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Chapter Three: Newcomers Join the Club

Early the next morning.

It was not even seven o'clock when a visitor came to Panjiaolong's house in Lantian that he "couldn't get rid of".

The visitor was tall and burly, with a fierce appearance. He was wearing a suit, which looked very out of place.

Since entering the house, he has been like an old woman, talking endlessly:

"Meimei, you haven't gotten up yet? What time is this? Get up quickly and get ready."

"Have you forgotten that we have big things to do this afternoon?"

"Come here, let me see how I look. It cost me more than 50,000 yuan, and it's from a famous brand. It should be fine after this, right?"

The Climbing Dragon was still wearing pajamas at the moment, with his hair blowing up randomly. Hearing the buzzing sound of the visitors, like flies, he couldn't stand it anymore, so he whined:

"Brother Zhong, I know there is something important to do today. We need to join the club."

"But Master Lei made an appointment with us at two o'clock in the afternoon! It's still seven hours away. Why is it so early?"

"Also, it's just joining a club, it's not a blind date, why do you need to dress like a dog?"

Yes, the man who came to look for the Climbing Dragon early in the morning was none other than Yi Zhong, one of the ten red sticks in the Hopewell Map.

Since Yi Zhong was lucky enough to be invited by Lei Yaoyang to join the organization Flip Hand Club, it can be said that he has not slept well these days.

He has been fantasizing about the scale of the Flip Club, the benefits of joining, etc. Especially as the day gets closer, he becomes more excited and excited.

Early this morning, Yi Zhong actually got up at five o'clock. If it hadn't been dark, he would have come to chat with the climbing dragon.

There's no way around it. The Hand Flip Club is a secret organization. Before he knew the rules, Yi Zhong didn't dare to speak loudly and tell his subordinates.

The only person he could describe his excitement about was the Climbing Dragon that he was familiar with.

Hearing the complaint of the climbing dragon, Yi Zhong didn't care at all. He casually sat on a sofa in the living room and retorted:

"You can't say that. We are newcomers. When newcomers join the club, of course we need to dress up a little better. This means that we attach great importance to joining the club and we won't let other members look down on us."

The Climbing Dragon just rolled his eyes when he heard this, crossed his arms, leaned against the wall, half-closed his eyes, and murmured:

"If the skill of flipping hands is so superficial, then why should we participate in it?"

"Brother Zhong, if you are useful, countless people will rush to be friends with you. If you are useless, no matter how well-dressed you are, no one will care about you."

While Yi Zhong nodded, he gave his opinion again:

"Of course I know what you're saying, but just listen to me..."

at the same time.

In a well-established law firm in Central, an old man in his sixties, with gray hair, wearing a well-dressed suit and a small bow tie, with the air of a scholar, was splashing ink and showing off his calligraphy skills.

In front of him, stood a man in his thirties, also wearing a high-end suit, but who looked very contradictory and bohemian.

The man was holding a cup of coffee in his hand, smiling, and commented:

"Master, your calligraphy is really getting better and better. If you put a work like this up for auction, people outside are rushing to get it."


The old man chuckled lightly, without even raising his eyelids, and said calmly:

"Zuzan, your mouth is like honey. Your flattering skills are getting better and better."

"But for people in our profession of lawyers, it's a good thing to be able to talk, but it's not good if you can only talk."


The man immediately took over the conversation and said:

"Master, I have completed all the six cases you gave me. The customer is 100% satisfied."

"I know, I knew it last night. Zuzan, you are doing very well, even better than I was when I was just starting out."

The old man said with a smile on his face, quite pleased.

"Teacher, you are the famous Feng Tiancheng, one of the top ten gold medal lawyers in Hong Kong Comprehensive City. How can I compare with you?"

The man was still modest, shaking his head repeatedly, as if he didn't dare to take responsibility.

When the old man heard these words, it seemed to bring back some bad memories, and he said angrily:

"The top ten lawyers are just ten fools specially chosen by their peers to be the targets of our judicial profession."

"As one of the top ten companies in the Hong Kong Comprehensive Market, you deserve to win, but you shouldn't lose if you do. The so-called top ten are just rumors, and the offer cannot be much higher than other peers. Otherwise, you will break the rules and be isolated."

"And as your reputation grows, the restrictions will become greater, and eventually you will reach a dead end with no further possibility."

In the past, men have always regarded being among the top ten lawyers in Hong Kong as their goal, and they have always felt that their teacher was the top ten, and they were excited and happy.

Now after listening to the teacher's introduction, it seems that the top ten lawyers are not an honor but a burden.

His mind was full of confusion, but the man didn’t hide it and said directly:

"Teacher, I don't quite understand!"

The old man kept writing in his hand and asked:

“What is our lawyer’s highest achievement?”

"Like the teacher, do the first gold medal?"

The man replied tentatively.

The old man shook his head and explained:

"Even if you become the number one gold medalist, you still play within the rules of the game. The real highest achievement is to become the person who sets the rules of the game."

After saying this, the old man lifted up the paper on the table, and it turned out that he had just written four small words with a brush:


The man's reaction was not slow, and he immediately realized that his teacher believed that **** was the highest achievement of a lawyer.

The man's words almost came out of his mouth:

"Teacher, why don't you run for ****?"

"Choose? Can I choose if I choose?"

The old man shook his head and said calmly.

Speaking of this, the man was more confident than the old man, and he immediately answered:

"Of course, teacher, you are so famous in our judicial circles. You have never lost a lawsuit. And..."

Before the man could finish speaking, the old man took over:

"The more serious the lawsuit, the more legal loopholes you exploit. As lawyers, we solve problems for our clients. As long as you can find legal loopholes that can work from the rules they set, the lawsuit will become easier.

, nothing goes wrong."

"But the more famous you are and the more powerful you are, the further you push the distance between yourself and the Legislative Council. If you offend everyone in the system to death, who will agree to your joining."

"Hey, it's a pity that I didn't understand this until I was fifty."

"Zuzan, you are my most promising disciple. The teacher has no hope in this life, but you have a good chance."

