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Chapter Thirty-Eight: Prison Situation

After having breakfast in the teahouse, Yaoyang didn't waste any time talking to Boss Feng and quickly checked out and left.

Yaoyang couldn't think of any way to use Boss Feng as a killer agent for the time being, and he didn't need a killer for a while! On this day, Yaoyang took Zhan Mi, A Ye, and Ding Yao to

Back in Stanley, I looked around at the location where the arcade was about to be opened.

By the way, we have made a general plan for future development.

It is worth mentioning that Ding Yao didn't know if she was really willing to stay and fight, and no longer thought about the shortcuts of the Sanlian Gang. She never mentioned leaving from the beginning to the end.

The atmosphere was relatively good and lasted until twelve o'clock in the morning.

Just when Yaoyang and the other two returned home, they unexpectedly met Killer Xiong, Gui Jianchou and others. There were ten prison guards, all of whom were concentrated downstairs at Zhan Mi, constantly wandering around.

After seeing the four Yaoyang people, Killer Xiong and Guijianchou showed excited expressions on their faces and greeted them:

"Brother Yaoyang, it's great that you are here!"

"What, are you waiting for me?" Yaoyang said a little strangely when all ten people arrived.

"Brother Yaoyang, we have been waiting for you for more than two hours. Something happened over there in Stanley."

The killer looked excited, especially when he mentioned the "accident". Not only was he not timid at all, but there was also a hint of joy in his eyes.

"Oh? What happened? Fat Cat can't cover it up anymore?"

When Yaoyang heard this, he immediately understood why Killer Xiong and the others were here.

After all, in the 1980s, it was not easy to find someone. Apart from a landline phone number, you had to go to the street to find someone.

Fortunately, when drinking last night, Zhan Mi once mentioned his home address. Finally, Killer Xiong also knew that Yaoyang was sending Zhan Mi home, so he was able to come and block Yaoyang.

Otherwise, if Yaoyang doesn't show up, no one can find him.

"Yeah, that bastard can't be protected at all. There was a riot in the fourth warehouse. The warden sent Uncle Biao to my house and asked me to find a way to inform you. After receiving the notice, the holiday will be canceled and I will return to Stanley immediately.


The killer nodded repeatedly, and the other prison guards also looked happy.

Undoubtedly, there was a riot in the fourth warehouse, which was good news for them on vacation. Just imagine, when they were in office, the fourth warehouse was calm.

As soon as they had a holiday, the entire fourth warehouse rioted. Doesn't this show their importance?

Yaoyang felt very comfortable, as everything was developing according to his plan. This feeling was really good.

"What's the situation now?" Yaoyang asked.

"I heard from Uncle Biao that that bastard Fat Cat captured all the corner bosses and locked them up in a single warehouse. Of course the garbage in the fourth warehouse refused to accept it and set fire to the warehouse. Now the situation is a mess."

It was Killer Hero who still answered, speaking proudly.

"It's such a big fuss? Fat Cat is stupid, why is he trying to catch the corner boss?"

Yaoyang was shocked. Although he expected that something might happen to the fourth warehouse, he never expected that it would be such a big deal.

This time, it was Killer Xiong who gave the explanation, saying: "Brother Yaoyang, I asked Uncle Biao. I heard that just this morning, Sha Mao called some corner bosses from the fourth warehouse to question him alone.


"At noon, the prisoners in the fourth warehouse started a hunger strike. Sha Mao led people to arrest the boss, hoping to force the prisoners to eat on their own."

"At night, before the corner bosses put them back, the prisoners couldn't sit still and started rioting."

"That's it? Where are the details?" Yaoyang frowned slightly. Killer Xiong's explanation was really unclear and there were no specific details at all.

"Uncle Biao was very anxious at the time, so he rushed back to Stanley without saying much." Killer Xiong explained again.

Seeing the worry, the ghost also opened his mouth at the right time and said with great interest:

"Brother Yaoyang, what should we do now? Should we go back to Stanley immediately?"

Yaoyang thought about it for about a minute, then nodded affirmatively:


"Now that Fat Cat has caused enough trouble, it's time for us to step in and clean up the mess. We still have to give the warden face."

After saying that, Yaoyang turned to look at Aye and Ding Yao, and ordered:

"You two go back first. I'll take care of this matter and come back to you."

