I no longer have the ability to see, my grandfather will probably have nothing to say to him, and he will definitely teach his grandson a lesson.

"Grandpa taught me the right lesson, I am indeed a bit too selfish.

But, I really had a premonition that something big was going to happen, and I kept feeling anxious and uneasy."

Xiao Sun was relatively confident in his premonition about Shi Huozhu. He had already said so, and it must be a bit serious, but he still did not let go.

"It's really not easy for my third uncle these past six months. If something really happens to you, I'll go with you after the new year, so don't bother him.

Besides, how big of a leader are you? If you have any difficulties, don’t you know how to contact the organization?”

Shi Huozhu no longer expected Cai Gen to make up his mind, and followed Xiao Sun's words.

"If I reported it, Huang Ping and the others would be in trouble.

Being captured is a crime that is equivalent to rebellion. Can my unit throw that person away?

The unit has been established for so long, and I haven’t heard of anyone being captured.”

Xiao Sun looked at Shi Huozhu in surprise.

"I didn't expect that you are quite protective of me? Are you so kind-hearted?"

Shi Huozhu smiled sheepishly.

“The four beams and eight pillars are not created out of thin air, nor are they built up through repeated incidents.

I just burn the cold stove, and when I can fill the fire, I don't have to water it."

Xiao Sun nodded approvingly, as if he saw the shadow of another person in Shi Huozhu.

"Well, it's your grandfather's seed.

But A-Zhu, everything has its priorities, and you still haven’t practiced this yet.

There will never be anything suitable for your family."

This is another time Grandpa reminded himself. Shi Huozhu must listen and listen carefully.

"Grandpa is right, I am indeed lacking in heat."

Xiao Sun pointed in the direction of Zhen Shui Yin's house.

"Azhu, tell me, why does the smelly cat have a higher status than you despite having made so many mistakes and was even kicked out by my third uncle?"

Here’s the point, this is not an experience that can be learned from books or other channels. Only by relying on the accumulation of years and suffering bit by bit, can we slowly see the truth of the matter.

"Yes, why?"

Xiao Sun patted Shi Huozhu on the shoulder, left a heartfelt message, and turned around to go back to the house.

"Ah Zhu, you think too much and want more."

Shi Huozhu returned to his room thoughtfully. He really thought a lot and didn't want to let go of anything, whether it was at home, work, or Cai Gen.

Therefore, there are always deviations in the judgment of key matters.

After thinking about this, Shi Huozhu happily took out his cell phone, replied a message to the eighth disciple, and then turned off the cell phone.

"Okay, let's talk about it after the year. I'm optimistic about you."

At the end of the text, Shi Huozhu thoughtfully added three cheering expressions.

This chapter has been completed!
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