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Chapter 975 Two Evening Beasts

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Watching Zhang Mouse violently beat Xi Beast, isn't this state considered the peak?

Cai Gen deeply suspected that Shi Huozhu was alarmist.

Although the legendary characters fight like gangsters, it is indeed a bit disappointing.

But the sound of the blow, the damage to the surrounding ground, and the scene of the fists hitting the flesh undoubtedly revealed the intensity of the battle.

Cai Gengang wanted to ask Shi Huozhu, at the peak of his power, he couldn't kill the Xi beast with just one move?

Realizing Cai Gen's distrust, Shi Huozhu responded quickly.

"The Divine Lord Xiao Nian at his peak, his natal armor was both offensive and defensive, his natal weapons swept through thousands of armies, and his earthly branches were overwhelming.

Now, Brother Zhang has deleted the full-level large account, taken off his equipment, and is fighting the Xi beast without any skills. How much difference do you think the difference is?

Oops, Brother Cai, look at it."

Something happened on the battlefield. Right next to where Zhang Mouse was torturing the Xi Beast, another Xi Beast appeared.

Yes, another identical Xi beast appeared.

It's just that this Xi beast is not in the form of a beast, but still has a human face and a beast body. It looks at the other Xi beast being beaten without sadness or joy.

"Oh my god, Zhang Mouse, there is another one behind me."

Cai Gen was horrified and shouted a reminder, but Zhang Mozi was not surprised.

Reluctantly, he hit the circled Xi beast twice more before throwing him aside like a broken sack.

Turning back to face the newly appeared Xi beast.

"Hey, you're calling daddy for help so quickly, and you can't do it either."

The second Xi beast looked at the hooded Xi beast lying on the ground with a look of disdain.

"It's him who can't do it, not me. Why are you pretending to be a coward with me, grandma?"

Zhang Mouse still wanted to talk to stall for time, but considering that the effect on his body was definitely not permanent, he stopped talking nonsense and rushed towards the second Xi beast.

When the second Xi beast saw Zhang Mouse rushing towards him, it instantly transformed into a beast form and fought with Zhang Mouse.

However, Zhang Mozi was in a bloodthirsty state at this time, and his fighting power was indeed fierce.

The same moves, the same beatings, Xi Beast was powerless to parry.

The Monkey King who was thrown aside lay on the ground for a while, gradually regained consciousness, and joined the battle group without hesitation.

The situation suddenly became two against one, and Zhang Mouse was not so relaxed.

It is no longer possible to catch one and beat it to death. I can only rely on my fighting skills to constantly fight off the beasts and try my best to defeat the enemy with one move.

However, Ximon's defense is also amazing. He can be trapped and injured, but it is very difficult to make him lose his combat effectiveness.

Tamamo stared at the two Xi beasts that appeared. They were equally powerful and ferocious, and his spine felt a little chilly.

If both of them had come out just now, I would definitely not be able to resist the aura of the Human Emperor.

"Oh, I'll go, luckily not all the two Xi beasts came out just now, otherwise it would have been dangerous.

Do you think so, eldest sister?"

Mother Lingzi stared at the battlefield intently. The atmosphere of the battle seemed to have deeply affected her, making her unable to help but recall those glorious years.

The memories were interrupted by Tamamo's words, and Lingzi mother sighed helplessly. It was just a passing cloud, and chicken feathers everywhere.

"Sister, what's your look? You've always been one Xi beast. Where did you get two?"

This confused Tamamo, and he was not blind. It was clearly two Yu beasts fighting.

"Sister, don't make trouble. Is this some kind of riddle? Let's just talk about it, okay?"

"The first Xi beast was beaten passively, and after being trapped, he summoned himself half an hour ago to help.

The second Yumon is the state of the first Yumon half an hour ago.

So I said, there is only one Xi beast, it’s just that it’s in a different time period.”

Tamamo stared at the battlefield with her big beautiful eyes, then looked at the spirit child mother, very confused.

Finally, I took out a small mirror and looked at it, and finally convinced myself.

"Beauty and wisdom coexist, it really doesn't exist, it's so contradictory.

It's enough for me to be beautiful, let's give wisdom to those who are not beautiful enough, hehe."

Honglei looked at Tamamo who was looking in the mirror and giggling. He didn't understand how she gave herself the excuse. Anyway, it seemed that she had figured it out.

"Mom, if they are the same self, they shouldn't appear at the same time. Isn't there some kind of time paradox?

What a grandfather, what a grandson, what a second uncle, it’s unscientific.”

Hong Lei is not as good-looking as Tamamo, so his IQ is a little bit higher, yes, a little bit.

As the eldest brother, Capricorn has always had the responsibility to teach his brothers.

"Hong Lei, are you stupid?

His name is Time Eve, if you talk about time paradox with him, are you having your brain touched by Aunt Su?"

After being taught by his elder brother, Honglei suddenly realized it. Although the principle was still unclear, he figured it out.

I am indeed stupid. They are existences derived from the origin of time.

In the power of time, can you use science to consider how to use time?

Honglei unconsciously moved away from Tamamo, as if he was afraid of being touched.

When Cai Gen saw the two Xi beasts, he didn't ask any questions, and Xiao Tmall began to take the initiative to answer questions.

"Master, this Xi beast is really difficult to deal with, and time has been used to the extreme on him.

Who can bear this endless situation? Zishu is in danger."

When two Xi beasts came out, Cai Gen guessed it. Although he didn't know the principle, he estimated that this beast had the ability of Xiao Sun to pull out golden retrievers. As for the multiple shadow clones, it was hard to say where the limit was.

If you lose your fighting ability, and then summon yourself in another time period to continue fighting, it will be endless and immortal.

Just look at Zhang Mouse, dealing with two Xi beasts at the same time. Although he has the upper hand with his bloodthirsty power, any auxiliary skills have a time limit.

Zhang Moazi also understands that the power of bloodthirsty cannot exist forever and must be defeated quickly.

However, when facing the Xi Beast, time is the most uncontrollable factor.

As if he had finally made a decision, Zhang Mouse no longer tried to protect himself from the rain and dew, but instead grabbed one of the Xi beasts, pinned it to the ground and beat it to death, and allowed the second Xi beast to attack from behind.

Finally, Zhang Mouse bit off Xi Beast's head while he was pinned to the ground, and his back was torn to pieces.

He grabbed the Ximon's head and threw it at the only remaining Ximon, starting a more relaxed one-on-one fight.

The headless Xi beast's body on the ground twisted for a while and then became completely motionless.

Is it that simple?

"Xiaotian, it's not as difficult as you said.

Look, weren’t the Xi beasts destroyed during that time period?”

Shi Huozhu spoke leisurely, his tone still weak.

"One hour and sixty minutes, one minute and sixty seconds, one second and twenty-four frames. Of course, sixty frames will do, or countless frames will do.

Alas, as long as time can be measured, the Night Beast will be endless.

Unless time returns to a chaotic state, the time scale cannot be anchored, which is so contradictory."

Hearing Shi Huozhu's words, Cai Gen was stunned. This is the principle!

This chapter has been completed!
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