"I will give you this calligraphy. Come with me to sea in the afternoon, and the teacher will take you to meet some people. As long as you get on the boat, they will help you in the future."

After saying that, the old man called the man, and the man stepped forward. The words were exactly the four characters that the old man had written for a long time:

“We’re all in this together!”

To be honest, although most men don’t quite understand what the elderly say.

But the old man's kindness to him was as great as heaven, and he didn't even need to understand it. When he took the words, he immediately made a promise:

"Teacher, I will fulfill your wish."

On the endless sea.

A luxury cruise ship is floating, just like an ordinary cruise ship out for fishing, with the engine turned off and no power.

Outsiders would never have imagined that an organization that vaguely resembles a giant in the Hong Kong Comprehensive City would continue to expand and develop in a place like this.

At this time, on the yacht, Lei Yaoyang was wearing an orthodox suit, standing on the deck, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, and was doing the work of welcoming guests. Before the handover meeting, this work was mostly done by Lei Yao.

Yang will do it himself.

In this way, many members will feel that the president is close to them, and they will not think that you are aloof and out of touch.

Nowadays, Lei Yaoyang is always happy to do this kind of good job of winning people's hearts.

"Mr. Ma, I remember you were always late every time. Why are you here so early today?"

"Hahaha, didn't the president say on the phone that today is a good thing about sharing money? If you have money to share, of course I will arrive early. President, please tell me first, how much can one person share this time?"

"Don't be so impatient. We'll find out soon. Let's go in first. Mr. Li and the others are already chatting inside."

"Oh? I have something to discuss with Mr. Li. President, I'll go ahead and won't be with you anymore. See you later."

"Go ahead."

"Member Zhou, here you go. By the way, I forgot to congratulate you. You are the most popular member of the New Territories. You were elected with a high vote. Although I rarely read newspapers, I am still impressed."

"Hahaha, it's all thanks to the support of friends from all walks of life, especially the brothers in the club. President, all the drinks today are mine. I have always wanted to treat the brothers to a few drinks, but the president knows it outside.

It’s always a lot of inconvenience.”

"It's best here. Give me the list later. President, you won't compete with me, will you?"

"Today is the success of our turnover meeting. We are here to celebrate. Of course, the expenses will be paid out of pocket. Councilor Zhou wants to treat us. Next time, we will talk about it when we have the opportunity."

"No, President, listen to me. My brothers really helped me a lot this time. If I don't express my gratitude..."

"Okay, you all understand. If you want to express yes, you can just express it verbally. Just in time, Mr. Wang and others have already gone in. Go quickly. I heard that Mr. Wang spent a lot of money to help you canvass this time.

It took a lot of effort to convince the villagers.”

"Really? Oops, why didn't Mr. Wang tell me? It's really. President, I'll excuse you first!"

Lei Yaoyang received the members one by one, and he could name each one and talk about a few things that had happened recently.

In this way, every member he received felt that the president paid great attention to them and was in a good mood.

As time passed, there were more and more members. Lei Yaoyang raised his hand and looked at his watch, and asked Dasha beside him:

"How many people haven't arrived yet?"


Dasha holds a book in his hand, which contains a detailed list. Behind the list, there is the mark that Dasha just made.

After looking at it carefully, Dasha said:

"Most of them are here. Only Feng Tiancheng and Liangkun, the official members, are not here!"

"Jiangkun is still picking up people at the pier. For those who want to join today, I'll inform them at two o'clock. It's now 1:50, they should be here soon."

"Feng Tiancheng called me last night and said he would recommend his apprentice to join the association. It will be soon."

Lei Yaoyang nodded, drank the red wine in his hand, and waited for the last person to come.

Sure enough, in less than ten minutes, I saw a speedboat approaching at high speed.

There were only two people on the speedboat, and the driver was a handsome young man in his early thirties.

There was only one guest, who was exquisitely dressed and looked very much like a university professor and one of the top ten gold medal lawyers in Hong Kong Comprehensive City, Feng Tiancheng.

Lei Yaoyang stood on the deck and saw the visitor from a distance, and immediately took Dasha to the boarding port to greet him:

"Mr. Feng."

"There's a bit of a traffic jam on the road. Sorry, sir, I'm late."

Feng Tiancheng was very polite and immediately gave an explanation when he saw Lei Yaoyang coming to greet him.

"It's not too late at all. There are still a few newcomers who haven't arrived yet. The time is just right."

Lei Yaoyang took matters into his own hands and pulled Feng Tiancheng onto the yacht.

This old man is not an ordinary man. He is the most famous gold medalist in Hong Kong Comprehensive Market. He has been involved in lawsuits for decades and has basically never lost.

It was recommended by financial tycoon Liu Junxiong to join the association two years ago.

Liu Junxiong had good intentions and felt that Feng Tiancheng's joining the hand-turning association would bring huge benefits to the hand-turning association. After all, not everyone in the association could see his business in the light, so he needed a member who knew the law very well.

After Feng Tiancheng joined the hand-turning club, he lived up to his expectations and solved a lot of troubles for many members.

Of course, he also received huge benefits from the flipping club, at least financially, it was money he had not been able to earn in decades.

However, Feng Tiancheng is a person who "likes fame more than money." Especially after joining the flipping club, he saw that other members were electing village chiefs and councilors, and they were very successful.

He also had an idea and wanted to take a step further and make the leap from being a lawyer to the Legislative Council.

Feng Tiancheng is also very smart. He knows this idea and asks other members for help. It's not that they won't help. The key is that most of them don't have the ability.

The only way to do this is to ask the president how best to implement it.

Lei Yaoyang had a discussion with Feng Tiancheng. After listening to Feng Tiancheng's introduction, Lei Yaoyang told Feng Tiancheng on the spot that he should not fantasize about entering the Legislative Council, as it was no longer possible.

The reason, as mentioned above, is that your title of "First Complaint" is too big, and it will offend the Legislative Council too much. In this case, even if they push you in with all their strength, you will not be able to stay inside.

Later, after Lei Yaoyang's persuasion, Feng Tiancheng fully understood and agreed with this truth.

