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Chapter 760 Assassination

At night, Mu Siyu stood in front of the map, drawing circles on several locations with her fingers.

Li Guyuan walked in from outside and said, "Master, your body won't be able to bear it if this continues."

"You didn't go to accompany your mother, so why did you come back?" Mu Siyu looked back at him, "If this continues, your mother will blame me. You are just my disciple, and now you feel more filial than my son."

"Then I should be called 'Mother'?" Li Guyuan said with a smile.

Mu Siyu glanced at him: "You are getting thicker and thicker."

"Hehe..." Li Guyuan looked indifferent, "If it weren't for being thick-skinned, we wouldn't be alive today! I will praise me as my master."

Mu Siyu laughed, but felt that there was nothing wrong with his words.

"Master, is there anything wrong with this river?" Li Guyuan saw Mu Siyu draw several circles on the map, one of which was the river.

"No problem." Mu Siyu said, "I just have an idea and plan to give it a try."

"Master, if there is an important task, let it be done by my disciple! I want to make more contributions." Li Guyuan said flatteringly, "No matter how dangerous it is, there is no problem. You know, I have a good brain."

"Since you said that, I really have a task for you." Mu Siyu waved to him, "Come here, this matter is confidential and cannot be known to others."

Li Guyuan listened to Mu Siyu's instructions and nodded repeatedly. When she finished speaking, Li Guyuan cupped his hands and strode out.

Lu Zhiyun came in with a midnight snack and happened to pass by Li Guyuan.

"Wait a minute." Lu Zhiyun called to Li Guyuan, "The cook has made some pastries. Do you want to try a few?"

Li Guyuan looked at those exquisite pastries and refused with a smile: "I won't eat them today. I will come back to ask for them after I complete Master's arrangements. Junior sister can't be stingy then. Let's go first!"

Lu Zhiyun walked in and said to Mu Siyu: "Mom is partial. You leave important matters to your senior brother but not to me. Just because I am a girl, right?"

"You also have an important task." Mu Siyu said, "Didn't I ask you to watch the people rushing to make raincoats and boots?"

"Although the weather is not scorching now, it is still sunny. Why do we suddenly have to make so many rain gears?"

"Silly girl, don't you smell the moisture in the air? This rain will come at any time, and when it comes, it will be too late to stop it."

The carriage turned around. Mu Siyu leaned against the wall of the carriage, her eyelids pressed tightly against her eyes, and she fell into a deep sleep.

Zelan made a gesture to silence Qingdai and covered her with clothes.

Suddenly, with a clang, the carriage stopped.

Mu Siyu was awakened.

"How did you drive the carriage?" Zeelan got angry and shouted to the coachman outside.

The driver didn't respond.

Zelan noticed something was wrong, opened the curtain and took a look, but the coachman was nowhere to be found.

Several men in black fell from the sky.

"Mrs. Protector." Zeelan was shocked.

Zelan rushed out to face the men in black, while Qingdai stayed in the carriage to protect Mu Siyu.

The carriage has been modified. As long as it is locked tightly, neither swords nor arrows can destroy it.

In addition to Zelan, there are several secret guards outside.

The sound of fighting sounded.

Mu Siyu listened to the sound of fighting outside and said to Qingdai, "You also go out and help."

"Madam, my slave's duty is to protect you."

Bang! Bang!

The sound of the sword cutting flesh was so clear.

"Brothers and sisters, someone has assassinated my wife." Someone shouted, followed by many people's responses.

Mu Siyu felt something was wrong and opened the window.

"Ma'am, you can't open it."

"There's something wrong outside, let me take a look."

When she opened it, she saw many people rushing out from various people's homes.

Some of them held torches, some held kitchen knives, and some carried hoes. Almost everyone rushed towards the men in black with a 'weapon' in hand.

Those men in black are vicious killers.

Facing such a killer, ordinary people would have been frightened out of their wits.

However, at this moment, these ordinary, honest and honest people seemed not to know what fear was, and rushed forward with their own "farm tools" or kitchen knives.

The killer was caught.

Some of these people were also injured, but under the protection of the secret guards and Zeelan, their lives were not in danger and they suffered only minor injuries.

"Madam, a total of five assassins have been captured," Zelan said.

"Give it to Lu Xun and let him interrogate you strictly."


Zeelan and the secret guards took the assassins away.

Mu Siyu got out of the carriage and said to the people in the street: "Thank you to the villagers for drawing your sword and helping me just now."

"Madam, you're fine."

"If there's anything wrong with you, we won't survive."

"Madam, you must protect yourself. Those traitors are particularly despicable. If they fail this time, they will definitely not give up. They will send more people to hurt you next time."

The people were so enthusiastic, Mu Siyu listened patiently to their instructions. As time passed by, Qingdai quickly told the people, "Madam only slept for an hour and a half every day, and she couldn't bear it anymore." The people were anxious.

As if they were worried, they all made way for her to go back and rest early.

Back at the house, Mu Siyu couldn't fall asleep thinking about what had just happened.

Qingdai understood what was on her mind and made her a cup of soothing tea. After she drank it, she began to feel sleepy.

"Madam, we can't go on like this." Qingdai said, "When will the reinforcements arrive in Hubei City? No matter how powerful Madam is, she is still a weak woman. Why should she bear such a heavy burden?"

The next day, Mu Siyu was eating when Lu Xun came in.

"Did you come out of the trial?" Mu Siyu put down her chopsticks and pointed at Lu Xun, "You haven't slept all night, have you? Sit down and have something to eat together, and go back to rest later."

Lu Xun thanked him and sat down.

"Who are they?"

"They were sent by the rebels."

"how come?"

"Using a machine bird."

Lu Xun said and shouted outside: "Bring the things in."

So, a dozen people carried in a huge machine bird.

The bird's body is made of special metal, not wood, so it is particularly strong. Its wings use countless small parts, which shows that it is very flexible when flying in the sky.

Mu Siyu squatted in front of it, inspecting the parts.

Somewhat familiar.

Whether it's a machine bird or something else, they are all very familiar.

Lu Zhiyun walked in and said, "Mom, I'm sorry, I'm late. Hey, when did you get such a big bird?"

"I didn't do it."

"Isn't it? But it looks very much like the mechanical bird you made for us to play with before." Lu Zhiyun said, "Do you still remember? When my brother and I were young, you made two mechanical birds for us to play with."

This chapter has been completed!
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