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Chapter 28: Channels

Where is this place?

The "High-end Training Base for Social Talents" in Hong Kong Comprehensive City can find talents ranging from scolding and killing people on the streets, to assassinations and blasting, to attacking the Pentagon, and even those who are obsessed with the fantasy of destroying the world.

Money laundering?

It's just a sprinkling of water. I can only say that they are too honest and simple to dare to use local materials.

Yaoyang looked at Uncle Biao and ordered:

"Uncle Biao, you go out and buy some double-headed abalone tomorrow morning. I want to treat some big guys to dinner."

"Brother Yaoyang, are you going to ask those big guys?"

Uncle Biao was a good person and obviously understood the intention immediately, and said smoothly, after all, as a prison guard, the network of contacts he has includes not only the prisoners but also the family members of the prisoners.

"In the fourth warehouse, those who run around in the world will live happily ever after if they have money, but those who can reach the boss position are not easy. I heard that the shipping company jointly established by Uncle Mei and Jiang Tianyang has a total investment of more than 30 million."

“The most important thing is that the money is clean!!”

"Snakes have their own ways, and rats have their own ways. If you want to know how to launder your money, go to them and you won't get it wrong."

Yaoyang explained nonchalantly.

It should be noted that Hong Kong Comprehensive Capital System is a capital system. Here, black gold and silver are absolutely different entities.

If you use black money to run a company, as soon as someone fails, the company will be seized and confiscated immediately, and you will end up with a "family ruined".

It's different with silver. Even if all the directors there are problematic, as long as you can prove that all the money you use to open the company comes from legitimate sources, the company will never be seized.

The second day.

Stanley Prisoner Canteen.

When the hands of the clock pointed to 12:30, the prisoners in the fourth warehouse filed in under the guard of the prison guards because it was their meal time.

Regarding dining in the cafeteria, the prisoners in the fourth warehouse a month later collectively no longer have the expectations they had a month ago.

Almost every prisoner didn't seem to care that much. They picked up their food carelessly and ate lightly. No one "gobbled it down".

It's as if they don't do the heavy physical work every day, and they don't feel hungry at all.

There were even a few prisoners who really felt that today's food was not to their liking, so they chose to sit there and chat without using their chopsticks.

The stir-fries are too expensive, and only the boss can afford them.

Ordinary canteen food is just like chicken, it's tasteless and it's a pity to throw it away.

"Uncle Mei!"

"Uncle Mei, there is a place over here."

"Brother Kun, you're here, come and sit down!"

Uncle Mei and Liangkun entered the cafeteria one after another, and immediately attracted the attention and greetings of many people.

Compared with a month ago, the prestige of Uncle Mei and Liangkun has also increased dramatically.

Needless to say, Uncle Mei, who is over fifty years old, has always been a veteran. He is the oldest senior in the fourth warehouse, and besides being stubborn, he will give him more or less face.

As for Liangkun, he now has a strong reputation in Stanley, with more than a dozen people accompanying him when he comes in and out. Wherever he goes, there are corner bosses who flatter him.

There is no way! Liangkun is rich.

Whether it's gambling or borrowing money, it's a lot of money.

Many corner bosses have only been here for a month and already owe Liangkun a lot of money.

If you have money, you are a master!!

This has to make Liangkun sigh:

Others went to jail and lived in hard labor, but he made a fortune and made much more every day than he did when he was a popular gangster.

Uncle Mei, as before, silently found an empty seat to sit.

Liangkun was much more arrogant. He walked around the cafeteria with more than ten Hongxing boys, talking to the corner boss and making trouble with the corner boss.

"Xiguadong, you lost 60 cartons of cigarettes at my place yesterday, when will you pay them? Seeing that I'm not around, you want to default on the bill, right?"

"Da Hei Niu, I heard that you bastard is very lucky. You passed three levels the night before yesterday and won a lot?"

"Hey! Chaozhou guy, don't you love gambling the most? Why have you never participated in my game? Why are you afraid that I will defraud you? You have made a lot this month, and you don't have to worry about getting moldy if you hide it.




Overall, the atmosphere in the fourth warehouse is pretty good.

After all, in the first month, everyone had a lot of money and had consumption channels. They all went to have fun and no one made trouble.

Of course, we have to mention Datun, Dasha and other troublemakers here.

I don’t know if the magic power is great or not!

But as early as a month ago, they were all convinced by Yaoyang.

They never mentioned the business matter again. They fully understood what "the arm cannot twist the thigh".

Just as Liangkun was "patrolling" in the dining hall like an official, he happened to see a prison guard walking up to Uncle Mei and Chaozhou Guy and talking to him.