Indeed, every one of those members of the Legislative Council is nothing in the legal profession. They are completely incomparable to these "powerful barristers".

But precisely because of such moderation, people feel that they respect the law and never look for loopholes in it. They are the people who respect the rules of the game the most.

In this way, the person who made the rules likes it and is willing to include these people in the team and make the rules together.

On the contrary, the most successful lawyers like them feel that they are difficult to control and have too many ideas and will not accept them.

After thinking about it, Feng Tiancheng lost his mind and was extremely depressed. He also asked Lei Yaoyang if he would be like this for the rest of his life.

Lei Yaoyang hinted at Feng Tiancheng at that time:

Some things don't necessarily have to be done by yourself.

Feng Tiancheng can be the number one lawyer. He has such a smart mind. He immediately understood:

Yes, as long as you push someone who is completely obedient to the position, it is not the same as ascending to the position yourself.

Feng Tiancheng is also very careful. According to the last conversation with Lei Yaoyang, it has been almost a year, and he has only selected the right personnel now.

Lei Yaoyang recalled everything about Feng Tiancheng in his heart, looked at the unruly man behind Feng Tiancheng, and asked with a smile:

"Mr. Feng, who is this?"

"Oh, this is my disciple Gan Zuzan. I just recommended him to join the association this time. I wonder what the president thinks?"

While Feng Tiancheng handed over a large stack of documents, he introduced them with his right hand.

"Since you are Mr. Feng's disciple, of course I can trust you."

Lei Yaoyang took the document and spoke with dignity.

There is no need to open the document, it is just the information about Gan Zuzan.

This is also the rule in the hand-turning club. Each member's information must be given to the president for review.

Lei Yaoyang gave me face, so I don't have to take this step, but I have to strictly follow the rules, and no one can say anything wrong.

"Well, Zuzan, you stand here with me for a while, and we'll wait for a few newcomers. Mr. Feng will go in first, and the conference will start soon."

Lei Yaoyang wants to keep someone outside, probably because he wants to ask alone and inspect the new person.

Of course Feng Tiancheng was very knowledgeable and ordered:

"Zuzan, in this case, you stay here with the president and go in first for the master."

After saying this, he smiled at Lei Yaoyang, put down Gan Zuzan, and left the deck.

Gan Zuzan saw his teacher leaving. To be honest, he was a little nervous.

Today's events were completely confusing to him.

First, his teacher asked him to go to a law firm to start work early in the morning for no reason. As a result, he had no work at all and watched the teacher write calligraphy all morning.

Then, the teacher mentioned the Legislative Council, his views on the honor of the "Top Ten Lawyers", etc., which even broke Gan Zuzan's understanding.

In the end, in Gan Zuzan's eyes, the teacher, who was highly respected and clean, even said that he would take him to join an organization and asked him to perform well.

The stimulation was so great that Gan Zuzan, a new and well-known barrister in Hong Kong Comprehensive City, was a bit unable to turn around.

Standing on the deck, holding the railing with both hands, Lei Yaoyang did not ask Gan Zuzan anything as Feng Tiancheng expected, but actually let Gan Zuzan wait with him.

Gan Zuzan was a little nervous and looked at Lei Yaoyang frequently, but because he was not familiar with it, he couldn't speak.

Lei Yaoyang put his hands on the railing and looked at the endless sea. Although his back was to Gan Zuzan, he could also feel his uneasiness.

Without looking back, Lei Yaoyang suddenly said:

"As lawyers, keeping yourself absolutely rational and calm should be your first lesson, right?"

"Since Mr. Feng can bring you here, it means that the student he trusts most is you. I also believe that you must be the most outstanding student he has ever taught."

"Now, what are you nervous about?"


Hearing Lei Yaoyang's words, Gan Zuzan immediately realized that he was speaking to himself. He rolled his eyes and immediately replied:

"A person comes to a strange place and joins an organization that he doesn't even know what to do. I believe that as long as this person is still clear-headed, he will be a little uneasy."

"So, Mr. Feng never told you what organization you are about to join."

Lei Yaoyang looked back with a smile, his eagle eyes were sharp, and he stared at Gan Zuzan:

"Actually, it's okay not to know. You don't have any preconceptions. Only what you see will be the most real and rational."

As he spoke, Lei Yaoyang handed over the document in his hand without even looking at it and said:

"I will return this information to you. Don't worry if you want to join this organization. I will let you participate in an organizational meeting."

"After seeing it, you can make your own decision."


Gan Zuzan stared blankly at the information handed over to him. He actually knew that it contained all of his personal information.

Even if he has never joined an organization like this, he has heard of it.

As long as the information is archived, even if you don't recognize it, you are still a member of the organization, and you must abide by the rules within the organization. If not, the consequences will be unpredictable.

Now the other party directly returns the information to me. What does this mean?

His mind was spinning rapidly, Gan Zuzan refused to accept the information, looked at Lei Yaoyang, and said seriously:

"You are the president of the organization? What is your name?"

"Lei Yaoyang."

Lei Yaoyang signed up with a smile.


Gan Zuzan nodded, took the information and put it back into Lei Yaoyang's hand, saying:

"President Lei, please accept it."


Lei Yaoyang looked at the information that left his hand for less than two seconds and returned immediately, and said with great interest:

"What do you mean? I gave you a chance to choose, but you didn't want it?"

Gan Zuzan suddenly showed his face, and a smile appeared on his unruly face:

"I have already made my choice. Now I will personally hand over the information to the president. I am requesting membership. Is this sincerity?"

"Hahaha, it's interesting. I haven't met someone as interesting as you for a long time."

Lei Yaoyang also laughed and asked:

"Why don't you make a decision if you don't look at it more clearly? This organization of mine is not ordinary. Once you join, it's difficult to quit."

Gan Zuzan seemed to be an acquaintance, or perhaps a lawyer, who was good at communicating and getting to know people. He was worried before, but the shock was too great for a while.

At this time, he completely returned to his usual demeanor and immediately replied:

"I've seen it clearly."

