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Chapter 951 Dumpling Care

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Cai Gen looked at the dark sky outside and took out his mobile phone. It was almost ten o'clock.

I originally planned to send warm cups to customers tonight, but I drank so much wine that I thought I would have to trouble my wife or Zhen Shuiyin to send them to me.

When I got up and looked at the mahjong table, my wife was building the Great Wall.

Well, let's look for Xiao Shui. After all, she is idle and looking at her.

When I got to the kitchen, I saw Xiao Er and Xiao Sun making dumplings. There were already many finished products.

A bag of meat dumplings, only pork and scallions, so fragrant that even the smell of them makes you want to drool.

"Waiter, make a pot of steam for me first.

Forget it, you can take care of it and I'll steam it myself.

I’ll put two boxes into it once it’s out of the pot, no, let’s put four boxes into it.”

Cai Gen suddenly thought of the two unlucky sons of Mother Lingzi.

Hey, he has a very famous name. He is a Sun Palace Fairy and a Buddha. To put it bluntly, he is not eating his old age.

I hope they are lucky, and with my help, they can eat dumplings during the Chinese New Year.

When the dumplings were ready, Cai Gen said hello to his family and called Xiao Shui out.

Seeing Cai Gen come out, Xiao Tmall also followed.

This night, I couldn't talk, pretended to be a pet, and was almost trapped.

Usually no one pays attention to me, but Xiao Tmall is still a little resentful.

Why doesn’t anyone pet the same cat?

Throughout the whole day today, someone was masturbating, and I was really not used to it.

The little Jetta was out of gas and never refueled, so I had to drive the Naqi.

Zhen Shuiyin got in the car, but she was still very conflicted. She was very addicted to watching mahjong just now.

Especially that Tong Aiguo, who doesn't want to see me yet, so why should he move forward with such a frown on his face?

Unfortunately, Cai Gen drinks and doesn’t drive, so he can’t ride a scooter in his thirties, right?

Moreover, the shared childcare service is now Cai Gen’s fault, and he takes it very seriously, and no one dares to disobey it.

With her mouth pouted and emotion, Zhen Shuiyin complained.

"You don't stop even during the Chinese New Year, and you spoil your customers again.

Brother Cai, you are also true."

Cai Gen just woke up, and when Lingding came out and got in the car, she was still a little cold, rubbing her hands and breathing heavily.

"They are all elderly people who live alone. The older they are, the more they need care. We use this good steel on the edge of a knife.

Even though our two clients are not serious, let’s just treat them as soldiers.”

The car started, got on the road, and ran to the door of the bank, where Ling Zi's mother was.

The Xiaotianmao behind the car was almost frozen, tremblingly asking for help.

"Master, I'm too cold. Can I sit on your lap for a while?"

When Cai Gen thought about it, it was quite good. It could also help keep him warm.

He directly pulled Xiao Tmall and put it on his lap.

As soon as he put it on, Cai Gen regretted it. It was too heavy.

If it were all on my legs along the way, I would definitely feel numb.

After weighing the numbness of the legs and the warmth, Cai Gen finally chose the warmth.

"My dear, you should lose some weight, it will take a look at how fat you have become.

Even though I don’t have a partner right now, I still have to pay attention to my body shape.

If you can’t relax your self-management, it’s not okay to break the jar and smash it, right?”

Xiao Timao didn't say anything, as ten thousand alpacas ran through her heart.

I've never had enough food at your house. How do you think I can lose weight?

If I allowed you to eat as much as you want, you would have gone bankrupt a long time ago.

"By the way, Xiaotian, the five thousand years that Tuan Tuan mentioned.

What time and space, and the mythical and spiritual beasts, are they real?"

Cai Gen was drinking at the time, but he actually doesn’t remember much.

I vaguely remembered something about a divine beast derived from heaven, and then the furniture in the store turned into a monster.

