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Chapter 649 Who is coming?

"I have accepted the things. This matter ends here. Don't think about it all day long and make yourself more troubled." Lu Zhiyun ordered Ding Xiang to accept it.

Chen Xiu said: "It's not an annoyance, it's a kindness. The lady is kind to our family, and we must always remember it in our hearts. We are just fishermen, and we have no other skills. We can only send some snacks. It's good if the lady doesn't dislike us.


"The two beauties are having such a great time talking to each other, why not become the master's concubine together, which will also fulfill your sisterly love." Zhang Yuanwai came over with his men.

Chen Xiu stood in front of Lu Zhiyun: "Miss, hurry up, he is Zhang Yuanwai, a bully here."

"Now that you're here, don't even think about leaving." Zhang Yuanwai waved his hand.

Several men behind him surrounded Lu Zhiyun, Chen Xiu and Ding Xiang.

These subordinates are not the previous group. After all, those people were beaten like that and could not recover so easily.

If it were those few people, they probably wouldn't have the guts to do it again.

As for Zhang Yuanwai, he had been treated so badly that the black ash on his face had not been washed away. When he saw Lu Zhiyun's beautiful face, his mind seemed to have lost all thought, let alone fear.

Idiots have no brains.

Ding Xiang pulled Chen Xiu behind her and said, "You take good care of our young lady, and just leave these menial tasks to me."

Bang! Boom! Crash!

One after another strong men were thrown into the sea by Lilac.

"I heard that salt water has the effect of disinfecting and decontaminating. If you are so stupid, you should take a good soak."

Ding Xiang threw all the strong men down, leaving only Zhang Yuanwai.

Zhang Yuanwai backed away in horror.

He never dreamed that a little maid could actually be a practicing master.

Ding Xiang frowned: "You are as stupid as a pig and you look like a pig. I really don't want to waste this strength."

Zhang Yuanwai hurriedly said: "That's right, I'm so heavy, so I better not bother your delicate hands."

"If I don't throw you, you jump down yourself." Ding Xiang looked at him disdainfully, "If you don't jump, I will throw you further so that you will never be able to return to the shore in your life."

"I'll jump...I'll jump..." Zhang Yuanwai secretly hated himself, but he knew it was difficult to get off the tiger, so he had no choice but to jump into the sea.

Plop! He made a huge splash.

"I'm going to jump..." Zhang Yuanwai fluttered, "That's it... right..."

The men managed to climb ashore with great difficulty and were frightened when they saw Ding Xiang still standing there.

"Dingxiang, let's go." Lu Zhiyun said.

"Okay, miss." Ding Xiang returned to Lu Zhiyun like an innocent girl, as if the evil-looking person just now was not her.

Lu Zhiyun looked in the direction of Zhang Yuanwai: "Come to me if you have anything to do. Don't bully Chen Xiu. If you let me know that you bully her again, I will pull out your hair one by one."

Chen Xiu was moved and worried, and followed Lu Zhiyun: "Miss, Magistrate Fang is Zhang Yuanwai's uncle. If he helps Zhang Yuanwai, it will be difficult for your family to survive here."

"Don't worry, they don't have a chance." Lu Zhiyun said, "Do you want to work as a cook in my shipyard? We have many shipwrights and there are not enough people in the kitchen. You and your mother can come over. Is your brother handy? If you are interested, you can

Go try to be a boatman. Of course, my mother has very high standards. If your brother can't meet her standards, there's nothing he can do."

"I am willing. I will tell my brother and my mother the good news right away."

"To work in our house, you have to sign a contract of sale." Lu Zhiyun deliberately frightened her.

"If it weren't for the lady, I would be dead, and my brother and my mother wouldn't be able to escape. Our lives belong to the lady. If the lady decides to sign for a few years, we will sign for a few years."

"Miss, I'm teasing you. Madam is the most kind-hearted person. She won't let anyone sign a contract of sale. However, you need to sign a confidentiality agreement. If you violate it, you will be severely punished. In addition, you work in the shipyard.

During this period, you must live in the assigned rooms, and you are not allowed to take the things inside out. If you are discovered, you will be responsible for the consequences."

"There's no problem with any of this."

"As long as you cooperate well, you will be satisfied with your monthly salary."

"Thank you, miss."

Chen Xiu left, and Ding Xiang protected Lu Zhiyun and returned to the shipyard.

Ding Xiang immediately went to Lu Ye and told him what had just happened.

In Xia Kun's absence, Lu Ye is solely responsible for their safety. Ding Xiang's direct boss is Lu Ye.

"I understand, please protect the young lady."

"Don't worry, Miss and I are inseparable, and I will never let any evil person get close to Miss."

Zhang Yuanwai found Fang Yue crying.

Fang Yue was waiting for news from the capital. Seeing Zhang Yuanwai's wretched appearance, he became furious. He said impatiently: "Can you calm down? At least wait until I find out who they are before seeking death.

Let me tell you, they have so many skilled nurses. If you can't defeat them, just hold back. I have to take a step at a time now and wait until I know their details."


"Don't call me uncle. Even if you call me ancestor, I won't help you this time."

"My lord..." Master patted the door, "A lord has come from the capital. Come out and greet him!"

Fang Yue quickly adjusted his black gauze hat and official uniform before striding out.



Fang Yue hurried to the front yard.

I saw a young official standing there.

The man was wearing official uniform and looked to be about twenty years old, young and immature. However, Fang Yue did not dare to neglect him at all, because the official uniform he was wearing was of the sixth grade.

"I have met you, sir, but I didn't know that your arrival would be a long way off."

"Fang Yue, right?" the visitor said, "Some people say that you are corrupt, perverting the law, and exploiting the common people. The officials want to investigate you, so you pack your things and go to the capital for interrogation."

"Sir, this is unfair..."

"Don't complain now. Return to the capital and let the officials of the Ministry of Civil Affairs try you. It won't be too late for you to complain at that time. I will temporarily take over your position. If I find out your guilt, I will report the truth to the superiors.


Several government officials took off Fang Yue's official hat and uniform, and escorted him out.

"I heard that there is another one named Zhang Yuanwai." The young official said, "Let's just go and arrest him. I don't want to waste time."

Magistrate Fang of Sanlin City was taken away by officials from the capital, and Zhang Yuanwai was also taken directly to the county government office. The news spread, and the people were so excited that they all poked their heads at the gate of the county government office. This scene was more beautiful than the Chinese New Year.

It was even more lively at that time. Some people had prepared firecrackers. Just waiting for Zhang Yuanwai to be unlucky, they immediately set off firecrackers to celebrate.

"I heard he is a very young official, with a higher rank than a county magistrate."

"Whether he is young or old, even if he is a woman, as long as this harm can be eliminated, we will be grateful."

This chapter has been completed!
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