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Chapter Fifteen: Who is for and who is against?

I didn't panic at all when the gun was pointed at me. After all, if this guy only had so many bullets, if he really fired, he would definitely be torn into pieces by the angry inmates, but when there was a crash,

At that time, for the first time, I felt that the god of death was so close to me.

I don't want to die...

Lei Yaoyang just made a clicking sound with his mouth. Uncle Mei, the dignified Hongtai boss, was so frightened that his vaginal fluid surged and he fell down.

Regardless of losing face, Uncle Mei stood up tremblingly and ran towards the back of the crowd with all his strength.

At this moment, Uncle Mei has only one thought: "It's good to be alive."

"Can you shut up now?"

Lei Yaoyang swept the bosses with his left hand for a week, and all the bosses nodded and stepped back to make way, leaving Fu Ye, who was originally at the end of the crowd, exposed to Lei Yaoyang's gun.

No one can guarantee whether this little red man’s hands will shake. If he shakes, there will definitely be two more holes in his body, which will cause bleeding and pain!

"Young boy, you are not following the rules!"

Mr. Fu looked very unhappy. Firstly, he was being robbed and pointed at. Secondly, he did not expect these guys to be so unloyal. They were so scared that they pushed them away, as if he was not afraid of Lei Yaoyang's shaking hands.

He is already old, but he can speak now because he has a high enough seniority and everyone gives him face.

Lei Yaoyang is not a young and Dangerous boy, and he can't control their so-called backup in the world. Fu Ye can't guarantee that Lei Yaoyang's sudden attack will give him face. To be honest, he regrets having to speak out.

You must know that his ultimate goal is to be a respected old man and enjoy his retirement years in peace and quiet on this piece of land in Stanley.

"I forgot to mention that from today onwards, I will be the rule in the fourth warehouse. Who is in favor and who is against?"

Lei Yaoyang played with the pistol and turned a gun flower with his finger. He said casually.

There was silence in the entire warehouse, and the prisoners looked ugly, but no one was willing to come forward after Uncle Mei's lesson.

"Since no one objects, everyone agrees!"

Lei Yaoyang suddenly turned cold, his eagle eyes filled with frost, and said coldly

"When I speak later, if anyone wants to beep except the representative you elected, I will treat them to peanuts!"

"Okay Master Fu, since you don't object, is there anything else you want to say?"


After a lot of beating around the bush, the decision was finally given to Mr. Fu.

It’s not Lei Yaoyang’s fault. Mr. Fu was recommended by the prisoners to speak out as a representative, so Lei had to accept it.

Among the many bosses, Liangkun, who had been sitting in the corner and watching the excitement alone, his eyes lit up. For the first time, he was really interested in Lei Yaoyang. It was no longer because of his identity, but because he was just like him.

He doesn't play his cards according to the routine, and he and I are on the same path, and there is a feeling of sympathy for each other.

Even this commander is more beautiful than me!!

Finally, a prisoner in his thirties interjected, with a ferocious look on his face and the flesh on his belly trembling arrogantly:

"If you don't want everyone to be convinced, we won't be convinced even if we die!"

"Yes! That's right!"

I saw someone taking the lead and other prisoners started to boo.


Lei Yaoyang smiled slightly, slowly took off the hat on his head, and patted the dust.


Seeing Lei Yaoyang's reaction, the prisoner laughed heartily, perhaps because he felt that he had gained face in front of many bosses.

The other club bosses began to look at Lei Yaoyang with disdain:

Although this kid started to kill chickens to scare monkeys, he was still too naive. The so-called rules are not spoken by words. They are all poured out by fists, strength and blood. But killing chickens to scare monkeys is not enough!

It seems that the so-called negotiation tonight is simply a farce!

Just when everyone thought that Lei Yaoyang could do nothing more than that, Lei Yaoyang's tall body suddenly stood up, stretched out his hand in vain, and grabbed the strong prisoner's neck like lightning.

By the time everyone reacted, the prisoner, who weighed more than 200 kilograms, had been strangled by Lei Yaoyang's neck and held in the air. His limbs were moving wildly, his face was flushed, and he was making forehead sounds from his mouth. It was obvious that he was

Extremely hard work.