Then, he looked at Zhan Mizi and ordered:

"I'll leave it to you to take care of the game arcade. I'll transfer the money to you tomorrow."

"Okay, Brother Yaoyang!"

Zhan Mizai nodded.

"Brother Yaoyang, be careful!"

Aye also said something concerned.

But Ding Yao didn't know what to think and didn't express her position at all.

As for the other prison guards, they had long noticed the two beautiful women following Yaoyang. However, Yaoyang did not take the initiative to introduce this kind of family matter. They also recognized each other without asking. They just wrote down the faces of the two women to avoid bumping into them on the street in the future.

Come on, what misunderstanding happened!

"let's go!"

After all the instructions were in place, Yaoyang waved his hand and took his entire team to take a taxi back to Stanley.

At the same time, the largest riot in the past 20 years occurred in Stanley Prison.

Woo woo woo... ding ding... the sound of sirens and sharp whistles pierced the sky above Stanley. The buzzing sound was everywhere. If anyone was inside, they would immediately feel extremely uncomfortable.

Within the scope of the fourth warehouse, there were squares, warehouses, and aisles with thick smoke billowing and fires reaching into the sky. In the light of the fire, there were crowds of people, including guards in prison guard uniforms, guards in explosion-proof police uniforms, and prisoners in uniforms.

Prisoners in costume.

These people were entangled together, and the scene was once chaotic.

"Fuck you, he's a great guy, beat him up."

"Don't move, put your head in your hands, squat on the ground, don't move."

"It's on fire, put out the fire quickly!"


The prisoners in the fourth warehouse didn't listen to the greetings at all. They formed small groups and beat up non-prisoners when they saw them. Taking advantage of the personnel advantage, they beat many prison guards unconscious.

The prison guards and anti-explosion guards were also in a state of alert at this moment. Their rubber batons were dancing vigorously and their anti-explosion shields were the first, and they had already injured many prisoners.

In the distance, a large water pipe has been connected. Six prison guards held the water pipe and sneered at the source of the fire. From time to time, they also sneered at some prisoners who looked extremely vicious.

On the high fence of Stanley, all the searchlights were turned on, all shining towards the fourth warehouse. The huge dazzling light did not distinguish between friend and foe, which not only made many prisoners extremely uncomfortable, but also caused disaster to some prison guards.

, he was knocked to the ground by the other party as soon as he lost his mind.

This was also the case in the 1980s. Prison guards actually had no good way to deal with prisoners' riots.

The weapons everyone uses are simple rubber sticks, and they can only carry a shield. Guns and the like are absolutely not allowed to be used.

There is no such thing as pepper water or electric baton.

Only the prison guards guarding the gates have a few firearms, but they are only used as a warning. Unless someone actually escapes from prison, they will not shoot under any circumstances.

Under such crude conditions, facing hundreds of gangsters in the entire fourth warehouse, both sides actually competed more for skill and physical strength.

In terms of equipment, there are only a few blessings, which have no decisive effect.

Unless the higher-ups dare to take the blame and directly order shooting to shock the situation, they may be able to control the situation.

Or maybe it's a Lang Mie like Yaoyang who doesn't respect martial ethics and doesn't play by the rules.

Unfortunately, the pot is too big, and controlling the situation may not be enough in the end, so no one dares to issue such an order.

Looking down from the high wall outside Stanley Square.

What you can see is an extremely chaotic scene, with fires shooting into the sky and heads of people surging and colliding.

The warden and Fat Cat stood on the high wall, guarded by about a dozen armed prison guards with guns, their faces extremely ugly.

"Sir Zhu, what's going on? It's only been two days since I handed over the fourth warehouse to you, and you made such a fuss to me?"

The warden was furious at this moment and roared loudly at Fat Cat.

Although he wanted to trick Fat Cat, he never thought that Fat Cat could cause such a big disaster!

For such a riot, he, the warden, would have to bear the blame, and I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to bear the blame.

The fat cat was not stupid either. He could not understand that this was such a big trouble. He did not hesitate to respond to the warden's roar and roared back:

"How do I know those bastards have the guts to cause such a big thing? They went on a collective hunger strike at noon today, and I locked up the instigators in a single warehouse. Is this wrong? Oh, you're right? The superiors won't ask for reasons, they will only hold them accountable!"

The warden laughed angrily and asked:

"Sir Zhu, how are you going to remedy this matter?"