"Well, as President Lei said, I am confident that I am the best among the disciples that the teacher has taught, and I am also the one that the teacher values ​​the most. No matter how much the teacher deceives others, he will never deceive me, a precious apprentice.


"Well, President Lei is so generous and willing to let me see things clearly before joining the organization. Isn't it because of his absolute confidence that the organization will not let me down?"

"With these two items added together, my probability of joining the organization reaches 70%."

"I am a person who loves fighting. I usually fight lawsuits for others. If there is a 30% chance of winning, I will take over. Today, the chance of joining the organization is more than 70%. Why don't I express my position quickly to win the favor of the president and do well in the future?

A little, wouldn’t that be too stupid?”

Ha ha!!

After hearing Gan Zuzan's words, Lei Yaoyang laughed again, heartily:

"Okay, you have succeeded, and I have a very good impression of you now."

"Gan Zuzan, it's interesting, so interesting."

"No wonder Mr. Feng chose you after many rounds of selections. With your intelligence, being a lawyer is indeed a waste of talent."

Just as the two were chatting, several speedboats came speeding from the sea. At a glance, they saw that everyone was finally here.

Except for the member Liangkun, the rest of the newcomers are all newcomers who are about to join this time.

Hong Le Feiquan is someone Lei Yaoyang has always been optimistic about. His performance over the years has not disappointed Lei Yaoyang. He is already the youngest hall leader of Hong Le. Although his business is not big, he has many people and a very famous reputation.

Wei Jixiang from Huadu is a subordinate of Ding Yao and Amon. He has been sitting in Huadu these years. He is diligent in watching the scenes. He is a well-rounded person. He has made many friends for Ding Yao and A Ye and has made many contributions.

Lei Yaoyang thought for a long time and decided to let him join the association and develop some business. Huadu watched the scene and left it to the people below.

Needless to say, Sun Yong and Jing Wen from Taiwan, a Bamboo Alliance Hall Master, regardless of financial resources, seniority and power, is enough to join the Hand Turning Club.

A new female gambling king was already Lei Yaoyang's confidant a few years ago.

This time, we have the opportunity to recruit people into the association together so that they can do business better and conduct themselves better in all aspects.

There are also people such as: Jiang Tao, a financial genius in Hong Kong City, Huaqiang, a real estate developer in Hong Kong City, Wu Yi, a tycoon in garments in Hong Kong City, and many others. They were all recommended by other members to join the membership, but the turnover meeting has not been held recently.

, this time it’s done in one go and everyone gets to know each other, so that’s OK.

"Akun, why are you so late? You're already five minutes late."

Lei Yaoyang led Gan Zuzan and Dasha to greet them, looked at his watch, and asked.

"Damn it, Brother Yaoyang, you really don't blame me for this. It's all the Climbing Dragon's bastard who can't get on the boat. She thinks I lied to her and wants to deal with her."

Liangkun looked unhappy and led everyone on board the ship, shouting.


Lei Yaoyang heard this and reacted immediately, smiling:

"It's my fault. I only said someone picked them up, and I forgot to mention it was you. That's understandable. She has been having trouble with Hong Xing recently. You want to take her out to sea, but she wants to get on the ship directly. That's stupid!"

The people who came from behind got on the yacht one by one.

Lei Yaoyang looked at Panjiaolong and Yi Zhong with great interest:

"What's behind, why are you willing to board Liangkun's boat again?"


Panjiaolong and Yi Zhong were a little embarrassed. Indeed, when they met Liang Kun at the Saigon Pier earlier to pick them up and let them board the boat and go to sea, their first reaction was to be on guard.

Especially Panjiaolong, the conflict with Hongxing due to the incident in Causeway Bay is well known to the world.

People who see Hongxing will not listen casually.

Even Liangkun had already mentioned the name of the flipping club at that time, and even named Lei Yaoyang.

Sun Yong stood up at this time and said:

"The two of them saw me. Fortunately, I had notarized it and it still had some weight. That's why they came here with doubts."

"Hahaha, that's it. It's just a misunderstanding. Everyone, please, everyone is here and waiting for you."

Lei Yaoyang was suddenly enlightened. He dismissed the matter and never mentioned it again. He raised his hand and led the way to the yacht hall.

The people following Lei Yaoyang, except Dasha and Liangkun, even Sun Yong could not help but feel a little nervous at this time.

The mysterious organization is about to be unveiled.

What this organization is like and who is in it will be known today.


Lei Yaoyang took it upon himself to open the door of the yacht hall and stepped inside.

Others quickly followed, and once they took this step, they felt like they were in another world.

Just now on the deck outside, no one could hear anything except the sound of waves and the occasional cry of seagulls.

But when we entered the hall, the sound of people, the clinking of glasses, laughter, and even cheers all filled our ears.

I saw that the hall was like a large auditorium, and the entire hall was decorated like a cocktail banquet. On the long dining table, there were all kinds of delicacies, and the bright silverware shone dazzlingly under the light.

The colorful cocktails must have been arranged long ago. They were arranged in the shape of a high pyramid, one meter high, flowing downwards with extraordinary momentum.

There was no waiter here, so Sun Yong personally saw a guy in a brand-name suit, who looked very simple, cutting a piece of cake in person.

Then, he put it on his small plate and left.

More people, just holding a glass of wine in their hands, were walking through the crowd, chatting here and there.

To be honest, this scene is completely different from what those who joined today thought at first.

In their opinion, a place like "organization" should be a very rigorous and dull place.

But now it seems that this place is no longer dull. It looks like a cocktail party, and the cocktail party is of a very high standard. It is still a cocktail party that was just emerging in the 1990s.

Not even Sun Yong participated, let alone anyone else.

"Meimei, you see I'm right, there's absolutely no harm in dressing better."

Hehe Tu Yizhong was very happy and walked with the Climbing Dragon, muttering softly.

Today, he wore a designer suit that cost tens of thousands of dollars. Although it wasn't very good, at least he wouldn't feel embarrassed in such an occasion.

When the Climbing Dragon heard this, he curled up his lips and became cold and unhappy:

"As the old saying goes, organizations look at members based on your value, not what you wear."

