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Chapter Fifty-One: Gunfight

Da da da……!

On the top floor of the Cointreau Hotel, gunfire was extremely intensive. Yaoyang and Li Jie were forced behind two display cabinets, unable to stand out at all.

Ding Shanben and others had also shrunk outside the door, not daring to risk their lives and continue shooting.

Everyone has one head and two hands. Although some have three legs and some have just two, none of them have ever practiced Tietou Gong and are not Tietou.

A group of gangsters headed by a doctor once again had the absolute upper hand, firing multiple heavy submachine guns, light submachine guns, and pistols, as if they were trying to penetrate the display cabinet and the door.

That arrogant look seemed to be saying to Yaoyang and the others:

"Come here!!!"

The guests could no longer be described as "shivering". Most of them lay completely on the ground, holding their heads in their hands, as if this would make people invisible and nothing would happen!

"Call around!"

Seeing this situation, the doctor held a micro-dagger in his hand and stared at the two display cabinets, and motioned to five or six of his subordinates to press up.

After all, the display cabinet is so big. As long as they press it up, Li Jie and Yaoyang will have no place to hide. They will either be beaten to death or run out and be beaten to death.


Yaoyang took a sneak peek and immediately discovered the doctor's intention. He cursed in his heart and thought of a solution quickly in his mind.

Some people say that when people are in crisis, their minds are clearest.

At this moment, Yaoyang's mind was very clear, and he immediately thought of a way. He violently opened his suit with his right hand, grabbed it in his hand, and looked at Li Jie, signaling with his eyes.

Li Jie's mind was quite agile and he immediately understood what Yaoyang meant. He tightened his hands on the two guns and nodded fiercely.

Seeing Li Jie nodding, Yaoyang immediately threw out the clothes without any delay.

In this kind of gun battle, any slight movement can trigger a huge chain reaction. What's more, a huge figure suddenly floats out of the display cabinet.

"Ah? Fight!"

"Da da da……!"

The gangster who was pressing forward was so frightened that his conditioned reflex started to shoot wildly, and in just an instant, his clothes were reduced to rags.

At the same time, Yaoyang and Li Jie seized this rare opportunity and leaned forward to fight.

Each of them had two guns, and the firepower of the four guns was not simple. Three gangsters were shot in the forehead and fell to the ground, and five other gangsters were swept into a sieve.


The other gangsters, including the doctor, were frightened and responded with renewed firepower.

Da da da……

"Come out, come out if you have the guts!"

The doctor was shooting and shouting at the same time, as if he wanted to use this method to make the two of them resentful and unable to bear the ridicule.

Yaoyang heard this and had an idea. He hid behind the display cabinet and started shouting:

"Doctor, you have been surrounded by our police. Now our Flying Tigers, together with several small groups, have entered the hotel and are encircling your men downstairs. I advise you to surrender and perhaps seek leniency.

The only way to resist is to die."


After hearing this shouting, to be honest, the gangsters were absolutely under great psychological pressure, and they all stopped firing in order to listen to what the other party had to say.

After all, it doesn't make sense that Yaoyang, Li Jie and others could rush directly to the top floor.

They have many brothers downstairs, and Rabbit and Sangbang had just gone down there not long ago, so why didn't they meet each other?

After all, it doesn't make sense that Yaoyang, Li Jie and others could rush directly to the top floor.

They have many brothers downstairs, and Rabbit and Sangbang had just gone down there not long ago, so why didn't they meet each other?

There are only two explanations left. One is that Rabbit and Sangbang were killed.

Second, there are other passages in the hotel, and this group of people came up from other passages.

The guests who were like dead dogs were extremely excited when they heard Yaoyang's speech, and secretly thought: The savior has finally arrived, and he and others will be saved soon.

This feeling of not even being in control of their lives, as if they might lose it at any time, really made them almost collapse.

However, the gangsters were easy to fool, and the guests were easy to fool, but the doctor was a sensible person. He kept pointing his light machine gun at the two display cabinets and replied:

"Don't you dare to bluff me. You are tonight's guest. I have met you before. Although I don't know what method you used to avoid my brother's search, you definitely did not come in from outside, let alone


"And now that I have so many hostages, it doesn't matter if a note comes in. They can only send me away respectfully."


The doctor's words were indeed a shot in the arm for the gangsters. They immediately calmed down the gangsters who were a little panicked and regained their fighting spirit.

Among the guests, there were those who knew Yaoyang, such as Xiong Baitao, and the rich people who had been with Xiong Baitao before. Their faces were ashen, and they felt that the doctor was right. Yaoyang did not come from outside at all.

In response, Yaoyang smiled softly and unexpectedly admitted:

"Yes, you are right. I am indeed a guest tonight. I did not come in from outside, but my identity is indeed a policeman. And my colleagues at the door and the person next to me have just sneaked in.


