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Chapter Forty: Restraint

The next day, Stanley Prison actually performed an exercise that had never been heard of before. The news spread throughout the Xianglei area with reports from radio stations, newspapers, television and other media.

"For the first time since the opening of Hong Kong Comprehensive City, "real-life and real-life punishment"

Exercise, Hong Kong Comprehensive Municipal Correctional Services Department, the Correctional Services Department at the forefront of Asia." This is "Apple Daily".

"A fire broke out at Stanley Prison at night, and the people were panicking. It turned out to be just a drill. Is it good or bad to not inform the people in advance? The deputy warden of the prison threatened our reporter in public. What gave him such confidence? Exclusively revealed, Stanley Prison

The truth behind the exercise, the truth behind the deputy warden of Stanley Prison." This is "Oriental Daily".

"Unexpected situation, amazing performance, Stanley Prison drill was successful, from chaotic fire to calm down, it only took half an hour. The warden of Stanley Prison said, he was very satisfied with the quick actions of the Stanley Prison guards." This is "Sing Tao Daily"


"A month ago, he bravely fought against 20 gangsters, and later this month, he took full command of the prison drills. Correctional Officer Yaoyang, a small correctional institution has made amazing progress." This is the "Hong Kong Daily".

A thick stack of newspapers, magazines, and almost all the headlines were reporting on the "exercise" in Stanley last night.

The General Department of Correctional Services, the Director of Correctional Services, the Deputy Director, and other senior staff 293 are all sitting around a large round table, listening to the secretary reading newspapers and magazines.

In front of them, there is a 21-inch TV, which is playing some interview clips from last night. In the clips, there are the warden's thoughtful answers to questions, Yaoyang's flawless and crazy praise, and the embarrassing and embarrassing fat cat, etc...

Combining multiple program reports, the senior officials of the Correctional Services Department could see almost all the scenes in last night's interview.

After the joint action of several secretaries, the outside world's evaluation of last night's "exercise" incident was 70% praise and goodwill, and 30% derogation and ridicule.

In response to this, the Director of the Correctional Services Department specially convened a meeting with many senior officials to deal with this matter.

As the last program ended, the director adjusted his hat, turned his chair, faced the officials, and said seriously:

"Okay, you all know the matter and have read the report. Tell us what you think!"

"Director, I think we should hold accountable this matter immediately. As the prison warden, James has unshirkable responsibility. Not only did he mismanage the Stanley Prison riot, but he also distorted it in front of the media without our permission last night.

In fact, they don’t take us seriously at all.”

"We should call him over now, replace his position as warden with a capable person."

The first person to speak was a middle-aged British-looking man. This man was one of the two deputy directors of the Correctional Services Department. His English name was Lao Chang, and his Chinese name was Li, so almost everyone called him Sir Li.

Don't think that the Correctional Services Department is monolithic. In fact, no matter which department it is, it is basically divided into camps.

Sir Li is in charge of administration and has almost the same power as the other deputy director, Sir Wang.

The only difference is that Stanley is not in his hands, and James, the warden, belongs to the royal faction.

Now that he had the opportunity, of course he would not show mercy and directly proposed to remove James from his position as warden and replace him with one of his.

As for other responsibilities, they need to be added to him after discussion.

"Sir Li, I think your proposal is inappropriate." After hearing this proposal, another deputy director, Sir Wang, a middle-aged Asian in his fifties, immediately retorted: "Why did Stanley happen?

We have sent people to investigate the riot this morning. This is entirely the responsibility of deputy warden Zhu Biao. It was because he acted arbitrarily and abused the prisoners that such a big incident occurred."

"Of course, James is jointly and severally responsible, but he is not the biggest responsible person. After the incident, he was able to make a prompt decision when dealing with a sudden interview by the media. He adopted the suggestion of Correctional Director Yao Yang and used the excuse of a drill to let us in the Department of Correctional Services

If you save face, you can be considered a meritorious person."

"We need to hold accountable now, and we definitely shouldn't hold James accountable, but Zhu Biao."

"Humph, it's a joke. James made his own decision. It was clearly a riot, but he said it was an exercise in front of the media. How can this be considered credit? Why didn't he report the incident when it happened? I think he didn't take the director seriously at all.


Sir Li smiled coldly and said something pointedly.

