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Chapter 22: You are a hammer

"Who knows? Or even if everyone in Hong Kong Comprehensive Market knows that the fruit column belongs to Taishan and the warehouse belongs to him, so what? What substantive evidence do we have? Just rely on oral confession?"

Yaoyang shook his head first, and then explained:

"Taishan is right about what he said. To convict someone in the Hong Kong Comprehensive City, the evidence must be complete, especially in such a major case."

"This drug warehouse case, we got the information through incorrect channels, so it cannot be made public at all, and the investigation process will inevitably be messy. And what we are planning to report is because we happened to discover it during the anti-gang operation.

Take action and capture all the suspects present."

"There were so many people at that time, all of them were Taishan boys. He randomly arranged one or two to take over this matter. What can we do? It's better to make him admit to illegally possessing firearms. Let's be more realistic."

"Taking a step back, even if we force Taishan to plead guilty today, what will happen? When he goes to court, he can still retract his confession. Owning a drug warehouse is a serious crime, and he will be jailed for at least twenty years.

He will definitely not recognize it."

"When the time comes, several scapegoats are rushing to confess. Given the current system of the Hong Kong Comprehensive Market and the premise that the benefit of the doubt belongs to the defendant, he is 90% sure that he will be able to escape."


Ma Jun punched the air hard, and after listening to Yaoyang's careful explanation, he completely understood the opponent's good intentions.

Yes, this drug warehouse case seems to have been solved by the Mong Kok anti-gangster group in a short time, and both the person and the stolen goods were captured.

But the operating space inside is too big.

How does the anti-drug team of Hong Kong Comprehensive City catch drug dealers?

It must be followed for a long time, with evidence and evidence, and a chain of evidence must be formed to confirm that this person is selling drugs.

In the end, he was caught in this man's drug warehouse. So of course, according to logical analysis, the judge definitely found this man guilty and the drugs belonged to him.

What about Mount Tai?

At first, Yaoyang and the others had no information about him, it was just a tip, and the person who made the tip must not be made public.

The explanation given to the superiors and the public was that after anonymously reporting triad crimes, Yaoyang and others were sharp-eyed and discovered something was wrong. Only then did they find the drug warehouse and catch a group of people inside.

From getting the information to arresting the person, it took just two hours, but no chain of evidence could be formed.

As for who owns this warehouse, of course it is completely unclear and it is easy to quibble.


Seeing Ma Jun's indignant look, Yaoyang chuckled and said consolingly:

"Ah Jun, you can't be too serious sometimes, you have to learn to be flexible. We seized so many drugs in this operation, which is already good enough."

"At least these drugs will not flow out of the market and cause harm to the people. To put it into perspective, we have saved many families. As for Taishan, he illegally possessed firearms and attempted to attack the police with a gun, which was enough for him."

"Tou, I understand, I'm just a little unwilling!"

Ma Jun nodded and responded. Yaoyang saw this and shook his head secretly: Ma Jun is too strong-willed and wants absolutely everything he wants. No wonder he is so skilled and has been a policeman for a long time, and he is still a police chief.

Ignoring Ma Jun, Yaoyang looked at He Zhanwen who had been standing in the corner and asked:

"Awen, what do you think about this matter?"

"Although I only followed Sir Lei for a few hours, I learned a lot, more than when I was in PTU combined. Boss, I admire you."

He Zhanwen responded with a serious face.


Yaoyang was very satisfied with He Zhanwen and said:

"If you were just asked to deal with Taishan, how would you deal with it?"

"Ask him to try the three treasures of the police station and make him admit his crime!"

He Zhanwen was not ambiguous at all. He gave an answer first and then said:

"I also listened to what the boss said. Obviously my way of handling it was not good, and the boss's method was more clever."

"Even if we ask for his confession now, there is not enough evidence to support it. He can quibble about the drug warehouse. There is evidence about the firearms, but he has no defense. If he confesses, we have arrested him."

"It's good if you can understand!"

Yaoyang smiled, knowing in his heart that he had conquered the two most difficult guys in the Mong Kok anti-gangster group.

Then he stood up and said hello:

"Let's go. There are reporters outside now. As today's crime-solving hero, going out and chatting with reporters will be beneficial in the future."


Ma Jun, who has always been "fearless of heaven and earth," had a bad temper. When he heard the reporter, his face suddenly turned ugly. He quickly stopped Yaoyang and said:

"Tou, I don't have to go, you can go!"