"In the case of suppressing the riots, whoever takes the initiative will get a longer sentence. I don't have a good time, and those bastards don't want to have a good time either. I still don't believe that a group of prisoners can rebel."

Fat Cat answered easily.

But this answer made the warden's brain hurt.

His question is actually to let Fat Mao talk about whether there is any way to deal with the accountability from the top and maintain their current position in the face of pressure from other aspects.

But Fat Cat is still competing with a group of prisoners and doesn't seem to understand at all.

"Dandy kids are just dandy kids, mud can't hold up the wall!"

The warden's face was extremely ugly. At this time, a prison guard ran over in panic and said anxiously:

"Sir, a large number of reporters came outside. They asked to enter the prison to report what happened."

I am really afraid of what will happen! The fire in Stanley No. 4 Warehouse, the huge fire and thick smoke can be seen by everyone in Stanley Town.

Not surprisingly, it can certainly attract reporters with a keen sense of smell.

"Report, what are you reporting? Stop them. No one is allowed to let reporters in without my approval!"

The warden was shocked and angry. He had been relatively calm for a long time, but now he was completely out of his mind.

"Yes, sir!" The prison guard was startled, agreed, and hurried down to deliver the order.

"Sir Zhu, you heard it. Now even reporters are here. This matter has become a big deal. You should call your father immediately and ask how to deal with the aftermath." The warden stopped beating around the bush and started teaching.

The fat cat has done something.

At the same time, at the big iron gate outside Stanley Prison.

A large number of reporters were at the prison gate, with cameras, tape recorders, microphones, and various media equipment facing the prison guards guarding the gate.

The prison guards guarding the gate had never experienced such a scene. They seemed extremely passive and could only form a small human wall to stop the reporters.

Fortunately, reporters in the 1980s were not as powerful as they were in the 20th century. After being intercepted, they just yelled loudly and took no further action.

"Sir, what exactly happened inside? Some people reported that a fire broke out in Stanley Prison. Was it set by the prisoners? Or was it an accidental fire?"

"Sir, we just saw that anti-riot police were brought in. Did any prisoner escape and escape? Have you caught anyone?"

"Sir, you should speak, say a few words! We have been recording. If you speak now, your face will be on the news tomorrow."

"That's right, what do you mean by stopping us? We are reporters and have the right to know."

"Where is the warden, where are your officers, let them come out, we want to see the warden...!"

The prison guards guarding the gate said nothing, but they were actually beating a drum in their hearts:

"This era is not a new era. At that time, the Internet was popular and most people had a sufficient understanding of the media. The low-level police officers in this era were still quite afraid of the media.

"Even top-level officials often complain about being pressured by the media."

It was at this time that several taxis stopped not far from the large iron gate of Stanley Prison.

Click... there was a sound of brakes, and the person who got out of the taxi was none other than Yaoyang and his party.

As soon as they got off the car, everyone was shocked when they saw reporters blocking the door. Gui Jianchou was the first to shout:

"Holy shit, what's going on? A press conference?"

"No way, the warden is not stupid. He caused such a big incident and summoned so many reporters?" Killer Xiong answered stupidly, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Yaoyang once studied under Long Si and learned gambling skills. He has sharp ears and eyes, but he has practiced hard... When he was calm, even though he was far away, he could still easily understand the situation in front of the door.

"Don't talk nonsense, those reporters came here on their own."

Yaoyang first signaled to everyone, and then ordered:

"Follow me, go back to the dormitory and change clothes first."

"Yes, Brother Yaoyang!" Everyone responded, and a group of eleven people immediately rushed towards the gate.

"Give way, please give way!"

"Dear journalists, please excuse me, we are staff."

"What the hell are you squeezing about?"

"That's right, don't leave. Why can you go in and not let us in?" Yaoyang took the lead, the killer, and Guijianchou on both sides. Three sturdy men squeezed into the crowd easily.

The three of them were all very powerful people, relying on their physical advantages to make the crowd separate automatically without using much force at all.

Easily, the eleven people arrived at the gate.

The prison guards were not embarrassed by Yaoyang and others. After looking at their IDs, they immediately let them go.

As for the reporters, no matter what they said, the guards faithfully followed the orders and continued to block them out without giving in.

"What the hell did Fat Cat do!" When the Yaoyang Eleven entered the gate and walked not far away, they were startled by the noise they heard.

The buzzing of sirens, the sound of water cannons, and shouts were all in one line, and could not be heard without interruption.