"According to Sir Li's opinion, James should tell the truth to reporters last night and shame our Correctional Services Department from top to bottom? There has never been such a large-scale incident in Xiang Lei since Stanley was established.

If word of the riots spreads, I’m afraid the Correctional Services Department will be held accountable from top to bottom. Especially those of us at the top, I don’t need to say more about what the consequences will be.”

"And if you want to hold James accountable now, are you telling the outside world that this is not an exercise at all? Especially if an undercover agent arranged by the police is killed!"

"Sir Wang looked solemn, as if what he said happened.

"Not bad!" The Director of Correctional Services spoke at this time, with a serious look on his face and agreed:

"What happened this time was an exercise and the death of the undercover agent was an accident, not a riot. On this point, we in the Correctional Services Department must reach a consensus. From today on, I will not allow anyone to mention that there was a riot in Stanley."

"James handled it very well. There was no success or fault this time, so forget it. As for Zhu Biao..."

Having said this, the Director of Correctional Services felt a little headache.

Zhu Biao's backstage is really powerful. Although his biological father has returned to London now, he is still an official and has great influence.

If Zhu Biao were to be touched, no one knew how his father would react.

"Zhu Biao will let it go for a while and let me think about it carefully."

Finally, the director was ready to slow down a bit and said:

"Okay, after talking about punishment, let's talk about this incident. Who should be rewarded? In other words, what position should Stanley Correctional Director Yaoyang be promoted to?"


After hearing the director's almost clear statement, the senior officials of the Correctional Institution were both surprised and a little confused.

These officials may have different attitudes toward the warden and deputy warden, but they collectively have a favorable impression of Yaoyang, the corrections director they have never met, and feel that he should be rewarded.

Because they had already investigated everything about last night. If Yaoyang hadn't come forward and thought quickly, and immediately thought of calling the riot a drill, the entire Correctional Services Department would have become a joke to Xiang Lei.

Director, deputy director, no matter how high their status is, no one can control them. The first riot in history happened. No matter how powerful they are, they will meet a miserable end.

So in a sense, Yaoyang was kind to them.

Moreover, they all watched the interview, and Yaoyang kept giving them the credit and giving them plenty of cake. Because of this, the Director of Security Bureau called the Director to praise him this morning!

That's why the director didn't even give any advice to the warden or deputy warden and let his subordinates discuss it first, but Yaoyang brought it up directly.

Although "repaying a favor" is not the character of these officials, it is perfectly fine for a mere correctional officer to be promoted a few levels to repay a favor and open his mouth.

Inside the Stanley Warden's Office.

The warden sat in the main seat, and opposite him, Yaoyang sat upright.

"Yangzi, congratulations. The director personally called me to promote you to the post of Chief Director of Correctional Services."

The warden smiled broadly and said with emotion:

"Less than a year after joining the job, I was promoted from Correctional Assistant II six times in a row, creating the legend of the fastest promotion in the history of our Stanley Prison!"

"Congratulations, congratulations. The director didn't blame you, warden, for what happened this time. Thinking about it, I'm extremely satisfied with you. Maybe it was the wrong time. If not, I'm afraid the warden should have gone one step further!" Yao

Yang responded with a smile. Due to the Stanley riots, the relationship between Yao Yang and the warden had a new breakthrough. From a superior-subordinate relationship, they unknowingly became "comrades in arms~". To be more precise, the warden owes

Yaoyang was such a huge favor that he could hardly think of a way to repay it.


After listening to Yaoyang's words, the warden laughed heartily, looked at Yaoyang with eyes full of appreciation, and said sincerely:

"Thanks to you, Yangzi. Don't worry, I will always remember this. When I am in Stanley for a day, you will have the final say in terms of personnel management."

"Thank you Warden for your trust!"

Yaoyang was overjoyed and asked:

"By the way, sir, I don't know what the title of Chief Correctional Officer is and what he is responsible for. We don't seem to have this title in Stanley, right?"

"There used to be one, but after Zhu Biao was appointed, the position of Chief Correctional Officer was no longer available."

The warden nodded and then explained in detail:

"In our Stanley office, newly recruited officers are generally Correctional Assistant II, followed by Correctional Assistant I, Special Correctional Assistant, Correctional Officer, Senior Correctional Officer, and Chief Correctional Officer!"

