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Chapter 664 The battle for the throne

When Mu Siyu arrived in a hurry, only corpses were left on the ground.

She looked for Lu Zhiyun in the crowd, and saw that she was being protected by Jiang Wanchen, so she called out to her: "Yun'er."

Lu Zhiyun heard Mu Siyu's voice and walked out from behind Jiang Wanchen to greet her.


"I heard someone said that you were held hostage by gangsters. Were you injured?"

"No, dad is here, how can I let others hurt me?" Lu Zhiyun glanced at Lu Yi who was instructing his men to clean up the scene.

"Madam, don't worry, Zhiyun is fine." Jiang Wanchen said, "But it's very chaotic here. Madam and Zhiyun should leave here first."

Mu Siyu glanced in the direction of Lu Yi, then turned back to Jiang Wanchen and said, "Okay, I'll take Yun'er away first. These gangsters have killed many people, so you can't let them go lightly."


On the carriage, Mu Siyu wiped the blood on the back of Lu Zhiyun's hands with a handkerchief, and then wiped her neck.

"Mom, just go back and wash yourself."

"If it were any other girl who saw so many dead people, she would have been so frightened that she lost her mind. You act like you are nothing. How did you fall into the hands of those gangsters?"

"I was playing there with a few sisters, and suddenly many gangsters appeared. Those gangsters killed everyone they saw. I don't know what happened, but those gangsters directly arrested me and took me to threaten my father. They seemed to have known my identity for a long time.


"Did someone sell you out?"

"No one said my identity at that time. Everyone was so frightened that they just kept screaming. But the gangsters saw me at a glance and didn't even hesitate."

"It seems that the gangsters recognize the lady." Shang Zhi said, "Either the gangsters have met the lady before, or they have seen the lady's portrait, and they have even inquired about the lady's whereabouts."

"What I don't understand is how do they know that our master is in Sanlin City? They arrested the young lady just to threaten the master, right?"

"No, what the master is doing here is a secret. Only a few people know about it. Even Jiang Wanchen just found out. Those gangsters wanted to use Xiao Yun'er to threaten not my husband, but me. Those gangsters rushed directly into Sanlin

The city was burned, killed, and plundered, but it was me who dealt with it.”

"If the master is not here and those people succeed in their conspiracy, they will kill all the way to our Lu family." Shang Zhi said, "Not only will they destroy everything here, they will also steal all the money and even hurt my wife."

Mu Siyu took Lu Zhiyun home to clean up.

In the evening, Lu Yi came back.

Mu Siyu checked that there were no injuries on his body and said, "The hot water is ready, go and clean it quickly."


When Lu Yi returned to the room again, Mu Siyu had just handed Lu Shaojing to the wet nurse.

"Dad..." Lu Shaojing looked at Lu Yi with tears in his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"He is making noises to find you. I thought you were tired, so I asked the wet nurse to put him to sleep and then play with him tomorrow."

"It doesn't matter, I still have the strength to play with my son." Lu Yi took Lu Shaojing back from the nanny's hand, "Were Yun'er scared?"

"You don't know your daughter's temper yet? If she is frightened so easily, she is no longer your daughter. Qing'er just got a new gadget and is playing with her sister. The two sisters are still messing around."

"That's good." Lu Yi put Lu Shaojing in the toy area and watched him play with the building blocks.

"How were things today?"

There were only the couple and a child who didn't understand anything left in the room, so there was no taboo.

"Those people are bandits, but they are not ordinary bandits. They were raised by others."

"Raising soldiers?"

"That's right."

"Have you been recruited? Who sent you?"

"The funny thing is that they are bandits who were raised by others, but they don't even know who raised them. The leader of the bandits was killed by me, and the rest are just minions who don't know much. That so-called

The third master only saw one man who would come to their chief master every year, hand them a large amount of gold, silver, treasures and weapons, and ask them to kill some people, sometimes local gentry, officials or famous scholars."

"Their mission this time is me, right?"

Lu Yi's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Mu Siyu knew from the look in his eyes that she was right.

"Are you going back to Beijing?"


"Then you go back!" Mu Siyu said, "The children and I are waiting for you here."

Lu Yi came over and put her in his arms: "I want to take you back to Beijing, but things here are just on the right track, and what I want to do is also very dangerous. Wait for me here, wait for me to pick you up


"I know, just don't worry."