Although they haven't seen anything yet, everyone knows that the matter is more serious than imagined.

"Go back to the dormitory immediately and change clothes. After changing clothes, gather together and don't wander around. All brothers will follow me tonight."

Yaoyang made a quick decision and gave another order.

Everyone obeyed the order and hurried back to their dormitories and put on their uniforms as quickly as possible.

Just three minutes later, eleven people gathered downstairs in the dormitory. With Yaoyang taking the lead, the team was assembled.

"Let's go, let's go to the warden first, find out the specific situation, and then find a way to settle the matter."

With a wave of his hand, Yaoyang led the team to set off.

At this time, Stanley was in chaos to the extreme. Prison guards were running around like headless flies and could be seen everywhere.

Yaoyang stopped a random person, made some inquiries, and immediately knew the location of the warden and Fat Cat.

Immediately, the team quickly ran towards the high wall... the high wall of Stanley.

When the warden saw Yaoyang's group of people trotting up, he was extremely excited and ran towards him. He couldn't help shouting:

"Yangzi, you're finally back. The people in the fourth warehouse rioted!"

Undoubtedly, the warden was under tremendous pressure at this time and felt a little unable to bear it.

He was unable to quell the riot in a short time, let alone how to explain it afterwards. It was really bitter!

When Yaoyang, a person who had brought him great help two or three times, appeared, he reflexively complained.

"Warden, I already know the general situation, but what exactly is going on? Can you find someone to tell me in detail right away? I should be able to handle this matter, if the warden believes in me."

Yaoyang was also unambiguous, with a serious look on his face, and immediately gave his assurance.

"Can you handle it?"

But after the warden shouted the first sentence, he had already calmed down.

There was hesitation on his face, and he obviously didn't believe Yaoyang's words.

How to deal with such a big matter?

The warden couldn't think of it.

But regarding Yaoyang's request, he thought for a moment and immediately called a prison guard nearby and ordered:

"You immediately tell Sir Lei what happened in detail."

"Sir Lei, the thing is like this. Since the deputy warden took over the fourth warehouse yesterday, first..."

The prison guard did not dare to be negligent and quickly began to speak in the most concise language.

In his words, the whole thing was basically forced by Fat Cat.

It turns out that when Sha Mao took office yesterday, he first tried to "snatch the enemy", but it didn't have the expected effect.

Early this morning, he directly named many corner bosses who had been beaten, went to his office, and asked them to break the news.

When Sha Mao thinks about it, the cornered boss who was beaten was unjustly accused, and he can't swallow it no matter what, so he should break the news.

I never thought that what he did was like this, but in the eyes of the beaten boss, he was just trying to trick them again, and he was trying to trick them to death!

Yesterday, with Sha Mao's trick of "alarming the enemy", these corner bosses did not receive any benefits after returning to the warehouse. The ones with the best treatment were also punched several times, and the worst ones have now entered the infirmary.

Now Sha Mao has to summon them to talk alone. How can they get back to their positions?

After returning to the warehouse, will other people believe what they didn't say? Wouldn't that mean they would be beaten to death?

With anger and resentment, the summoned corner bosses were all blamed on Fat Mao. Not only did they not say a word to Fat Mao, but after returning, in order to prove their innocence, they also encouraged everyone to go on a hunger strike and immediately carried out a hunger strike.

, just at noon, I couldn’t wait any longer.

What are you protesting for? It's just to tell the fat cats to stop doing this. If you keep doing this for a few more times, the wronged corner bosses will no longer be able to handle it and will be wronged to death.

At noon today, the hunger strike began. The prisoners in the fourth warehouse worked together as one. Even the old Chaozhou guys didn't eat a bite.

Logically speaking, for such a big matter, Sha Mao should use a gentle approach and listen to the prisoners' demands before deciding what to do.

He didn't! His "snatching the snake" failed yesterday, and he felt very embarrassed at that time.

The bosses in the corner didn't say a word this morning, and he thought it was embarrassing.

Now these prisoners dare to go on a hunger strike. From Fat Mao's point of view, they are simply trying to undermine themselves.

Can you bear this situation?

Sha Mao obviously couldn't bear it, but he didn't arrest all the prisoners, and once again targeted the corner boss.

This time, the commotion was even bigger than in the morning. He arrested all the corner bosses in the fourth warehouse and put them in solitary confinement in a single warehouse, hoping to use soft violence to make them submit.