"Oh why?"

Yaoyang was puzzled and looked at Ma Jundao.

Ma Jun was a little embarrassed and explained:

"I became a police officer to catch thieves, not to show off! Uh...I'm not saying that it's not good for Tou to be like this, but I'm stupid and can't deal with those reporters. If Tou has other orders, I have no problem at all. If so,

To deal with reporters, then I..."

"You must go! I think it's not that you don't know how to do it, it's just that you're sorry."

Yaoyang definitely spoke up and said with a smile:

"Let's go. I, Yaoyang, will never harm my own people. Exposure will be good for you. In a place like Hong Kong Comprehensive Market, sometimes no matter how much you do, it's not as good as one exposure."

"Boss, I understand your good intentions, but... uh... by the way, our anti-gangster group in Mong Kok has been exposed now, and we will have no one to catch thieves and track them in the future, so I'd better not go. If you need anything in the future,

Let me go as far as the person you are following is concerned."

Ma Jun looked embarrassed and started to get confused in his words. After thinking for a while, he finally thought of a reason and refused.


Yaoyang curled his lips in disdain and immediately rejected Ma Jun's reason:

"If my people in Yaoyang want to solve a case, they can do it in an honest and fair way. No strangers are needed to follow you! What's more, if you are of your stature and you follow others, it will be difficult not to be discovered. Why don't you tell others that there is a problem!"

As he spoke, Yaoyang looked at Ma Jun's muscular body as if joking.


Ma Jun was rejected by Yaoyang one after another. Now he was a bit frustrated. After thinking about it, he couldn't think of a reason for rejection.

At this time, He Zhanwen, who seldom spoke, spoke:

"What? You're a madman from the police station, a madman who dares to beat up anyone, and he still scares reporters?"

"Who said I was shocked?"

Ma Jun was stimulated by He Zhanwen's words and reflexively retorted.

"Just leave if you're not surprised."

He Zhanwen didn't let him get used to it and continued to stimulate him.

"Let's go, I just want to go, but you, coffin face, will meet reporters later, don't say a word, let people think you are afraid, and lose the face of our Mong Kok anti-gang group."

Ma Jun responded by irritating He Zhanwen. After saying this, he opened the door and walked out with difficulty without waiting for He Zhanwen's reply.

Seeing Ma Jun's posture as if he was on the execution ground, Yaoyang and He Zhanwen looked at each other, and hearty laughter began to spread in the room:


A kind of friendship between men was ignited from this moment on.

On the first day after the establishment of the Mong Kok Anti-Gangster Group, two cases were solved. From investigation to conclusion, it only took a few hours.

With Fong Jiexia's vigorous promotion and the recruitment of countless reporters, the Mong Kok anti-gangster group stole the show.

This busy work lasted until five o'clock in the afternoon before the reporters were sent away. Inside the not-so-large police station.

Members of the Mong Kok anti-gangster group, including some temporarily transferred helpers in military uniforms, moved back the stolen goods displayed outside and then all found a place to sit and rest.

Of course, everyone who is tired and has dry mouth is in an extremely beautiful mood now.

"Fat brother, I have been a policeman for several years, and this is the first time I have been interviewed by a reporter! What kind of media were those just now? Did you remember them? I will buy newspapers and magazines these days. When the time comes, I will be so impressive.

The image is preserved.”

Zhou Qiang smiled broadly, and after a short rest, he immediately became excited and started talking.

"Young man, stay calm. Look at Zilang, and then look at you. Although we are in the limelight this time and have made great achievements, the biggest contribution is due to our wise and powerful heads. Keep a low profile. Understand!"

Liang Jianbo's fat face couldn't hide his ecstasy, and he even lectured Zhou Qiang and flattered Yaoyang.

When Yu Zilang heard Liang Jianbo mentioning himself in his words, he couldn't help but interject:

"Fat brother, uh... Actually, I'm not holding my breath, I'm just remembering who these reporters are!"


Everyone in the police station laughed at these words, and He Shangsheng couldn't help but also said:

"Don't think so wildly over there. Our group just caught two thieves. The leader of the group solved a drug warehouse case as soon as they came out. It's so powerful. Even if a reporter wants to write, it's just the leader. We

Where can I get my turn?"

Yaoyang was also in the lobby with everyone at this moment, because the room had temporarily become a holding room, and all the captured prisoners were locked in it.

