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Chapter Thirty-Three: Closing the Case

Under the leadership of Yaoyang, the three Ma Jun people were also very skilled. They walked to the stairs on the first floor without any danger and climbed up.


The four of them had just arrived at the entrance to the second floor. It was pitch black and they couldn't see anything clearly, but they could already hear snoring.

The snoring sound is actually not loud, but in such a quiet environment, it is still clearly heard.

Yaoyang raised his head and motioned to the three of them to stay where they were and listen carefully.

After listening for about two minutes, Yaoyang said in the lowest voice:

"There seem to be two people, both on the left! Follow me, pass slowly, and be careful. Ah Sheng, if anything happens, shoot at any time."

"Yes!" Ma Jun and the other three nodded solemnly, all of them extremely cautious.

After all, there are four people in this building. This is the information they obtained after two days of observation. Now Yaoyang says there seem to be two on the second floor.

Although this is possible, it is also possible that there are two others who are not snoring and are in another corner.

In this case, the flashlight must not be turned on. A trace of light may cause unpredictable consequences. You can imagine the hardships of everyone operating in the dark! Yaoyang cat wears a belt and sneaks around, taking a few steps and stopping, with a pair of eagle eyes.

I can barely see things in my field of vision three to four meters away in the dark.

"Well, well...!"

Getting closer and closer, Yaoyang and the other four could already hear the sound of a person wiping his mouth. They were only about five meters away from them.

Yaoyang stretched out his hand back to signal He Shangsheng and others not to move. He slowly stood up and used his height advantage to use all his strength to take a look at the situation ahead:

It seemed to be a bed made of two wooden boards at random, or a whole wooden bed. Two people with a height of 1.7 meters by visual inspection were sleeping on it. There were no quilts or other supplies, so they just slept in the same clothes.

After seeing the situation clearly, Yaoyang squatted down again, turned around with his hand, and made a gesture of wiping his neck in front of Ma Jun and others.

Although the visibility of Ma Jun and others was not high, fortunately, they could still clearly see their movements at close range. The three of them nodded seriously. He Shangsheng consciously fell behind with his gun, and Ma Jun, the most skilled, changed positions and followed Yaoyang.

Ranked second.

Yaoyang nodded with satisfaction, waved his hand, and walked forward again.

Five seconds later, everyone discovered that there was a wooden bed in front of them, and the sound of snoring came from the bed. Yaoyang gestured to several people, pointing to himself, to the left, and to Ma Jun.

He Zhanwen pointed to the right.

After everyone realized this, they immediately separated. Yaoyang, a group by himself, came to the left, and Ma Jun and He Zhanwen, a group, came to the right.

He Shangsheng held his gun motionless and listened closely to the movements around him.

"Do it!"

Yaoyang ventured out again and made a small voice. In an instant, the three of them stood upright from their waist-down position and followed the feeling.

As a master of Chinese martial arts, Yaoyang can identify the position by listening to the sound, judging the position of the mouth and deducing the position of the throat from the snoring sound.

One hand reached out and accurately pinched the throat of the person on the left. With a slight twist, there was a crisp clicking sound. One of the gangsters was still asleep and was dead.

Ma Jun and He Zhanwen are much worse than Yaoyang.

The two of them dealt with a gangster at the same time. He Zhanwen was afraid that the other person would make a sound, so he pressed his hands towards the place where the snoring sound came from, which was considered to be holding the other person's mouth.

Although the gangsters could no longer make a sound, Ma Jun, who originally wanted to break the opponent's throat, was afraid of accidentally injuring He Zhanwen, so he could only attack him instead of entanglement, and pressed down with both hands, fighting with He Zhanwen.

He held down the gangster's face.

Woo woo woo...

After such violent compression, the second gangster immediately woke up. Although he didn't understand what was going on, he couldn't breathe or cry out. Of course he started struggling wildly.

Dong dong dong...

This struggle made the wooden bed, which was completely worthless, make a loud noise.

"Sure!" Yaoyang's face changed drastically, and He Shangsheng also became nervous.

The parties involved, Ma Jun and He Zhanwen, were even more frightened. They quickly found the location of each other's temples and struck each other from the left and right.

If the first gangster died happily and slept peacefully, the second gangster was much more miserable. He suffered from lack of oxygen and was hit hard on his temple. Finally, there was no movement and he went into shock. Unfortunately, everything seemed like

It was a little late, because He Zhanwen and Ma Jun were unable to discuss and cooperate with each other, so they allowed a gangster to make a move.

