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Chapter Twenty-Two: All Beings

"Humans are the most shameless people. If you try to reason with them, they won't listen. When you beat them and make them lie down, they will try to reason with you again. Once you've been told the truth, they won't change. Only then can they take action.


"The ignorant people are even more shameless. They don't listen to what they say, they don't do what they hear, and they do it wrong. If they do it, they don't know how to change it. All the rules are fake, and they can only change them.

Only after they are convinced do they know how to do it.”

"You just need to act according to the rules. If anyone dares to play tricks behind your back, then continue to fight. You don't dare to come to me. There will be smart people in the fourth warehouse, and of course there will be hard-headed people. If there are still people who are hard-headed,

Just chop off his head."

Lei Yaoyang began to explain, or to make peace with these colleagues.

Except for a few abnormal people such as Lei Yaoyang, Killer Xiong, and Guijianchou, most of the prison guards are law-abiding and honest people. It is unrealistic to ask them to complete a fundamental change in their personalities all at once.

But in fact Lei Yaoyang also has his own support, which is his fist. The so-called reason is just a fig leaf. After all, Lei Yaoyang is a policeman and not a gangster.

As for whether the prisoners who covered their blood-stained fists with a fig leaf would forgive them, Yaoyang didn't know, but God would definitely forgive them.

"Brother Yaoyang is right. I'm still holding you back from the front. What are you afraid of?"

A word of help from Gui Jianxie Shishen made many young prison guards put their worries to rest.

Yaoyang smiled and nodded as he looked at the prison guards.

"As long as you are not killed or missing arms and legs, it will be fine. Even if you are killed, I will find a professional team to write a report for you!"

With Yaoyang, these prison guards let go of themselves and have different ideas about their future.

"I heard that the prison guard who disappeared before disappeared because he slapped a boss in public. Not only did he lose the face of the boss, but he also lost the face of the club to which the boss belonged. That's why he disappeared."

"So, we don't need to be afraid?"

"Of course!"

These correctional assistants, who have just been employed for a short period of time, speak to each other and encourage themselves and others.

On the surface, it seems that everyone has a fighting spirit and is no longer as afraid of danger as the newcomers.

These prison guards are just ordinary people. It is enough for them to perform like this. You cannot force them. You can only let them grow slowly as time goes by. The seeds of power have been planted in their hearts. Growth takes time.

But once the seeds are planted, no one is willing to put them down so simply.

Eating the weak and enslaving the weak is addictive. This is also something buried in human genes. It has been like this for thousands of years, it will be like this now, and it will definitely be like this in the future.

At this time, the simple "rules" can be considered as giving a general arrangement.

Lei Yaoyang basically finished talking about the important things, but he always felt that something was missing. After thinking about it for a while, Lei Yaoyang finally discovered the reason. He stopped painting, adjusted his mentality, and changed his tone. Lei Yaoyang spoke.


"By the way, the daily sales of our business should be around tens of thousands, and the profit should be at least 80%. This money will be divided into accounts every month in the future. In terms of dividing accounts, it will be divided according to seven,

In the ratio of two to one, I have 70%, Uncle Biao, Ah Xiong, and Ah Gui have 20%, and the rest have 10%. Is there any problem?"


Everyone gasped when they heard it, their eyes gleamed, and they swallowed secretly.

Although they didn't know how Lei Yaoyang calculated the daily sales of tens of thousands of yuan, since Lei Yaoyang dared to say so, he must have a reason. Think about it carefully, the fourth warehouse held 800 prisoners, and

They are all young and Dangerous, and they all spend money lavishly. If a person spends 100 yuan a day, he has 80,000 yuan. How strong is the purchasing power of a 100 yuan person in prison?

Just two packs of cigarette money or a fashion poster.

Inside the prison, everything is sold at double or even dozens of times, and the supply exceeds demand. For example, a pack of cigarettes costs ten yuan outside, but sells for sixty yuan in prison. It’s not that easy.