After hearing what He Shangsheng said, Yaoyang waved his hands and said:

"You can't say that. Big and small cases, they are all cases. They all belong to the collective achievements of our Mong Kok anti-gangster group. The credit belongs to everyone. Especially Madam, I am very satisfied with the logistics support this time. You should also

Thank you Madam, if it weren’t for her, you wouldn’t show up like this today.”


Fang Jiexia, who was not as serious as usual. In fact, she was also happy to be in the limelight today. She was still handling the paperwork alone, carefully checking the confession materials, etc.

Hearing that Yaoyang actually called her name alone and praised her so much, I suddenly felt an inexplicable touch in my heart. My opinion of Yaoyang also went from strange to disgusting, to now I have a great favorable impression.

After all, Fang Jiexia has been very selfish since the morning. She came to the police station early and used tricks to get the upper hand.

Then when he went to a nightclub, he clashed with Aye again and his performance was unsatisfactory.

In the end, when she caught the thief, she did the easiest job, providing remote support. Strictly speaking, it didn't even count.

It was just that reporters were called in later, which was somewhat unruly and the case was disclosed to the media first, establishing that the Mong Kok anti-gangster group took 100% of the credit.

Now that Yaoyang mentioned her, Fang Jiexia felt a little moved while feeling valued. She immediately put down the information, raised her head and said:

"You don't need to thank me. We are all members of the same team. Since Sir Lei has arranged for me to be in charge of logistics, I will definitely give my full support to everyone. You are working harder than me on the front line, I know this."

With these words, the impression Fang Jiexia's performance brought to everyone today made everyone feel that this woman is a little more popular.

At least, at this moment, Fang Jiexia is no longer the formulaic policeman who follows the rules in everything, and starts to talk about some friendship.

All members of the anti-gangster group felt happy, and a collective feeling emerged spontaneously.

The uniformed police officers in the lobby who temporarily came to handle the case couldn't help but feel envious when they saw this situation, and secretly said:

"Although this Mong Kok anti-gang group has just been established, the members are not simple and united! Such a department is really great. It would be even better if I can join if I have the opportunity in the future."

"Hey, stop, who are you?"

"Hey, stop, who are you?"


The atmosphere in the police station was very good, and everyone was tired and happy, when noisy sounds came from outside the police station.

At the same time, the door was kicked open violently, and a group of people wearing different clothes, either suits, jackets, or casual clothes walked in.

There were more than twenty people coming, both men and women. Judging by their posture, they seemed to be in two groups.

However, everyone who came was in the same state, a bit "menacing", and their expressions were not very good.

A man in a suit who looked to be in his thirties, with a mustache and waxy hair immediately stood up and shouted with great momentum:

"Who's the boss here?"


Yaoyang and his group in the police station also stood up immediately, gathered together, and looked at the intruder with unkind eyes.

After all, breaking into the police station like this, even with the door kicked in, is obviously a bad person.

If you still have a good look like this, then you are being a bitch.

"I am! I have the final say in the Mong Kok Anti-Gangster Group. I am the biggest in this police station."

Yaoyang didn't show any signs of weakness. He strode towards the man with a height of 1.9 meters and asked sternly:

"Who are you? Are you trying to rob a prisoner or looking for trouble when you break into the Mong Kok Police Station like this?"


Hearing the word "prisoner robbery", Ma Jun, He Zhanwen and He Shangsheng followed Yaoyang closely and started to confront each other.

The three of them are also masters. Their bodies are tight and they look like they are ready to take action at any time.

"You are the leader of the anti-gangster group in Mong Kok, right? Well, you are the one we are looking for."

The man looked up at Yaoyang, showing no fear at all. Instead, there was a look of contempt in his eyes. He put his right hand into his pocket, took out his ID and showed it:

"You see clearly, I am Guan Yuecheng, the leader of the West Kowloon anti-gang group, and I am a prisoner. If I were a prisoner, how would I need to bring someone with you in such a wretched place?"


Yaoyang was stunned at first, not expecting that the other person was also a policeman. After he realized what he was doing, he carefully looked at Guan Yuecheng in front of him.

Damn, isn't this the useless inspector from Stormtroopers: Streets of Fury?

I never thought that he was actually a member of the West Kowloon anti-gang group.

What a loser, he dares to be so arrogant in front of him, his words are full of thorns.