Above the third floor, a voice suddenly came:

"Aba, Aba..."

"Mute, what are you doing? It's so late, go to bed quickly, we have big things to do tomorrow!"

"Aba! Aba!"

The sound was relatively loud, at least Yaoyang and others could hear it clearly.

"He is a mute. Although a mute cannot speak, his hearing must be very good. He may have heard the noise."

Yaoyang reminded a few people in a low voice, pointing his finger at the stairs from the second floor to the third floor.

He Shangsheng held the gun with both hands and aimed there.

Ma Jun and He Zhanwen felt guilty, but they knew the mission was important and hid sideways.

At this time, a beam of light shone down from top to bottom on the third floor, illuminating the stairwell. The mute's voice became louder and more urgent:

"Aba, Aba!"

It was just a shout, and it seemed that no one had any intention of coming down. There was no one there for a minute.

"Mute, what on earth are you doing?"

Undoubtedly, the mute's movements made the gangster upstairs completely awake and a little unhappy.

"Yeah, he seems to want these two bastards to respond!"

He Shangsheng was very smart. Hearing the mute keep shouting, he wanted to understand what the mute meant and whispered his own opinion.

"Now that you've been exposed, let's go, let's attack!"

How could Yaoyang not know the meaning of the mute upstairs who kept shouting despite not coming down? He felt cruel and made an immediate decision.


Several of them were masters. Yaoyang gave an order and stopped hiding. He stood up and ran towards the stairs.

"Aba, Aba!"

"Who? Ah Sheng, is it you?"

The sound of people running wildly on the second floor quickly alerted those upstairs. The mute screamed even more urgently, and another gangster also spoke up, his tone full of doubt.

It was too late, but it was too soon. Yaoyang took the lead, moved his long legs, and ran to the stairs in a few steps.

Raising the gun, there was only a flashlight on the ground at the stairs on the third floor, and no one was seen.

Undoubtedly, the mute and the other gangster felt something was wrong, so they either avoided it or set up an ambush.

"Depend on!"

Yaoyang cursed secretly and could only take the lead with a gun and climb up the stairs.

Woo woo woo...


The moment Yaoyang's feet stepped onto the third floor, the entire abandoned building lit up.

There is electricity inside, and lights are connected. From the first floor to the fourth floor, a total of forty light tubes are on.

The situation of the entire abandoned building was finally clearly displayed in front of Yaoyang and his party.

The third floor of an abandoned unfinished building is brightly lit.

There are piles of debris here, and countless rotten and moldy wooden boxes are piled up everywhere, forming natural barriers. The most eye-catching thing is a huge wooden table with mountains of black gunpowder on it, and many firecrackers next to it.

Simple explosives, detonators, etc.

Yaoyang and others stood at the entrance of the stairs and scanned around, but didn't see anyone.

"Be careful!"

Yaoyang reminded him and took the lead in slowly searching the third floor.

"Aba, Aba, Aba..."

Suddenly, a voice came from behind the wooden box. Yaoyang and He Shangsheng's guns were pointed there. Ma Jun and He Zhanwen were also nervous and their bodies tensed up.

A man wearing glasses, overalls, and a checkered red shirt, only about 1.6 meters tall, slowly walked out from behind the wooden box. There was a fierce light in the pupils behind his glasses, but he raised his hands high and screamed.

The yelling seemed to indicate surrender.

"Head, he seems to be surrendering?"

Seeing this situation, He Shangsheng and Ma Jun both breathed a sigh of relief and said.

He Zhanwen was very careful, stared at the mute closely, and said coldly:

"Slowly put your hands on your head and squat down!"

But the mute didn't seem to understand He Zhanwen's words at all. He still raised his hands in the air and kept shouting.

He Zhanwen felt a little relieved when he saw this, and said: "Boss, he seems to be mute and deaf!"

"Deaf and dumb?"

Yaoyang smiled disdainfully and said loudly:

"Let the person behind you come out and stop acting. Do you want to cover him to get the bomb, or do you want to cover him to run away?"


When Yaoyang said this, He Shangsheng, Ma Jun and others immediately increased their vigilance and stared at the mute.

They all know that their heads are not the kind of people who "shoot without aim". If they dare to say so, they must have discovered something.

"Aba, Aba!"

The mute looked confused, as if he hadn't heard anything, and kept waving his hands and shouting.