Xiao Tmall was quite considerate and kept moving her buttocks so that Cai Gen's thighs could activate blood circulation.

"It's basically the same. It's all said that way, and I haven't verified it."

Mentioning the mythical beasts, Cai Gen suddenly thought of Long San and the fact that the heavens would raise ferocious beasts.

"Xiaotian, if the divine beast is the evolution of heaven, then where did the ferocious beast come from?"

Xiao Tianmao seemed unwilling to mention these matters in front of Na Qi, pushing back and forth.

"Master, I have been uneducated and unskilled all these years, and I don't know."

Zhen Shui Yin is more sincere. Seeing Xiao Tmall, she doesn’t want to say that she is here Qin Qin Jin.

"I know this, I saw it in the library.

The book says that after the space was measured, it caused a backlash in the space, and four ferocious beasts emerged.

The East is the Taotie, the West is the Taotie, the South is the Chaos, and the North is the Qiongqi. These are the four things.

Also, after time was measured, it caused the backlash of time, which gave rise to the Eve of Time."

Cai Gen did not pay attention to the four ferocious beasts. He had said many things in the past. This was the first time he heard them on this night.

"What is the Eve of Time?"

Zhen Shuiyin suddenly stopped the car and looked outside the car.

"Brother Cai, Mother Lingzi is not here."

I looked outside and saw that I had arrived at the entrance of the bank. Except for two bed rolls, there was nothing there.

Have you gone home to celebrate the New Year?

No way, you can take annual leave even if you are begging for food?

Besides, if I go home, I can definitely say hello to Cai Gen.

Throwing away Xiaotmall, Cai Gen got out of the car with the dumplings and walked to the bed. It didn't look like he was traveling far away. All his belongings were there.

Just as I was about to get in the car, I saw a line of white writing and a circle drawn on the ground next to the bed.

"Old customers, just leave your money in the circle, and good people will have a safe life.

For business negotiations, please call *******”

Cai Gen really admires this.

I just don’t understand, what kind of business negotiation does a beggar need?

What kind of business requires cooperation with beggars?

Cai Gen thought it would be better to make a phone call to at least prove that he had been there.

Whether you eat the dumplings or not depends on fate, you have to give them what you like.

I lit a cigarette and dialed the phone on the ground. It rang for a long time before I was answered.

"Hello, Ling Zi Mother Charity Foundation.

Are you donating money, materials, or hospice care?"

The voice sounded a bit like that of a spirit child mother. Cai Gen was shocked by this name, as if he had been struck by red lightning.

Spirit Child Mother Charity Foundation?

Thinking again about the business involved, it is understandable that donating money and materials is considered one's job, and people are just begging.

But what does hospice mean?

Isn’t this stealing your own customers?

Only if you reincarnate yourself in Renxin can you be considered a professional counterpart, right?

"Well, Mother Lingzi, I am Cai Gen.

I wish you a happy new year, may you have abundant wealth and all the best in the new year."

Mother Lingzi was stunned for two seconds while holding the phone, as if speaking to the person next to her.

"Did you hear that Cai Gen called me to wish me New Year's greetings? This service is really good.

Cai Gen, thank you and wish you a happy New Year. I hope you will go well in the new year."

Well, whether I am going well or not, I have to rely on you to make it happen. Cai Gen unconsciously thought wrong.

"I'm bringing you dumplings, but you're not here yet.

Why, did you go to hospice care?"

Maybe Lingzimu turned it on speakerphone, and Cai Gen heard a voice coming out, which seemed to be Capricorn.

"Mom, let him get the dumplings down, and I'll have some with him."

"Yes, mom, let Cai Gen come over. I want to eat dumplings too."

The second voice sounded familiar to Cai Gen. It seemed to be Hong Lei.

"Shut up, you two, don't let Cai Gen know about us."

After the third voice came out, Cai Gen was very sure.

In fact, that sweet voice was so recognizable, it turned out to be Tamamo.

This chapter has been completed!
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