Yaoyang had no intention of being hot-faced and cold-faced, and without giving the other party any face, he said coldly:

"Sir, right? You brought so many people and came to our anti-gangster place in Mong Kok with such force. Apart from robbing prisoners, I really can't think of any other purpose."

"Also, Sir Kwan, ever since the anti-gang group was established in Mong Kok Police Station, even if we don't have this room, as long as I and my team members are there, it will be one of the safest places in the entire Hong Kong Comprehensive City."

"It's not that I underestimate Sir Guan. Just because you dare to rob a prisoner by yourself, you won't even know what's going on until you die. To put it bluntly, you are nothing but a hammer!"

"What did you say? How dare you talk to me like that?"

Guan Yuecheng seemed to be in disbelief at Yaoyang's direct sarcasm and was stunned.

"Hey, why are you talking to our head?"

"You have to know your position clearly. Don't think that just because you are a team leader, you can be arrogant. We are from the West Kowloon General Administration!"

The people brought by Guan Yuecheng actually started to interrupt each other, and they all started to question Yaoyang.

Of course, anyone with a discerning eye could spot two waves at once, because a total of twenty people broke in, and only a dozen of them spoke, while the other ten remained silent and watched the fun with a sneer.

At this time, a voice came from Yaoyang's side:

"I'm just scolding you, what can you do? Come out and fight me if you dare!" The person who spoke was none other than Ma Jun. Ma Jun had a stern look on his face and glanced at Guan Yuecheng and his party. "

"That's right, so what if you just talk like this? Everyone is anti-black. Do you think you are superior to us?"

"You come to our Mong Kok Police Station for no reason to make trouble. Do you think we are easy to bully?"

As Ma Jun spoke, Yu Zilang, He Shangsheng and others also spoke one after another, with indignation on their faces and no fear of the other party at all.

Guan Yuecheng reacted at this moment. He first looked at Yaoyang's tall body and seemed to be a little worried, and then immediately shouted:

"Who said that just now?" The person he just referred to was undoubtedly the first person on Yaoyang's side to speak after his subordinates spoke.

"It's me, how about it?"

Ma Jun was unequivocal. He stepped out from behind Yaoyang's tall body and approached Guan Yuecheng side by side with Yaoyang.

Guan Yuecheng showed an angry look and immediately saw the person coming, but when he saw it clearly, his expression changed drastically:

"Ma...Ma Jun, why are you here?"

Undoubtedly, Guan Yuecheng knew Ma Jun. Ma Jun seemed to be familiar with Guan Yuecheng and said calmly:

"What I just said is what I said. Are you ready to teach me a lesson? Come on, I'll let Sir Guan teach you a lesson."


When Ma Jun said this, Guan Yuecheng's face turned green and white, but he did not dare to take any further action.

All the plainclothes policemen he brought seemed to know Ma Jun, and no one could help him speak.

In fact, this is easy to understand. Most of the police officers who have actually come into contact with the Ma Jun have witnessed the ferocity of the Ma Jun.

One of the most violent mad dogs in the Hong Kong police station, and that is no joke.

He has been beating prisoners and colleagues for several years, and half of his reputation lies in this. If you dare to compete with him, I am afraid he will not beat his colleagues this time.

At this time, another man who was also about thirty years old, but with a more cunning face and a short hair stood up and said:

"Sir Guan, we are all here for official business, it is more important to talk about official business first."

Since someone came to the rescue, Guan Yuecheng immediately got off the slope, looked at the man standing behind, nodded and said:

"You are right, I will give you face today."

After saying this, Guan Yuecheng looked at Yaoyang again and said proudly:

"How do your Mong Kok Anti-Gangster Group do things? If you have information, why don't you report it to our Kowloon General Administration for cross-district law enforcement? Who gave you the power?"

"As for the Central robbery case, do you know that our West Kowloon anti-gangster group has been following it for a long time? It was a criminal gang, and there were more than two criminals involved in the case."

"We have a comprehensive plan for a long time. We are planning to lure the snake out of its hole and arrest it secretly. Who asked you to act without permission?"

"It's okay now. All the plans of our West Kowloon anti-gangster group were ruined by you. You caught two shrimps and let the big fish behind them go. How do you explain this?"

"Also, if your people arrest people on the streets of Central, what happens if citizens are injured? Is your Mong Kok anti-gang group solely responsible for this? Can you bear this responsibility?"