Yaoyang smiled coldly and said:

"If I'm not wrong, you don't have any destructive weapons like bombs with you. After all, this is your home base, and there are gunpowder and earthen explosives everywhere. You cherish your life, but you are also afraid of any accidents!"

"Of course, the most important thing is that you didn't expect anyone to find this place and rushed to the third floor so quickly that you were caught off guard and didn't even have time to get the explosives!"

"Am I right?"

"I am now officially informing you that we are the Hong Kong Royal Police. You are suspected of planning and carrying out the bombing of the Galaxy Shopping Center in Central. Now you have the right not to speak, but every word you say will become evidence in court."

"Last warning, squat on the ground with your head in your hands, otherwise I will shoot."

"Aba, Aba!"

The mute didn't know what confidence he had, whether he underestimated Yaoyang's inability to shoot, or underestimated the methods of the Hong Kong Comprehensive City Police.

Even after Yaoyang finished talking, he still kept shouting. It could be said that he was so deep in the drama that he could not get out.

Even Ma Jun, He Shangsheng and He Zhanwen couldn't help but look at each other and secretly said:

Could it be that the head guessed wrongly, that the mute in front of him was really a deaf-mute, and he didn't hear it at all?

Bang bang... there were two gunshots. When Ma Jun and the other three were completely unprepared, Yaoyang did what he said and fired directly.

Both bullets hit the mute's forehead, penetrated through the forehead, and exited the back of the brain. The central nervous system was instantly destroyed. The mute completely maintained a surrender posture with his hands raised in the air. He was completely frozen and fell to the ground without closing his eyes.


The three people on Ma Jun were stunned, and they all looked at Yaoyang in surprise.

Although the three of them were not good friends and had killed many gangsters with their own hands, they still couldn't do it when they decisively shot and killed a guy who might be a "deaf-mute" without any verification. They just relied on their own speculations.


Regarding this, Yaoyang, who was familiar with the plot, had no psychological burden. He pointed his pistol at the box where the mute had just come out and said coldly:

"What? You still don't want to come out? Do you think you still have a chance?"

"I dare to kill the mute with one shot, which means I dare to kill anyone. If you don't come out, I will go there...!"

Saying that, Yaoyang strolled towards the box with a gun in his hand.

Although the three people on Ma Jun were puzzled, they still chose to trust and followed closely, approaching the box at the same time.

Kick, kick... the sound of four footsteps was particularly harsh in this peaceful, dark, deserted environment.

The pressure brought by the footsteps is believed to be great enough for the evaders. Before Yaoyang and the other two could completely approach the box, a male voice came from behind the box:

"Sir, sir, don't shoot, I surrender!"

"get out!"

Yaoyang immediately stood still and shouted.

Two seconds later, the last gangster walked out from behind the box. He held his head in his hands and looked frightened. He was none other than the polar bear whom Ma Jun and others knew. He was the polar bear who had been following him.

"Get down on the ground right now, or I'll shoot!"

Yaoyang was very cautious when dealing with these desperadoes. He shouted again and at the same time pulled the trigger, ready to take action at any time.

"No, sir, don't shoot. I'll get down, I'll get down."

The polar bear seemed really frightened and quickly lay on the ground with his head in his hands.

Ma Jun and He Zhanwen looked at each other, perhaps wanting to make atonement, and immediately approached, both held down the polar bear, and handcuffed him.

Pulling up the polar bear, Ma Jun hit him with his elbow and said harshly:

Boom...bastard, Sir called you just now, why didn't you come out immediately?"

"Sir, you all know what we have committed. If the crime is serious, we may be sentenced to dozens of years in prison."

The polar bear looked pained and responded immediately.

"I really want to resist!"

The eyes of several members of the anti-gangster group lit up, and Ma Jun continued to ask:

"Then why are you coming out now?"


The polar bear smiled bitterly, with an ugly and troubled face. He glanced at Yaoyang and said with great grievance:

"That sir was too smart. He shot my brother directly. If I didn't come out, I might not have a chance!"


By saying this, Polar Bear undoubtedly admitted from the side that just now he and the mute were really pretending to cooperate, and they were really ready to go to the bomb and fight the police to the end.

Fortunately, I was ruthless enough to shoot a mute decisively, fearing the polar bear's courage.

If not...

Ma Jun and the others unconsciously looked at the massive pile of gunpowder on the wooden table over there, their backs wet with cold sweat, and when they looked at Yaoyang's eyes, they became even more respectful.

