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Chapter 641

Lu Zhiqian walked in from outside.

"How is it?" Lu Xuan asked.

Lu Zhiqian saluted Lu Yi and reported the situation: "After verification, the letter is authentic."

"What did Qi Xiao say?" Lu Yi asked.

"Master Qi said that the letter is true. The direction we need to verify now is who the letter is addressed to and whether that person is General Su Sheng."

"This Lord Qi Xiao, until now I still can't tell whether he is an enemy or a friend." Xia Kun said, "He comes from a wealthy family. I don't know why he wants to be the emperor's sword. Over the years, he has been called the Lord of Hell. This man

You have no hostility toward me, sir, and have helped you through difficulties several times. Today in the court, Mr. Jiang Ge and King Xuan’s people criticized each other, but he was the only one who spoke for you."

"No matter what happens to him in the future, at least it is beneficial to us now." Lu Yi said, "Master Qi Xiao wants to find out the origin of the letter. Let's help find out. We must not let anything happen to General Su Sheng."

"Brother, have you ever thought about using King Xuan?" Lu Xuan said.

"How to say?"

"Speaking of which, our family has some connections with King Xuan. Shao Yu served as his companion and were classmates with him before. This time he joined forces with Mr. Jiang Ge, which is also profitable. But there is never forever in this world.

The enemy has only eternal interests."

"It seems you have a solution." Lu Yi said, "Then I will do as you say."

Jiangge Lao wanted to support the young prince, and formed a temporary alliance with King Xuan because he wanted to deal with the common enemy, which was the loyal prince party.

However, for King Xuan, the most hateful thing was not King Zhong who was far away. The most hateful thing was the old gang in Jiangge who kept him in check at all times.

Su Zhiliu temporarily lived in Mu Siyu's mansion, and was protected when she came in and out. She was worried about Xiao's situation, so Mu Siyu took her to the Dark Law Department to visit Xiao.

Su Zhiliu entered the prison, while Mu Siyu was waiting outside.

Qi Xiao happened to come over and saw Mu Siyu standing there and said, "The sun is scorching hot. Mrs. Lu doesn't have to wait here. How about finding a cool place to drink a cup of ice tea?"

"Thank you, Mr. Qi, but I want to wait for my sister-in-law to come out."

"I will instruct my men to tell Madam Lu Er and bring her when she comes out." Qi Xiao said, "The Dark Law Department has a lot of grievances. Madam, please don't stay here for too long."

Lu Yi followed the people from the Anfa Division into the Anfa Division. There was a pavilion in the Anfa Division, and Qi Xiao was sitting there at the moment, and the person chatting happily with him was none other than his wife.

"The weapons you sent are indeed more useful than before." Qi Xiao said, "Madam has been of great help this time."

"This is my deal with you, sir."

"What kind of deal?" Lu Yi walked into the pavilion.

"Husband." Mu Siyu looked at him, "Are you here to see Mr. Qi?"

"Yes." Lu Yi said, "I want to talk to Mr. Qi. Madam, please wait here for a while. I will send you back after we finish talking."

"Actually, there's no need. Zhiliu is visiting Mrs. Su in the Dark Law Department. I'll wait for her to go back with her." Mu Siyu said, "Just mind your own business."

Qi Xiao and Lu Yi left.

Mu Siyu waited for two quarters of an hour, and Su Zhiliu finally came out.

Her eyes were red, and she had obviously cried.

"How's it going ma'am?"

"She has not been wronged or suffered. Everything you sent has been used." Su Zhiliu said, "I talked about my cousin, and my mother was very angry and said that there was something wrong with her. It seemed that she was directed at her from the beginning.

You are here to slander our family. Sister-in-law, my husband said that my cousin is missing and seems to have disappeared out of thin air. Is it possible that this cousin is fake?"

"It's possible."

Su Sheng's rebellion soon took a new turn.

The letter was forged, and someone slandered a loyal minister and good general. Immediately afterwards, several houses were raided and several officials were fired because of this matter.

"Damn it!" Mr. Jiang Ge smashed the tea cup, "That idiot King Xuan, why did he help Lu Yi to deal with us?"

"I've long heard that King Xuan has fallen in love with Lu Yi's daughter. I'm afraid he is trying to win over the beauty and show his favor to Lu Yi," said the counselor next to him.

"This won't work," said Mr. Jiang Ge. "If this continues, we have no chance of winning. Prince Zhong happens to be away from the capital, so we can't wait any longer."

"My lord, what you mean is..."

Lu Yi was teasing Lu Shaojing, who had just learned to crawl. Lu Zhiqian was standing at the door, winking secretly at him.