I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people.

Everyone in the Mong Kok Police Station was questioned by Guan Yuecheng, their heads were buzzing, not because they thought they had done something wrong, but because the other party was so thick-skinned.

I bet they came here just to grab the credit!

Forget about grabbing the credit, I'm still going to blame a few shit basins on the anti-gangster group in Mong Kok.

If we accept this, will the anti-gangster group in Mong Kok still be able to hang out in the future?

Aren’t you always being trampled under the feet of the West Kowloon anti-gangsters?

After fully understanding the purpose of the visitor, everyone in the Mong Kok Police Station, including Fang Jiexia, had a gloomy look on their face.

If the look in Guan Yuecheng's group's eyes just now was unkind, now it has completely turned into hostility.

Ma Jun even clenched his fists and couldn't help but take action.

"Okay, okay, okay, I understand Sir's purpose..."

Yaoyang took a deep breath, said hello three times in a row, ignored Guan Yuecheng for the time being, and looked at the man who had persuaded Guan Yuecheng before, and said tentatively:

"What's the name of this sir? I don't know why he came to our Mong Kok Police Station. What's the point of doing it?"


The man seemed a little surprised by Yaoyang's reaction. He originally planned to see how Yaoyang would treat Guan Yuecheng before considering what he should do.

Now Yaoyang didn't talk to Guan Yuecheng more and asked himself directly. Is this strange?

How to answer?

Soft or hard?

The man's mind was spinning very fast. Three seconds later, he also opened his suit, revealed his ID and said:

"I am Inspector Pan Xueli of the Operation Team of the Narcotics Investigation Bureau. I am here this time to take away those prisoners suspected of drug crimes that your Mong Kok anti-gang team captured."

"Our Narcotics Investigation Division has long had evidence about Ji Qing Taishan's drug trafficking, and has been secretly investigating where his drug warehouse is. Unexpectedly, your Mong Kok Anti-Gangster Group was lucky enough to find it."

"The responsibility of the anti-gangster group has always been to crack down on the crimes of triads in Hong Kong comprehensive cities. Drug-related matters have always been taken over by our drug investigation department."

"Leave the prisoner to us. Only we can prosecute Taishan for drug possession and drug trafficking. It is useless to keep him here with you. Forget it this time, our Narcotics Investigation Division will not care about your anti-gangster and excessive law enforcement."

"We are all police officers, I can understand it!"


After listening to Pan Xueli's words, Yaoyang and the Mong Kok Police Station took another deep breath.

It wouldn't work without sucking. Yaoyang, Ma Jun, and even Fang Jiexia couldn't help but want to take action.

Both groups of people came here to grab the credit. Although Pan Xueli of the Narcotics Investigation Division seemed to be more kind-hearted, in fact, he didn't want to take away the prisoner and take all the credit.

Even if their Narcotics Investigation Division has information on Taishan, so what?

When the time comes, they form a chain of evidence, add Taishan's warehouse, and prosecute Taishan in the name of their Narcotics Investigation Division. What good can they get on their side?

Is it possible that we really have to endure it in order to have a good relationship with the Narcotics Investigation Bureau?

Moreover, it is impossible for the Narcotics Investigation Division to be left to just one inspector, Pan Xueli, to have the final say.

"That's nonsense!"

Faced with the aggressive confrontation between two different departments, Fang Jiexia suddenly spoke.

I saw Fang Jiexia, who was usually serious, but her face was as dark as Bao Gong at this moment. She came to the front from behind and said:

"Our Mong Kok Anti-Gangster Group received information from an informant that a crime was suspected. Shouldn't we investigate? Why should we report our tip to you? Are you the superior department of our Mong Kok Anti-Gangster Group, or the police?


"As for us catching the criminal, that's up to us. Whether we can sue him or not, you don't need to worry about other departments."


Guan Yuecheng and Pan Xueli first glanced at Fang Jiexia, and then looked at each other. From their eyes, they both saw the word "I don't know".

Undoubtedly, the two people from the operations department had never seen someone like Fang Jiexia who was involved in administration.

Therefore, the conditioned reflex treats it as a small role.

It was Guan Yuecheng who still rushed to speak. He looked at Fang Jiexia with contempt, but his words were completely directed at Yaoyang:

"I don't know how your Mong Kok Anti-Gangster Group teaches your subordinates. Now it's a conversation between senior officers. Are junior police officers qualified to interrupt? When did our Hong Kong Comprehensive City Police become so undisciplined? Ah?"