"So, how about you sacrifice yourself? Die for my rules?"

The cold words came out of Lei Yaoyang's mouth word for word. The more than 30 corner bosses present were shocked for a moment and did not dare to continue.

Some bosses who relied on their own strength were also afraid of Lei Yaoyang's terrifying skills.

Due to the lack of oxygen in the brain, the prisoner's face turned red, and his eyes gradually began to turn white.

Seeing this, Mr. Fu couldn't help himself. Some people were trying to help him. If he didn't care about his seniority, the "big guys" would probably settle the score with him after the show was over. He stood up and said:

"Sir, Dasha has a bad mind. Stop worrying about it!"

"So your name is Dasha! It seems you are really stupid!"

Lei Yaoyang smiled coldly, looked at the fat man struggling in his hands, and pushed hard without forgetting to continue to say:

"It's really stupid."

Cough cough cough…

After Dasha was out of control, he coughed repeatedly and kept rubbing his throat with his hands. His whole body looked extremely painful. He really felt like he was going to die just now.

"Are you him..."

Just when he was about to say a few harsh words, Mr. Fu's face was so gloomy that he was almost dripping with water, and he cursed.

"Dasha, shut up!"

"do not talk."

"Dasha, calm down, calm down."

"Dasha, listen to Master Fu."

Several corner bosses who were good friends with Dasha quickly stepped forward and pulled, pulled and covered their mouths, not daring to let Dasha speak nonsense again.

Dasha also decisively shut up after taking the steps. Although he was stupid, he was also afraid of death!

Looking at Fu Ye's arm that had begun to twitch slightly, Lei Yaoyang's first step of shock was a complete success.

Lei Yaoyang was still satisfied with this, sat down again, looked at Master Fu and said:

"Do you agree or not?"

Master Fu stared at Lei Yaoyang closely, the contempt between his brows disappeared, replaced by solemnity, and said in appreciation:

"Sir, you are really good at what you do. Heroes come from young! This world needs to hear the voices of you young people! Tell me what the rules are!"

After Mr. Fu spoke.

The boss of the gang leader also paid close attention, ready to listen to what this prison guard who was different from the past wanted to do.

"My rules are very simple. To put it bluntly, I am the rule!"

One sentence captures all of Lei Yaoyang's ambitions, he just wants to make rules, he just wants to make heaven.


Hearing this, Mr. Fu laughed, shook his head while laughing, and said:

"Sir, do you think we are still in the era of the four detectives? The police can cover the sky with one hand! Why do you want us to listen to you? Why are you as handsome as the readers?"


"Silly man, you are simply dreaming!"

"Do you think your surname is Lei Luo? Or your father is Lei Luo!"

They were brought in by the police, and they already hated these uniformed men. Now it was completely impossible to ask them to listen to the greetings of a prison inspector.

Even Gui Jianchou and Killer Xiong did not expect Lei Yaoyang to be so straightforward, and they all looked at Lei Yaoyang worriedly.

Lei Yaoyang didn't seem to notice everyone's reaction at all, so he continued:

"If you need anything in the future, you can tell me. Starting next week, I will have someone record what you need and bring it in for you. Gambling equipment, tobacco and alcohol, daily necessities, and even adult magazines, as long as you need it, except

As long as you have money, you can discuss freedom and weapons with me."

"In addition, if you want to send some news to the outside world, my people can do it for you. It is guaranteed to be safer than any other channel."


As Lei Yaoyang's conditions became more and more open, and his words became longer and longer, many corner bosses looked at each other, and their loud voices became softer, and gradually became silent.

Some bosses even nodded subconsciously.

The conditions opened by Lei Yaoyang can be said to be very good, even things that people like them dare not even think about.

In addition to not being able to be free and find rice, according to him, the fourth warehouse is all about creating a "very comfortable" environment.

As long as everyone is obedient, Lei Yaoyang can be responsible for selling or even customizing anything for them.

If the squatting method of squatting in Kuyao is like this, I think many people can accept it!

What do these corner bosses lack most, money? Obviously not!