Of course, having said that, from the fact that the denim jacket on her body was frequently pulled down by the climbing dragon, it was obvious that she was not in a calm state of mind.

This is too deceptive. If I hadn't told her that the flip of the hand would be like this, she would just treat it like a show in the world.

The result was pretty good. Wearing a pair of jeans and running to a cocktail party like this looked weird.

The most important thing is that Panjiaolong saw several girls, wearing beautiful evening dresses, chatting and laughing like noble ladies. When he looked at himself, the difference was too obvious.

Behind them, lawyer Gan Zuzan and several other Hong Kong market entrepreneurs paid no attention to their clothes.

Their attention is all on some familiar faces:

"Stock sniper Liu Junxiong, department store tycoon Feng Qianshan, Miss Macau, financial tycoon Wang Gu, New Territories District Councilor Liu Youquan, etc."

What kind of organization is this? There are familiar faces appearing in these newspapers at any time, and every one of them is a big shot who "moves the wind and rain".

They usually want to make friends, but they are not qualified enough to touch other people's temples.

I've seen it all here today.

Not long after walking, when he was approaching the summit, Lei Yaoyang turned back and said:

"Akun, Dasha, greet them first for me. If they don't understand anything, you are responsible for explaining."

After saying that, Lei Yaoyang looked at Sun Yong again, and Jingwen and others nodded, indicating that they did not need to follow.

Then, Lei Yaoyang stepped onto the stage alone.


After trying the lone microphone on the stage twice, there was no problem. Lei Yaoyang then spoke seriously and greeted:

"Quiet, everyone, please be quiet!"

The originally noisy hall fell silent upon hearing the greetings, and all looked towards the summit platform.

Lei Yaoyang looked into the microphone with a wry smile, and did not get down to business right away, but complained:

"Ayao, I said that now that our flipping club has money, we should create a better setting for the meeting to make everyone feel more comfortable."

"But I didn't let you turn it into a cocktail party!"

"I'm standing here alone now. I don't even have a place to sit. Am I the president or the host?"

"Also, you should have told me about this cocktail party earlier. Even if you didn't tell me, you should have given me a dress. Is my suit a bit too bad?"

"Uh! Hahahaha!"

"Chair, there is a chair here. President, I will bring it up for you!"

For a moment, the hall was filled with laughter and laughter, all of which were amused by Lei Yaoyang.

Indeed, today's hand-turning meeting was held like this. Not to mention Yi Zhong, Panjiaolong and others who had not yet joined, even many members who joined the meeting early did not expect it.

Some of them, who usually wear suits and ties, were fine. When they came to the venue, they didn't feel embarrassed and felt like a duck in water.

Guys in casual clothes like Blue Whale, Kuanglong, etc. are embarrassed. They are really out of place for such an occasion.

Although they don’t say it on the surface, they are somewhat complaining in their hearts:

This should have been notified earlier.

Lei Yaoyang saw Ding Yao's mistake, and the first thing he said at this time was to make amends for him. It was also a joke to make everyone forget about it.

At this moment, Ding Yao also realized the problem. With a smile on her face and a glass of red wine in her hand, she stood under the summit, facing everyone, and said with a sincere smile:

"Yes, it was my fault for not notifying everyone in advance. I will punish myself with a drink to make amends to everyone."

After saying that, I drank the red wine in one gulp.

"Be more careful next time. Really, who just said that you need to bring me a chair? Move it quickly. I'm just going to stand here and say it? Today's meeting is not short."

Lei Yaoyang smiled cynically.

"Come on, Brother Yaoyang, there are chairs here."

The plane picked up a chair with one hand, actually took it to the summit, and placed it next to Lei Yaoyang.

"Well, the plane still works well."

Lei Yaoyang patted the plane's shoulder, sat on the chair, adjusted the microphone, and then greeted everyone:

"Everyone should be on his own, be casual, sit wherever you like, stand if you like. No one stipulates that you must wear a dress at a cocktail party, and no one stipulates that you cannot sit down at a cocktail party."


Everyone burst into laughter again, and the atmosphere was great.

Seeing this situation, newcomers Sun Yong and Gan Zuzan secretly sighed, "It's awesome."

With just a few words, the situation was under control, so that everyone was no longer unfamiliar, and no one would be dissatisfied because of a small problem.

This kind of speaking skills and handling of affairs are so old-fashioned and terrifying!

A joke was made at the beginning to liven up the atmosphere. After Lei Yaoyang sat on the chair for a while, he did not actually sit on the stage. He stood up again and said into the microphone:

"You must have more or less guessed the purpose of convening the meeting today."

"Yes, our latest collective business deal was a huge success."

"How successful is it?"

Having said this, Lei Yaoyang straightened his face, grasped the rhythm and said:

"Congratulations to all members of the Hand Turning Club. Starting from today, you will all join the ranks of "billionaires". Everyone will be successful, and no one will be disappointed."

"Ah?" "Brother Yaoyang, are you serious?"


No one who can join the hand-turning club is a fool.

After listening to Lei Yaoyang's introduction, even if there were no clear figures, they already understood that the opening profit of this fireworks event was probably many times more optimistic than imagined.

Although there are not many members in the flipping club, there are dozens of them. Each one of them has become a billionaire, and the income can reach as much as 10 billion.

"Hahaha, I knew I would make a lot this time, but I didn't expect this much. You are a billionaire. Kuanglong, aren't you happy?"

"Why are you happy? I already knew it."

"Damn it, why didn't you tell me in advance?"

"The president is really wise. He has come up with such a good idea. It has only been so long, less than a month. He has made 10 billion. Damn it, even robbing money can't come faster than this."

"It just so happens that our company is short of funds recently. I asked you to borrow money from Mr. Li before, but it seems that I don't need it now. One hundred million is enough, and it comes at a timely manner."

Although the members of the Hand Turning Club have different identities and classes, when they heard about the huge benefits, everyone had almost the same reaction, and they were all ecstatic.

It's just that some people yell loudly, some people whisper, and some people laugh wildly, and they express themselves in different ways.