"The responsibilities of the Chief Correctional Officer are actually almost the same as those of the Deputy Warden. The Chief Correctional Officer is responsible for arranging the work of the Correctional Officer, including personnel scheduling, warehouse arrangements, work evaluation, approval of leave, and a series of other matters."

"Before Zhu Biao came, we in Stanley had no deputy warden, only a chief correctional officer. After Zhu Biao came, the superiors transferred the former chief correctional officer to give Zhu Biao a chance to train.



Yaoyang listened to the warden's explanation and easily understood the meaning:

"The Director of Correctional Services is extremely powerful and is responsible for the same things that Deputy Warden Sha Mao is now responsible for."

"When Fat Cat was transferred to Stanley, both sides had the same power, so of course there was an insoluble conflict. Later, the powerful Fat Cat behind the scenes was undoubtedly the victor, and he transferred the former Chief Correctional Officer and took charge of it himself.

gained great power.”

"Because of this incident and Sha Mao's poor performance, the officials of the Correctional Services Department will undoubtedly repeat the actions of the past. Only this time it is just the opposite. They want to sideline the deputy warden and deprive him of all rights.

, returned to the Chief Correctional Officer.”

"This Chief Correctional Officer sounds a bit like Inspector Zonghua in the era of the Four Detectives. He is one head taller than the ordinary detectives, but one head below the superintendent. He coordinates between the two sides and has great power."

After wanting to understand this, Yaoyang also wanted to find out more information about senior officials, so he pretended to be embarrassed: "What about Sir Zhu?"


The warden looked disdainful and said: "Zhu Biao has been suspended from duty by the director. He has gone home to reflect. It is unclear when he will be reinstated."


Yaoyang's eyes flashed brightly, and he secretly began to calculate in his heart.

At the same time, he was doing two things at once and said smoothly:

"Warden, the second-level correctional assistants in my team this time, whether it is in the work of guarding the fourth warehouse or in the emergency performance of this emergency, they are absolutely eye-catching and do their best. I don't know who is above.

Are there any arrangements for them?"


The warden laughed, looked at Yaoyang with admiration, and said:

"When you get to the top, you still don't forget your subordinates, and you are affectionate and righteous. Not bad, not bad!"

"Yang Zai, don't worry. Those subordinates of yours, the second-level correctional assistant, will definitely not be able to do this. This time Zhu Biao made such a big mistake. Although he is suspended from work to reflect, the people who follow him will not be like this.

It’s easy.”

"Yang Zai, I treat you as one of my own, and I'll tell you clearly. There are five correctional directors, ten special correctional assistants, and eight first-level correctional assistants following Sha Mao. If you have suitable candidates, you can

Give me a list of recommendations!”

"Thank you, Warden, for your trust. Warden, please rest assured that I will never let you down."

Yaoyang was overjoyed, knowing that with the development of this incident, the entire Stanley Prison was only one step away from being under full control.

Perhaps due to a direct order from the Director of Correctional Services, Yaoyang was promoted surprisingly quickly.

In the afternoon of that day, a brand new uniform and star epaulets were delivered to Yaoyang.

At the same time, there was also a certificate of commendation issued by the Department of Correctional Services. Although it is of little significance, it is an honor and an achievement on the file.

At the same time, Yaoyang did not delay, and immediately considered the promotion allocation for his subordinates after returning.

To put it simply, the ten prison guards who follow Yaoyang will all be promoted this time.

It's just that some have been promoted to two levels as special corrections assistants, and some have been promoted to three levels in a row. As corrections directors, they can take charge of a warehouse alone.

...Among them, Killer Xiong, Gui Jianchou, and Uncle Biao, needless to say, directly became the correctional directors. After Yaoyang officially takes office as the chief corrections director, he will arrange for them to take care of other warehouses and promote his own work.

of rules.

There were also two places for correctional directors, but Yaoyang wisely left them to the warden without recommending them.

The other junior prison guards who followed him were all promoted to special correctional assistants.

In this current situation, Stanley has to work as a Correctional Assistant II for three or four years before he has a chance to be promoted. This is undoubtedly explosive enough.

Furthermore, Yaoyang plans to arrange for these special correctional assistants to continue to guard the fourth warehouse. His own base camp can also be regarded as calming their hearts.

This incident quickly spread throughout Stanley.