"Also, aren't you curious as to why I know your name is doctor?"


When the doctor heard this, he began to feel a little shaken in his heart:

There had just been a hail of bullets, but he didn't see clearly what Ding Shanben and Huo Jingliang's group at the door, or Ding Shanben and others, didn't show up at all. They were just shooting randomly with guns, full of momentum and great deterrence, but their accuracy was so bad that it made people scratch their heads... So

, the doctor can be sure that Yaoyang is a guest, but he cannot guarantee that Ding Shanben and others at the door are also guests. He is even more confused about Yaoyang's last question.

"That's right. My nickname is Doctor. Except for my brothers, no outsiders will know.

When Yaoyang fled downstairs, he was still hiding in the crowd and was not exposed at all, so it was impossible for Yaoyang to hear his brothers calling him. So where did he know about it? "

With a trace of doubt, the doctor said calmly:

"Who told you that?"

At this time, Li Jie spoke.

Li Jie hid behind the display cabinet without showing his head and said loudly:

"it's me!"

"Who are you?"

The doctor couldn't see anyone, so he could only ask again.

"Two years ago, I begged you hard, hoping you would tell me whether the bomb had a red wire or a blue wire. You told me that people must rely on themselves. Do you still remember?"

Li Jie's voice was cold. Behind the display cabinet, he seemed to be thinking of his wife and son again and said in pain.

"Are you Li Jie?"

The doctor was a little panicked now. He had a good memory, and of course he remembered the outstanding officer whose family was ruined by him two years ago.

And he was sure that Li Jie was not a guest at all. Why did he come in? Is it true that a large number of police officers had sneaked into the hotel as Yaoyang said?

Li Jie didn't know what the doctor was thinking, so he definitely replied:

"That's great if you remember me. Today, I must avenge my wife and son. Doctor, you can't run away!"


Due to the unequal information, after listening to Li Jie's words, the doctor became more and more convinced that the police had really entered the hotel, but his mouth was still very tough and he said with a smile:

"Okay, if you don't let me go, I don't plan to let you go either. So what if your troops come in? I have so many hostages here, do they dare to move?"

"Li Jie, you couldn't even see me two years ago. Two years later, you can only watch me leave."

When Li Jie heard this, his face showed anger and he wanted to rush out.

The doctor was smiling all over his face, and ever since Li Jie spoke, he had been facing the display cabinet where Li Jie was hiding with a slightly swollen hand.

A gunfight is about to break out...!

.Seeing that Li Jie was trying to rush out, he heard the doctor's arrogant words.

Yaoyang rolled his eyes and immediately laughed: "Hahaha...!"


They were negotiating, and they were probably about to face life and death. Suddenly someone laughed, and both Li Jie and the doctor were stunned.

Fortunately for Li Jie, although he had not been in contact with Yaoyang for a long time, this period of time was enough for him to be convinced of Yaoyang, both in terms of skill and brains, so he knew that he must have some plans.

The doctor was extremely puzzled and frowned and said:

"why are you laughing?"

"Why else are you laughing? Of course I am laughing at your naivety!"

Yaoyang immediately answered, his voice like a bell:

"Doctor, do you know that since the opening of Hong Kong Comprehensive City, there has never been a case of a hostage being successfully escaped? It's not rare, it's never!"

"Do you know why? Because no policeman can afford to let go of gangsters like you, especially under circumstances like today."

"You are so confident that you have kidnapped so many dignitaries here that you concluded that the police will be very careful and let you go. Let me tell you, this is impossible! Even the top police officer cannot afford to take such a blame!"

"On the contrary, if I come in and kill you all, I can still redeem myself and win the people's understanding."

The doctor was stunned when he heard this. He was very smart and knew that what Yaoyang said was really possible, but he still said without hesitation:

"Boy, stop bluffing me. If they dare to come in, I will kill the hostages!"

"Yes, you dare to kill the hostages!"

Yaoyang was noncommittal and said:

"But so what? After the police kill you all, the worst they can say is that you were so evil that you killed the hostages before they came in. I believe that the hostages' families will not only not blame the police, but some will thank them.

Avenge your family."


The doctor was really frightened now, and the other gangsters showed worry on their faces.

Yes, Yaoyang directly gave the police a reason. This reason was really good.

The police came straight in and killed them all, ignoring any hostages. In the end, they said that the hostages had been killed by the gangsters.

This is undoubtedly a very possible explanation.

On the contrary, the police were worried about the hostages and let them leave in front of the public. No matter how they thought, they felt unreliable!

The doctor has a very strong psychological quality. Even if he understood that what Yaoyang said was true, he still did not show any other emotions and said coldly:

"Boy, if you say this, it means you are scared!"

"Yes, we are all human beings. I don't want to die, and you probably don't want to die either! If we can sit down and talk, I certainly don't want to continue fighting!"