The only ones who seemed out of place with the celebrating crowd were a group of newcomers who had just arrived today and had not yet joined the hand-turning club.

Led by Sun Yong, Jingwen, Panjiaolong and others, they pulled Liangkun and stood in the corner of the hall.

After all, if they didn't know each other at this time, it would be awkward if you stood in the middle, so after they separated from Lei Yaoyang, they consciously came to the edge and waited for Lei Yaoyang to introduce them.

Unexpectedly, Lei Yaoyang did not announce the new members joining the club at the beginning, but talked about some business.

At this time, when he saw Liangkun dancing and drinking a bottle of "Remy Martin", Sun Yong's eyes went straight and he quickly stopped him and said:

"Akun, why didn't I know you were so good at drinking?"

"Brother Sun, didn't you hear? I am a billionaire now. I never thought that I, Liangkun, would become a billionaire one day. After all, I have been doing business for so many years and have worked so hard. I am not as good as Lei.

It’s such an easy job for me, it’s so cool!”

Liangkun was very excited, feeling ecstatic and a little depressed at the same time. The five flavors were mixed, and after taking a few more sips, he felt very generous.

"Brother Kun, what kind of business are you talking about? Can you tell me about it to your brothers?"

Hehe Tu Yizhong couldn't help it now and started asking questions.

Listening to Lei Yaoyang talking about being a billionaire at the summit, to be honest, people like Yi Zhong and Panjiaolong instantly felt that they were more than a head shorter.

I just feel that this organization is really "high-class". As soon as it was announced, all the members changed drastically, which was simply "unbelievable".

With this kind of mentality, Yi Zhong, who is usually not afraid of Liangkun, has a more flattering and cautious tone. This is also the charm of "money ability".

"When you enter here, you are considered one of our own, so of course you can speak."

Liangkun glanced at Yi Zhong and others and said carelessly:

"The fireworks will start, you know? That's actually..."

Liangkun quietly introduced science to the newcomers. On the summit stage, Lei Yaoyang saw that everyone was almost happy, raised his hands and said:

"Quiet, everyone, just be quiet!"

When the sound died down, Lei Yaoyang immediately continued and said with high emotion:

"The reason why we are so successful this time is inseparable from the close cooperation with all members."

"First of all, we would like to thank the eldest lady. If Mr. He hadn't trusted us in our flipping club and was willing to lend his name to us to open the flipping club, this business would not have been so successful, and it would have been sought after by so many people throughout East Asia and Southeast Asia.


When the members heard this, they all nodded frequently, looked at the eldest lady, and whispered:

"Well, that's right."

"Without the reputation of the Lei family, who would dare to place a bet? If you are not afraid of losing, you won't be rewarded."

"No, we also paid. Didn't we pay 100 million in name-borrowing fees?"

"Your mind is full of shit. Is the He family short of a mere 100 million? It all depends on the president's face. Otherwise, if you give 1 billion, I may not be able to lend you my name!"

While everyone was talking, the eldest lady standing with Ding Yao and the girls seemed not to have expected that Lei Yaoyang would nominate her. She was holding a glass of red wine in her hand and did not make any preparations to speak.

And Lei Yaoyang had no intention of letting the eldest lady speak, and continued into the microphone:

"After borrowing the name from Mr. He, Ah Ju took over all his business in Macau and came to the Hong Kong Comprehensive Market in person to handle the collection and sale of bets."

"Kuai Long, Ah Zha, and Yao Qing, you three have also done a very good job with your Jianghu magazine. It has greatly aroused the enthusiasm of Jianghu people for this fireworks show and their desire to place bets and purchases."


All members who were named by Lei Yaoyang were delighted and understood what Lei Yaoyang meant.

He didn't intend for members to come up and give speeches, but he just wanted to count the contributors to this business in detail.

To be honest, this approach is indeed necessary.

In this way, calling the names at the meeting and describing the members' merits can make the members more loyal to the president, Lei Yaoyang, and also make the members who have not contributed much understand that business is not that easy to do, and in fact, it takes a lot of effort later.

Secondly, it can be regarded as motivating other members.

You can just sit back and enjoy the success of this business this time. After all, I haven’t set foot in your field, so you have nothing to do to help.

And this time, as long as members are involved in the field, they are all helpful.

Next time I come to your field, why don’t you try your best?

If you don't try your best, I'm afraid I won't be able to stay in the future.

After understanding Lei Yaoyang's intentions, all the members dared not listen attentively. Even if they were pretending, they looked very interested.

In Lei Yaoyang's description, the various difficulties faced by the opening of the fireworks show were completely clear to everyone.

It was also at this time that many people learned that in the middle of the fireworks festival, someone was trying to steal business, and even the president, Lei Yaoyang, was almost killed.

Fortunately, there was no danger in the end, and the other party paid a "heavy price."

"The position of president is really not that easy to sit in."

Many members sighed with emotion and became even more convinced of Lei Yaoyang. For the benefit of everyone, even the president risked his life. If you don't support such a person, who else can you support?

On the summit stage.

Lei Yaoyang was so passionate that he explained the whole process of the opening of the fireworks display, including many crisis details, from beginning to end. He also praised all the "meritorious personnel" one after another, making everyone excited.

"Okay, this time the fireworks show will open this business, the general process is like this. Finally, what I want to talk about is the issue of profitability this time..."

Upon hearing this topic, the audience in the audience became silent, everyone stood up straight and even stopped moving their hands.

Lei Yaoyang looked around, calmly took out a piece of paper from his pocket, and said according to the script:

"Excluding the bonuses we need to pay and the dividends we want to give to the big boats outside, the total profit planned for the opening of the fireworks show this time is 11.655 billion!"

"Among them, the total profit of the Hong Kong Comprehensive Market is: 5.35673 billion."

"Because the market in Taiwan opened too late, although we had Sanlian Gang and Bamboo Union at our disposal, we only made a profit of about 3.3 billion."

"And the island country Taiguo..."

"Public profit 6.6 billion..."