Yaoyang was in a good mood at the moment. He walked around the third floor and made sure there was no one else. Then he put away his gun and ordered:

"Ah Sheng, go out and inform Madam Fang to bring someone in and tell them the case is closed!"

"By the way, don't forget to shout a few times first to avoid being accidentally injured by Madam and the others."

"yes, sir!"

He Shangsheng accepted the order, immediately put away his gun and went downstairs.

Only then did Yaoyang have time to walk up to the polar bear, patted the other person's face, and said with a smile:

"Boy, your choice is correct. If you dared to play tricks with me just now, even if you come out slower, I will kill you decisively! If you jump out of the building, my guys outside will shoot you to death.


"It's okay now. Although I will have to squat for a long time, I can save my life!"


Facing the tall shining sun, the polar bear swallowed his saliva, lowered his head and was speechless:

This policeman is too ruthless. He is not as cautious as other policemen. He will shoot him first. Who can stand it?

It's really an injustice that my brother, who was mute, died unjustly. His scheming was seen through. He didn't dare to move at all. When he was still hesitating, he was finished...

Two gangsters were shot dead by Yaoyang himself, one was beaten to a deep coma by Ma Jun and He Zhanwen, which may be life-threatening, and the other was captured alive.

A large amount of explosives were found at the scene. It is feared that if used, it would be powerful enough to blow up any building in Hong Kong Comprehensive City.

Such results all indicate that the Galaxy Shopping Center bombing in Central has been solved.

After Fang Jiexia received He Shangsheng's notice, she immediately rushed from outside to the third floor of the building. The fatigue of not having a rest for two days seemed to be completely non-existent, and she immediately put forward various finishing suggestions to Yaoyang.

What about notifying reporters, notifying the first brother, notifying arms experts, calling some colleagues to control the scene, etc...

Yaoyang looked at Fang Jiexia, who was like a panda, and directly delegated the follow-up processing to her, letting her do whatever she wanted.

Fang Jiexia immediately started to notify all parties according to her own ideas as if she had been given a shot of blood!

Two hours later, there were usually no strangers coming to Mawei Ha Ling Tsui. In the middle of the night, there were many vehicles, various police lights flashing, and countless uniformed military police and plainclothes people coming and going.

Especially outside the abandoned building, a man from the police station had a red face and a white light flashing all over his body. This was the result of the camera pressing the shutter frantically. In front of him, a large number of reporters surrounded him, and from time to time, some police officers were seen carefully carrying earthen explosives.

When it came out with gunpowder, it even caused exclamations of surprise.

"Come on, Sir Lei, come over and take some pictures, come over and take some pictures together!"

Brother No. 1 felt very proud and kept greeting Yaoyang who was not far away. He also said to reporters:

"Dear journalists, this time we were able to solve the extremely egregious bombing of the Galaxy Shopping Center in Central in just four days."

"In addition to my wise judgment and handing over this case to the highly capable Mong Kok Anti-Gangster Group, the most important thing is that the leader of the Mong Kok Anti-Gangster Group, the then Senior Inspector Yiu Yang, Sir Lei, took the lead and led them throughout the whole process.

Team members work together day and night, regardless of the results of their hard work.”

"You should also know that Sir Lei played a huge role in the Cointreau Hotel case, and after serving in the Mong Kok Anti-Gangster Group, he solved many major cases, including drugs, smuggling, serial car thefts, etc..."

"Come on, friends from the press, please give me some applause. Now, let our greatest hero, Sir Lei, say a few words."

Bang bang bang...

As he spoke, Brother Yi took the lead in applauding. Undoubtedly, Brother Yi was really happy:

After all, more than two months after the incident at the Cointreau Hotel, there was another explosion in the Central shopping mall. These two such bad cases all occurred during Brother Yi's tenure.

Brother Yi is not having a good time these days. The Hong Kong Governor has been held accountable many times, and many MPs are also unequivocal. There are dozens of them. From time to time, they publicly criticize the incompetence of the police. Brother Yi is the worst Commissioner of Police, etc.


Now it's good, the case was solved, it was solved so quickly, bad things turned into good things!

This is why he rarely participates in interviews after the case. He has long said goodbye to the limelight after such actions. He rushed to the scene tonight after receiving the notice from Fang Jiexia.

