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18. Swallows Homing

Xu Youyuan took the opportunity to change the magazine again, held the gun and fired, rushing out from the encirclement of the Japs.

Just in time, Li Han came from the flank with a crooked machine gun in his arms. He also saw Zhu Liwen and Tan Lingling in the flash of fire, and shouted excitedly: "Lingling, Liwen, run quickly, I will come to the rear!"


He then fired the crooked machine gun and fired at the little Japs. Burst! Ahhh! The little Japs were caught off guard again, and were shot one after another and fell to the ground.

"Battal Commander? Haha, Battalion Commander!" When Zhu Zhuwen and Tan Lingling heard Li Han's voice, they were both surprised and moved to tears. They shouted in sobs, holding their guns and retreating while firing.

Liu Wenlin took the opportunity to throw a grenade at the little devil.

Boom! Several Japanese agents were blown away.

Xu Youyuan took the opportunity to run over, and everyone retreated while fighting.

However, Tan Lingling, who was carrying the medicine box, and Zhu Zhuwen, who was carrying the radio station, ran towards Li Han.

Liu Wenlin, Shi Zhenxiang, Gong Shaobin, Xu Youyuan and others sighed secretly, but they had no choice but to continue fighting and retreating, and then disappeared under the cover of the night with the cover of Li Han's machine gun.

When Li Han saw two beauties, Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen, running back to him, he was deeply moved, and tears filled his eyes in an instant.

He choked out and said: "Quick, you two, run from behind me and meet us at No. 11 in Zhucaoli."

The sound of machine guns was "chugging", and Kamei's personnel also fired "bah-bah-bah". The little devil couldn't hear what Li Han said.

Therefore, Li Han was not afraid to reveal his new hiding place in public.


The two beauties received the order in unison, but each took out a grenade, knocked it against the remaining wall, and threw it at the little devil, Kamei and his special agent team.

Boom boom!

Bang bang bang!

The little devil and the special agent team were blown away and several people fell down.

The other little Japs, Kamei and his special agents hurriedly lay down on the ground, holding their heads.

Taking advantage of this burst of smoke, Li Han took the opportunity to turn around and retreat with his machine gun in hand.

He knew that if he didn't withdraw, the two beauties would not withdraw either.

Although they only got along for a few days, the emotions between men and women were so obvious.

Li Han could feel Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen's affection for him.

And after being separated for just one day, I still care about them so much.

At this time, they shouted excitedly about their duties and rushed back to themselves.

Swallows return to their nests, and what comes back is true love!

What a touching sentiment!

I'm afraid I will be in debt to them for the rest of my life.

Sure enough, when Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen saw Li Han retreating, they also retreated hastily.

The three of them retreated while fighting. Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen threw grenades at the chasing Japs from time to time.

Under the cover of the ruins of the wall and the cover of darkness, the three of them sneaked back to No. 11 Zhucangli.

At this time, Gao Shiguang fainted again.

Li Han, Tan Lingling, and Zhu Zhuwen quickly performed surgery on Gao Shiguang and removed several bullets from Gao Shiguang's arm.

After bandaging Gao Shiguang, Li Han asked with a smile: "Where have you been hiding? Who were those people just now? They can still run away with Guo Shiguang on their backs. They are really good people!"

Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen washed their hands while answering, telling two adventures.

Then, Tan Lingling said with a smile: "Battal Commander, everyone in the secret service station scolds you for pretending to pass the imperial edict. You are a big liar!"

Julie Wen said: "However, I like being lied to by you."

Hahahaha! The three of them laughed.

Julie Wen and Tan Lingling both smiled crescent moon, their faces full of sweetness.

Li Han was moved to tears while laughing, and his heart was filled with happiness.

Being loved is distressing but also the happiest.

Gao Shiguang regained consciousness and shouted: "What are you laughing at? Is it funny?"

He rubbed his eyes with one hand, saw Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen, and said in surprise: "Hey, you two little ladies are back? That's great! Oh, by the way, where is Han Guomao?"

Tan Lingling said with a smile: "He was rescued by people from the secret service station. Does he know this place?"

Gao Shiguang said suddenly as if in a dream: "He, he, how could he know about our new base? He...the secret service station? That?"

Later, he stammered and felt a little at a loss.

Li Han hurriedly interrupted him and shouted: "Okay! Gao Shiguang, your grandma, haven't you caused enough trouble for me? Stop being wordy and have a good rest. Han Guomao, we will meet tomorrow

I brought him back. Oh, by the way, Lingling, please organize the contents of the two medicine boxes together and put them into one medicine box for easy use during escape."

He shouted and cursed, and Gao Shiguang really didn't dare to say anything anymore.

There was no other way, Li Han now understood that if a superior did not curse others, his subordinates would not be so easy to obey him.

Julie Wen came over, helped Gao Shiguang lie down, covered him with a quilt, and whispered: "Have a good rest, you are a tiger general in our team."

This is pleasant to the ear.

My heart feels comfortable too.

Gao Shiguang lay down with a smile and closed his eyes.

Li Han, Tan Lingling, and Zhu Zhuwen immediately went to another bedroom to chat.

When talking about Miao Zhonghai's rebellion, Zhuli Wen stood up and said angrily: "This dog traitor must be executed as soon as possible. Otherwise, he will harm us."

Tan Lingling also took action and said angrily: "Yes! It's best to act now and go to the Japanese hospital to kill this traitor Miao Zhonghai."