Many corner bosses are extremely wealthy, even if they are a declining power or a broken ship, they still have three pounds of iron!

Especially for those who have been squatting for a long time, the biggest tragedy is that all the money earned by working hard outside cannot be spent.

What's more, what a coincidence is that for a long time, in this warehouse, there are all-powerful people outside, and there is a lot of money.

They only need to spend money to improve the quality of life in prison, and they definitely agree with it.

Many corner bosses are tempted, but there are still many corner bosses who can't let go.

After all, according to Lei Yaoyang, everyone must listen to him in the future. Even if two people have a conflict or quarrel, they must first find him to mediate and reason.

They don't want to agree to this anyway.

If you go to the prison guards with questions, how can you still call them young and Dangerous? If people find out, will they still be able to hold their heads high in the future?

In the small warehouse, whispers began again, but this time, no one shouted loudly.

Fu Ye took a deep breath and spoke again on behalf of the boss:

"Sir, you are indeed sincere, but it is impossible for us to listen to you."

"There are rules on the road. Those of us who come out to make a living, if we have to obey the police, will anyone obey us in the future? Sir, you have to understand!"

Upon hearing this, Lei Yaoyang's face gradually became serious, and a pair of eagle eyes stared at Master Fu coldly:

"are you sure?"

"I don't know who has the final say outside! But from now on, in the fourth warehouse, if anyone doesn't abide by my rules, I can guarantee that he will have no food to eat."


Master Fu sneered and said:

"Sir, if you want to be ruthless, you've found the wrong person. You were still in your mother's womb when Liu Fu and I fought against the world!"

"The role of the police has never been to eliminate us dwarf mules, but to maintain our stability. If we really cause trouble, Lei Yaoyang, you correctional director, I'm afraid you will be fired tomorrow!"

"No matter how many you can fight, how many can you fight? Ten, or a hundred?"

"You are a smart man and should know whether my words are true or false."

"If Mr. Fu says this, then it means there is absolutely no need to talk about it, right?"

Lei Yaoyang was noncommittal, his patience had been completely exhausted, and his expression became even more ugly.

Maybe it’s because I don’t want to “lose the fish”, or maybe it’s for other reasons.

Master Fu shook his head and said:

"I've said it before, we gangsters have our own rules. If you want to impose one, there's nothing you can do."

"How to say?"

Lei Yaoyang's eyes lit up and he temporarily suppressed his anger.

"As long as you are better than all of us, more ruthless than all of us, and have harder fists than all of us, then we will agree to your rules. Even if it is spread, it will give us an explanation."

Fu Ye finally relented and proposed a "possibility".

And this possibility was obviously not something Fu Ye had just thought of, let alone something he thought of alone.

Because the face of the boss in the corner was either weird, sneer, or plain, none of them looked surprised.

Upon hearing this, Lei Yaoyang rushed directly in front of Master Fu, grabbed Master Fu's neck with one hand and heard a click, and Master Fu, an old man who had been around for decades, died immediately.

Everyone was stunned by this scene.

Some people wanted to explode, some wanted to shout, and some wanted to kill Lei Yaoyang to avenge Master Fu, but when they saw the guys in Lei Yaoyang's hands, they all started talking and stood there.


Don't dare to move!

“Let’s just stop talking if we don’t have to talk!”

"Am I cruel enough now?"

Lei Yaoyang's calm demeanor didn't look like he had just killed a gangster.

"I'll give you one minute to choose someone to talk to and stand in front of me. Let's continue talking. Otherwise, I guarantee that you will all stay here tonight because of the riots."

If the beating just now was just an appetizer.

After killing Fu Ye, it can be said that Lei Yaoyang completely shocked this group of people.

No one wants to be the next Mr. Fu.

"Three, two, one"

These bosses, you push me, I push you, a minute passed very quickly, with no results at all, but they all stepped back several steps in a tacit understanding, so that those who were originally standing were right in front of Fuye.

Uncle Mei next to me has become the new "talker"

Uncle Mei wanted to withdraw from the crowd, but looking at Lei Yaoyang's gun and Boss Zhong's unkind eyes, he forced himself to speak.