Moreover, in Sha Mao Xianglai, without the leader, the prisoners in the fourth warehouse will no longer go on hunger strike and can eat in peace at night.

I never thought that this method might be very effective in other warehouses. If you defeat the one who stands out, naturally no one else would dare to stand out again.

But in this fourth warehouse, which is full of young and Dangerous guys, it's just a hornet's nest.

"My boss has been arrested!"

No matter what they think in their hearts, the prisoners in the fourth warehouse are gnashing their teeth on the surface and shouting that they must do something.

What can these young and Dangerous guys do? Riot!

And their chaos was quite planned.

That night, the prisoners in the fourth warehouse actually ate together.

Sha Mao was extremely proud of this at the time, and kept showing off to the correctional officer around him that he had only used small tricks to convince the fourth warehouse.

Unexpectedly, the prisoners in the fourth warehouse ate to have the energy to cause trouble. At ten o'clock in the evening, the prisoners in the fourth warehouse acted collectively and first set fire to the flammable objects, quilts, mats, etc. in the warehouse, and then the prison guards opened the door

When evacuating them from the warehouse, they suddenly took action.

In the end, it evolved into what Yaoyang saw at the moment.

"Damn it, Fat Cat is really willing to die to offend people. He really isn't afraid of death."

He glanced at the fat cat not far away and cursed secretly.

"The corner bosses in this prison are not all young people. The senior figures like the Chaozhou guys are quite old. The fat cats put them all in solitary confinement, which is totally killing them. This solitary confinement will kill two people.

In three days, those old Chaozhou guys may not be able to hold on. By then it will become a blood feud. Even if Fat Cat has a huge backing, he will not be able to withstand the lifeless assassination of the Young and Dangerous boys."

When he was speechless, Yaoyang's mind was running rapidly and he began to think about how to solve this matter. After about two minutes, Yaoyang's eagle eyes lit up, he walked to the warden and whispered:

"Warden, this matter is actually not difficult to solve. I have a way! Whether it is to solve the current trouble or the trouble in the future."

But I hope the warden can agree to a few of my requests!"

"Isn't it difficult to solve?"

When the warden heard these four words, he was very happy and asked quickly:

"What's the request? Tell me!"

"First, this matter ends here. Tonight is not a riot, but an on-the-spot physical assault exercise organized by the warden in order to improve the quality of our prison guards in Stanley. Afterwards, the prisoners in the fourth warehouse

Don’t hold anyone responsible anymore.”

Yaoyang first said the first point.

At this time, Fat Cat came over for some unknown reason and happened to hear this first sentence. Before the warden could speak, he had already shouted:

"This is impossible. Hunger strikes, troubles, riots, no matter what, are all things that cannot be taken lightly. How can we not pursue it? Yaoyang, I think you have colluded with the prisoners in the fourth warehouse for a long time. How can you do this for me?

Do they talk?"

Ignoring Fat Cat, Yaoyang just stared at the warden, waiting for him to express his stance.

Killer Xiong and Gui Jianchou were not idle either. They deliberately acted as if they didn't see the fat cat and listened attentively, and even squeezed the fat cat.

With Sha Mao's physique, there was no way he could play with two burly men. He almost fell due to weightlessness and movement, and said angrily:

"What are you two doing?"

"That's enough!" The warden was worried, and when he saw Fat Cat still fussing over trivial matters, he shouted.

Then, he looked at Yaoyang and said seriously:

"I want to hear your explanation!"

Yaoyang was not surprised by the warden's attitude.

With a serious look on his face, he immediately explained:

"When I just came in, I found that the outside gate was already surrounded by reporters. If there is a riot tonight, the consequences will be serious. Needless to say, the warden should know how serious the consequences will be."

"But if it was a drill, it would be different. After a while, the warden came out to clarify and apologize to the reporters, saying that we in Stanley arranged this surprise drill without careful consideration, which disturbed the people and disturbed many reporters. For this reason,


"After the reporter's hurdle is over, we can think of another solution within the correctional system."

"And since what happened tonight was a drill, of course the prisoners are not guilty and there is no place to pursue them. Otherwise, if we really pursue the case, once the news spreads even a little bit, we will be in big trouble."


The warden was an old fox. After hearing this explanation, he immediately thought about the feasibility of this solution.