Brother Yi just wants to let everyone in Hong Kong know that it is not that he is incompetent, but that his subordinates are not strong enough, and there are many cases that are uncontrollable!

To put it bluntly, both major cases occurred during his tenure. They are both uncontrollable. Who can control when the gangsters commit crimes?

On the contrary, the case was solved quickly, which showed the wisdom of the director.

In particular, Brother Yi ordered the Mong Kok anti-triad group to solve the case and did not hand over the case that occurred in Central to the Central Police Station. This further highlighted Brother Yi's unique vision and perfect decision-making.

Back to the scene.

Bang bang bang...

After hearing Brother Yi's introduction, some of the reporters actually knew Yaoyang and applauded. Their microphones and cameras were all pointed towards the tall figure next to Brother Yi.

"Sir Lei, I heard that after you were transferred from the Correctional Services Department to the Police Department, you were assigned to the Mong Kok Police Station. Is it true? As far as I know, although the Mong Kok Police Station has a history of hundreds of years, there is nothing there.

, except for the report room and the lobby, there is nothing else. Is this because the Police Department is xenophobic and has some opinions on you who are from the Correctional Services Department?"

A reporter who seemed to be a gossip magazine asked a very pointed question as his first question. He didn't ask about the case, and he didn't know where he got the information from, so he asked this question.


Brother Yi's face changed drastically when he heard this, his eyes showed a fierce light, and he immediately glanced at the other party:

"You fucking don't want to make yourself feel better. What do you mean by asking this kind of thing for no reason? Is it possible that someone wants to sit in their own position and let reporters mess around on purpose?"

The reporters didn’t care what Brother Yi thought. When they heard colleagues asking about this kind of explosion, they stretched their microphones forward and started talking:

"Sir Lei, please answer."

"Sir Lei, what do you think about this issue?"

"Sir Lei, is there really a mutual exclusion between the Police Department and the Correctional Services Department?"

"Be quiet!"

Facing the surging reporters, Yaoyang remained very calm. He raised his hands and waited until the reporters muted their voices before responding:

"That journalist friend, you misunderstood!"

"After I was transferred from the Correctional Services Department to the Police Department, I gained the trust of the senior police officers, most importantly the Commissioner, and started as a senior inspector. Anyone who knows something about the Police Department should know that I just joined the Police Department

He is employed in the Police Department, but to be able to start working with this police rank is definitely the highest starting point for the Hong Kong Police Department."

"Even some highly educated overseas talents, political and business talents, who want to join the police department and serve the citizens, often can only start as inspectors!"

"For me to be a senior inspector from the beginning, doesn't it represent the importance the Police Department places on me and the harmony with the Correctional Services Department?"

"I, Yaoyang, am not very capable and have little experience. Although I have made some achievements in my previous work, and I managed to save some people during the Cointreau Hotel incident. But I can start as a senior inspector. I believe that all the senior officers of the Police Department, sir, will

Chief, I have taken into account my previous employment in the Department of Correctional Services."

"So this journalist friend's statement that the Police Department and the Correctional Services Department are not on good terms are purely hearsay and cannot withstand scrutiny at all!"

"As for the Mong Kok Police Station, the conditions are indeed much lower than those of other police stations. And those are just superficial, and they cannot be regarded as the opinions of the police officers towards me, a newcomer transferred from the Correctional Services Department."

"In fact, the Commissioner has stated many times that he will provide additional funds for our Mong Kok Police Station to renovate it and build it into a larger police station. However, the Police Department is short of funds this year and there is no time to allocate funds.

It was delayed when it was issued. This will cause misunderstandings among journalists."

"Okay, I've explained everything that needs to be explained. Now let's get back to the point and talk about this bombing case!"

Yaoyang was not afraid of facing many reporters at all. He would tell all kinds of nonsense as soon as he opened his mouth. He explained the reporters' questions in two or three times and took the lead to bring the topic back to the case.

Brother Yi nodded repeatedly, his smile getting deeper and deeper, and he found it pleasing to Yaoyang.

And Yiu Yang did not stand alone in the limelight. He answered a few questions and immediately called Fang Jiexia, Ma Jun and others, allowing the members of the Mong Kok anti-gangster group to shine in front of reporters.

Especially Fang Jiexia, with a pair of panda eyes, said she had not slept for two or three days, and all the reporters believed her.

Many newspapers were even prepared to report on this madam, with the title "Senior Sister Fighting for Life".