How could Lu Yi feel relieved?

If he is not here this time and Xiao Yun'er is coerced, I don't know what the result will be.

"Sanlin City is an important city. The military here is too bad. I will discuss with General Jiang to reorganize the military here."

"Okay, if you need anything here, just send a message to the capital, and I will let them cooperate with you."

Lu Yi left.

As soon as he left, Mu Siyu invited Jiang Wanchen and Mo Qingyan to discuss rebuilding the city wall and recruiting more soldiers.

Bandits entered Sanlin City, many people were injured, and some died at the hands of the bandits. The entire Sanlin City was in a dark and sad atmosphere.

Jiang Wanchen had just sent out the recruitment news, and many young men who had lost their loved ones volunteered to join the army, just to become stronger and protect their families.

Sanlin City originally became richer and richer from a barren land because of Mu Siyu, but this bandit incident made them understand that they now have no shortage of money, but they lack the power to protect them.

Grief puts people in a state of anger, and recruiting troops is quickly accomplished.

Capital City, Prince Xuan's Mansion.

Yang Yiren covered her mouth and coughed, and a large amount of blood spat out from her mouth.

"Why? Why is my disease not only not getting better, but getting worse?"

"Princess, this servant will go get you some medicine right away."

"Medicine..." Yang Yiren stared at the maid fiercely, "It's you! You gave me the medicine, didn't you? Do you want me to die? You all want me to die and replace you, don't you? Is it Zhao Yunshuang?

Bitch asked you to come here? Or is it Lu Zhiyun, that vixen who bewitched the prince, isn’t it..."

"The princess is in good spirits." Zhao Yunshuang walked in from outside, "She can still embarrass a little girl."

"What are you doing here? I'm not dead yet. It's not your turn to watch my jokes here."

"I want to tell the princess that there is no cure for your illness. The prince said that you don't need to take medicine from today on. It will be in vain anyway."

"Impossible!" Yang Yiren glared at Zhao Yunshuang, "I am the princess. If I die in Prince Xuan's Mansion, my family will not let Prince Xuan go. He wants that position to not bring such a stain on himself


"Who doesn't know that Princess Xuan is terminally ill? Even if you die in Prince Xuan's mansion now, no one will doubt it. After all, the prince has summoned the best doctors in the world to treat your illness during this period."

Half a month ago, King Xuan went to the Zhenguo Temple in person and stayed there all night, just for the incense on the first day of the new year, and all this was for Princess Xuan, who was bedridden for a long time. Who wouldn't say that King Xuan is an infatuated person?


"My illness is not a disease, and the medicine you give me is not medicine, right?"

"I don't know what the princess is talking about." Zhao Yunshuang said calmly, "I just came to tell the princess that from today on, no more medicine will be delivered, and your people cannot leave the palace for half a step."

Zhao Yunshuang said he came to inform, and he came to inform. After notifying Yang Yiren, he immediately sent people to seal the place, and the slaves here were not allowed to leave the yard. If there was any need, someone would send it directly.

King Xuan came back from outside with an ugly face.

Zhao Yunshuang happened to see him and came over to greet him: "I have met the prince."

"Mr. Feng will be here later. Please ask your servants to prepare some food and wine."


Mr. Feng is one of King Xuan's staff.

When Mr. Feng came, Zhao Yunshuang and his servants prepared the food and wine before leaving with them.

"Your Majesty, are you still angry about the loss of a general today?"

"We finally promoted a general, but today he fell into the hands of Lu Xuan."

"Lu Xuan is indeed underestimated by us. Before, we only paid attention to Lu Yi and ignored Lu Xuan. This time we suffered such a big setback with him. Your Majesty, since the Lu family brothers cannot be used by us

, don’t keep this Lu Xuan either.”

"You think I haven't thought about it? But it's just that Lu Yi disappeared. He was on a mission to a good country. No one knows what accidents he will encounter. It is normal for him to die outside. But Lu Xuan is different. He is a member of the Ministry of Household Affairs

Officials are usually either at the Ministry of Finance or at home. If I want him to die suddenly, exposing too many traces will only make the civil and military officials in the court be wary of me and think that I have no tolerance for others."

"In that case, then..."

Mr. Feng didn't finish speaking, but Fan Yan understood what he meant.