Li Han shook his head and said: "No! At that time, because I didn't know that Miao Zhonghai had rebelled and was recuperating in the Japs' hospital, and also because I wanted to treat Gao Shiguang's injuries. So, I went to the Japs' hospital to steal medicines and surgical tools. In this operation, I

The Japs must have been alerted. Maybe the Japs have moved Miao Zhonghai, replaced a fake Miao Zhonghai waiting for us, and deployed a large number of troops to ambush. Now, there are not many of us left.

We don’t have much guns and ammunition left, we can’t suffer any more losses, we have to learn a bloody lesson! From now on, we have to think twice before doing anything!”

"Yes!" Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen nodded tenderly.

Li Han waved his hand again and said, "Okay, you guys can rest first. I'll boil some water to take a shower. I'm too tired."

Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen stood up in a hurry and said in unison: "Let's boil water!"

After the two of them said this, their pretty faces turned red, and they went to the backyard to boil water.

Li Han's heart was moved and filled with happiness again.

In an instant, tears filled his eyes again, but because of this, he suddenly thought of Zihong. Remembering that Zihong looked very similar to Tan Lingling, he wiped away his tears, walked to the backyard, and asked Tan Lingling with a smile: "Sister Lingling, do you have a baby?"

Sister or younger sister?" Tan Lingling said "hmm" and said sadly: "I am from the Northeast. I used to live in the countryside. How could I have thought that the little devils had sent people from their reclamation group over a long time ago. That year, I

When I was only seven years old, I was playing by the river with my sister. At that time, there were several little friends with our sisters. While we were playing, my sister and several other little boys disappeared. I was so frightened that I burst into tears.

From time to time, someone came out of the grass and wanted to hug me. Fortunately, my parents and the parents of other children came out to look for someone. After that, I never saw my sister again. When my sister disappeared, my parents almost cried.

Later, we found out that many of our neighbors were members of the Little Devils’ Reclamation Corps. They took away many of our children, took them back to their small island country, and trained crazy killers to kill our people. This is still me

I only learned about it after I joined the army. Alas! After September 18th, because the Japs were very cruel and killed people and set fires everywhere, I left the border with my parents and came to Peiping to help a relative who was doing business. Later, I took the exam

I went to Yenching University, then joined the Nanyuan Student Training Corps, and was later assigned to some other units. Then I was assigned to serve as a medical soldier in the 264th Brigade, and participated in the Jinling Defense Battle. Then, I met you.

Sigh! My sister is so miserable! I can still write letters to my parents now. I’m afraid my sister doesn’t even remember who her parents are. She has no home, no real home, so pitiful!” After she finished telling her experience with a sigh, her eyes turned red again.

, bursting into tears.

Zhu Zhuwen asked strangely: "Batalion Commander, have you met Lingling's sister?"

Li Han whispered: "I have seen a girl who looks very similar to Lingling."

Tan Lingling asked anxiously: "Where is she? I know her, maybe she is my lost sister."

Seeing her anxious look, Li Han was afraid that the reckless and impulsive behavior of the team members in the last two times would happen again, so he told a white lie.

He whispered: "Today on the streets, when we were running away."

Then, he comforted Tan Lingling and said: "Don't worry, sister Lingling, we will meet the destined people. In the future, I will also help you pay attention to that girl."

Tan Lingling said disappointedly: "How can it be so easy to find someone in this huge sea of ​​people? Oh, the water is hot. Battalion Commander, you can take a shower and I will help you wash your clothes."

Julie Wen quickly brought a bucket to fill the hot water.

Li Han was very embarrassed and walked into the simple shower room, took off his clothes and threw them out.

Julie Wen and Tan Lingling carried the hot water bucket together and helped him wash clothes.

Someone actually sneaked into the Jihad Hospital and stole medicines and surgical tools. This incident attracted the attention of Hisaka Sakai.

She had just laid down in her luxurious apartment when she received such a call. She thought: Is Li Han not dead? Is he just injured?

She held the Xiao Li Flying Knife and looked through it.

Then, she drove the team to No. 22 Yudai Lane to check.

When she drove to No. 22 Yudai Lane, she found the place in a mess.

Blood stains.

The corpse of the little devil was scattered everywhere, and there were many broken parts.

This scene really made her tremble with anger.

Kamei shivered in the cold wind and reported to her the bloody battle with several people, and said that he had discovered Li Han.

He said that it was precisely because of Li Han's final appearance with a machine gun and the surprise attack that the operation fell short.

Sakai Hisaka calmed down a little and said: "It turns out that tonight has affected so many people and affected a few people. It seems that the lurkers of the Chinese country, the Red Party, and the lurkers of the Kuomintang have all surfaced. Look.

Come on, the person who went to the Jihad Hospital to steal medicine and surgical tools tonight is indeed Li Han. It turns out that he is not dead! Amazing! So amazing! However, I will still catch him. However, tonight’s failure is also a good thing. Red

People from the Party also appeared, and the Kuomintang's secret service station also surfaced, which is great! Next, we will catch them all."

All the Japs were bowing down to listen to her speech.

Hisaka Sakai approached Kamei and whispered: "From now on, you monitor Yamada Sakurako from the Jihad Hospital. She is suspected. Monitor her 24 hours a day. No matter where she goes, you or your

Everyone must keep an eye on that place. If there is anything unusual, report it to me in time. Don’t be rough with her for the time being. After all, she is the daughter of Major General Yamada Sugiki of our Imperial Field Artillery Corps. Just keep an eye on her."

This chapter has been completed!
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