Not to mention, if Yaoyang were to handle it this way, he would be able to deal with the reporters outside first.

As for the men in the Correctional Services Department, they will definitely not be willing to let such embarrassing things about the Correctional Services Department spread to the outside world. They will most likely acquiesce. The worries of the outside world are gone, and internal accountability will be left. By then, it will not be my own.

It's the warden's responsibility.

Fat cat, that’s a big candidate to take the blame!

And he was the one who caused the incident.

"Okay, I'll go meet the reporters soon."

Nodding heavily, the warden decided to take the risk of cheating. He looked at Yaoyang and said softly:

"Yangzi, if you have any other requests, go on."

Yaoyang was also unambiguous and immediately said:

"Second, immediately release all prisoners locked up in single warehouses."

"Impossible! This matter is non-negotiable."

Sha Mao interrupted again at this moment, his face full of excitement without concealing it. As he spoke, he looked at the warden and said:

"Inciting trouble is a big mistake no matter what. Locking them down is just the first step. Next..."

"Sir Zhu, what else do you want to do next? Do you still think the trouble is not big enough?"

Yaoyang was not willing to listen to Sha Mao's words at all, so he interrupted directly, his eyes never leaving the warden.

Everyone knows who the person who can call the shots here is. Since Fat Cat caused such big trouble, let alone his future, even his current status should be unsafe.

"Releasing them, I am confident that the chaos in the fourth warehouse will be quelled within an hour."

Yaoyang increased the pressure and explained: "Warden, if we don't release the prisoners and the prisoners don't cooperate, our exercise may last for a long time, and we won't be able to explain it at all."

"Okay! Yangzi, I believe you, I will leave this matter to you with full authority." The warden made a solemn decision. Compared with having no other options, Yaoyang is definitely a lucky general in the eyes of the warden.

In a short period of time, they at least thought of a feasible way, and it was well-coordinated. If this matter could be solved, and he could maintain his position and forgive the sins of a few prisoners, what would it mean to the warden?

"Okay, I'll go talk to the prisoners in the single warehouse right away and ask them to come out and control the situation!"

Seeing the warden's agreement, Yaoyang immediately asked for instructions without wasting time.

"Yangzi, when do you think I should meet with reporters?"

The warden did not let Yaoyang leave immediately. After a conversation, the warden, who had no idea, now valued Yaoyang's opinion very much.

Yaoyang was overjoyed in his heart, but on the outside he remained serious and said:

"Ten minutes will be about right. I'm going to talk to the prisoners in the single cell right now. As long as everything is discussed, I believe it will be easy to get the prisoners to cooperate with reporters."

"Okay, okay, okay!" The warden heard this and immediately understood the meaning. In ecstasy, he said "Okay" three times in a row. He looked at Yaoyang expectantly and patted the tall shoulder with his right hand.

"Yangzi, go quickly, it's all up to you."

"Go!" "Go!"

Yaoyang turned around, signaled to Killer Hero and Gui Jianjian, and led his team to start trotting again, heading straight to the Stanley single warehouse confinement room.

On the high wall, only the warden, who had regained his confidence, and the fat cat gnashing his teeth were left.

The so-called Stanley single warehouse confinement room is located in the south courtyard of Stanley Prison. There are hundreds of confinement rooms here, all with the same architectural style. It is a warehouse of about 5 square meters.

Compared with the special single warehouse and small dark room in Longsi in the North Campus, the environment here is actually much better.

At least compared to the nothingness over at Longsi, there is an iron bed and a toilet here for the prisoners in solitary confinement.

But this place also has the same thing as the single warehouse in the north courtyard, that is, there is no one and no sound.

The hundred confinement rooms are all made of stone, with small holes for ventilation. The door is made of thick iron plates. As long as the door is closed and people stay inside, nothing can be seen or heard.


Staying alone in a room like this for a long time can easily lead to mental breakdown, which is worse than any torture.

When Yaoyang brought people here, he called in the prison guards on duty to check where all the prisoners were held. The first thing they found was the warehouse of an old acquaintance, Hong Le, a Chaozhou guy.

"Open the door!"

Following Yaoyang's order, the guards, who were just junior correctional assistants, did not dare to talk nonsense, and without even asking any questions, they immediately took the key and opened the door of the warehouse respectfully.

"It stinks!"

"Holy shit!" The warehouse door opened, and the first thing was the stench coming from the store.