Soon, they got up and left their position.

With a trace of curiosity, Liangkun walked up to the prison guard in two steps and whispered:

"Sir, what did you just say to them? Why didn't you even eat?"

"Oh, it's Brother Kun! It's nothing. Brother Yaoyang invites them to dinner."

The young prison guard has a good attitude towards Liangkun. After all, in the first month, he has brought huge income to himself and others. It can be described as a win-win situation.

"Sir, why did Brother Yaoyang invite them to dinner?"

Liangkun rolled his eyes. He was a shrewd man. He knew that if he wanted to live well in this fourth warehouse, it was absolutely right to follow Yaoyang closely. He immediately asked.

"I don't know, how can I dare to ask about Brother Yaoyang's affairs."

The little prison guard responded without saying anything.

Liangkun had no doubt about this and immediately said:

"That's just right. I also have something to discuss with Sir Lei. I wonder if it's convenient for Sir Lei to see me now?"

"Very urgent?"

The little prison guard frowned slightly and said doubtfully.

"It's not urgent, but when it comes to talking about things, the sooner the better."

Liangkun spoke lazily.

"Okay, I'll take you to see Brother Yaoyang, but I can't decide whether Brother Yaoyang sees you or not."

The little prison guard said that and turned around to leave, motioning for Liangkun to follow him.

Liangkun understood the situation and let the boys eat by themselves while he followed the little prison guard out of the cafeteria.

At the same time, in the staff lounge.

The bosses were sitting across from Yaoyang at the moment. In front of them, there were two large bowls, which contained freshly made double-headed abalone and ginseng soup, which was rich in fragrance and delicious.


Yaoyang was very good at eating. He took a sip of the soup, savored it with the tip of his tongue, and said with satisfaction:

"Sir, this double-headed abalone is of the highest quality, not an ordinary product. I'm afraid it won't be cheap."

"The big guys are joking. You old man has never tasted any delicacies from the mountains and seas. The two-headed abalone is just right for the threshold. The price is not important."

Yaoyang smiled slightly and chatted with them without moving his chopsticks.


The big guys all laughed and seemed to be in a good mood:

"If we were outside, I would definitely be tired of eating all the delicacies from the mountains and seas. There would be nothing we want to eat but cannot eat. But here in Stanley, a bowl of double-headed abalone is enough to compare with any delicacies outside."

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. I have been working as a mule since I was a child. From my younger brother to my current status, I have been working for more than 50 years. I have not had any hobbies in these years, but I don't want to eat and drink alone.

I have treated myself badly. I have been working in a kiln for all these years. I don’t care about anything else, except for eating. It’s really unbearable!”

"Fortunately, Sir Lei is here now."

Yaoyang matched his words and smiled:

"I've seen your record, Uncle Mei, and your performance is considered good. I think it won't take more than a few months before you can go out. By then, Uncle Mei can eat all the delicacies in Xiangjiang as he wants."

"Okay, let me borrow Sir's good words and hope that I can be released from prison in a few months."

Uncle Mei actually only has a rough budget for how long he will do it.

The same is true for most prisoners in Stanley.

After all, the day everyone spends in jail can never be the day they are sentenced. Deductions for good behavior, merit deductions, national holidays, etc. will also be deducted.

So when he heard that he would be released from prison in a few months, Uncle Mei felt better.

"By the way, sir, if you invite me over today, it won't be just for a meal, right? If you need help from me, this old guy, please tell me and see if I, this old guy, can help you."

"Yes, I do have something that I would like to ask the bosses for advice."

Yaoyang did not hide anything and said very directly:

"I have a friend who has some money in his hands and needs to be exposed. Is there any advice from the boss?"

"That's it!"

Uncle Mei put down the spoon and did not reply immediately. He seemed to be thinking.

Dong Dong Dong... At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Yaoyang had already ordered not to disturb him.

Why the hell did you bother me out of nothing?

Yaoyang frowned slightly and said with some dissatisfaction:

"Come in!"

Uh...the door opened and a correctional assistant came in.

The visitor looked to be in his twenties, with a young face. He was stared at coldly by Yaoyang. He felt a little panicked and said quickly:

"Brother, Liangkun said that he wants to talk to you about something."

"Jiangkun? What can happen to him?"

When Yaoyang heard this, his brows furrowed even more, but then he immediately opened his eyebrows and said secretly:

"This guy Liangkun is also a weirdo in the underworld. Maybe he also has some constructive opinions."

When he thought of this, Jiang Zhen looked at Uncle Mei and the others politely and said:

"Boss, do you mind if Liangkun is here to listen?"