The next day, inside the Central Securities Stock Exchange.

Even before the market opened early in the morning, countless investors had already gathered here.

In the stock market in the 1980s, it was like this. Very few people had personal computers to read the market. For more than 90% of investors, as long as they played stocks, the place they came to early every morning was definitely the exchange.

The layout of the exchange is very old-fashioned. In addition to a huge electronic screen, there are also some small screens placed around it.

Overhead, dozens of ceiling fans are equipped. When summer comes, these ceiling fans turn on and make a loud noise that can be compared to that of a helicopter.

The staff are disorderly in every corner, neatly uniformed, with just a desk, a phone, and a notebook in front of them.

As soon as the opening time comes, these stock brokers will use these ancient tools to start working. And the environment in the hall can be imagined! Because there are so many investors, this place is no different from a vegetable market. Some people talk loudly, and some people are casual.

Conversation, and some whispering.

Therefore, the Stock Exchange is also known as the most chaotic place in Central.

Compared with those companies located in Central, where only white-collar workers can enter and exit, anyone can come here, and the security guards are just decorations. The word "a mixed bag of dragons and snakes" is not an exaggeration at all!

Among the crowd, the most popular topic was undoubtedly Fung Group stocks.

After all, everyone in the Hong Kong Comprehensive Market knows about the Central bombing a few days ago. As a stock investor, whether you have bought Fung's or not, of course you will pay close attention to it.

"Uncle Fan, you are so prosperous! The Founder Real Estate you bought has gone up a lot recently. It has only been 19 points in just one week. You can earn 19,000 from 100,000, and you can live happily for a while again!"

A man about forty years old with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks and wearing a suit was chatting with a gray-haired old man next to him who looked quite educated.

The old man didn't look very happy. He had a cultural temperament, but his words were vulgar:

"What the hell, I'm so angry when I talk about this. I sold Founder Real Estate a long time ago, but I got on the wrong bus! You know the Fung Group? I think it will announce its results in the next two months. Four days ago

I sold Founder and bought all of Feng's. I purchased two-thirds of this hot commodity as soon as I got it. If I hadn't not known who was receiving the goods at the bottom yesterday and swallowed up all the orders at once, I would have been even worse today.


The sharp-tongued man seemed to have a very problematic mentality. Hearing that the old man was so unlucky, not only did he not feel comforted, but he actually gloated:

"No way, you're so unlucky, are you buying Feng's? Hahaha, I heard that Feng's was blocked by several major companies, and some small banks were crazy about short selling. If you buy Feng's, you are throwing money into the sea.


The old man sighed and said:

"Hey! Who says it's not the case? Fortunately, someone was scanning the goods yesterday. Speaking of which, I don't know who is so smart that he can scan the goods despite the pressure of several major companies and not be afraid of losing money?"

The sharp-mouthed man's mind changed and he said:

"It should be Feng Qianshan! After all, Feng's is his company. If someone suppresses the acquisition, he will lose everything. Even if he knows that he is throwing money into the sea, he will fight to the end to keep his company!"

At this time, the voices of several people on the other side were louder, covering the other side. Listening carefully, the content seemed to be about Feng Group's stocks.

"Axin, congratulations. You've really made a fortune this time. I got the news that Mr. Huo Jingliang of the Huo family took action. Yesterday, he teamed up with Feng Qianshan and Ding Feng Ding Shanben to frantically sweep up the Feng family in the market. It looks like

, the Huo family and Dingfeng will support the Feng family, and with the help of these two families, the Feng family should not be able to fall this time."

"That's right, you are bold enough. Everyone is not optimistic about Feng's. Yesterday, someone was sweeping goods, and you dared to do it! Now, everyone in Hong Kong City knows that Mr. Huo never does small business!

Even Mr. Huo is optimistic about the Feng family, and you have made a fortune this time."

Several men in their thirties gathered around a man in a suit and were complimenting him.

The few people here must be friends, their faces show sincerity, and it can be seen that the compliments come from the heart, and there is no trace of jealousy.

The man in the suit also looked modest and said:

"It's hard to say now. Although Mr. Huo and Mr. Ding have taken action, no one knows what they mean! If they also want to suppress Feng's family, Feng's family will be completely unable to survive. Just yesterday, Feng's family was at least 100 years old.

30% of the stock fell into the hands of Mr. Huo and Mr. Ding. If this is suppressed, Feng may be worthless in the end, so I just took a gamble!"