Especially in the eyes of some prison guards, including Uncle Biao, who worked for decades before climbing to the position of director of corrections, Yaoyang is a star rising like a rocket. Following him is simply a shortcut to promotion!

I don’t know how many correctional assistants secretly regretted that when Yao Yang was assigned to the fourth warehouse by Sha Mao and recruited people throughout Stanley, they did not take the risk to follow him.

If not, wouldn't he have his own share of the promotion now?

Look at the three killers. They are correctional officers, middle-level cadres in Stanley. They have only been working for a year and have completed the journey that others have taken decades. Such speed is really enviable.

The reason is simply that they followed the right person.

The largest restaurant in Stanley, Hong Kong City, was booked by Yaoyang today to hold a celebration banquet for himself and his subordinates.

Taking this opportunity, Yaoyang invited all staff members of Stanley Prison who were not on duty.

It can be regarded as an announcement to them that he, the Chief Director of Correctional Services, has officially taken office.

As the so-called "three things to do when a new official takes office", Yaoyang's current status in Stanley Prison is only below that of the warden.

It is definitely "below one person and above ten thousand people".

No fool hopes that these three fires will burn his head.

So everyone was very considerate on this day. Regardless of their status, Stanley staff members, including the warden, all came to participate in the celebration banquet.

"Brother Xiong, congratulations, congratulations! You have been promoted to the director of corrections so quickly. You have to protect me from now on. If you have any orders, I will do it for you."

"Agui, you are really lucky. Follow Yangzi, oh, no, I said the wrong thing, it was Sir Lei. Now it's better. You have risen to the top so quickly. In just a few months, you have become my equal."

Level, life is really unpredictable!"

"Hahaha, it's all thanks to Brother Yaoyang's care. Uncle Biao, sit inside!"

"Uncle Biao, I didn't expect that you are also the Director of Correctional Services. I remember when you first joined the job, I said that you had no future as a prison guard. Don't take this to heart. It's all my fault. I will punish myself three times later.

Cup, I am making amends to you."

At the entrance of the restaurant, the three most popular guests today are Gui Jianchou, Killer Xiong, and Uncle Biao.

With Yaoyang's current status, it was of course impossible for him to wait outside for his future subordinates and colleagues. He accompanied the warden to the restaurant early and did not show his face.

Of course, the three killer heroes directly became the representatives and greeted them.

Almost every Stanley staff present today congratulated the three people with a smile, or apologized for some past offenses.

It made the three of them feel happy and at the same time they became more loyal to Yaoyang, almost to the point of being die-hard loyal.

At the main seat in the lobby of the restaurant, Yaoyang was accompanied by ten people including the warden, secretary to the warden, supervisor of correctional affairs, and senior supervisor of correctional affairs, all of whom belonged to the highest level of Stanley Prison. They sat together and chatted first.

"Yang Zai, the scene is so big today, is your salary enough? Do you want to borrow some from me and pay it back slowly?"

The warden had a smile on his face, which could be said to give Yaoyang face, and his tone was kind, and he asked jokingly.

"Thank you for your concern. All of us who have been promoted have contributed to this banquet. The food is just home-cooked, so it should be fine."

Yaoyang responded with a smile, and played a very good role as a prison guard who has been on the job for a few months and has no relatives in Xianglei.

But when other people present heard the conversation between these two people, their hearts were buzzing and they had countless thoughts.

"The relationship between the warden and the newly appointed Chief Correctional Officer is unusual. They have a completely monolithic feeling. Asking someone if they have enough money to pay for a treat is simply offending. But the tone of the warden's question...

He was treating his nephew with full concern. Sir Lei's response was also ordinary and casual, as if he was just chatting."

From this point of view, the person who will really manage myself and others in Stanley Prison in the future will probably be Sir Lei!

To be honest, at the beginning, Stanley's top management all mobilized, and some of them actually had some ideas in their minds based on the situation.

They didn't know the inside story of the "Stanley Riot" that night, and thought that Yao Yang was just a person promoted by the official at the Correctional Services Department, and that he might not be in harmony with the warden.

In other words, they wanted to come and see the situation so that they could carry out their work in Stanley in the future.

If there is a disagreement between the warden and the newly appointed Chief Correctional Officer, they had better decide on their positions in advance, just like when the fat cat and the warden clashed, both sides also took sides.

It's just that after the riot, all of Sha Mao's current cronies were suspended.