"Who are you saying is undisciplined?"

Fang Jiexia was so angry that she almost jumped to Yaoyang's side, approached Guan Yuecheng, took out her ID and held it up high:

"I am Fang Jiexia, deputy leader of the Mong Kok Anti-Gangster Group. My police rank is Inspector. I am at the same level as you. If you are not blind, you should recognize me."


Frankly speaking, Guan Yuecheng and Pan Xueli were a little dumbfounded when Fang Jiexia announced her police title.

They never thought that this deputy team leader Fang Jiexia was actually on the same level as them!

You know, why did they come to Mong Kok Police Station to grab credit?

Very simple!

Because Guan Yuecheng feels that he is superior to others and belongs to the head of the anti-gang team of the Kowloon General Administration. No matter how you look at it, he is higher than the team leader of a small place like Mong Kok Police Station.

Even though the team leader here is also an inspector, there is still a big difference between the regions and the central government!

Therefore, Guan Yuecheng directly brought people to grab the credit. Firstly, he wanted to steal the credit. Secondly, he also wanted to deliberately trample on the anti-gangster group in Mong Kok and let them distinguish the big ones from the big ones.

If the Mong Kok anti-gangster group has any information in the future, they should report it to him so that he can continue to make meritorious deeds.

As for Pan Xueli, he completely ignored the newly established anti-gang group in the small police station in Mong Kok.

After all, with their position as inspectors, they cannot participate in high-level police meetings, and they do not have as well-informed sources as Fang Jiexia, and they have no knowledge of the Mong Kok anti-gangster group.

Just relying on past experience, I can directly judge that this police station, which may be abandoned at any time, should be the same as the police departments like Shouhaidao, which are all rubbish.

I was lucky this time and caught a few drug dealers. It should be easy for me to come here and snatch the prisoners back.

But as Fang Jiexia revealed her identity, the situation was a little different from what she thought!

Guan Yuecheng and Pan Xueli didn't know how to reply for a while. They looked at Yaoyang at the same time, and their eyes began to look a little panicked and solemn.

The situation now is completely different from what I imagined. Even the deputy team leader is an inspector, but where is the team leader in front of me?

"Hand the hammer, don't be so excited!"

Yaoyang finally spoke at this moment, with a calm tone, like a sign before a storm. He first reached out and patted Fang Jiexia on the shoulder. After Fang Jiexia put down her ID, she looked at Ma Jun next to her and said:

"Ah Jun, I now understand why you have filed so many complaints about insulting and assaulting colleagues over the years. Some hammers are so hard not to hit you!"


As soon as the words fell, Yaoyang's hands stretched out like lightning, one on the left and one on the right, on the heads of Guan Yuecheng and Pan Xueli.

When the two reacted, they already felt a huge force, which forced them to lower their heads, even slightly. Their whole bodies had to go down, and their heads almost didn't touch the ground.

"what are you doing?"

"Stop messing around, let go!"

"We are all colleagues, so we can talk to each other if we have anything to say."

Yaoyang suddenly burst out and held down the heads of the two inspectors, pressing them to the ground without letting go.

The people brought by Pan Xueli and Guan Yuecheng all made a fuss and roared, and some even tried to pull Yaoyang.


"Fuck you!"

They seemed to move very quickly. Ma Jun, He Zhanwen and He Shangsheng were faster.

Ma Jun jumped into the air and kicked the person closest to Yaoyang. The person who was about to approach Yaoyang was kicked completely into the air and hit a group of them. With a loud ouch, more than ten people fell down.

Although He Zhanwen and He Shangsheng did not use any hands or feet, they took up positions one on the left and the other on the right, blocking the way to get close to Yaoyang, so that no one dared to approach the other side.

"Who dares to move and try again!"

Ma Jun also followed up with a threat.

At the same time, Yu Zilang, Zhou Qiang and others, who were slower to react, did not flinch. Including a few military uniforms who could not stand it, they all surrounded Yaoyang and protected Yaoyang, completely cutting off the opponent's chance to steal people.

And Yaoyang's next words completely touched the opponent's acupoints, who originally wanted to snatch her, and he didn't dare to move at all.