The sharp-tongued man and the old man finally came closer, and now they interrupted.

The sharp-mouthed man smiled slyly and said disdainfully:

"Brother, you are self-aware. Everyone in Hong Kong knows that Mr. Huo is a famous predator and is famous in the financial world for attacking companies. Is it possible for you to want him to increase stocks that do not belong to him? It's simply impossible.


"That's right, young man, there was such a good opportunity to sell orders yesterday, why did you still hold on to it! Hey..."

The old man who looked like a senior who sold Feng's shares yesterday also spoke with emotion.

But from his eyes, it was obvious that he was gloating over his misfortune.

In fact, most people in the stock industry are like this. They have suffered miserably. Of course, they don’t want to see other people make money. They want others to lose even more miserably.

The man in the suit had a good attitude and said:

"It doesn't matter to me. The investment isn't that much anyway. If you lose everything this time, just take it as a lesson! You have to spend money to learn from experience."


The sharp-mouthed man and the old man looked at each other and smiled disdainfully.

At this time, the exchange clock pointed to 10 o'clock, and the Hong Kong stock market opened.

The huge electronic screen began to vibrate, showing the rise and fall of each stock to everyone in the hall.

A group of brokers and stock investors were also busy, especially the brokers. The phones kept ringing and they were almost never idle for a moment. Fortunately, they were in a disorderly manner and did not all stay together. Otherwise, dozens of phones would ring at the same time, and they would also be busy.

I can't tell if it's my own.

"Hey, Mr. Zhang? Okay, I know!"

"Hey, Director Liu, I'll let you go right away. I understand, okay, that's it!"

"Hurry up, finish my order first, buy 500 lots of Hongwei Automobile Industry, hurry up!"

There was a lot of excitement in the lobby. Working in a stock market in the 1980s, to be honest, voice was definitely a must-have, and girls were almost incapable of doing it.

Some of the stockbrokers were talking on the phone, and some were talking to clients, all of them were yelling until their faces turned red, and they drank a glass of water from time to time.

Even so, some guys didn't hear it and kept asking questions.

On the huge electronic display screen, Fung Group's stocks flashed by, but many people who paid attention to this stock were shocked to find that it had been falling for three consecutive days, and only Feng Group was swept away at the close of trading yesterday.

It went up like crazy, and it was so popular that it was like a leader!

You know, there is no limit on the increase of Hong Kong stocks. It is very common to be cut in half in one day and double in one day. Just looking at the current situation, it has more than doubled, it is simply invincible.


As long as there was a sell order in front of him, it would be swallowed up almost as soon as it appeared. Feng just kept his head down and rushed upward.

I don’t know how many people were frightened by the momentum of the Fung Group, and how many people regretted, rejoiced, and all kinds of life can be found on the stock exchange now.

Especially the old man who sold Feng's stocks yesterday, his face was pale and he was staring at the screen, holding a medicine bottle in his hand, pouring one out and throwing it into his mouth from time to time.

Next to him, the man in a suit who bought Feng's clenched his fists, his face turned red, and he kept mumbling:

"Up, up, up!"

"Hey, have you heard? The explosion at the Galaxy Shopping Center in Central has been solved. It turns out that it's not some big crocodile who wants to stop Feng's business, but a few gangsters who want to blackmail Feng Qianshan."

"Ah? Where did you get the news?"

"Well, it was all reported in the newspapers. The case was solved last night. I heard that the stolen goods were stolen and all the bombs were confiscated. There is no lie at all."

"Damn! No wonder Mr. Huo was scanning the goods yesterday. Did he get some inside information? Broker, hurry up and buy me a thousand lots of Feng's."

"Two Thousand Hands Feng!"

"Buy it for me first, buy it for me first, I'll buy five hundred lots!"

In the stock market, news is king. Many people who have read the newspapers and learned about the news that the police solved the case yesterday understand that the Feng Group is not only impossible to fall, but will also rebound wildly. In addition, Huo Jingliang and Ding Shanben made no secret yesterday.

It would be foolish to go shopping and not follow suit to buy and drink soup.

Many people were like crazy, gathering around brokers they knew well, dumping their stocks and buying Feng's.

There are not many opportunities to pick up money like this. You can earn it just by buying it!


No one noticed that among the crowd, the old man who had sold Feng's stocks at the bottom yesterday and was still very complacent could no longer stand the excitement and fell to the ground.

This chapter has been completed!
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