"Sir, you are indeed a timid person! But I have a small suggestion. If you do it, I guarantee that everyone will listen to your advice from now on!"

"Say! Today, I will accompany you to the end."

Sure enough, matters between the Young and the Dangerous have to be resolved with fists in the end.

Lei Yaoyang was not surprised by this result.

"If anyone regrets what I did, don't blame me for being ruthless. After all, it's your choice whether to glue a few people or a corpse!"

Lei Yaoyang laughed with extraordinary courage and heroic spirit, which made people feel heartbroken.

Immediately, Chaozhou Tsai and several corner bosses stood up at the same time and said in surprise:

"Sir, how many people are you dating?"


Lei Yaoyang nodded. He and Lei Yaoyang from Chaozhou are the same as Jiao Jilang, he is Lao Tie from the Northeast, and he is close friends with the Shanxi people. We are descendants of dragons with yellow skin and black hair from all over the world. It is not too much to know a few local dialects.


Seeing Lei Yaoyang's affirmative admission again, Chaozhou Tsai was very direct. He looked at the crowd and said loudly:

"We, the Chaozhou Gang, don't need to count what happened tonight. No matter what the outcome is afterwards, we, the Chaozhou Gang, will support it."

"Chaozhou boy, what are you doing, do you want to be a 25 boy?"

The bosses frowned. Everyone was not of the same mind, but no one said it clearly. On the surface, everyone was of the same mind to deal with Lei Yaoyang.

But the Chaozhou people actually publicly stated that they would not help each other, which further divided the people who were not united.

"Everyone should know that our first boss, Wang Lao Kat, was founded in this Hong Kong market with the support of his fellow villagers. Whether it was Wong Lao Kat, the big brothers and even the later Yi Qun Hao, they all warned us:

People must learn to be grateful and not embarrass fellow countrymen."

"Since this chief is a quarrel with a few people, it is inconvenient for me, the Chaozhou boy, to embarrass him. Of course, I will not stop you. I will only help the two of you. I hope you can give me some face!"

As Chaozhouzi said this, he stood up, clasped his fists at the bosses and said:

"I would also like to ask all fellow brothers to give me some understanding, especially for our brother Hao's temper. Brothers should also have heard of it. I, the Chaozhou boy, dare not violate it."

Following Teochew Tsai's words, several other Teochew bosses who had just stood up together with Teochew Tsai also followed suit and began to clasp their fists in all directions:

"Me too!"

Obviously, all the organizations that have come forward are forces established by Chaozhou people. Among these people, except for Chaozhou Tsai, they are actually not very powerful.

But the businesses these people do outside are all darker businesses than gangsters: murder, robbery, smuggling, and collecting illegal goods. As long as they make money, they dare to do it.

Although they are not like local societies, they can find big water pipes and make a fortune.

But they relied on their ruthlessness and fists to do the most dangerous and risky work, and they were able to take root in this comprehensive Hong Kong city with countless local forces.

Now a total of five people have come forward, and the other bosses have to pinch their noses to recognize them and dare not have any objections to them.

Lei Yaoyang never expected that a boss would treat him like this, and he was surprised and happy:

What's surprising is that I didn't expect that these societies in the 1980s still put morality first. These people actually still believe in the concept of fellow villagers, thinking that fellow villagers are family members when they are away from home, and they can help if they can.

Fortunately, just by knowing a few words of local dialect, I can start to split the forces in the Fourth Cang.

I also killed the one who took the lead and was not convinced. After so much effort, it finally had some effect.

Moreover, these corner bosses made it clear that whoever wins will be listened to. As long as Lei Yaoyang wins and makes things difficult for him, the bosses in the fourth warehouse will have to worry about the face of these bosses if they want to go back on their word.

"Thanks, everyone."

Lei Yaoyang imitated the Chaozhou boy, stood up, hugged fists with several bosses who announced their withdrawal, and nodded to express goodwill.

Although the corner boss didn't say a word and went back to the back corner to stay, there was more kindness in his eyes when he looked at Lei Yaoyang.

That's the kindness of watching "a few people"
This chapter has been completed!
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