"Madam, you and the child should rest first, don't wait for me." Lu Yi handed Lu Shaojing to Mu Siyu.

Mu Siyu glanced at Lu Zhiqian and nodded.

Lu Yi went out and asked Lu Zhiqian: "What's wrong?"

"There is something strange happening in the palace."

"Unusual movement?"

"Something is wrong with the changing of the guard in the palace."

"Has it been verified?"

"I can confirm that something is wrong tonight."

"Prepare the carriage, let's go to the Dark Law Department."

A strong gust of wind blew the window open, making a banging sound, which scared Lu Shaojing, who was crawling.

Shangzhi closed the window.

"The weather was so hot during the day that it seemed like it was going to cook us. Why did the weather change again at night? God is really unpredictable."

In the palace, the old emperor covered his eyes, spread his hands and touched everywhere, and let out a lewd laugh: "Beauty, don't hide, I will catch you soon."

What he didn't know was that there wasn't even a single living person in the entire Manna Palace.

The beauties in his mouth were all lying in a pool of blood, killed without anyone noticing.

A sword was pressed against the old emperor's neck.

The old emperor noticed something was wrong, touched the sword and took off the cloth.

"Who are you? Do you know who I am? Okay, you dare to do the following..."

"Your Majesty..." Mr. Jiangge walked in with someone, "You are getting old, and it's time to hand over the country to young people. As long as you write down the edict of passing the throne, you can still do whatever you want in the future, and you don't have to deal with the court.

It’s a big deal. Your Majesty, isn’t this kind of life more comfortable than being an emperor?”

"Old man, you want to usurp the throne!"

"How can it be a conspiracy to usurp the throne? Your son is still the emperor, and the old minister will do his best to assist the new emperor." After finishing speaking, Mr. Jiang Ge made a gesture.

Several people came in and controlled the old emperor.

This should be the most hasty forced abortion ever, but it is also the easiest. It was so easy to succeed that even Mr. Jiang Ge did not expect it.

However, Jiangge's old man forced the palace just to let the young prince ascend the throne as soon as possible, rather than wanting to be the emperor himself. What he has to do now is to let the old emperor write the edict of passing the throne before he is discovered.

Mr. Jiangge didn't want to take risks, but the pressing steps of Lu Yi and King Xuan made him feel a sense of crisis, letting him know that if he didn't take action, he would never have the chance to take action.

The atmosphere in the palace was very tense.

Those who didn't know it were still sleeping soundly in the room, but those who knew it were controlled by Mr. Jiang Ge's subordinates.

The guards who changed the guard this time were almost all Jiangge Lao's men, and those who were not him were secretly executed. This was to allow the entire plan to be executed faster to ensure nothing went wrong.

A group of troops sneaked into the palace secretly.

These people descended from the sky like gods.

However, if you look closely, you will find that these people used something similar to a kite to climb over the palace wall without anyone noticing.

"Master Qi actually trusts my wife." Lu Yi glanced at Qi Xiao's 'wings'.

Qi Xiao put away the things and glanced at Lu Yi: "Mrs. Lu's talents are known to the world, why doesn't Mr. Lu believe in his wife?"

"Of course I trust my wife, but I never want to upset her with these things, so I never let her interfere with the affairs of the DPRK."

"Although Madam is a woman, she also wants to do meaningful things. For her, if she can help you, she will not find these things annoying, but will find them valuable."

Qi Xiao said and patted Lu Yi on the shoulder.

"It's okay. It doesn't matter if you don't understand. It just leaves my wife free to build some useful hidden weapons for our Dark Law Department."

"It's a beautiful idea. When this matter is over, I will tell my wife to make it for our Dali Temple and not for your Dark Law Division."

More and more people used their 'wings' to enter the palace, and appeared behind the 'rebellious parties' without anyone noticing, and quietly dealt with them.

"What do you think, Mrs. Lu? This thing is really useful!"

"Shh, today is a tough battle, don't be distracted anymore."

In the palace, the old emperor picked up the brush with his old hands.

How long has it been since he approved a memorial?

How long has it been since he touched a pen?

Why is that pen so heavy? It seems like I feel very tired even writing one stroke and can't continue writing.

"Write!" Mr. Jiang Ge was watching from the side.

The old emperor glared at Mr. Jiang Ge with cloudy eyes: "Jiang Rujing, do you remember who gave you your current status? If it weren't for me, would you be where you are today?"

"If it weren't for me, would you be where you are today?" Mr. Jiang Ge sneered, "Have you forgotten how you got the throne? Someone assassinated you back then. If I hadn't blocked the arrow for you, you would have been like this.