Lei Yaoyang sounded unsatisfied, but everyone below the summit was completely stunned, with "unbelievable" looks in their eyes.

Although they had heard Lei Yaoyang say that everyone had become a billionaire, they could only feel the shock when they actually heard the numbers.

To be honest, although Lei Yaoyang was delighted with this figure, it was not shocking. Because he had the memory of two lives, he clearly remembered reading a report in his previous life. During the World Cup, the betting amount on major regular websites was

, a total of six trillion euros.

Note that it is still on the "regular website" and is tax-legal.

Those buried underground will probably be even crazier, and the amount may exceed several times. Now it is only more than six billion, and it has drained almost all the young and Dangerous people in the Hong Kong Comprehensive Market and "caught them all".

Such results seemed normal to Lei Yaoyang. Of course, Lei Yaoyang felt normal here, but all the members below were agitated:


"Sixty-six billion."

"How many of us are there in total? Who has counted?"

"I know, fifty-nine, one is not too much, and one is not too little!"

"Damn, one person can really share 100 million, hahaha!!"

The members were so happy that many of them ran to the cocktail banquet, not caring about so much. They picked up the drinks and drank heavily. Only in this way could they feel calmer.

Even Feng Qianshan, a eldest lady, a doctor, etc. who are already extremely wealthy are not unhappy that they have more money. They also join the celebration team and congratulate those around them repeatedly for entering the ranks of rich people.

Financial tycoon Liu Junxiong has bright eyes and has begun to attract members he is usually familiar with to let them invest in him.

Liu Junxiong is best at "big fish eating small fish". In his opinion, with more than six billion, even if he gives himself a tenth of it, he can use it several times.

Next to him, newcomers such as Sun Yong of the Bamboo Lian, Panjiao Long, Hehe Tu Yizhong, and lawyer Gan Zuzan, who had not yet joined the hand-turning club, once again grabbed Liang Kun, who was screaming and dancing.

This time Sun Yong spoke, his eyes were red, his face was ugly, and his voice became a little hoarse:

"Akun, tell me honestly, the public revenue from the business done in the flipping club will be shared equally with you?"

"Yes, Brother Yaoyang's earnings will be calculated separately, and the public income will be shared by everyone, Brother Sun. Don't be too sad, it's not too late to join now, there will be opportunities in the future."

Liangkun was also a smart man. He saw what Sun Yong was thinking and comforted him.


Sun Yong covered his chest with one hand, feeling as if he had been hit by an arrow. He grabbed Liang Kun's hand with his fat hand:

"It's too late to join the game. It's really too late to join the game. Ah Kun, I, Sun Yong, have always been kind to you. With such an organization, you should have gone to Taiwan and told me."

"It's only now that I have the opportunity to join."

"If Mr. He hadn't invited me this time, would you have kept it secret from me?"


Liangkun was startled and said awkwardly:

"Brother Sun, I, Liangkun, am just a nobody, as you know. I rarely contribute to the organization. Although I am qualified for recommendation, I am too embarrassed to speak up."

"But I have always thought about Brother Sun. I have already thought about it. As long as I make some contribution to the Flip Hand Club, I will immediately recommend Brother Sun to join the club."

"screw you."

Sun Yong shook off Liangkun's hand and continued to cover his heart. Looking at the carnival crowd, he felt that he had "really lost 100 million."

Even though Sun Yong is like this, people like lawyer Gan Zuzan, Hehe Tu Yizhong, Panjiaolong, Hong Lefeiquan and others are already completely dumbfounded.

When they participated in the hand-turning meeting for the first time, they immediately heard a "shattering secret". The fireworks show handicap that had swept the Hong Kong Comprehensive Market some time ago and engulfed the entire Hong Kong Comprehensive Market was not Mr. He's idea from Macau.

, but was planned by this secret organization "Turnover Club".

What is even more exaggerated is that after this business is completed, the profit will be more than 10 billion.

Moreover, the rules of this association are also amazing. Unlike ordinary organizations, where the top management gets a big share and the bottom gets a small share, it is completely divided equally among all members.

"In the future, don't worry about your own affairs and concentrate on the internal affairs of the organization. Will you be able to become a billionaire next time this kind of opportunity comes?"

All the newbies have this idea in their hearts at this time, and their expectations for joining the flipping club are skyrocketing.

Gan Zuzan finally understood why Lei Yaoyang was very generous when he was outside and returned the information to him, giving him a chance to choose.

Dare Qingqingqiu is an organization like this. It cooperates to make money. No, it cooperates to steal money.

Who wouldn’t want to join this kind of organization?

Fortunately, I was smart and handed the information back decisively. Otherwise, I would have been really stupid.

Looking at the laughing crowd, Lei Yaoyang spoke into the microphone and concluded:

"Sincere cooperation is enough to gain any power and wealth in the world."

"I, Lei Yaoyang, have always believed that as long as all the members of our turnover club have one goal and one goal, sooner or later, the entire Hong Kong Comprehensive Market will be ours. What's more, we only have a small amount of money here."

Bang bang bang??

When everyone heard it, they didn't know who started it, and they started to applaud. The applause was so enthusiastic that it also inspired other people, and it lasted for a long time.

"Brother Yaoyang said it well."

"Thanks to the president Yingming for coming up with such a good money-making idea."

"Yeah yeah."

"Okay, no need to brag. No matter how much you brag, I will only share how much you deserve."

Lei Yaoyang raised his hands slightly and pressed them softly, making a joke.


Everyone burst into laughter again. Lei Yaoyang then said seriously:

"For specific accounts, as per the old rules, I will let Ayao directly deposit it into your Swiss bank account. If there is anything wrong within three days, please come to me at any time!"


The members nodded repeatedly. They were very familiar with this rule. Whenever there was a turnover, Ding Yao would be responsible for the total funds and distribute them after calculation.

To avoid unnecessary trouble, each member has a confidential account in a Swiss bank to ensure nothing goes wrong.

Okay, now that we have finished talking about the first thing, what investment plans do you newly wealthy have? We can discuss it later.

"Next, let's talk about the second thing of today's meeting."

