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Chapter Three: You Say

"So I can't blame you for not getting any news, right?"

Brother No. 1 didn't wait for Gong Jiapei to finish speaking, but he already answered with a pale face:

"Should I take your answer as an explanation and tell it to Mr. Consul and the congressmen outside?"

"It's just that the gangsters were too cunning and didn't alert anyone else, so the intelligence department didn't get the news. It's the gangsters' fault for not shouting all over the street with a loudspeaker, right? Sir Gong, don't you think so?"

"Sorry, sir."

Gong Jiapei blushed and lowered his head. He actually knew very well that what he said was not a reason, but when he heard that Brother Yi vetoed the role of the Intelligence Section, he had no choice but to reply.

Seeing that Gong Jiapei was quite sincere, and he usually made many meritorious deeds, Brother Yi was actually quite optimistic about him.

"Sit down!"

After telling him to sit down, Brother No. 1 glanced at the other superintendents. The supervisor said:

"For this incident, the Flying Tigers, the Stormtroopers, the Mobile Force, and the Central Police District have greater responsibilities than the Intelligence Department!"

"The Flying Tigers followed the arrangement and later eliminated the gangsters in the hotel. They will not be held accountable for the time being."

"But the stormtroopers, mobile units and the Central Police District must give an explanation and give an explanation to the people."

"Especially last night's interim operations commander, who will be relieved of his duties immediately, effective immediately!"

"This is not enough. You should think of a way for me now. How to explain to the outside parties, especially Mr. Consul, who is particularly dissatisfied with our police department now. How can we calm down his anger? Let's talk about it now.



After hearing this, many superintendents and regional directors finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Brother Yi is still "kind-hearted" after all. He is obviously ready to lift it up high and put it down gently.

He named the departments, but did not say how to deal with it. He undoubtedly asked the heads of the many departments present to find out who was responsible for last night when they went back, fire him, and show it to outsiders.

As for the big guys like them, they still keep their positions. Although they are affected, their jobs are still there after all.

However, many police leaders are speechless as to how to calm the anger of the outside world.

They really have no good solution. This time the mistake was so huge that no matter how they try to explain it to the outside world, it seems all is in vain.

"Why, you wouldn't have thought of it even if I told you?"

Brother Yi saw everyone fell silent again, sitting upright and not speaking, and the anger he had just suppressed came to his forehead again.

In anger, Brother Yi once again called the roll call. This time, the person directly on the left started:

"Superintendent Li, tell me!"


The person who was called was about fifty years old, bald, fat, and sweating profusely.

He just felt that he was unlucky. He was clearly responsible for the investigation of child abuse crimes and child protection policy work, which had nothing to do with what happened last night, but now he was suddenly called out.

While wiping his sweat, Superintendent Li could only bite the bullet and give his idea:

"Director, I think... uh... the departments responsible for the operation last night should sincerely apologize to the public, and then let the Public Relations Department find groups and units that are usually on good terms with our police department to try to gain their support first.


"Okay, stop talking!"

Brother 1 only heard half of it, he had stopped shouting, and shouted at Superintendent Li:

"I want you to find a way to explain to Mr. Consul, the group, is there any group in Hong Kong Comprehensive City that can make Mr. Consul calm down? Ah? Why should you apologize to the people? Do you think our police are not embarrassed enough this time?"


Superintendent Li sweated even more on his forehead. He took out his handkerchief and kept wiping it, looking extremely embarrassed.

Superintendent Li sweated even more on his forehead. He took out his handkerchief and kept wiping it, looking extremely embarrassed.

Next to him, Superintendent Zhou, who was in charge of the Commercial Crime Investigation Division, laughed secretly in his heart, secretly thinking that Fatty Li was really unlucky. The matter clearly had nothing to do with him, but he was called out by the director of the department and received a slap in the face for no reason.

Just when Superintendent Zhou was gloating about his misfortune and watching the excitement, the director's next words were like a bolt from the blue, hitting him on the head.

After the first brother looked past Superintendent Li, the second person he saw was Superintendent Zhou:

"Superintendent Zhou, tell me!"



Superintendent Zhou swallowed hard and felt that he was unlucky. He was in charge of the Commercial Investigation and Crime Division. The blame for last night was entirely from the Mobile Unit, Flying Tigers, Crime Unit and other departments. What does it have to do with him?

It’s a relationship!

But when Brother Yi asked the question, he had to answer. With a sad face, Superintendent Zhou could only start to answer immediately, and said:

"This is nonsense. This is your idea? Superintendent Zhou, I now seriously doubt your ability to work. No wonder the Commercial Crime Investigation Bureau has not made any great achievements for our police department. With a supervisor like you

, it’s hard to achieve results!”

"Superintendent Wang, tell me!"


"Shut up, what you are saying is something that even a three-year-old child would think of. By using this method to deal with Mr. Consul, do you think Mr. Consul's opinion of our police department is not strong enough? You..."

"Superintendent Liu, tell me!"

One after another, Brother Yi stepped up his posture, intending to ask questions one by one.

This question was asked to six police officers above the level of superintendent, but the answers they received made Brother Yi's blood rush to his forehead, and none of them were reliable.

Regarding this situation, Brother Yi was very angry. At this moment, someone in the conference room took the initiative to speak:

"Director, I think what we should do most now is to hold a grand award ceremony to commend all the police officers who have made meritorious service in this Cointreau Hotel incident."


Upon hearing this proposal, everyone couldn't help but look at the person who spoke.

The person speaking was very young, looking about thirty years old, less than forty, and he was sitting at the last position of the huge conference table.

In terms of level, it is also the lowest in the entire conference room, and it is only the level of chief inspector.

But no one dares to underestimate this person!

Liu Jiehui, a top student at Oxford University, returned to Hong Kong City after graduation and actively participated in various political activities. In a short period of time, he became a district councilor based on his ability and was supported by many people.

After the expiration of his four-year term, he joined the police. Since his previous status was high enough, he received special care from the police as soon as he entered. He skipped the lowest level and started as a trainee inspector.

Liu Jiehui is no good at anything else. When it comes to catching thieves, he is not even as good as an ordinary police officer.

He happens to be in charge of the Public Relations Section. With his previous relationships, he is highly regarded by members of the Security Bureau, the Executive Council, and various political circles, and he does his job well enough.

Lei Gong was promoted to chief inspector in just two years.

Some media even claimed that if Liu Jiehui continues to develop like this, he may become the youngest police superintendent in Hong Kong's history, and may also be the youngest first brother in history.

So he suddenly expressed such a novel opinion. No one dared to underestimate it. Even the first brother looked at it with expectation and encouraged:

"Jie Hui, continue."

This chapter has been completed!
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