Now everything is ready, all we need is the east wind.

"The Emperor is dying." Mr. Feng said, "Your Majesty, no one else but you can shoulder this burden now. As long as you sit in that position, what do the Lu brothers mean? In the end, they don't have to listen to you."

"Father has worked hard for most of his life, and it's really time for him to rest."

The old emperor is dead.

When the death knell in the palace rang, everyone looked in the direction of the palace.

There is a bell in the palace that can only be rung under special circumstances, that is, when the emperor dies. So, as long as the death knell rings, the people in the city hang out white cloths, and all the civil and military officials rush to the palace.

"Your Majesty, what's going on?"

On the way, someone spotted King Xuan driving his carriage in a hurry toward the palace, and asked him about it.

"I don't know either." King Xuan swallowed even more, "When I went to court today, my father's body was still in good condition. Why did he suddenly..."

The ministers looked at each other.

The old emperor's appearance of panting after taking a few steps is considered 'good'?

In fact, the eunuch who served the emperor once mentioned that in the past six months, the old emperor had to take five big pills every day. Every time he took that big pill, his mental state could be high for an hour. After an hour, it felt like his whole body was covered with something.

After draining all the strength, the whole figure is like withered grass, which will wither at any time.

The ministers rushed to the palace and saw the old emperor dying with a painful expression.

Next to her was a beautiful woman who hit a pillar and died.

"The emperor was having fun with Fang Meiren, but suddenly he died suddenly. Fang Meiren was so frightened that she hit a pillar and died."

"Father..." Prince Xuan cried loudly while holding the old emperor's body, "My son is unfilial and I didn't see you for the last time."

The old emperor died, and most of the concubines fainted from crying. Among them, the young beauties were frightened and cried. After all, the old emperor was gone, and they, the beauties who were once favored, would probably not end well. As for those

The concubines who have given birth to children can live in the palace as the widows of the old emperor. No matter who becomes the emperor, they will not be mistreated, but there is no need to worry.

When the emperor dies, the biggest controversial topic is who can be the new emperor.

Prince Xuan had his own connections in the court, so of course he would be elected emperor.

However, there are also people who are loyal to the king, such as Lu Xuan and others.

"Prince Zhong? Are you kidding? Prince Zhong is still at the border and has not come back. Water far away cannot save the fire nearby. When he comes back, the day lilies will be cold."

"If Prince Zhong comes back, in terms of military merit and ranking, should he be the emperor?" Lu Xuan said calmly.

"Everything has its origins. King Xuan has a distinguished status and comes from a wealthy family, while King Zhong...sigh, who of you doesn't know his origin? If such a person can become an emperor, then so can a beggar on the street.


"Lin Yushi, do you mean that His Highness, Prince Xuan, whom you admire, is no different from a beggar on the street?" Lu Xuan looked at him.

"Nonsense! Stop making excuses. I clearly didn't mean that. What's your purpose of sowing discord here?"

"What is respect? What is humiliation? King Zhong is the emperor's son, and King Xuan is also the son of the emperor. What's more, King Zhong is older than King Xuan. How can any younger brother surpass his elder brother? There is no legitimate son in Lin Yushi's family, right? According to me

As I know, you also have two bastards."

"Okay, this court is not a vegetable market, why are you still quarreling here?" Someone said, "In my opinion, whether it is Prince Xuan or Prince Zhong, they are all the emperor's heirs, and everyone has an inheritance.

However, it is true that King Zhong cannot come back and the country cannot be without a king for a day. We should still regard King Xuan as our master."

"King Zhong is back!" A eunuch ran from outside and shouted, "King Zhong's army is already outside the city gate, and it will only take a stick of incense to get in."

The faces of all the ministers varied.

There were still people who were hesitant at first, but now it's better. King Zhong is back, so there is no need to hesitate.

"Everyone, have you forgotten how cruel King Zhong is?" Someone said, "Have you forgotten what King Zhong has done over the years? If such a moody person becomes the monarch, will our subordinates have a good life?

?He kills people when he wants. We are like ants, life and death depend on his thoughts."

"Master Yin is absolutely right," Lu Xuan said, "So, aren't you afraid that Prince Zhong will rush in right now and sacrifice your head to his sword?"

This chapter has been completed!
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