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Chapter 73 She Was Reasonable

When Mu Siyu took her two children down the mountain, they met villagers who came after hearing the news at the foot of the mountain.

The two children just now were among the villagers.

They all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Lu Shaoyu and Tietou coming down the mountain safely.

"Tietou, you brat." Lu Daniu slapped Tietou. "Did you instigate Shaoyu to go up the mountain? Are you itchy? If I don't beat you for three days, you will..."

"Dad, I didn't..." Lu Tietou hid behind Mu Siyu.

Mu Siyu stopped Lu Daniu's movements and said: "Daniu, it's none of Tietou's business. If it hadn't been for him just now, our young Yu would have fallen into the cliff and our lives would have been lost."

"What's going on with these kids? Why are they running up the mountain?"

"The children grew up in the village and often cut firewood outside the mountains. There is no danger just outside the mountains, but inside there is a place where even the adults in the village don't dare to go. You are too ridiculous." The village chief said.

He said angrily: "Who else is involved in this matter? Come forward for me. If you don't stand up now, I will find you out later and see how I punish you."

The other five children looked at each other, hesitated, and one after another stood up uneasily.

The adults with five children were furious when they saw that their own children were also involved.

"You brat, you dare to make any kind of joke! If Lu Shaoyu has any shortcomings, how can you compensate him?"

"If I don't beat you for three days, you'll be lawless! I'll just beat you to death."

"Wow... wow... Dad, I was wrong... stop fighting..."

"Mother, save me, ouch... ouch... mother..."

"Okay, okay, the child is fine."

"That's right, isn't this okay? Why did you beat your own son like this?"

Some people beat the baby, some tried to dissuade her, and some stood there stupidly, not daring to dissuade her. The scene was in chaos.

"Village Chief, it's okay for children to play together," Mu Siyu said. "In the end, these children don't have any malicious intent. They just don't care about it, and they don't know how to handle it. They will know how to pay attention to it in the future."

The village chief and the people in the village did not expect Mu Siyu to be so considerate. They thought she would make a big fuss like she did a few times before, but she exposed it like this today? This is not like the Mu Siyu they know!

Mu Siyu was helpless: "If a slap can't make a difference, our child is not right either. If he doesn't want to, who can push him to the edge of the cliff? After all, I haven't taken care of him."

The villagers looked better when they saw her being so reasonable.

Perhaps it was because Mu Siyu's previous "black people's" methods were too ruthless, and they instinctively felt that she would not let go of this opportunity, and might blackmail them into something. She exposed it in such a way, and everything she said was reasonable, and they

Suddenly, she discovered that the 'Mu Siyu' in her memory was quickly disappearing, and the 'Mu Siyu' in front of her gradually replaced her.

"Since everything is fine, let's go back." The village chief said, "Shaoyu, Tietou, are you injured?"

"Tietou injured his palm while trying to help Shaoyu, so I took him back to apply medicine." Mu Siyu said, "I have medicine for wounds at home."

The banquet was still going on, and the villagers returned to Lu Dazhu's house to continue attending the wedding banquet.

Lu Yi's house. Lu Shaoyu sat across from him, watching Mu Siyu apply medicine to Tietou.

Tietou looked at Mu Siyu with a red face.

"Does it hurt?" Mu Siyu wiped Tietou's wound.

After wiping, I blew on it again and looked at the iron head with concern.

Tietou shook his head violently, like shaking a rattle, and said with bright eyes: "It doesn't hurt at all. I cut my hand when I was mowing the grass at home, and that's what hurts!"

"What a brave little guy." Mu Siyu touched Tietou's head. "You haven't eaten anything, and there's nothing to eat when you go back now. I'll order some noodles for you. Sit here for a while!"

"Don't bother, I'm not hungry." Tietou lowered his head and said sheepishly.

Gulu! Gulu! His belly showed no shame to him and exposed his lie.

Tietou was too embarrassed to raise his head.

Mu Siyu laughed, stood up and walked to the kitchen.

Lu Shaoyu looked at Mu Siyu's back quietly.

There were several scratches on the back of his hand, and there were still blood beads on them! The woman didn't know whether she had forgotten or didn't care at all and didn't care about him at all.

The one who was holding him tightly just now looked worried about him. Could it be all an act?


Of course Mu Siyu did not ignore the scratches on the back of Lu Shaoyu's hands, but now she was very angry and wanted to ignore him.

A fragrant smell came from the kitchen. Tietou swallowed his saliva and looked at Lu Shaoyu with a dirty face: "Your mother's cooking smells so good!"

Lu Shaoyu looked at him calmly: "So?"

No matter how delicious the food is, she is still a bad woman.

She doesn't care about him at all.

"You are so lucky. I don't even have a mother." Tietou said sadly: "It would be great if I had a mother. Your mother was so gentle when she gave me the medicine! If I had a mother, would I do the same?

Should I take medicine?"

Lu Shaoyu frowned.

He usually looks silly, but I have never seen him look so lost. It turns out that even the most arrogant person has a fragile heart.

"If I had a mother, I would definitely listen to her and not worry her or give her the chance to give me medicine. But they said I was picked up by my father, and even this father is a fake.

It's borrowed."

"Tietou." Mu Siyu shouted from inside: "Can you help my aunt bring some firewood? It's in the woodshed."

"Okay!" Tietou replied happily.

Mu Siyu smiled and continued chopping vegetables.

It wasn't that she wanted the injured Tietou to work, but when she heard what the child said, she felt panicked and wanted him to divert his attention and stop thinking about these unhappy things.

It can be seen from what just happened that he is a good boy. If Lu Shaoyu can have such a friend by his side, at least he will not be lonely.

"Wow! Auntie, your noodles are so delicious." Lu Tietou praised while eating, his cheeks bulging like a frog, and he couldn't speak a word clearly.

Mrs. Tong took Lu Zhiyun's hand back.

"Brother..." Lu Zhiyun rushed towards Lu Shaoyu.

Lu Shaoyu quickly put down the bowl and took Lu Zhiyun's little body.

Seeing the scratches on the back of Lu Shaoyu's hands, Mrs. Tong said distressedly: "I heard that Shaoyu and several children went up the mountain and were injured. Why didn't you give him medicine?"

"Brother, does it hurt?" Lu Zhiyun said nervously: "Yun'er, let me blow it for you."

"Is there any medicine at home?" Tong asked, "I'll give Shaoyu some medicine."

How can I be a mother? Tietou has medicine to take, but why does he ignore his own son? This girl won't have the same old habit again, right?

"He doesn't need to take medicine. He is a god anyway and can fly over walls. What's the injury?" Mu Siyu looked at Lu Shaoyu coldly. "Keep this injury for him and let him think about his mistakes.

Where is it?"

This chapter has been completed!
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