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Chapter 828

Mu Siyu stood in front of the window, looking at the moonlight outside.

Shang Zhi put his cloak on her body and said, "Madam, it's not peaceful tonight. Don't stand here anymore. It's very dangerous."

"Did you hear any fighting in the front yard?"

"Seems to be."

"It seems that the other party has fallen into the trap."

"Young Master has been preparing for so long, luring the other party into the trap step by step, and he will definitely be able to solve it tonight."

"The other party is good at using poison. We may not have the upper hand, but we can lure them out, and at least they won't appear passive." Mu Siyu said, "I hope the Hundred Poison Pills prepared by Doctor Ding can be useful."

There were shouts from outside: "The water has escaped! The water has escaped!"

Shangzhi said to Zelan: "You protect my wife here, and I'll go take a look."

Mu Siyu smelled the smell coming from the air and said, "They also used stone paint."

There was a bright firelight coming from the sky on the opposite side.

The other party wanted to burn them all to death in the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

"Madam..." A subordinate rushed over, "Madam, it's too dangerous here. Leave here with your subordinates quickly."

"How are you adults?"

"My lord, everything is fine. I just can't leave. Please ask your subordinates to come and take the lady away."

"Okay," Mu Siyu said, "You lead the way."

"Yes, Madam, please come this way..."

Mu Siyu looked back at Zelan next to her and made a gesture.

Zelan drew out the soft sword from his waist and stabbed the man.

The man dodged quickly.

"Madam, what are you doing?"

"Stop pretending," Mu Siyu said, "You still smell of stone paint! Also, the clothes you are wearing belong to someone else, right? They don't fit at all."

The man stopped pretending and grinned: "As expected of the Prime Minister's wife, she is indeed smart. However, no matter how smart you are, today is your death day."

Zelan stood in front of Mu Siyu and started fighting with the man.

Mu Siyu stepped back, suddenly aware of the danger, and turned to the side.

An arrow shot past where she was just now.

A man stood on the roof with a bow and arrow in his hand.

"Mrs. Lu, your head is worth one hundred thousand taels of gold, which is more valuable than your husband's."

"Thank you very much. It's my honor." Mu Siyu said calmly, "However, not everyone is qualified to take such an expensive head, at least you... can't."

The man jumped over.

Mu Siyu raised her arm and fired a large number of fine needles from her wrist.

The man quickly ducked away.

Zelan was entangled and had no way to protect Mu Siyu, so he became very anxious when he saw this.

She whistled.

The fire is getting bigger and bigger.

There was a lot of noise in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and few people could hear the whistle at this time.

No matter how many and powerful Mu Siyu's hidden weapons are, they will eventually be used up.

The man jumped towards her again.

Zelan was tripped up and watched helplessly as the assassin got closer and closer to Mu Siyu. He shouted anxiously: "Madam!!"

Mu Siyu smiled at the assassin and said, "It's really hard to get a head worth one hundred thousand taels of gold."

Saying that, he pulled down the rope next to him.

Bang! An iron box smashed down from above and immediately covered the assassin.

Since she wanted to come to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, she couldn't come in vain! After analyzing the situation on Lu Shaoyu's side, she started preparations and spent several hours installing these mechanisms.

Of course, time was limited, so it was just a simple mechanism. The iron box was also readily available from the Metropolitan Procuratorate and was originally a torture instrument.

Zelan let out a breath.

When the other assassin saw this, he struck even harder.

Zelan just lost his mind and was stabbed by an assassin.

"Madam, please leave quickly." Zeelan covered his arm.

The person in the iron box was still hacking and hacking, trying to break through the box and escape. However, how could the mechanism installed by Mu Siyu herself give him a chance to escape? After all, she used the mechanism to help Fan Yuanxi catch the tiger.

It is similar to the current one. Not even tigers can escape, let alone ordinary people.

"Lao Liu, leave me alone and kill that woman." The man in the box said to the other assassin.

‘Old Liu’ stabbed Zelan, and Zelan had no way to stop him. Now that he had freed his hand, he had to deal with Mu Siyu.

Phew! A sword flew over.

Lu Yi jumped over from the opposite side.

When the assassin saw Lu Yi, his expression changed drastically.

Lu Yi being here represents the failure of their other brothers.

Phew! Lu Yi fought with the assassin. After a while, the assassin was defeated and tried to escape.

Lu Shaoyu rushed over with others and directly restrained the assassin.

As for the other assassin, of course he was also imprisoned by them.

"Remove their jaws and don't let them bite their tongues and kill themselves." Lu Yi said.

Lu Shaoyu waved his hand and motioned to his men to take the assassins away.

"Dad, Mom, the fire here is too big. The other party used stone paint. It won't be able to put out the fire for a while. You should leave here first."

"You go back first, I will accompany Shao Yu to interrogate these people overnight." Lu Yi said.

When Mu Siyu returned to the Lu family, she was exhausted.

"After all, I'm getting old, and my body can't keep up with what it used to be. I've seen and experienced all kinds of storms before, but I'm not as tired as today." Mu Siyu soaked in hot water, "Such a big fire, I'm afraid it won't be this bad."

Easily extinguished."

"My slave is worried that the assassins and their accomplices have not been captured. In this case, the master and his wife will be in danger at any time."

"What's the use of worrying? Don't think about that for now and have a good rest! By the way, Shangzhi, Zelan is injured, have you called the doctor?"

"Madam, just don't worry. The housekeeper sent someone to fetch you when we first returned home. The wound should be bandaged by now."

The fire woke up nearby residents.

Everyone worked together to put out the fire and finally brought the fire under control.

Of course, there were no ordinary houses near the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and all that were burned down were public assets of the imperial court.

The Metropolitan Procuratorate can no longer live here for the time being, so they have to find another place to run their business. As for this burned-down place, they can only submit a letter to the court to find funding for repairs.

Fan Yuanxi was not in the capital, so the small morning court held once every three days was cancelled. Almost only important matters would go to court, and the director was Lu Yi, so it was Fan Xu who sat on the dragon throne.

Lu Yi and Lu Shaoyu interrogated the assassins overnight and found out that they were dead soldiers sent by Liang Guo.

These dead soldiers not only wanted to disrupt Huiguo's court, but also wanted to steal the military map. Fortunately, the military map had been placed with Lu Yi, and no one had been able to find what Lu Yi wanted to hide.

Lu Shaoyu dragged his tired body back to Lu Mansion.

He stood on the bridge and looked at the gurgling stream in front of him.

He was thinking about the recent case and always felt that something was missing.

"Master Lu," Xing Jiashi came over with a basket of flower petals, "You look like you need to rest, why are you still standing here?"

"Did you hear that?"

"There is a fire in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, everyone in the capital must know about it!"

The people only knew that there was a fire, but they didn’t know why it happened.

"Master Lu seems to be troubled," Xing Jiashi said, "Can I help you with anything?"

"If a home is in good condition, and suddenly one day a lot of bugs appear in the rice vat, why is that?"

"Then it must have been taken care of poorly, allowing bugs to take advantage of it," Xing Jiashi said.

"Yes, this is what we have been ignoring." Lu Shaoyu said to himself, "Huiguo's management is strict, so many dead soldiers suddenly appeared in the capital, how could no one notice? There is a traitor!"

This chapter has been completed!
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