Blessing? You owe me what you owe me, and now it’s time to pay me back. Besides, you don’t like to deal with government affairs anyway, so leave your position to young people, and I will find more beauties for you.”

Bang bang! The sound of fighting came from outside.

When the old emperor heard this voice, his hand shook, and a lot of ink stains fell on the edict.

Jiangge Lao's loyal slave put the knife on the old emperor's neck: "Write quickly."

"Don't be rude to the emperor." Mr. Jiang Ge said, "No outsider can break in. Let him write slowly. The night is still long, and I have plenty of time."

"Really?" came Lu Yi's voice.

Bang! One person was kicked away.

Xia Kun opened the way in front, and Lu Yi walked in.

"Lu Yi?" Mr. Jiang Ge said with shock on his face, "Why are you here? How do you know... No, it's impossible. I'm obviously very well prepared and everything is in my plan."

"You are so ambitious. The Department of Dark Law has long discovered that something is wrong with you and has been sending people to monitor you. We have discussed with the emperor and pretended not to know about your conspiracy, waiting for you to reveal your flaws."

As Lu Yi said this, he knelt down towards the old emperor and said, "I am late to save you, please forgive me."

The old emperor said tremblingly: "My beloved, please recover quickly. You are here at the right time. Catch this traitor quickly."

Jiangge Lao's loyal slave put a knife on the emperor's neck.

"Don't come over."

Upon seeing this, Mr. Jiang Ge knew that it was difficult to get off the tiger, so he had to break the can.

"When we get to this point, if we don't stop doing anything, none of you will be able to leave here alive." Mr. Jiang Ge said, "Kill them all, leaving no one behind."

The old slave of Jiangge Lao is indeed very skilled.

However, he met Xia Kun.

Over the years, Xia Kun has been the knife in Lu Yi's shadow. As long as Lu Yi wants to solve the problem, once this knife is released, he will definitely not leave empty-handed.

Qi Xiao came in with the people from the Dark Law Division.

Everyone in the Dark Law Department is a sharp weapon, and killing people is commonplace, but this time they killed Jiang Ge Lao's henchmen.

"Mr. Ge, let's go quickly." The old slave bought time for Mr. Jiang Ge.

With Lu Yi here, how could he let Mr. Jiang Ge escape?

After two hours, this well-prepared and inexplicable forced labor just stopped, like a fire that didn't light up and went out while it was still ignited.

All the old members of Jiangge were arrested.

That night, Qi Xiao took the sharp weapons of the Dark Law Department and arrested the ministers of Jiangge's old faction.

"What happened?"

The people were woken up and heard a lot of dogs barking outside, followed by sounds of begging for mercy and cries of injustice, as if something big had happened.

"We live under the emperor's feet. If we want to live a long life, we should not be too curious."

Mu Siyu yawned, walked to the window in slippers, and opened the window.

"Madam, why did you wake up so early today?" the servant who was cleaning the room saluted when he saw Mu Siyu waking up.

"I don't know why, but I didn't sleep well last night. I'm still sleepy now, but I just can't fall asleep."

Lu Yi did not return home all night.

There was something wrong with Lu Zhiqian's expression yesterday. Something big must have happened.

So many things have happened recently, such as Su Sheng's affairs, Xiao's affairs, and Wu'an Hou's residence. She was worried that the plot that had long ago collapsed would suddenly return to its original position. What would their family do?

"Mom, it was so noisy last night!" Lu Zhiyun walked in, "I sent Ding Xiang out to find out if anything big happened last night."

"Your father didn't come back." Mu Siyu lowered her voice and said, "I hope it's not a big deal, otherwise your father will definitely be involved."

After having breakfast, Mu Siyu left the child to the nanny, gave Su Zhiliu a few words, and prepared to go to the store to take a look.

Before she could go out, the housekeeper ran in.

"Madam, don't go, don't go, there's an imperial edict from the palace."

Mu Siyu immediately called Lu Zhiyun over and asked the wet nurse to bring the children over to receive the order.

Although the old emperor was not a good person, this was an ancient time when imperial power was respected, and the rules that should be followed cannot be messed with.

"It's up to heaven, the emperor decreed..."

Mu Siyu listened for a long time, and after listening to a lot of nonsense, she finally came to the topic.

"...Lu Aiqing has made great achievements and has been given the title of hereditary marquis, and Mrs. Lu has been given the title of first-grade imperial edict..."

Mu Siyu raised her head and looked at the father-in-law who announced the decree, her eyes full of surprise: "Hereditary Marquis?"

"That's right, Madam Hou." The father-in-law who announced the decree said with a smile, "Quickly accept the decree and thank me!"

This chapter has been completed!
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