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Chapter 204

Lu Yi stood in front of Mu Siyu, pulled out the dagger from his waist, and stabbed the tiger towards him.

The tiger swung its paw, and the passerby flew away.

When Lu Yi stabbed him, the tiger slapped Lu Yi on the body. He jumped and escaped the tiger's attack.

The tiger was enraged.

This human being dares not to be afraid of it, but dares to challenge it, which is simply challenging its majesty.

The tiger looks very violent. I don't know if it is angered by humans or if it is just its nature.

The people around were hiding there and shivering.

The men wanted to stop them, but the furious tiger became even more ferocious when it saw them. One of the men was bitten to death by the tiger.

"Dead people!"

Lu Yi pushed Mu Siyu back: "Find a place to hide."

Mu Siyu didn't want Lu Yi to take risks, but she also knew that staying here would only cause trouble for him, so she hurriedly found a safe place to hide.

"Don't fight it head-on. If you can't beat it, just run away." Mu Siyu shouted to Lu Yi.

She knew that a man who made a living by hunting all year round would have no problem getting rid of a vicious beast if he wanted to.

Lu Yi's eyes were gloomy. When the tiger pounced on him again, he stabbed it in the right eye with a dagger.


The tiger waved its claws, completely enraged.

Blood spattered from the right eye socket.

It grabbed Lu Yi.

Lu Yi was nimble and evaded its pursuit time and time again.

The surrounding stalls were completely destroyed, and the goods were scattered everywhere. When the tiger pounced, those things were trampled to pieces, making the stall owners hiding there trembling with fear and hatred.

"Medicine! By the way, take the medicine quickly." The big man at the head thought of something and said to the people around him.

They were able to kill this tiger using the sweat medicine.

"Ah!" Mu Siyu saw the tiger grabbing Lu Yi.

Lu Yi sprained her foot and did not move away immediately. Seeing the tiger baring its fangs and biting at Lu Yi, she couldn't care less, grabbed the box next to it and threw it at the tiger.

The tiger was hit and glared at her.

It changed its target and rushed towards Mu Siyu.

Lu Yi's expression changed drastically when he saw this, and he turned over and jumped on the tiger's body.

He had a sprained foot, but at this moment there was a force driving him to control the tiger.

Bang! Bang!

Lu Yi punched the tiger one after another.

The tiger was still able to resist at first, but was quickly beaten and unable to fight back.

After a while, the tiger lay there dying, the anger in his eyes disappeared, leaving only unwillingness and death.

Mu Siyu hugged Lu Yi from behind.

She discovered that Lu Yi was out of control.

Lu Yi felt the warm body pressing tightly against him and stopped moving.

"It's okay, it's dead." Mu Siyu said tremblingly: "Are you injured anywhere? I'll take you to Dr. Li."

"It's okay." Lu Yi got off the tiger.

As soon as they came down, they heard the sound of neat footsteps coming from a distance, and then some officers and soldiers surrounded them.

A man riding a white horse came slowly.

He was dressed in luxurious robes, with sinister brows and a pale complexion. His appearance was excellent, but his eyes were extremely violent and murderous, and his whole body exuded an aura of world-weariness.

"Did you kill my General Tiger?" The young man looked at Lu Yi gloomily: "Come here, pull him down and divide his body into pieces."

Several soldiers came towards them.

"Wait a minute." Mu Siyu stood in front of Lu Yi: "Master, this tiger wants to hurt people. My husband just wants to save people. What's wrong?"

"This is King Zhong." The soldier commander next to him said, "What you killed was King Zhong's pet."

"Prince Zhong..." Mu Siyu murmured to herself: "How could he be Prince Zhong?"

King Zhong, a very terrifying pervert in the original work.

Is Suzhou City his fiefdom?

King Zhong was born to a flower girl in a flower boat when the late emperor was on tour in disguise. It is said that he grew up in a flower boat when he was young. Because of his good looks, he was touched by guests in various ways. He was a dark person since he was a child.

Later, the late emperor went on patrol again and came to the flower boat. When he saw King Zhong, he was very shocked because his appearance was 80% similar. So, he entered the palace like this.

In the original work, King Zhong not only liked tigers, but also all kinds of wild beasts. In order to please him, officials from various places did not hesitate to send a large number of people to capture the wild beasts alive, and many people died.

In the early stage, King Zhong liked to watch all kinds of ferocious beasts fighting each other, and in the later stage, he liked to watch all kinds of masters fighting each other. He sent people to lock the ferocious beasts in a cage, and the winner had meat to eat, and the loser was eaten. Later, he locked people in a cage.

In the cage, the winner can survive, and the loser is fed to the beast.

what to do?

If he falls into the hands of King Zhong, he will definitely not survive.

Not to mention changing his destiny, Lu Yi was afraid that he would end it prematurely.

Does King Zhong have any weaknesses?

"Do you know me?" Fan Yuanxi looked at the bold woman in front of him.

"No...I don't know..." Mu Siyu shook her head quickly.

"Don't you know him?" Fan Yuanxi did not ignore the look in her eyes just now.

"His Royal Highness." Lu Yi grabbed Mu Siyu and said, "This tiger was killed so easily and is not worthy of the name Tiger General. I can catch you a bigger and more powerful one."

Mu Siyu stared at him.

What nonsense is he talking about?

Bigger and fiercer, he has to be captured alive without any loss. Who does he think he is?

Mu Siyu shook her head gently, with pleading eyes.

It can't be like this.

If he can't do it, the cruel loyal king will kill him. If he can do it, he will have to shed his skin even if he doesn't die.

No, the possibility of his failure is extremely high.

Lu Yi squeezed her palm to signal her to calm down.

Fan Yuanxi seemed to have heard some funny joke: "Hahaha..."

Mu Siyu dared not speak out when she was angry.

This is imperial power. If a commoner like her dares to say inappropriate words, she is afraid that she will be beheaded in the next moment.

It's okay, there is still a chance, she can help Lu Yi find a solution together.

Let’s survive first from the hands of this loyal king.

"What's your name?" King Zhong stopped laughing and looked at Lu Yi: "It's not important, he is a dying person anyway. I can give you a chance. In ten days, after ten days, I will see a bigger picture."

A fiercer tiger."

"It's a deal." Lu Yi nodded.

King Zhong turned around and left.

This crisis is finally over.

Mu Siyu patted her chest, looking like she was still frightened.

"Scared me to death."

"It's okay." Lu Yi wanted to comfort her, but he was covered in blood and took his hand back.

"Where are you going to catch the tiger? It's okay. Then what does it mean to be okay?" Mu Siyu was worried.

She knew that Lu Yi had done nothing wrong and that this was an innocent disaster, so she did not blame him, but was just worried about him.

Seeing her sad face, Lu Yi felt distressed and held her in his arms: "I can solve it."

This chapter has been completed!
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