From this, we can also see the importance of positioning at work. How could someone who can get to the top of Stanley Prison not understand this truth?

So after they received the news that the warden would also come to the celebration banquet, they immediately decided to come, just to see the situation clearly. Now in just a few words, the situation was clear:

"The newly appointed director of correctional services, Sir Lei, definitely has a sworn relationship with the warden. They are of the same mind, so there is no issue of position."

The Supervisor of Correctional Affairs, a middle-aged man in his fifties, surnamed Wang, was the first to show goodwill to Yaoyang, and said sincerely:

"Sir Lei was promoted to Chief Correctional Officer at such a young age. He is really young and promising... If you need my help in your future work, just ask."

What is the Supervision of Correctional Affairs? In a certain sense, it is an administrative staff. It is generally not involved in the management of prisons and specializes in handling complaints from prisoners against correctional officers.

For example, if correctional officers mistreat prisoners or if correctional officers violate regulations, he can take care of them.

As for his position, he is only responsible to the warden and is not under the jurisdiction of Yaoyang, so this sentence is already the most kind release.

Yaoyang was no fool. Hearing these words, he immediately smiled and said politely:

"Then I hope Sir Wang will take more care of me in the future! I believe that as long as our correctional officers and supervisors work closely together, Stanley Prison will definitely get better and better in the future."

Sir Wang nodded, agreeing with what Yaoyang said.

Following Sir Wang, several other high-level prison officials also started talking, expressing their goodwill towards Yaoyang.

Yaoyang handled the situation appropriately and was not at all arrogant like a young man who sat in a high position at a young age, which made everyone very satisfied.

After a while, Killer Xiong came over, first said hello to the warden and others, and then whispered in Yaoyang's ear:

"Brother Yaoyang, everyone is almost here."

"Yes!" Yaoyang has always been sitting at the main seat in the lobby. Of course he saw many correctional officers entering the lobby, but because of their status, they were too embarrassed to come up to greet the people at the main table, and sat in other seats.

Position, each has its own circle, whispering in a low voice.

Now I hear Killer Hero say that everyone is here, there is no doubt that there are only a few people left, and there is no need to wait. "Then let's start the table and let the waiter serve the food." Following Yaoyang's instructions, Killer Hero and others got busy.


Soon, the restaurant began to serve food, and the lobby became bustling with eating and drinking.

However, perhaps because they were concerned about the presence of the warden and other high-level officials, many correctional officers could not let go at all and kept speaking in a low voice, unlike ordinary banquets where emotions were high.

Of course, the warden and others were also aware of this problem. They drank a few drinks with Yaoyang one after another. After saying hello, a quarter of the banquet was completed and they left on the pretext of having something to do.

Yaoyang was also unambiguous. Whenever the person in charge wanted to leave, he would personally escort them to the door and bid them a warm farewell.

"How are you guys? Five leaders, six six six..."

"Brother Xiong, I will have a good drink with you today. I didn't tell you that I won't come back until you're drunk!"

As the high-level officials of Stanley Prison left, the atmosphere in the restaurant lobby instantly became high. All the people who were promoted this time became the protagonists and were toasted repeatedly by all the correctional officers.

Yaoyang sat alone in the main seat, looking "alone".

Many correctional officers took this opportunity and prepared to come forward to please and get to know their future immediate boss.

Among them, Uncle Biao had been in contact with Yaoyang the longest and had some friendship. He was the first to come forward with a wine glass.

Uncle Biao had mixed feelings when facing Yaoyang at this time. Who would have thought that the newcomer a few months ago would be like a rocket, directly becoming the boss of a decades-old prison guard.

This made Uncle Biao's words a bit awkward, and he was not as relaxed as usual:

"Yangzi...oh, no, Sir Lei, congratulations! You will be my immediate boss from now on, so you have to protect me."

"Uncle Biao, I will follow you when I enter the industry. There is no need for this."

Yaoyang smiled slightly, raised his glass and touched it with Uncle Biao.

However, Yaoyang can smile at Uncle Biao, but Uncle Biao doesn't dare to make excuses. You call me brother and I call you dad. He doesn't dare to change.

As for who is the brother and who is the father!

You can tell by looking at Uncle Biao’s submissive expression!

"I remember that you like easy jobs the most. I will transfer you to guard the laundry factory as soon as I am ready to go on duty. What do you think?"