I saw Yaoyang pressing Pan Xueli and Guan Yuecheng's heads and roaring:

"You two bastards, listen carefully. My name is Lei Yaoyang, senior inspector, and leader of the Mong Kok Anti-Gangster Team. If we want to talk about the rules, you two bastards are going to call me "sir" and salute me!"

"You two bastards, you didn't even know who I am, Yaoyang, and you dare to come to my place. Do you think you have a long life?"

"In the Cointreau Hotel case, I, Yaoyang, had at least twenty lives on my hands. Plus you two bastards, what does that mean?"

"I'm telling you now, from now on, no one in the Mong Kok Anti-Gangster Group will want to get a share of the cases solved by my Mong Kok Anti-Gangster Group unless the people in my Mong Kok Anti-Gangster Group are willing.

Don’t even think about it.”

"Two people are fighting in the street, do you hear me clearly?"


He was so excited that Yaoyang exerted a lot of force, pressed the two people's heads and bumped them on the ground, making a dull sound.

"That's right! You two bastards still said that I handled cases across districts and exceeded my authority, right? You said you would forgive me, right? I'm telling you right now, from now on, our Mong Kok Anti-Gangster Team will cover all cases in Kowloon District.

Check, the entire Kowloon area must be controlled, whether it is gambling or drugs, if you are not satisfied, go and complain to my superiors!"

"But if you want to make a complaint, you need to find out clearly. I, Yaoyang, was personally ordered to come to the Mong Kok Police Station by the director. I have no direct superiors and am under the direct jurisdiction of the director. If you think you are of high rank and good enough, then go and give it a try.


"Now that I have finished speaking, do you understand or understand you hammers?"

Dong Dong...

As he said that, Yaoyang pressed their heads hard against the ground.

After only the first bump, Guan Yuecheng was already shouting:

"Understood, I understand, sir."


Pan Xueli didn't even have to carry him a few times. After being hit four or five times, his eyes were filled with stars. He couldn't break free from the opponent's hand like an iron hoop, so he gritted his teeth.

The anti-drug team and the West Kowloon anti-gang team came in force, but because they had no idea about the actual situation of the Mong Kok anti-gang team, they were beaten to death.

When you come, you will be proud, but when you leave, you will be disgraced!

Inside Mong Kok Police Station.

Seeing with their own eyes how powerful their leader was, every member of the team felt relieved. The two groups had just gone out and everyone was already cheering.

"Hahaha, these bastards dare to come to our Mong Kok Police Station and act arrogantly. They will be very embarrassed this time."

Liang Jianbo's fat face was full of smiles as he spoke.

"Yes, Brother Bo, I see that Guan Yuecheng almost peed because of the head scare, and his pants seemed to be wet. Especially when he heard the head mention the dozens of lives lost at the Cointreau Hotel, his whole body was shaking, he is such a coward.


Zhou Qiang followed closely behind and also answered. He Shangsheng was more calm. Although he had a smile on his face, there was a trace of worry in his eyes. He looked at Yaoyang and said:

"Boss, if we don't give face to the West Kowloon anti-gang group and anti-drug group this time, will there be any trouble?"

"What trouble can there be? If they dare to make trouble again, there is no need to take action. I won't be polite."

Ma Jun didn't bother to curl his lips and also interjected:

"I have to file 50 complaints in less than a year, and I am not short of one or two of them."

"How can you and Tou be the same? Tou's actions are completely different in nature."

He Shangsheng found a stool and sat down, shaking it while chatting and seeming to respond.

"Yes, the senior inspector beat two inspectors violently. If word gets out, I'm afraid the entire West Kowloon anti-gang team and anti-drug team will be dissatisfied with us!" Yu Zilang analyzed with a serious expression.

He Zhanwen, who had always been silent and seldom spoke, now spoke, his voice as cold as ice, saying coldly:

"So what if you are dissatisfied? If necessary, I have many brothers in PTU."

"If they dare to have objections to us, I guarantee that their two departments will not receive timely support from the PTU in the future."


People like He Zhanwen, He Shangsheng, Yu Zilang, Zhou Jianbo, etc. who did not fully understand He Zhanwen's big talk were dumbfounded.

But for some reason, looking at He Zhanwen's serious look, although they thought it was unlikely that a police chief could have much power in the PTU, they still chose to believe it.

As for Yaoyang and Fang Jiexia, who have read all the information on He Zhanwen, they know that this may not be a lie.

