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Chapter 586 Why is this time

Ding Xiang muttered along the way, saying that she would never dare to be too far away from the young lady. Fortunately, nothing happened.

When Lu Zhiyun returned to the room, she took off the heaviest hairpin on her head, took off her earrings and bracelets, removed all the luxury from her body, and returned to simplicity.

She sat on the wicker chair, lazily, letting the wicker chair rock.

"Miss, your hands..."

Lu Zhiyun lowered her head and took a look, only to find that there was a long scratch on the back of her hand. It should have been scratched by something sharp, but she was too nervous and never noticed it.

"It's just a minor injury." Lu Zhiyun didn't take it seriously, "I've been injured many times while doing embroidery work, but it's nothing serious."

"The ointment that the master gave to the young lady last time can not only remove scars, but also maintain the skin. I will go find it." Ding Xiang turned around and rummaged through the cabinets.

While Ding Xiang was rummaging through things, Lu Zhiyun leaned there, gradually becoming drowsy.

Bang! Someone smashed the window.

She was awakened.


"Don't worry, miss. I'll find it right away. I remember you put it here."

Seeing that she had turned everything out, Lu Zhiyun couldn't care less about her for a moment, so she jumped off the wicker chair, stood in front of the window and stuck her head out, looking in the direction outside.

Sitting on the opposite courtyard wall was a handsome young man.

The boy was throwing red fruit in his hand, and the one he just threw was the red fruit.

She walked out of the room, stood under the wall, looked at him and said, "Do you behave this way when you are a guest in other people's homes?"

"I heard you met an assassin."

"You are not informed enough! The assassin has been arrested."

"I have something here to protect you!" Xie Chengjin said, throwing something towards Lu Zhiyun.

Lu Zhiyun stood there without moving, and the thing just fell into her arms.

"What's this?"

"A ring, as long as you press the red gem on it, you can create an awl. The awl is soaked in poison and will kill you with one hit."

"I don't want it. This thing is too dangerous. If I accidentally prick myself, wouldn't I be dead?"

"That's right." Xie Chengjin jumped down from the wall, took the ring from her hand and put it in his own hand.

He pulled out a dagger from his waist and handed it to her: "This one is not poisonous, but it is as sharp as clay. Keep it with you for self-defense. However, there is a mechanism on the handle of the dagger. One mechanism can spray out a fascinating potion, and the other can

The mechanism is a potion that poisons people. This poison will not kill you immediately. If you treat it in time, you will be safe and sound."

"This is okay..." Lu Zhiyun said, "But I won't accept it without merit? I can't accept your things."

"I want to make clothes, and this will be used as payment." Xie Chengjin said calmly.

"Prince Xie came to me specially just to give me this? I don't understand. Is Prince Xie too kind to me?" Lu Zhiyun looked at Xie Chengjin.

Xie Chengjin looked at her: "I heard that Miss Lu was in a very embarrassing situation when she was chased by assassins. I was not there at the time, and I didn't see your disgraceful appearance. You are good at your craftsmanship, so you'd better protect yourself and don't fall into the trap of those little bastards."

Otherwise, who will this prince look for to make clothes in the future?"

Lu Zhiyun: "..."

She was not embarrassed.

No beauty has faded.

She's very calm, okay?

Xie Chengjin saw her puffing out her cheeks and looking angry, and a smile flashed in her eyes.

"I asked my servant to bring Yanzhi over." Xie Chengjin said, "From now on, Yanzhi will follow you. You should take good care of her."

"Why?" Lu Zhiyun was surprised.

Xie Chengjin flicked her forehead: "That kind of horse can only be ridden by girls like you. I am so busy every day that I have no time to take care of it. If you like it, then I will give it to you."

"I like Rouge very much, but..." They are not relatives, so is it a little strange that they always accept his kindness?

Xie Chengjin waved: "Let's go."

"Xie Shizi..." Lu Zhiyun called him.

Phew! Another bottle was thrown over.

Xie Chengjin didn't even look back, he just threw it blindly, and it happened to land in Lu Zhiyun's arms, which showed that this man's skills were even more extraordinary than imagined.

"Take good medicine."

"Miss..." Ding Xiang walked out, "Why did you go out? Who was here just now?"

Lu Zhiyun watched Xie Chengjin climb over the wall and leave, then turned and walked towards Ding Xiang: "No."

"What is that in your hand?" Ding Xiang asked.

Lu Zhiyun handed the ointment in her hand to Ding Xiang.

Dingxiang took it, looked at it carefully, and said, "This is the same ointment that the master gave me. Did the master come here just now?"

"Did you find the ointment you were looking for?"

"I just remembered that last time you and Miss Linglong went out to play, she was injured and you gave her ointment to use. But now she's fine and you have another bottle, so that the miss's hand won't have scars.


At the end of the banquet, Mu Siyu sent all the guests away.

"I'm so exhausted." Mu Siyu sat down and beat her legs.

The maid next to her was very discerning and came over to beat her legs.

The maid's movements are neither too big nor too small, just right and feels very comfortable.

"How is Xiaoyun'er?"

Ziyuan replied: "I just went to see the young lady. She has rested."

"Fortunately, nothing happened." Mu Siyu said, "In the next period of time, I will plan the house carefully and redesign the place."

"Madam..." a voice came from outside.

"It's the housekeeper." Zisu said, opening the door.

The housekeeper came over and said: "The people from Wu'an Hou Mansion sent a horse, saying that our lady bought it from their prince."

"Xiao Yuner is buying a horse?" Mu Siyu was surprised and stood up: "I'll go take a look."

Rouge Horse is in the yard, being led by a servant from Wu'anhou Mansion.

Perhaps because it was surrounded by strangers, it was a little impatient, pacing in place and snorting from time to time.

Lu Zhiyun came over after hearing the news. When she saw Rouge, she ran over with a smile.


Yanzhi felt Lu Zhiyun's breath and calmed down.

Lu Zhiyun touched its cheek, and it very obediently let her touch it, looking intimate.

"Xiao Yun'er, did you buy this from the prince?" Mu Siyu asked.

Lu Zhiyun hesitated for a moment and nodded.

She didn't know how to explain her interactions with Xie Chengjin.

The two seemed to get very close for no apparent reason.

"If that's the case, then let's hire a master to teach you how to ride a horse!"

"No need." Lu Zhiyun said, "I can already ride."

Mu Siyu was surprised.

Lu Zhiyun was worried that the more she said, the more she would make a mistake, so she took Rouge in hand and said to the servant who brought her, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for me."

The servant bowed and excused himself.

Mu Siyu arranged for someone to give him a purse as a reward.

After the servant left, Lu Zhiyun led Yanzhi away.

Mu Siyu said: "When I didn't know it, Xiao Yun'er also grew up."

"When children grow up, they will always fly out." Ziyuan said, "How outstanding our lady is!"

This chapter has been completed!
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