Uncle Biao was startled at first, then he was overjoyed and said excitedly:

"Sir Lei, are you serious?"

"I will be responsible for arranging your work from now on. I want to transfer you to the laundry factory. Will it be difficult?"

The corners of Yaoyang's mouth curled up, and he said with a bit of contentment.

"No, no, of course it's not difficult. Sir Lei, you are the Chief Correctional Officer. You can make adjustments as you please. No one but the warden would dare to have an opinion."

Uncle Biao shook his head quickly and said with a flattering look on his face:

"Thank you, Sir Lei, for taking care of me."

"I don't like drinking very much. If there's nothing else, you can go play with the other brothers."

Yaoyang nodded with a faint smile on his face as he spoke.

"Okay, okay, okay, then I won't disturb Sir Lei."

Uncle Biao left the main seat with a face full of joy.

Soon, Uncle Biao, who was leaving, was surrounded by many correctional directors, all talking and asking about the situation:

"Uncle Biao, what did you say to Sir Lei? You look very happy, don't you?"

"Uncle Biao, what's wrong with Sir Lei? He was promoted so quickly. He followed you for a while after he joined the company. You should know that, right?"

"Ah Xing, what is Sir Lei's personality like? Is he easy to talk to?"

Undoubtedly, Yaoyang joined the company very quickly and was promoted too quickly. In fact, it was a very unfamiliar impression to the staff in Stanley Prison. They wanted to curry favor and please, but they didn’t know how to talk or how to do it.

Let's start. Simply, there is an old employee like Uncle Biao who is familiar with them, so there is finally a ladder.

"Sir Lei, he is from the Mainland. All his family members are dead and he has no backing. Why is he promoted so fast? Of course he has the ability!"

"Don't worry, Sir Lei has a good personality and is very loyal. He is absolutely easy to talk to. I just mentioned to him that he was tired at work, and he immediately promised me that he would soon transfer me to guard the laundry factory."

"Old Chen, we have known each other for twenty years, I will cheat you. Go and propose a toast to Sir Lei, let's get to know each other, it will be good for you."

Uncle Biao, who had just received Yaoyang's promise, was happily walking among the correctional directors, bragging about Yaoyang to his death.

Of course, he was more showing off that he had an excellent relationship with Yaoyang and that he was taken care of. Yaoyang sat alone at the main seat, looking at Uncle Biao who was surrounded by the crowd from a distance, and secretly smiled in his heart:

"I don't have a good impression of Uncle Biao, and I have even thought about touching him many times. Giving him some benefits now is just to let him gain a reputation for being easy to get along with. Now it seems that the effect is good!


Soon, with Uncle Biao making Yaoyang's name known, a correctional officer took courage and started to raise his glass to Yaoyang.

The visitor looked to be in his forties, with a thin build, a somewhat bald head, and a nervous look. After coming to Yaoyang, he said carefully:

"Sir Lei, I am Gou Wei, Director of Correctional Services. I manage the first warehouse in Stanley. Sir Lei, just call me Ah Wei. In less than a year after joining Stanley, Sir Lei was promoted from a newbie to Chief Correctional Officer. It's really

I was so impressed that I fell into admiration."


Looking at this very nervous middle-aged man, Yaoyang pointed to the chair next to him and said with a smile:


Gou Wei sat down cautiously, his posture looking very unnatural.

It's funny to say that a man in his forties looks like this when facing a man in his twenties.

But the reality is that there is no way!

It took Gou Wei twenty years to work his way up to the position of director of correctional services, and his job was quite easy. The first warehouse in Stanley where he was guarded was a warehouse where petty criminals, that is, thieves and pickpockets, were held. There was no danger and it was easy.

He was very satisfied with this and considered contented.

But when the Chief Correctional Officer takes office, who knows if they will be unhappy and transfer him to another job and let his close associates guard the first warehouse?

Although Gou Wei is not a person who likes to flatter, he also knows that a person needs to be sensible and come over earlier to show his loyalty. Maybe he can live like this if others don't mobilize him.

Just when Gou Wei was very nervous, flattering him so directly for the first time in his life, and waiting for the result.

Yaoyang was surprisingly approachable, smiling and said kindly:

"Awei, what is your current position?"

"Sir Lei, I have been guarding the first warehouse for the past two years."

Gou Wei responded immediately

"The first warehouse?"