In fact, it is easy to imagine that a person is locked in a small room, eating, drinking, and eating here, almost sitting by the toilet, and the feeling can be imagined.

As for the smell, whether it's the smell of the toilet or the fact that the prisoners haven't washed themselves for a long time, it will be emitted.

He was only imprisoned for one day, but the effect made Yaoyang and others frown. If he was imprisoned for a while, the consequences could be imagined.

The Chaozhou man seemed to be in good spirits. He was lying on the bunk. He took a quick look at the person at the door and said without any surprise:

"Sir Lei, are you here? The old man thought you would arrive tomorrow, but he didn't expect you to arrive so early."

"You guys stay here and watch."

Yaoyang first gave instructions to Killer Xiong and others, then he didn't care about the stench, strode into the narrow warehouse, and said with a smile:

"You knew I was coming?"

"It's just a fat cat and a piece of trash. There's no way he can compete with Sir Lei. So of course you'll come back. It's just a matter of time." Chao Chao.

The state man smiled back, as if being locked up here for a day didn't cause much harm to him.

"Thanks to the support of the brothers in the fourth warehouse, now they are all making trouble outside."

Yaoyang sat down on the bunk without hesitation and started chatting with the Chaozhou guy like a normal chatter.

Just hearing this sentence, the Chaozhou man already guessed what was happening outside, his face became serious, and he asked in a low voice:

"What are you going to do?"

"Fat Mao wants to violently suppress the people in the fourth warehouse. Whether it is you or the people who caused trouble tonight, suppress them first and then punish them."

Yaoyang did not answer directly and mentioned Sha Mao first.

Yaoyang first mentioned the method of dealing with fat cats. In a sense, he wanted to scare the Chaozhou people and improve his own achievements in it.

It's a pity that a veteran like the Chaozhou guy can't be fooled so easily. The serious look on his face disappeared instantly, and his smile appeared again:

"If you don't have a brain, you don't have a brain. Even if you put on a dragon robe, you don't look like a human being. No one will agree with Fat Cat's proposal."

Seeing that the Chaozhou man was not intimidated, Yaoyang secretly said it was a pity, but it was not a surprise, and nodded:

"I have convinced the warden that tonight's incident will be treated as if it never happened. No responsibility will be held. Everything is just an exercise in the prison."

"In addition, I will immediately release everyone locked in the single warehouse. From tomorrow on, the fourth warehouse will still follow my rules, Yaoyang!"

"Since we have promised you that the fourth warehouse will fully cooperate with you according to your rules from now on, then what do you say?"

The Chaozhou guy still smiled and nodded, seemingly satisfied with Yaoyang's arrangement.

But Yaoyang could clearly feel the killing intent deep in the Chaozhou man's eyes.

After a moment of silence, with the mentality of "you respect me a foot, I will respect you a foot", Yaoyang suddenly whispered:

"I will deal with the person who broke the rules this time. The fat cat will disappear soon and will not appear again."

"Oh?" Maybe he didn't expect Yaoyang to dare to do this, and he dared to say it to himself.

A hint of appreciation and relief flashed in the Chaozhou man's eyes, and he whispered:

"I will persuade the other corner bosses for you."

After saying that, he added: "Sir Lei, after seeing your conduct, I am convinced. If it is inconvenient for you, I can let someone do it for you."

"No need!" Yaoyang waved his hand and said seriously:

"Since the rules are my rules, I will do my best to uphold them, otherwise no one will obey me. I appreciate the kindness of the Chaozhou guy."

"Okay, okay, okay!" Chao

The state man nodded in praise, took the initiative to get up from the bed, and said: "Sir Lei, let him go."

Undoubtedly, the Chaozhou man's words of "let people go" were referring to other corner bosses.

Of course, the Chaozhou guy also understood why Yaoyang was the first to come to him and was ready to be the first to let him go.

This is why Yaoyang wanted the prestige of the Chaozhou guys to persuade other imprisoned corner bosses not to mess around. Moreover, Yaoyang gave enough face and promised to give an explanation.

No matter how you behave or do things, everything is watertight.

A veteran like the Chaozhou guy is convinced and of course he is willing to do his best to help.

Yaoyang smiled gratefully, walked out of the single warehouse with the Chaozhou guy, and ordered Killer Xiong and others:

"Let him go."

