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Chapter 128 She said, I don't want

When Lu Yi entered the door, he saw that the yard was in a mess, with large and small bags of things lying on the ground, and there was no place to stay.

Mu Siyu was still moving things outside, so he quickly went over to help.

"where to put?"

"Over there." Mu Siyu pointed to an empty seat.

Bang, let it go.

"What is this?" Lu Yi asked.

Mu Siyu wiped the dust off her face with a towel: "I have found a house builder, and he will bring his people over tomorrow. During this period, we will stay at my mother's place first, and then come back after the house is completed."

"Wouldn't that be too much trouble, mother? How about we rent a house in the village." Lu Yi said, "We don't have one in our village, so we can rent one in the next village."

"No, Brother Han is not here, his room is empty, and there is a woodshed that can be vacated. Xiao Yun'er and I will live in one room, and you brothers will live in the same room. It's very suitable."

Lu Yi was silent.

Seeing that he was silent, Mu Siyu asked, "Is there any problem?"

"No." Lu Yi said, "Does Mom agree?"

"I mentioned it to mother, and she was very happy. After all, she is alone now." Seeing that Lu Yi didn't say anything else, Mu Siyu continued to move the things.

I'll rest here tonight. I'll move the things there first, and then move the bedding tomorrow.

The furniture in this house is too old. When the time comes, all the furniture will be replaced with new ones, except for the two newly made beds.

Lu Xuan wanted to come over to help, but Mu Siyu stopped him.

"Don't come over here. The dust is very heavy and it's not good for your health. Just move your books away."

With Lu Yi's strong labor force, the things were quickly loaded onto the carriage and then moved to Tong's house.

After all this work, it was getting dark early, and they hadn't finished dinner yet.

Mu Siyu casually ordered some noodles, finished eating and continued working.

"worn out."

Mu Siyu entered the room feebly and lay on the bed imageless, her whole body weak.

A hand reached out and placed on her shoulder.

Mu Siyu froze.

Lu Yi sat next to her and pressed her shoulders.

Mu Siyu raised her eyelids: "Are you going to give me a massage? No, you're very tired too, go to bed early!"

This should be the most natural time for the two of them to get along since they have been in the same room. No one is embarrassed and the atmosphere in the room is very relaxed.

Mu Siyu thought that she would be assigned a room tomorrow, and immediately became more relaxed, enjoying the man's service with her eyes closed.

"Today I met Kite and the others. They came out. Kite was sick, and I sent him to the hospital. He was told that he would be fine in a few days."

"That's great, but I owe dozens of taels of foreign debt. I'm afraid it will be hard for a while. Do you know where he lives?"


"Then when you have time, go see him and buy him some supplements. He has been very helpful to us during this period. Tell him that I have work here, and he can come and help me if he is willing."


"I'm ready, please stop pressing it." Mu Siyu sat up and said, "Shall I press it for you?"

"No need, I'm not tired."

"Forget it."

Originally she was just talking.

Mu Siyu was about to lie down and rest when she suddenly felt Lu Yi poke her shoulder with his finger, and she looked back.

"This..." He handed a package to her: "I don't know if you like it."

Mu Siyu took it and opened it, unfolding it and saw a lavender dress with lifelike orchids embroidered on it, which was particularly beautiful.

"You want to give it to me?" Mu Siyu hesitated.



She was silent for a while, then put it back into his hand: "I don't want it."

Lu Yi looked at her expression: "Don't like it? I'll take you to find something else."

"No, I'm fine as I am now. I have to work all day long and I can't wear such good clothes. This kind of clothes looks like the kind of clothes worn by a pampered little girl." Mu Siyu turned around and lay back down.

The image of Chen Chunyu wearing new clothes flashing in front of her appeared in her mind, with her lips slightly raised and her face looking unhappy.

Well what does that mean?

It's not enough to give your lover a suit of clothes, so when you come back, you give a suit of clothes to your real wife. Could it be that she wants to hug her from left to right?

So beautiful to him!

"I understand." Lu Yi wrapped the clothes back, put them in his own package, and lay beside her.

He looked at her back.

She fell asleep quickly, and her steady breathing was particularly clear and deep in this silent night. It seemed that she was exhausted today.

A quiet night.

"Its daybreak!"

Mu Siyu looked out the window and sat up suddenly.

"Why did you sleep so deeply today?"

She grabbed her hair and looked annoyed.

I hope Master Liang and the others haven’t come yet!

She walked out with her hair in disarray and was about to go to the kitchen to make breakfast when she saw Lu Yi standing there talking with men all over the yard. Hearing her footsteps, he turned around and was startled when he saw her.

Several young men suppressed laughter and turned their heads to cover up their gaffes.

Bang! Mu Siyu retreated to her room.

She looked at herself in the mirror.

This is absolutely not true!!!

"It's funny." Lu Yi said to Master Liang and others: "She was a little confused when she woke up. She is not like this normally."

"It's okay." Master Liang smiled lightly: "You and your wife have a really good relationship."

"Yeah." Lu Yi lowered his eyes.

Creak! The door reopened and Mu Siyu walked out again.

She changed her dress and wore her hair in a concentric bun. This was the simplest ancient bun that she could learn. It could at least be used in ordinary situations and would not make people think that this person was weird or that she was sick.

"Didn't everyone have breakfast? I'm going to prepare something to eat. Wait a moment." She raised a smile, as if the embarrassing scene just now did not exist.

"No, we've already eaten." Master Liang said, "You do what you want."

"Sister-in-law, do you have anything to move? We have nothing to do. Let's help you move your things!" said a young man.

"Then I'm not welcome." After Mu Siyu finished speaking, she looked at Lu Yi and said, "Please take the brothers and help us move the remaining things to my mother's place!"


Lu Zhiyun got up early and saw many strangers coming. She was a little shy and hid in Lu Xuan's room.

Lu Xuan just came out to meet people, and now he went back to write his storybook.

"I just made porridge." Lu Yi entered the kitchen.

"I saw it." Mu Siyu was cutting kimchi and said without looking back: "I'll cut some kimchi and everyone will have a simple meal in the morning. Why didn't you go to the Yamen today?"

"There are a lot of things at home today, so I'll stay here to help. I'll go to the Yamen after the arrangements are made." Lu Yi said, "If there's nothing else to do, I'll come back earlier."


Lu Yi reached out and touched her hair.

Mu Siyu stopped chopping vegetables: "What's wrong?"

"The hairpin is crooked." Lu Yi said: "The hair cream this time is orange-flavored, very refreshing."

Mu Siyu's cheeks were hot, and her eyes flashed with embarrassment: "Don't get in the way here, go out and entertain the guests."

This chapter has been completed!
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