Yaoyang thought about the information about the first warehouse in his mind, nodded and said:

"What do you think of the job of guarding the first warehouse? Is there anything you are dissatisfied with? If so, just tell me."

"Sir Lei, I am very satisfied."

Seeing that the other party's tone was correct, Gou Wei quickly seized the opportunity to express his position.


Yaoyang nodded and asked again:

"How long have you been a correctional officer?"

Gou Wei smiled bitterly and said:

"I'm not as young and promising as Sir Lei. I was promoted to Correctional Officer ten years ago. It's been ten years this year."

"Ten years is not a short time!"

Yaoyang whispered softly and continued without waiting for Gou Wei to answer:

"Well, I will go through your work files when I go back. If you have not made any major mistakes at work in the past ten years, I will mention to the warden that you have been promoted to a special punishment when I meet with him next time.

The dean’s question. There are not many ten years in life, so it’s not easy to stay at the same job for ten years.”


Gou Wei was surprised at first, and then he was ecstatic, and then he was extremely moved:

I have been a correctional officer for ten years, and I thought that this might be the end of my life. Unexpectedly, I met the young sir in front of me in just a few minutes, and he mentioned the issue of promotion.

Although the promotion has not yet been realized, it is just a word, but Gou Wei can completely feel the kindness of the other party.

Moved, Gou Wei said smoothly:

"Sir Lei, if you have any instructions in the future, just tell me where to fight."

"I've taken note of what you said."

Yaoyang smiled and said:

"Don't worry. As a person, I, Yaoyang, always hope that you, me, and everyone will be well together. Also, I don't like drinking very much, so I appreciate your toast."

"No, Sir Lei, since you don't like drinking, there's no need to drink."

Huh... After saying that, Gou Wei raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp. He gestured with his empty glass, then left voluntarily and returned to the Correctional Director's table. At the same time, among the Correctional Directors, there was another one who was bragging for Yaoyang.


As the celebration banquet progresses, Yaoyang uses the "Run Yu Silent" method to win over the hearts and minds of the "Correctional Director".

According to the Stanley Prison system, each correctional director has between ten and twenty correctional assistants.

In other words, winning over ten correctional directors is equivalent to winning over more than a hundred Stanley prison guards. It only took Yaoyang one day, and almost all the correctional directors in Stanley had a few words with Yaoyang, leaving Yaoyang in his mind.

A simple database was established. In the following period, Yaoyang, who officially took office, began to vigorously reform and implement his own rules.

As Yaoyang said earlier:

"No one can match the trend of the times and the aspirations of the people."

According to Yaoyang's rules, those who benefited the most were Stanley and other errands, so everyone did not resist at all and gave their full support. In just two months, all warehouses except those for petty criminals implemented Yaoyang's rules.

Why don't the warehouses for petty criminals implement it? It's very simple!

Because the crimes committed by those criminals are relatively minor, the maximum sentence is only one or two years, and they are all sneaky rats.

In Yaoyang's view, these people are complete trash. It doesn't matter if they are lax in their words. The key is that they don't have any money in their pockets.

If implemented here, the harms outweigh the benefits, or even only the harms, with no benefit at all. Furthermore, the implementation of medium- and heavy-duty warehouses can already meet Yaoyang's needs and win over all the prison guards living there for his own use.

If you really want to make money, this method is really slow, and you have to find another way.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Half a year later, Yaoyang's net worth has only increased by a few million, but in Stanley Prison, almost every prison guard only knows the Chief Correctional Officer, and few people mention the warden.

Of course, Yaoyang always respected the warden and always gave perfect answers to all the warden's orders.

The warden saw this and did not care about the management rights of Stanley Prison. He believed that as long as Yaoyang was loyal to him, Stanley Prison would be under his control and there would no longer be any fat cat situation.

The warden was even more happy to be free, and started to focus on his work again. He went to the Correctional Services Department to report on his work every now and then, and he devoted all his energy to "climbing up."

at the same time.

With Yaoyang's full support, Jimmy started his first big business in Stanley Town, a game arcade.

In the early 1980s, such a new product immediately attracted a large number of people to come to Stanley Town to play.

Just as Yaoyang expected, all the young and Dangerous boys in the Hong Kong Comprehensive City knew that there was an arcade in Stanley Town in a short period of time, and they rushed here to play every day regardless of hard work and travel.

