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Chapter 11 I Have Nothing to Feed the Dog

Lu Shaoyu's cheeks turned red and he stared at her angrily, like a frog with bulging cheeks: "How dare you."

"I don't dare." Mu Siyu said calmly: "You can't touch the tiger's butt. You are just like a little tiger now."

Lu Zhiyun followed them into the room. The moment she stepped into the door, she thought she had made a mistake because the room was so clean and strange.

Mu Siyu put Lu Shaoyu on the bed and lifted up his trousers. Seeing that the injured area was a little inflamed, she asked, "Is there any wine at home?"

In my memory, Lu Yi wanted to drink, but the original owner never cared about the affairs of this house, let alone where the wine was kept.

"Yes." Lu Zhiyun replied in a sweet voice, "I'll get it."

The wine Lu Zhiyun brought was packed in bamboo barrels.

Mu Siyu opened it and smelled it. The smell was a bit bland, not comparable to modern spirits, but it was better than nothing. It would be better to disinfect it.

"Hiss." Lu Shaoyu felt pain.

"Does it hurt? Bear with it."

Mu Siyu looked at him with eyes full of pity.

"No pain."

What's this pain?

Lu Shaoyu's eyes were sharp and firm.

Lu Zhiyun's eyes were red, she was sniffing and trying to hold back her tears.

"Brother told you that tears are the most useless thing in the world." Seeing that Lu Zhiyun wanted to cry, Lu Shaoyu spoke seriously.

Without looking at his appearance, there is really no way to connect him with a five-year-old child.

After disinfecting the wound, apply medicine to the wound. Without bandaging Lu Shaoyu, Mu Siyu explained: "I haven't gone out recently, so as long as I don't touch the wound, it won't get worse. If it's bandaged, it will easily become inflamed."

"Yeah." Lu Shaoyu responded.

"Damn fat man, get out of here." Along with the sound of kicking the door, sharp yelling broke the silence.

Mu Siyu frowned: "The people who are supposed to come are here anyway. You stay inside and don't go out, otherwise it will be easy to accidentally hurt you."

"She will beat you." Lu Zhiyun looked at her worriedly.

Mu Siyu knelt down and touched Lu Zhiyun's cheek: "I've hit you before, why are you still worried about me?"

"Um...you didn't hit me today." Lu Zhiyun said at a loss.

"But I often beat you before and refused to let you eat. Don't you hate me?" Mu Siyu asked again.

"I..." Lu Zhiyun looked at Lu Shaoyu.

Lu Shaoyu said nothing with a cold face.

Lu Zhiyun grabbed the corner of her clothes, her face full of wounds showed anticipation: "Then can you stop hitting me in the future? It really hurts."

Mu Siyu sighed softly.

She was still a child at this time and didn't know how to resent. Her eyes were so pure, like the surface of a lake after rain, it could shine out the ugliness of others.

"Stay here and don't go out." Mu Siyu said nothing more.

No matter how much she talks, the brothers and sisters who have been injured many times will not believe her easily. They should use their future actions to prove their "correction"!

The curses outside were getting louder and louder, like thunder in the sky, as if the place was about to explode. Who would believe that such an angry voice came from a sixty-year-old woman?

She opened the door and walked out, facing the angry old lady with a bright smile: "What brought grandma here? Did you hear that our Yun'er was injured and came here to visit? But grandma, why are you visiting the patient with nothing?"


"Bah, a scoundrel wants me to visit, how can she bear it?" Jiang's fat body stood in the middle of the yard, pointing at Mu Siyu and cursing. "Let me ask you, did you hit Jiao Jiao'er?

I beat her without telling her, but also called us dogs. I asked Jiaojiaoer to come over to get the chicken, but you dare not give it to me. If I don't beat you for three days, your skin will itch, right?"

Mu Siyu looked at Old Mrs. Jiang's ferocious face and seemed to see the original owner. In terms of appearance and figure, the original owner was the one who looked most like Old Mrs. Jiang, but was the least popular.

Mrs. Jiang insulted Mu Siyu in this way, but the latter did not get angry. She waited for Mrs. Jiang to finish speaking and then replied to her one by one.

"First of all, I didn't hit Mu Sijiao. She wanted to hit me, but I dodged her and hit her. But you probably don't care. After all, Mu Sijiao is your granddaughter, and I'm just in your eyes.

Cancer, same people have different fates. Secondly, I just said that the children at home are crying for food. There is no reason to throw the food out to feed the dogs. I did not call you dogs by name. Unless you don’t care about the life and death of our family and want to rob us.

There is nothing you can do if you are willing to take your seat and eat the food. In the end, why should I give you chicken? Do I owe you chicken?"

"Okay, damn fat man, you are so sharp-tongued now that you won't even listen to what I say. Are you going to give it or not? No, I will beat you until I give it." Mrs. Jiang said, picking up the wooden stick next to her.

Chased towards Mu Siyu.

Mu Siyu frowned when she saw her trotting over. When Mrs. Jiang waved the stick, she grabbed it.

Hiss! At that moment, her palms turned blue and her face was full of pain.

"It's enough."

She grabbed the stick and threw it to the ground.

"I don't owe you anything. You have no right to suck blood from me. Now that we've said it today, let's make it clear. From now on, don't come to our house to get anything. I won't give it to you again."

"Don't you dare deny it! I am your grandma, and you are being unfilial." Mrs. Jiang said viciously, with saliva splashing on her face.

Mu Siyu was so disgusted. She was thinking about how to get this person away without letting her take advantage.

Just at this time, a clucking sound came from the chicken coop, and a hen that had just laid eggs came out flapping its wings. Mrs. Jiang stared, gave up trying to deal with Mu Siyu, and pounced directly on the hen.

Mu Siyu stretched out her legs.

Mrs. Jiang threw herself to the ground with a thump. Along with the vibration of the ground, a scream came from Mrs. Jiang's mouth.

"Oh, grandma, what's wrong with you? I told you a long time ago not to touch things that don't belong to you, now you're getting retribution, right?" Mu Siyu said, helping Mrs. Jiang up, but her hand slipped and she just got up.

Half of Mrs. Jiang fell down again.

There was a bang.

"Ah!!!!" Mrs. Jiang screamed.

"Grandma, what's wrong with you? I'm sorry, I'm too hungry and don't have the strength to help you. Grandma, look, since my things don't belong to you and you can't take them away, isn't it time to go home?"

"Damn fat man! You did it on purpose." Old Mrs. Jiang lay on the ground, her eyes piercing her like knives.

"Grandma, how could you wrongly accuse me? You came to my house to rob my things. This is not right in the first place! I am now a married granddaughter, and I have 'Lu Mushi' written on my head. I am not the person you can manipulate at will.


"Ouch, ouch, damn girl, damn fat guy... come here, this damn fat guy is going to beat my grandma to death. Ouch... help me up quickly!!" Mr. Jiang shouted.

"What's going on?" A cold voice came from the door.

Mrs. Jiang and Mu Siyu looked over at the same time.

There was a tall and straight man standing at the door. The man was pushing a wheelchair, and a slim patient was sitting in the wheelchair.

This chapter has been completed!
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