Yaoyang responded "honestly".

"Talk, how do you want to talk?"

The doctor really didn't understand Yaoyang's routine and said doubtfully.

"It's very simple. I'm exchanging terms with you now. I'll let you leave through the side door, promise not to pursue you, and let you go downstairs. As for whether you can escape, it depends on your ability. If you don't risk your life with us, let me be able to

What do you think of going out with your life saved and making a small contribution?"

Yaoyang gave the conditions.

"Kill you first, then we can leave."

The doctor sneered and responded.

"Really? Are you sure you can kill us?" Yaoyang smiled disdainfully:

"Then how many lives are you going to sacrifice to make me die here? If you don't agree, I will risk my life tonight and drag you here on the top floor with all my life. Wait for our large team to come in, and none of you will be killed.

Don't even think about running away."

"Doctor, you got so many imperial jewels today. After selling them, you will be able to spend them for a lifetime! You can think about it yourself whether you want to fight with us or not!"

The doctor was speechless and couldn't help but glance at the black bag next to him.

The bag is filled with imperial treasures, and every item inside is priceless!


At this time, a tall and bearded gangster stood next to the doctor and shouted softly, his eyes showing that he wanted to leave.

The doctor looked around at his brothers again. Although almost everyone was still holding a gun and looking closely at the door and display cabinet, there was hesitation in their eyes and they were not as high-spirited as before!

The doctor knew that Yaoyang's words had impressed them, and his brothers already wanted to withdraw.

After all, things have come to this point. Although tonight's robbery is not perfect, it is still OK!

Now that we can leave safely, everyone can retire and enjoy the rest of their lives.

If we let them risk their lives again, they will definitely not be willing to do so!

Huh... let out a sigh of relief. The doctor indeed still has a way to escape. He is not at the end of his rope and does not want to fight to the death.

With the decision made, the doctor finally relented, but still said firmly:

"Okay, kid, I'll sell you a favor tonight. You want to do something good, right? Now I'll leave these useless hostages to you. You can let them chase you if you want. It depends on whether I blow them up first or...

They're after me!"

As he said that, the doctor waved his hand, signaling to the brothers around him to grab some hostages and go to the side door in an orderly manner.


"No, don't catch me!"

The guests listened to the conversation from beginning to end. Of course they knew that being captured would be very suspenseful. Those who were unlucky enough to be captured struggled wildly and cried out again and again.

It's a pity that no matter how loudly they screamed and struggled, they were no match for the tough gangsters with big muscles and guns in their hands. A dozen unlucky ones were selected and captured. The remaining guests breathed a sigh of relief and were very happy.

"Li Jie, it seems that you can't take revenge tonight. You can still only watch me leave. I don't know if your wife and son are alive in heaven. Will you think that your father and husband are a coward? Hahaha


Even at the last moment, when the retreat had been arranged, the doctor was still extremely cunning and laughed wildly, irritating Li Jie.

The muzzle of his own gun never left the two display cabinets where he was hiding!

"Li Jie, don't listen to him. Your revenge will definitely be avenged. Trust me!"

Yaoyang greeted Li Jie in a low voice immediately, and was very worried when he saw that his muscles were tense and he was about to rush out at any time.

When Li Jie heard Yaoyang's greeting, he kept forcing himself to calm down and turned his head to look at Yaoyang.

Yaoyang did not hide away, and looked at Li Jie with "affirmation" in his eyes!

Seeing this look, Li Jie tensed his muscles and relaxed, hiding behind the display cabinet, with no intention of going out again.

"Coward, Li Jie, you are such a coward! I blew up your wife and son to death, and now you don't even dare to take the lead, you are just a coward!"

The doctor refused to give up and kept shouting.

"Doctor, it's time for you to go!"

Yaoyang spoke again at this time, with a cold tone and a loud voice.

"you again!"

The doctor really hated and annoyed Yaoyang. He felt that this person was very difficult to deal with. He was different from ordinary policemen, who were either righteous or useless.

This man has excellent marksmanship, but he is still a bit shameless and wants to negotiate terms with a gangster like himself.

Moreover, it is really annoying to repeatedly ruin his plan to get rid of Li Jie.

"Boy, do you dare to leave a name?"

Knowing that Yaoyang was there and unable to force Li Jie to show up, the doctor gave up, but suddenly asked, pointing directly at Yaoyang.

Undoubtedly, the doctor was somewhat prepared to take revenge afterwards.

Yaoyang secretly smiled. His plan was more than half successful. It was almost impossible for the doctor to escape tonight. He immediately said loudly:

"Stanley Yaoyang, you remember clearly!"


The doctor nodded, wrote down the name, took his troops, grabbed a dozen hostages, and left the top floor hall through the side door.
This chapter has been completed!
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