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Chapter 391 Judge Zuo Yunhu

The next morning, Mu Siyu received a mysterious letter, which said that she would personally redeem Fan Yu with one thousand taels of silver, and that she would arrive at Luantou Mountain outside the city within two hours. If he did not come, he would be sent directly to him. Fan Yu's body.

Mu Siyu handed the letter to Wen Wensong.

Wen Wensong read the letter and said: "This person has no ink in his mind. Look at the writing, even a dog can write better than him even if he crawls a few times."

"Is this the point?" Mu Siyu glanced at him.

"It's not the point, I just see that everyone is quite nervous, and I want everyone to relax." Wen Wensong smiled and said seriously, "But although this person's handwriting is not very good, his mind is very smart. He found that he caught the wrong Man, just use the trick and disguise yourself as a kidnapper to lure you into the trap."

"What if Madam doesn't go?" Ziyuan asked.

"If you don't go, don't go. Anyway, there is no loss. He can think of other ways. However, Boss Fan may really..."

Everyone is not stupid and knows what the second half of Wen Wensong's unfinished sentence is.

The kidnappers who dare to attack the official's wife are probably not seeking wealth, but seeking revenge.

Such people are desperadoes. They have long ago not cared about life and death. Killing one more innocent person is nothing to them.

"Zisu, bring the banknotes and let's go to Luantoushan. Ziyuan will stay at home and wait for us to come back." Mu Siyu made arrangements, "Mr. Wen County, how many government servants can our county government use?"

"All the good people in our county government have been taken away by the adults. The nursing home arranged yesterday is a top-notch good person, but there is no trace of that person, which shows that there is no need to take on big responsibilities." Wen Wensong said, "But Brother Xia is here. When he left, he gave me a token and said that if he needed to dispatch manpower, just take the token and go to the proprietress of the cloth shop. I'll go find her now, hoping it's too late."

After Wen Wensong left, Mu Siyu found the topographic map of Luantou Mountain.

"I said I had the impression that this is a place where bandits often appear."

"Madam, Zisu can protect you, but I can't do anything. I feel so useless." Ziyuan said sadly while standing next to her.

"You are careful in doing things, always thinking carefully before me, and sharing a lot of burdens for me. This time things are different from usual. You are also a weak woman. If they take you with them, do you want them to protect me or you?" Mu Siyu said, "You can rest assured and wait for us to come back. Once this matter is settled, we will arrange for everyone in the county to have hot pot to celebrate tonight. Just prepare at home!"

Wen Wensong came back soon.

Behind him followed an unshaven man.

"Madam, this is their arrangement."

Mu Siyu looked at the man in front of her.

The man's eyes are sharp, like a sharp sword that may stab the other person at any time.

"What do you call this big brother?"

"Zuo Yunhu."

"Zuo Yunhu? Why does this name feel a bit familiar?"

"People call me judge. Not long ago, I helped your county government catch a gangster."

Mu Siyu snapped her fingers: "I remembered it. You captured a gangster not long ago. My husband was very happy and mentioned you specifically."

"It seems that Madam's safety is secured." Wen Wensong said, "Then let's arrange it this way!"

"Deploy nineteen more government officials to put on pretense, so as to confuse the audience." Mu Siyu said.

Half an hour later, Mu Siyu rode in a carriage, taking Zi Su with her, followed by twenty government officials, and drove to Luantou Mountain outside the city.

When the people around saw Mu Siyu's carriage, they all speculated whether the county magistrate's wife was going to discuss some big business again, and why there was such a big movement.

"I don't think it's like talking about business." The scholar next to me said, "Although Mrs. Lu is the wife of the county magistrate, she usually talks about business in a low-key manner like ordinary people, and has never used anyone from the government. Think about it,

Originally we were just talking about business, but if she uses people from the government, wouldn't it give people a sense of oppression? So, she must have something to deal with when she goes out with so many government officials this time."

A purple figure shuttled among the crowd.

He went into a courtyard, picked a good horse from the stable, and rode away.

When Mu Siyu and others arrived at Luantou Mountain, they saw a figure hanging upside down from a tree, with a blade stuck on the ground directly below. As soon as the rope was broken, the whole person would fall down and be directly stuck on the blade.


"Master Fan." Mu Siyu recognized Fan Yu.

After a night, Fan Yu's clothes were in a mess, and her mouth was stuffed with a piece of cloth. When she saw Mu Siyu and others appearing, she struggled excitedly, only to hear a click, and the branch showed signs of breaking.

"Don't move." Mu Siyu reminded Fan Yu, "I will save you. Just close your eyes now and pretend that you can't hear or see anything."

"You are finally here." On the top of the tree, a masked man stood there.

From this operation, it can be seen that the opponent is very strong.

Mu Siyu couldn't help but wonder, when had she ever offended such a difficult person? Could it be that she was Lu Yi's enemy?

"What do you call this man?" Mu Siyu asked.

"It doesn't matter who I am, anyway...you are going to die soon." The man jumped down towards Mu Siyu.

The government officials blocked Mu Siyu behind them.

The man didn't take these government officials seriously at all, and just took a knife and chopped them.

Zuo Yunhu sprang out from among these people and confronted the masked assassin.

"Judge Zuo Yunhu! You have actually become a lackey of the Yamen." That man obviously knew Zuo Yunhu.

Zuo Yunhu said coldly: "It seems that you are a friend on the road. Since you dare to commit such a case, you must not be afraid of others knowing who you are. Why not tear off your fig leaf and let me know where you come from!"


Mu Siyu said to Zisu: "I like this judge's style."

"Madam, Master Fan can hardly hold on anymore."


Zuo Yunhu entangled the man.

The other government officials were divided into two groups, one group rescued Fan Yu and the other group protected Mu Siyu.

The masked assassin looked at Mu Siyu in the crowd and threw something at her.

"Hidden weapon!" Zi Su blocked it with a knife.

Originally, Zi Su was only very strong, and she would learn a few tricks from the officials in the yamen when she had free time, but this time it came in handy.

Phew! The masked assassin was stabbed by Zuo Yunhu.

He clutched his injured chest and staggered a few times.

Suddenly, he turned around, jumped towards Fan Yu who was not far away, grabbed Fan Yu who had just been rescued and ran away.

"You bastard, leave me alone." Upon seeing this, Zuo Yunhu was so angry that he chased after him.

Mu Siyu was worried in place.

Those two are both masters, and there is no way they can catch up.

"Madam, be careful!" Zi Su stood in front of Mu Siyu.

A hidden arrow shot over and hit Zi Su's shoulder.

At this time, five more men in black came out.

This chapter has been completed!
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