In other words, the income from selling things every day is probably tens of thousands of yuan. In one month, it is more than one million yuan. According to the Hong Kong dollar exchange ratio at this time, it is also hundreds of thousands of yuan!

According to the ratio proposed by Lei Yaoyang, Uncle Biao, Ah Xiong, and Ah Gui became rich within a month or two.

The other junior prison guards are also incredible. Even if they are 10% each, they can receive tens of thousands of yuan per month, which is more than ten times their salary.

If we keep doing this, won't we have a lot of money to make, and we can buy a house in just one year?

No one is dissatisfied with the distribution ratio proposed by Yaoyang. After all, everyone knows that the fact that everyone can do business and take root in the fourth warehouse is entirely due to Yaoyang's personal contribution.

If Lei Yaoyang hadn't been so powerful that he risked his life to spell out the rules, let alone doing business, it would have been nice not to be driven away.

"Brother Yaoyang, we have no problem, no matter what you say, no matter how good you are, you can give us money just because you treat us as brothers!"

Killer Hero was the first to express his stance, and his attitude even became respectful. As he spoke, he also greeted other prison guards:

"You bastards, why don't you thank Brother Yaoyang."

"Thank you, Brother Yaoyang."

"Brother Yaoyang, you will be our reborn parents from now on."

Other prison guards reacted and came forward to flatter Lei Yaoyang.

"Brothers make money together, and everyone gets rich together!"

Seeing everyone in high spirits, Yaoyang was surprisingly calm. So far, everything was going according to his plan.

"But I will say ugly things in front of you. From now on, we are all brothers on the same boat. If someone wants to get off the boat, you can tell me directly. I will never stop or stop you. But if someone wants to betray his brother, he can tell me directly.

If the ship sinks, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Upon hearing this, Killer Xiong's face darkened. He looked around at the other prison guards coldly and said:

"Brother Yaoyang, don't worry. If someone dares to betray your brother, you don't have to ask, I will do it to him first."

"Yes, if anyone wants to quit, you can leave now!"

Gui Jianchou glanced at the people who followed him and said.

After all, selling things as a prison guard is not a serious job, it is completely gray income.

If this matter is reported to the higher authorities, everyone will be held responsible.

Criminal liability is not a factor. It is certain that someone will be fired. Some people are not willing to do it, but it is understandable.

But among the prison guards at the table, you looked at me and I looked at you, and none of them quit.

Undoubtedly, they are willing to take this risk when they think of tens of thousands more monthly income.

And knowing so many secrets, you just quit right away?

Looking at Lei Yaoyang's cold handsome face and his fierce eagle eyes, everyone felt a little awe and a little fear in their hearts.

Brother Yaoyang has even dealt with so many bosses, but it is not easy to deal with these little prison guards like himself.

Seeing that no one spoke, Yaoyang nodded.

"Okay, since everyone has nothing to say, let's drink this and let's make progress and retreat together from now on!"

As a chess player, if Yaoyang loses he will definitely flip the table.

As chess pieces, they

advance and retreat together



Why is the style of this prison suddenly different?

Banana Weekly? Dragon, Tiger and Leopard?

I bought a watch last year! Is there abalone for lunch?

Xi Jin feels like he has missed 100 million these days.

Originally, he was planning to file a report and leave this hellish place called Stanley, but the prison guards did not give him a chance to visit the prison.

He had no way to contact the outside world and could only wait for his superiors to come to him.

"Brother, today is not the Chinese New Year. Where did your abalone come from?"

"Poujie, you can't read! Can't you see such big words?"

The prisoner really didn't want to talk to Xi Jin. The reason was very simple. He wanted to eat the abalones in front of him as soon as possible. He hadn't known what abalone tasted like for a long time. Secondly, everyone in the prison knew about it.