"Since it's a matter of Sir's friends, Sir doesn't mind. What do I mind?"

The big guys smiled and nodded, indicating that they were casual.

Yaoyang then ordered the prison guard, "Call Liangkun to come in!"

"yes, Sir."

The young prison guard agreed and hurried out.

Soon, the "honest" Liangkun entered the room.

Compared with the arrogance in the dining hall, Liangkun looked very humble in front of Yaoyang. When he entered the room, he called people first and said:

"Brother Yaoyang, I didn't disturb your meal, right?"

"Even if I'm disturbing you, I'm here. What else can I say? Sit down!"

Yaoyang is also familiar with Liangkun. In the fourth warehouse, Yaoyang is the absolute king and can control him, so he is not polite at all.

"Brother Yaoyang is really good at joking."

Liangkun didn't feel embarrassed at all. He took a chair nearby and sat at the table.

"It's better to come early than to come in time. I haven't moved yet. You can see if it suits your taste!"

Yaoyang pushed the bowl of double-headed abalone in front of him to Liangkun, his majestic look was very admirable.

At least as cunning as Liangkun, even though he knew this was Yaoyang's gesture, he couldn't help but have a great impression of him.

Pretending to be polite is not Liangkun's style. After taking the bowl, he took a big bite and praised:

"Double-headed abalone, this is a good thing!"

"Boys, let's continue talking!"

Yaoyang saw that Liangkun had eaten all the food, so he returned to the topic.

After a few minutes, the big guys sorted things out and introduced:

"It is difficult to comprehensively launder money in Hong Kong, but it is easy to say that it is not. There are many forces involved in this kind of business. But the most famous ones are the four major groups."

"Four major groups?"

Yaoyang became interested and said: "Tell me in detail."

"I ate your two-headed abalone. Can I explain it in more detail?"

A few big guys smiled slightly, joked, and then said carefully:

"In Hong Kong, the four most famous money laundering groups are Differ Group, Qiao Group, Singularity Group, and Alliance International."

"Among the four major groups, Alliance International is a pure underworld force, a group jointly established by the leaders of many organizations. They do smuggling, drug trafficking, gambling, money laundering, and everything. The biggest business is the export of arms in Southeast Asia. Even

There are rumors that they have close ties with international terrorist organizations and have close contacts. If your friend wants to launder money, it is not appropriate to go to them."

Having said this, they looked at Yaoyang meaningfully, and without waiting for the other party's reaction, they continued:


Yaoyang chuckled upon hearing this, shook his head and sighed:

"It seems that there are too many problems that the world cannot solve, but a company like this can survive and prosper like this."

"Hong Kong people always only want to be happy for a while, who cares how serious the consequences are."

Liangkun, who had been eating abalone next to him, also chimed in, seeming to be deeply moved.

Yaoyang glanced at Liangkun and felt that this guy might have many more stories to tell, but now was not the time to delve into it, so he turned his attention to these big guys and said:

"What about Qiao and Dingfeng?"

"These two groups are much better than the previous two."

They smiled and said:

"The Qiao Group, also known as Shengtian International, was founded by two brothers Qiao Jiangshan and Qiao Jianghe. They have always been doing good business. Especially the chairman Qiao Jiangshan is known as a shopping mall magician. In the past twenty years, he has never invested in Xiangjiang.

It failed, and it has grown from a small shopping mall to the large group it is today."

"And the Qiao brothers have always been very willing to make friends with the black and white people in Hong Kong. No matter who asks them for help, as long as the request is reasonable, they are willing to help. If Sir is willing to come forward for such a small matter as money laundering, I believe the Qiao brothers will definitely

Happy to help.”

Yaoyang could clearly hear the recommendation in their voices and said doubtfully

"The bosses seem to have a good impression of the Qiao brothers?"

"Qiao Jiangshan helped me once before, I owe him a favor!"

The Chaozhou guy didn't hide it and nodded in confirmation.

At this time, Liangkun interrupted again.

Liangkun snorted coldly and said disdainfully:

"What kind of helpers? The Qiao brothers are famous for not leaving anything behind. They will only help people who are worthy of help. In recent years, there have been so many beggars on the street, but they have not helped a single one."


Liangkun's words were undoubtedly a bit rude, especially after these seniors had finished speaking. However, these words were also a reminder to Yaoyang that the Qiao brothers were the kind of people who liked to "buy people's hearts."

Although I don’t know what they do to win people’s hearts, it’s not a good thing to owe people favors, and they have to be repaid.
This chapter has been completed!
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