It is said that He Zhanwen is very popular in the PTU and has unique methods of handling cases. During his eight years in the PTU, although he was only a squad leader, the number of times he helped his colleagues was definitely a terrifying number.

There are even rumors that several PTU commanders at the inspector level have received favors from He Zhanwen. He Zhanwen said that it would be unrealistic for the PTU not to go when it receives a request for assistance, but it is definitely possible to go slowly and deliberately.

What is a PTU? It is a mobile unit. It is a very common unit in Hong Kong Comprehensive City, and it is also the team most likely to be temporarily recruited as support.

Regardless of the West Kowloon anti-gang group, the anti-drug group seems to have a big business, and there are often many places to call for support.

If PTU deliberately plays with them, the impact on them will be huge.


Fang Jiexia didn't know what to think at this time, her expression was serious, and she suddenly spoke:

"If they dare to complain first, I, Fang Jiexia, am not easy to bully. There are three superintendents in the police department, and the five senior inspectors have good relations with me. I will report this matter."



With Fang Jiexia's words, she completely displayed her energy from the side, and everyone was shocked again.

I never thought that the anti-gangster group in Mong Kok where I work is really full of capable people. One can influence the PTU, and the other is more ruthless and can influence several superintendents and senior inspectors.

The key is that their Tou Yaoyang, everyone knows that he has a stronger relationship, is Mr. Consul's guest, and seems to be able to talk to Brother Yi.

To put it this way, the West Kowloon anti-gang and anti-drug teams really had no choice but to take their losses this time.

Otherwise, if several departments are at odds, it will not only be a small incident, but will trigger a large chain reaction.

"Hahaha, I'm just saying that, don't be so serious! In fact, when I was in the Flying Tigers, I always had a good relationship with my colleagues. At least in the three teams, my speeches are quite important."

When He Shangsheng saw that his topic had caused the two of them to express strong opinions, he laughed dryly and quickly expressed his attitude. What he wanted to show was that he was not afraid of getting into trouble, but was just chatting.

"Okay! Just a few hammers!"

Yaoyang, who had been silent until now, raised his hand with a smile on his face. He was pleased to see a group of subordinates who showed absolute unity in just one day, and said:

"Don't worry. I am sure that what happened today will not affect our relationship with the anti-drug team. There are even many possibilities for cooperation between us and the anti-drug team."

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Yaoyang. Yu Zilang was even more surprised, thinking that his analysis would not be so unreliable. He couldn't help but curiously asked:

"Tou, why?"

"It's very simple. Whether it's Guan Yuecheng or Pan Xueli, they have lost such a big face to our Mong Kok anti-gangster group. Why do they have the nerve to tell it? I'm afraid they will not only not tell it, but they will try their best to conceal it."

Yaoyang smiled confidently and said:

"If it weren't for this reason, I, Yaoyang, wouldn't be so stupid as to let my work records be painted on in order to teach two hammers a lesson."


Everyone was stunned, especially Yu Zilang and Fang Jiexia, and then looked at Yaoyang with an unclear look:

"Tou, you mean, you have already thought about it?"

"If I was just impulsive, Guan Yuecheng would have fallen down as soon as he finished speaking."

Yaoyang nodded and said.


Taking a deep breath, Fang Jiexia also asked curiously:

"Even if they don't spread this matter to the outside world, they are the leaders of the West Kowloon anti-gang group and the anti-drug operation group, so they must hold grudges. How can there be any possibility of cooperation between us and the anti-drug group in the future?



With a chuckle, Yaoyang explained:

"The West Kowloon Anti-Gangster Group and our Mong Kok Anti-Gangster Group are originally in a competitive relationship. Even if there is cooperation between the two families, it is bound to be superficially in harmony with each other, and they may even play tricks on each other. Since this is the case, I didn't think about it at the beginning.

No matter how good the relationship is with the West Kowloon anti-gangster group, if you offend me, you will be offended. What can they do?"

"Let's talk about the anti-drug team. Pan Xueli is just the leader of the action team! As far as I know, the anti-drug team has several action teams and several intelligence teams. It has a large number of people and complicated departments. We offended Pan Xueli, and we also

It’s not about offending the entire anti-drug team. If you don’t cooperate with him, there are others who do.”

"It's just right now. We have a group of people from Taishan. In a moment we will choose a guy from the anti-drug team who is suitable to cooperate with and ask him to come and take them away. Even if we give them a favor first."

This chapter has been completed!
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