The boy offended the "rules" of the fourth warehouse, Yaoyang, and they didn't want to be related to this street guy.

Xi Jin turned around and looked around. There was a small window in the prison cafeteria called the "Fried Food Department". The number of people queuing there was several times more than the normal queue for meals.

Good guy!

Although Xi Jin had just entered the house not long ago, the life in the small black room made him extremely hungry.

However, with Yaoyang's lessons, Xi Jin also changed the way of high-profile people who came to the prison at the beginning and would attack anyone they didn't like and line up in a orderly manner.

“Kung Pao Chicken”

“Fried Blue Crab in Typhoon Shelter”

“Yuen Long Wife Cake”

"Mango pancake"

"Dragon and Phoenix Ball"

“Wind Sand Chicken”

There are also abalone, shark fin grouper...

It can be said that if you were not in Stanley West, you would suspect that you are at the Peninsula Hotel.

Not to mention, the most important thing in Stanley is talent. The taste and craftsmanship of these dishes are not much different from those at Peninsula Hotel.

This is what the original chef of the Peninsula Hotel made.

"I want grouper, Shenjing roast goose, and a plate of abalone."

Xi Jin quickly chose what he wanted to eat. It wasn't that he didn't want to order more, but he ordered several dishes by himself and had been delayed for a while while looking at the menu. The big guys behind him

They were all a little impatient and looked at him fiercely.

"A good boss should pay 30,000 yuan in cash or by credit card? Or ask someone to pay the money from outside the prison?"

A prisoner at the window said to Xi Jin politely.

"Ah! It's so expensive! Can I owe a debt?"

When he heard that he had no money, the prisoner was not so polite and looked at Xi Jin with disgust.

"Get out of here!"

"Give me some face!"

"Who is ordering here and is not a big boss of the society? The minimum is two red sticks to give you face? Oh my! Don't delay other big bosses from eating!"

Xi Jin is not Shanks. If he has the fruit of face, how can he talk about face?

Even if Shanks comes, this is Lei Yaoyang's business. If you want to eat, you have to pay!

"In thirty years in Hedong and in thirty years in Hexi, don't bully young people into poverty! I will come back!"

Seeing the malicious prisoners around him and the prison guards approaching with batons, Xi Jin wisely put down a harsh word and walked away in despair.


After enjoying the benefits during the day, to be honest, these prisoners are really good!

But they don't intend to bow down just yet.

Of course, you can do some tricks in private, but if you are caught, you will definitely be punished.

It is no longer possible to be like before, with a group of corner bosses standing together, overwhelming the prison and not daring to move.

"Boss, what happened last night? All thirty of you brothers lost?"

Xi Jin asked curiously.

"Why are you asking so many questions? Didn't I tell you when I came back last night? Sir is ruthless, kind, and capable. He has won three games in a row. Even though we are here to fool around, we still have to be trustworthy.


Shabiao had just woken up and was still a little confused. Being asked by a newcomer like this, he said extremely impatiently.

"What on earth is that competition about? Boss, why aren't you injured? That bastard from Datun can't get out of bed now?"

Xi Jin's curiosity did not diminish. It turned out that the boss of the same warehouse, Datun, was too girly. After he came back last night, he screamed all night long, causing no one in the whole warehouse to sleep well.


Speaking of this, Shabiao burst out laughing:

"That bastard wanted to take advantage of him, so he deserved to be hated and beaten."

"Boss, I'm so smart and skilled, how can I get beaten up?"

"Who can beat me?"


"Wait, you're not my little brother?"

"Get out! Don't disturb my sleep!"

However, Datun, who was not far away, heard the loud conversation here, looked angry, and shouted:

"Silly Biao, what nonsense are you talking about? You coward doesn't dare to stand up, but you have the nerve to come back and talk nonsense."

"My mother-in-law, Datun, what do you mean by this?"

Before Shabiao could reply, the Chaozhou man cursed angrily.