Lei Yaoyang stood on the summit stage and completely controlled the audience:

"The second thing is more important than the first thing, because there are new members joining our flipping club."




where is it?

When all the members heard this, they all showed respect, applauded, or looked around.

As a result, Lei Yaoyang has a strong sense of rhythm in meetings. It stands to reason that in meetings with ordinary people, newcomers should be introduced first.

Lei Yaoyang was different. He smashed the huge benefits first and made everyone dizzy.

Under such circumstances, who has the nerve to object to Lei Yaoyang even half a sentence?

Secondly, new members are more important than making over 100 million in business, which also shows from the side how much Lei Yaoyang values ​​everyone.

These words are really heart-warming.

Even people who are very cold-blooded will feel a little emotional when they hear it, let alone some young and Dangerous people and members of the second generation of rich people.

They are usually called trash and regarded as unpopular characters, and they only feel that kind of recognition during hand-turning meetings.

"The first newcomer was recruited by me personally, and it was hard to win over the strong man who joined the association, Brother Sun from Taiwan, Sun Yong." Brother Sun is the leader of the hall with the character "loyalty" in the Bamboo Union, and he dominates the four halls of the Bamboo Union.

.If any member has any business cooperation in the future, you can talk to Brother Sun."

"Brother Sun, come up and say hello to everyone."

Lei Yaoyang officially began to introduce the newcomers. This session lasted for about half an hour.

Newcomers are basically not very familiar with the many members below, and they need to spend more time to slowly get together.

However, the people below have a general understanding of the new people.

Because every one of them will be invited by Lei Yaoyang to appear on stage, and they will be introduced with some "artistic processing".

The effect is still very good. Even the weakest member of the Climbing Dragon has some members who after listening to the introduction, are thinking about studying with her and collaborating on some small businesses.

"Okay, today's newcomers have all been introduced. As the old saying goes, I hope you will cooperate sincerely and make a fortune together!"

After completing the second link, Lei Yaoyang raised his right hand and politely asked the people standing on the summit:

"Brother Sun, you go down and have a rest first."


Sun Yong, Panjiaolong, Yi Zhong, Fei Quan and other new members walked off the summit without saying a word.

But this time, many people gave them good looks, especially Sun Yong, who received the most and felt the most deeply.

However, the newcomers do not dare to have any chance of success, because they know that there are dozens of people here, and every one of them can crush them.

Being among such a group of people is really stressful.

"Okay, now everyone knows our results some time ago, and I have an explanation for you. It seems that you are all satisfied."

"Everyone should know the newcomers today. After getting acquainted with each other for a while, the cooperation will gradually unfold, and there should be no problem."

"Now let's start our last topic today. This time, I, as the president, will no longer be speaking here. Let's brainstorm. We will discuss the next step, or the next transaction. What do you think?


Lei Yaoyang performed his duties conscientiously, standing on the summit stage from beginning to end, holding the microphone, and performing the duties of the president.

When this topic was mentioned, everyone became energetic. Even the newcomers who had just joined, even though it was inconvenient to speak, also listened with open ears.

But the strange thing is that after waiting for a full minute, no one made a suggestion below, most of them looked at Lei Yaoyang.


Lei Yaoyang was a little amused when he saw this, and joked:

"Why are you all looking at me? Now is the time for everyone to brainstorm, not for me to make the final decision. If you have any good ideas, please tell me!"

"By the way, Brother Xiong, we invested 3 billion in your last meeting. How is the situation now?"

Li Junxiong, a "stock sniper" who is usually full of fighting spirit and very confident, showed a hint of embarrassment on his face when he heard the question.


"Is it a loss?"

"No, I've been doing stock trading with Brother Xiong recently, and I've always been victorious, without losing a dime."

"Brother Xiong, what does this mean?"

"Akun, come on, explain to me, what's going on with this three billion? It's also the money of all your members? Damn it, how much money do you have? You usually pretend to be poor and complain in front of me, are you?

Yeah, it’s so out of character.”

"Um, Brother Sun, don't get excited. It's not actually my money. I haven't got it yet. That's it. We will always buy land when we turn over. We will use various relationship channels to hoard some cheap land."

"Then, let Brother Xiong use the money from land development to invest in stocks..."

Everyone below was talking quietly. Lei Yaoyang also saw Li Junxiong's face and comforted him:

"The situation is not very good recently. Although I rarely pay attention to financial news, I also know that the Hong Kong stock market has dropped 500 points."

"It doesn't matter if you suffer a small loss, it doesn't just hurt your muscles and bones."

Li Junxiong looked at Lei Yaoyang blankly, waiting for him to finish speaking, and then shouted:

"President, I didn't say I lost money. I still made money in these three weeks."

"I just checked the general account yesterday morning, and now there are about 3.5 billion in the account."


Lei Yaoyang was stunned when he heard this, and then smiled bitterly and said:

"Brother Xiong, you are kidding me. You have made 500 million in three weeks, and you still look like this. I was so scared that I thought we had lost all our capital."

When Liu Junxiong heard this, he smiled bitterly and said honestly:

"I deliberately calculated the results early yesterday morning, just because I wanted to go to sea for a meeting today and give everyone some good news."

"But compared to the president, I am!"

Everyone suddenly realized that this was what happened.

It makes sense when you think about it. Liu Junxiong used 3 billion to speculate in stocks and made 500 million in three weeks. This sounds very domineering.

But compared to Lei Yaoyang's side, it's completely incomparable to use nothing but a penny of capital and directly rob 10 billion.

"Oh, no, if we insist on talking about capital, Mr. He's 100 million naming fee is considered an investment."


Lei Yaoyang laughed after hearing this and said:

"Brother Xiong, are you doing serious stock investment? As long as you have a accurate vision and strong funds, you can do it regularly."

"Quick money like ours is only better than the word "odd". After this time, we will almost wipe out the gamblers in the Hong Kong Comprehensive Market. The gambling industry will probably be depressed for a long time to come."


"Speaking of which, we are really hateful. We have inadvertently ruined the jobs of many people."

This chapter has been completed!
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