With an order, Killer Hero and ten other prison guards took the guards' keys and opened all the single warehouses.

Soon, a large number of corner bosses from the fourth warehouse appeared, shouting:

"Sir Xiong, why is it you? Sir Lei is back? Are you kidding him? Fat Cat dares to put me in solitary confinement. I am not done with him."

"Brother Xiong, are you back? Sir Lei is here too? Didn't you say that Sir Lei was betrayed and is everything okay?"

"Yeah, where is that bastard Fat Cat? I think he is impatient with life. I haven't been this uncomfortable since I was a child. I won't just let this matter go... uh... Sir Lei


After many corner bosses rushed out of the single warehouse, they immediately started to curse. When they saw Yaoyang, Killer Xiong and his entourage, most of them were very surprised.

After all, Sha Mao told them that Yaoyang was already in trouble. He was reported by others and was forced to take a leave of absence.

They didn't know that everything was requested by Yaoyang himself, and they thought that he was also a victim.

Sha Biao, Han Zhongyi, Chaozhou Guy, Liang Kun and other corner bosses in the agency business were even more delighted when they saw Yaoyang's appearance, and they all stepped forward to greet him, saying with concern:

"Sir Lei, what's going on? I heard that bitch Fat Cat said you were forced to take a leave. How are you now?"

"Sir Lei, you won't want to be transferred in the future, right?"

"Sir Lei, if you need help somewhere, just say a word and our brothers in Diaojingling will never refuse."


After these two days of "no goods and no business", the corner bosses of the agency business have a clearer understanding of the importance of Yaoyang, and they all express their support.

They also didn't realize that after just two months of development, Yaoyang had gradually become their bread and butter and an important figure.

To a certain extent, these corner bosses are inseparable from Yaoyang, but Yaoyang can abandon them, and a pattern of strength and weakness has been formed.

Regarding this situation, Yaoyang laughed in his heart, but on the surface he looked serious. He looked around at the boss and said:

"My team did have a holiday the past two days. However, the reason for the holiday is that the warden felt that we had not had a holiday for a long time and were working hard, so he gave us three days of rest."

"And the reason why I didn't say hello to you was because time and the situation didn't allow it. The warden arranged for Fat Cat to take over the fourth warehouse for three days. I was afraid that returning to the warehouse and contacting you would arouse the suspicion of that bastard Fat Cat.

, so I left directly. I didn’t expect that in just two days, Sha Mao would cause such a storm in the fourth warehouse.”

"So that's it!" All the corner bosses suddenly realized, and they all became excited especially when they heard that Yaoyang did not make a mistake and was forced to take a vacation, but was just on a normal vacation.

This means that their business can continue, and the good life of the fourth warehouse can continue!

And Yaoyang was not polite. Seeing that these corner bosses understood the reason for the holiday, he immediately got down to business and said:

"I was originally on vacation for three days, but I have returned to Stanley tonight. The reason has a lot to do with our fourth warehouse. Just a few hours ago, your boys set fire to the warehouse and had a violent conflict with all the prison guards in Stanley.


"What? Damn, they are so brainless."

"If you do a good job, if you burn the position, you will burn the position, so what?"

"Sir Lei, how is the situation now? Are my brothers okay?"

The corner bosses who knew nothing about this level in this level suddenly heard the news, and their truest personalities were undoubtedly revealed.

For example, Han Zhongyi, Sha Biao and others are the kind of people who value loyalty. The first thing they do is inquire about their younger brothers.

People like Liangkun, local snake Huoshi Ge and others are definitely smart people. They scolded the younger brothers for their lack of brains, and even thought of "egg against stone" and did such a thing that would definitely lead to losses.

Another example is Datun, Mad Dog Hua Situ Haonan and others, they have no loyalty and their brains are not enough.

They just praised the good thing and didn't ask anything else.

With keen observation, Yaoyang memorized all of this in his mind and compiled it into a record. On the surface, he still said seriously:

"The matter has not been resolved yet, and when I come back, I want to resolve it."

"Solution, how to solve it?"

The boss of the gang is staring at Yaoyang. Everyone knows that it is definitely not a good thing for the prisoners if things get serious. Even if the fat cat capsizes, the younger brothers will still suffer.

No matter how bad it is, it is still an "increased punishment", which is something that prisoners are very reluctant to accept.

So when Yaoyang said it could be solved, they were very concerned about it.
This chapter has been completed!
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