Speaking of not being able to speak out, last night he was the first to express his stance that he would not deal with Chief Lei.

Datun's words sounded like an allusion to himself to Chaozhou people.

"Okay, please stop saying a few words. Datun, if you want to be in the limelight, you really think others are fools. Can't you understand?"

Blind Snake also interjected at this moment. His words were obviously leaning towards Chaozhou guys and Shabiao. After all, he didn't make any move last night.

Seeing that the three corner bosses were targeting him, Datun felt angry in his heart, but it was not impossible to do anything about it, so he shouted:

"Okay, okay, you all are right. I fought for everyone's welfare, but I was wrong. Then you three bastards should quit smoking this month!"

This sentence made the Chaozhou guy, Silly Biao, and Blind Snake look bad.

Here we have to summarize the trading situation in the fourth warehouse:

In Stanley, buying and selling tobacco is permitted by the prison authorities.

But the prison authorities only have one designated place, and that is the canteen inside the prison.

There, tobacco is the worst kind, but the price is more than ten times that of outside, which is frighteningly high.

When dissatisfied, some people will ask brothers outside to send some tobacco into Stanley.

Of course, giving away tobacco is not allowed, and is even explicitly prohibited.

Because the prison officials were afraid that someone might put something in the tobacco, such as white flour.

When the time comes, if these things are allowed to flow into prisons, wouldn't it bring shame to the entire Correctional Services Department?

Therefore, there are only a few corner bosses who can use some means to get some good stuff from outside the prison into the prison.

They don't know what method they use, but a batch of tobacco comes to them every month.

Based on this, they use it to make profits!

And the price they sell is certainly not as exorbitant as the prison authorities, only seven or eight times the market price!

The key is that they have good cigarettes in their hands, which are different from the inferior tobacco sold by the prison authorities.

Therefore, he is very popular among the bosses in the prison.

Datun is the very capable boss among several small warehouses.

He supplies most of the tobacco in these small warehouses!

Now that they have a disagreement, he wants to cut off the goods of a few Chaozhou guys, and there is really nothing they can do against him.

Everyone is just a gangster, and their status is about the same, so you can’t take it by force!

In desperation, the Chaozhou guy was still tough enough and cursed:

"My grandma, Datun, don't be complacent. You are not the only one who has the goods. Without customers like us, you will eat shit!"

I really want to see where you sell so many goods every month."


Datun was very proud and said with a smile:

"It doesn't matter if you can't sell out. I let my brothers suck them all. Anyway, it's not cheap for you."

While several people were talking, just like before, ten prison guards, led by Lei Yaoyang, ran over, opened the warehouse door one by one, and let everyone go to have breakfast.

However, something different from yesterday was that when every prison guard opened the warehouse door, he would say to the boss:

"Listen up, our boss said that we will provide benefits to everyone starting from tomorrow. No matter what daily necessities you need, you can tell us today and let us record it. The price is about five times that of outside."

"Also, if anyone wants to be an agent for any business in the future, they can talk to us today."


Ninety-nine percent of the prisoners were ecstatic when they heard the news.

Silly Biao, Chaozhou Guy, Blind Snake and others burst out laughing instantly. They looked back at Datun with amusement in their eyes.

Shabiao danced and said:

"Datun, it seems that we really can't take care of your business in the future. Sir Lei's stuff is cheaper than yours. As a prison guard, the stuff he brought to Stanley must be better than yours. Hey, after many years

I am really reluctant to let go of my business partner who is about to break off the relationship all of a sudden."


The blind snake and the Chaozhou guy burst out laughing when Silly Biao said something funny.

Even many younger brothers couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Xi Jin's mind was also spinning rapidly at this time.

"Since you can be an agent, why don't you start a whole business? If you have business to do, don't talk about approaching the people from the Alphabet Gang. The people from the Alphabet Gang will probably take the initiative to call him brother when they come back."
This chapter has been completed!
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