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Chapter 959

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After Tong Aiguo took out a pack of small discs, he began to try them again and again.

Then there was a constant sound like the sound of firecrackers. The small disc exploded when it was stained with blood, shattering into pieces.

Cai Gen looked a little numb. Anyway, there is only one bag, so let’s try it slowly.

However, as there were fewer and fewer discs in the bag, when the bag deflated, two large blood-red characters were revealed.

Shrimp crackers.

When he saw the word shrimp crackers, Cai Gen felt bad.

I stood up suddenly and wanted to throw the lunch box on the ground, but there were still two dumplings, so I was a little reluctant to part with it.

"No, are you kidding me?

After pretending for so long, you’re just going to fool around with shrimp crackers?”

Tong Aiguo didn't understand why Cai Gen was so excited. He glanced at him with contempt and said lightly.

"What's wrong with shrimp crackers? As long as you have it in your heart, I'll stick to it."

You, lard has deceived your heart, and you have been too deeply contaminated by the world."

Is this the allusion that if the mountain is not high, there will be immortals?

Cai Gen's reason told him that Tong Aiguo was kidding.

But what they say seems to make sense. If you can't invite the gods, it's useless to build a golden body.

It's just that getting shrimp crackers is a bit of a joke, so it's hard to convince yourself to take it seriously.

Seeing Cai Gen's still constipated expression, Tong Aiguo stopped competing with the shrimp crackers and walked to Cai Gen's side.

"Cai Gen, I'm going to say something to you, and you have to take it to your heart.

Just like this shrimp cracker, you will instinctively think that it is low-level and unworthy of being a noble representative.

In fact, if you can jump out and look at the problem, you will find that there is no distinction between high and low in everything.

All things are neutral, regardless of whether they are good or bad.

Everything has no meaning, all meaning is given to it by you.

In the eyes of a dog, you are nothing but shit, and your health, happiness, wealth and poverty are meaningless.

Because to the dog, you are just a delicious meal.

If you look at things with true wisdom, you will allow and understand that all things exist without distinction or opposition."

In addition to being compared to shit, which made Cai Gen a little disgusted, the other truths were really enlightening.

Although it is a bit idealistic, if you look at the problem from God's perspective, everything will be understood differently.

Even if what I have been chasing and persisting in, it doesn’t seem so meaningful.

Could it be that the world is so unkind and treats all things like rotten dogs? Is this how the human world is viewed from God’s perspective?

So what perspective should you use to look at the problem?

Deeply trapped in it, from a personal perspective, currently, it is no longer possible to expand one's cognitive boundaries.

So if you jump out and use a non-human perspective, will you become non-human?

Cai Gen is still a little reluctant to part with it. After all, he has been a human being for more than thirty years and is more accustomed to people's emotions.

This topic cannot be figured out overnight. After Cai Gen was forcibly brainwashed by Tong Aiguo, he did not need to make an immediate decision, so he thought it would be better to put it aside for the time being.

"So, Uncle Tong, what does this have to do with your shrimp crackers exploding?"

It seemed that Cai Gen was deep in thought, but Tong Aiguo already had a smile on his lips.

I seemed to be careless just now, but in fact I had already used the power of enlightenment, which was an ability similar to Cai Tuantuan's beam of light.

It can make people clear-headed and quick-thinking in a short period of time, making it easier to understand some ideas.

However, seeing that Cai Gen returned to normal after a while, his understanding is really poor.

Disappointment arose spontaneously, and Tong Aiguo also felt powerless.

"It doesn't have anything to do with it, just pretend I didn't say anything.

When shrimp crackers burst, that's a warning.

It is the Year of the Rat, the beginning of a sixty-year cycle, and there will be great changes in the world.

The peaceful days are coming to an end, and you should be mentally prepared.

If you continue to eat and wait for death, you will definitely die without waiting."

It’s the Year of the Rat. It comes around every sixty years.

During dinner in the afternoon, my son had just talked about it, and Cai Gen was in a daze and still had some impressions.

“Isn’t it usually a good start?

Why is there such a big change in the Year of the Rat?

What else did your ancestral witch say to you?

Is this divination or prediction?

Why don't you give me five yuan and see how your fortune is going to be this year?"

Tong Aiguo was not in a hurry, nor was he anxious. He looked at the five yuan that Cai Gen took out from his pocket, his eyes were a bit blurry, and he pointed to a wall tremblingly.

"You can only see it for yourself if it costs five yuan. I can't tell you a divination. I can't make a good match."

If there's a price, it doesn't count as blackmail. If five yuan isn't enough, you can just set a price.

Cai Gen looked along his fingers and saw a white book nailed to the wall.

It's the kind of calendar that you tear off one page every day. It costs five yuan a book in the morning market.

What can be written on this?

Cai Gen walked over and looked through it carefully.

Finally, at the end of the white calendar, I saw a few lines of small words.

The big rat brings bad luck, and the plowing ox exerts great strength.

Fierce tigers devour the owls, and flying rabbits chase after them.

The divine dragon soars across the sea, and the snake coils around the green mountains.

The horse gallops forward, the goat walks on the cliff top.

Monkeys gather fairy peaches, and roosters sing about the rising sun.

A loyal dog protects the house, and a pig determines the world.

What is this?

Children's songs about the twelve zodiac signs?

The first sentence made Cai Gen's heart tremble, and it was a good answer to his question.

The beginning of a nightmare?

Is there still a glimmer of hope?

There's no explanation for this. Cai Gen really doesn't know anything about poetry, poetry or anything like that.

It doesn't look like a good sign if the rat brings bad news, right?

What's going on? I originally wanted to share my children and make great achievements this year, but now it seems like it's a bad start?

Cai Gen felt that the power he had just been brainwashed still remained, and he immediately wanted to go astray.

Everything good or bad is relative, as long as you hold on to your one-third of an acre of land, no matter what happens.

"Uncle Tong, I understand, hurry up, I'm sleepy."

"You know nothing, why are you pretending to know so much?

Forget it, it’s all in vain if I tell you.”

After scorning Cai Gen, Tong Aiguo picked up the shrimp crackers and diligently soaked them in blood.

This time it was very unexpected. It didn't explode, but it succeeded immediately. It seemed that he was waiting for Tong Aiguo to give the warning.

Just say it and things can move on.

Cai Gen didn't understand the principle, but looking at the shrimp crackers that turned into blood-red crystals was a bit like turning stone into gold.

Seeing that there were shrimp crackers in the plastic bag, Cai Gen also picked up one and made a shy request.

"Uncle Tong, you can make me a piece too. It looks pretty. I'll use it to play with my kids."

Tong Aiguo knocked the shrimp crackers out of Cai Gen's hand and held the small box in his hand respectfully.

"This is the symbol of our supreme ancestral shaman.

This is the inviolable spiritual totem of our shamanism, our Ma Jia clan, and I, Patriotic Master Tong.

It's not a child's toy. Please respect my beliefs and don't make fun of this kind of thing.

He's quite a big man, why is he so weak?

I'm sorry you figured it out, it's shameless."

This sentence made Cai Gen almost choke to death. Isn't it time for you to put it in your mouth and chew it raw?

Now this serious set is really making people speechless.

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