Aye and Ding Yao also started working for Yaoyang and opened a small nightclub in Causeway Bay.

Yaoyang is very generous. The nightclub is jointly owned by the two women. All the accounts and income are also handled by the two women, and they almost never ask questions.

Aye was very touched by this. At first, she reported the accounting problems to Yaoyang every now and then. Later, she found that Yaoyang really didn't want to pay attention to it, but was more willing to listen to some gossip.

Aye gradually learned to be wiser and began to follow Yaoyang's preferences. Every time Yaoyang went to her house, she would tell her some news she had heard.

After getting along with Yaoyang for a short period of time, Ding Yao saw that he had become a high-ranking figure in Stanley in a short period of time. Perhaps he really believed that Yaoyang had a bright future, or maybe it was for some other reason that he actually stayed.

Although Ding Yao is not as well-behaved and sensible as A Ye, she is indeed a good hand in business. During her days in the Sanlian Gang, she saw a lot of big scenes. A small nightclub was left in her hands, and she sorted everything out with almost every move.

It has to be clear.

This kind of life lasted for two full years.

There is no way, Yaoyang was promoted too quickly, and what he lacks now is his qualifications.

In a short period of time, it was impossible to rise further, and Yaoyang began to look for opportunities to be transferred from the Correctional Services Department to the Police Department.

I believe that with my current position as Chief Correctional Officer, it would not be too bad to get a job in the police department.

It's a pity that in two years, without backstage and connections, Yaoyang didn't find any chance at all.

As for Wu Shihao?

Who is that? Is it delicious? Can we fall in love?

Just a bad old man with cancer!

As for joining the community?

Yaoyang was afraid that he was going crazy, so he returned to Dongxing to wait for a job as "Running Thunder Tiger"!

Two years later.


As the huge iron gate of Stanley Prison closes.

A group of new prisoners, escorted by several police cars, arrived at Stanley Prison.

Coincidentally, Yaoyang happened to be inspecting Stanley Prison with Killer Hung that day.

The two were in front, followed closely by five corrections officers, with bright uniforms and consistent steps, making them look majestic.

When he saw a police car escorting prisoners coming in, even though this happened every few days, the killer still looked at it with disdain and curled his lips:

"A few more rubbish came here. I don't know what happened this time."

"Ah Xiong, how many times have I told you not to be dirty all the time, especially with such discriminatory remarks. If the warden hears what you are doing, do you still want to be promoted?"

Yaoyang frowned slightly, feeling troubled by Killer Xiong's attitude of hating prisoners.

Because in Yaoyang's mind, he would leave Stanley sooner or later.

Killer Hero is his spokesperson in Stanley, allowing him to always control this place.

But the killer's hatred of criminals is undoubtedly his biggest flaw.

"Brother Yaoyang, what I'm saying is that since you scolded me last time, I haven't touched a prisoner for four months."

Killer Xiong quickly explained that although he didn't know if he really realized his mistake, at least in front of Yaoyang, he always obeyed. Yaoyang shook his head and sighed, and said:

"You haven't done anything yourself! Last week, you asked A Gui to break a prisoner's hand. So what happened?"

"Brother Yaoyang, that matter really has nothing to do with me. That bastard stole the scissors and broke the rules. I don't know what he wanted to do! I don't think there is any problem with Agui teaching him a lesson."

Killer Hero continued to explain.

While the two were talking, the police car escorting the prisoners in the distance began to stop, the back door opened, and people started jumping out of it.

Yaoyang's eyes were very good, and he couldn't help but glance at it, but at this glance, he was stunned.

Because he saw an extremely familiar face:

"Well? Is it him?"

"Brother Yaoyang, Brother Yaoyang, what's going on?"

Killer Xiong immediately noticed that Yaoyang was stunned and looked in the direction where Yaoyang was looking. However, he saw nothing except a few prisoners and policemen, so he couldn't help asking with concern.

"Oh, it's okay! I just saw someone I might know."

Yaoyang explained casually.

Immediately, he ordered:

"Ah Xiong, go and get me the list of the prisoners who just came in."

"Someone you know? Prisoner?"

Killer Xiong's mind turned around and he immediately understood the meaning. He nodded immediately and said:

"Okay, Brother Yaoyang, I'll go right away."
This chapter has been completed!
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