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Chapter 145 Can I Do It?

The carriage drove to Tong's home.

There was a dark shadow at the door. When I got closer, I realized that Mrs. Tong was waiting there with Lu Zhiyun.

"Mom, Xiaoyun'er, what are you doing standing here? Come in quickly."

"Mom is back! Mom is back!" Lu Zhiyun jumped up happily.

Mrs. Tong said helplessly: "You didn't come back yesterday. The child has been talking about it today. You are here to keep watch before it gets dark. We thought you were almost done, so we are waiting here."

"I was delayed by something just now, so I came back a little late." Mu Siyu explained lightly. "His father is still busy and won't be back today."

Just as the carriage stopped, Lu Xuan's voice came: "My brother hasn't come back? You, a woman, don't know how to come back earlier. It's already dark. No one can find you if you fall into a ditch."

"Bah, you just fell into the ditch." Mu Siyu tied the horse's rope. "Xiao Yun'er, feed the horse grass."


Lu Zhiyun fed the hay that had been prepared long ago to the horse. Seeing that the horse was eating it with gusto, he touched its hair and told her very seriously: "You must grow stronger and take good care of my mother."

Mrs. Tong laughed: "Can it still understand what you say?"

"It understands. Look how happy it is eating!" Lu Zhiyun said seriously: "Mom said, everything has spirituality. As long as we treat them well, they will reward us."

"What's for dinner tonight?" Mu Siyu asked.

"I made something randomly, I don't know if it suits your taste." Ms. Tong was embarrassed.

"Grandma's cooking is delicious." Lu Zhiyun said, "It tastes just like mother's taste."

During these days together, Tong watched Mu Siyu cook and secretly learned a few tricks.

She is not stupid to begin with, and with so many years of cooking experience, she only needs to be generous when using oil, salt and seasonings, and it will not taste bad.

"It really smells good." Mu Siyu did not hesitate to praise her. "I knew it was best to leave Xiao Yun'er to my mother to take care of her. This way her father and I can concentrate on our work."

Mrs. Tong smiled sheepishly.

"By the way, the village chief came to see me today and brought us some braised pork. I will bring it out."

Mrs. Tong brought out the braised pork from the kitchen.

"The village chief said that business is not very good and would like to hear your opinion."

"How many people are there in the workshop?" Mu Siyu picked up a piece.

Tong thought for a while: "Twenty-three people."

"So many people." Mu Siyu chewed the braised pork and frowned: "The taste is too bland, and the heat is not enough. Both the ingredients themselves and the cooking time are not up to standard. How can it taste delicious?"

"This is a workshop in the village. Everyone is trying to do their best, but in the end there are quarrels every day." Tong said: "I see what the village chief means. If this continues, this workshop may be closed."

"If you want to run a good business, you have to change the model." Mu Siyu said: "The employees in the workshop cannot be people from the village, they have to be hired from other places. If they don't do well, they will be fired, and there is no need to take into account human feelings.

.People in the village can buy meat from the workshop at the lowest price, and the amount they sell is theirs. The profit of the workshop is calculated every six months, and the dividends are divided according to the original agreement of each household."

"Okay." A cheer came from the yard.

Mu Siyu and Tong looked at each other.

The two of them came out.

"Village chief, why are you here?"

"I heard that you were back, so I wanted to come and see you and listen to your opinions. I heard everything you just said," the village chief said.

Lu Zhiyun brought a stool: "Grandpa, village chief, please sit down."

"So good." The village chief touched Lu Zhiyun's hair. "Has this little girl grown taller?"

"It is true that she has grown taller and has gained some weight." The village chief's wife said, "You have taken good care of me! Look how generous and generous Xiao Yun'er is, she is really cute."

"Please sit down." Mrs. Tong brought a stool and asked the village chief's wife to sit down.

"Mother Yun'er has just come back, she hasn't eaten yet!" said the village chief's wife, "I asked the old man to come later. He said that if it was later, he would be worried about you falling asleep, and you would leave early tomorrow, so you don't have to come now.


"It's okay." Mu Siyu said, "The village chief has helped me so much. If there is anything I can do to help you, just give me your instructions."

The village chief talked about some difficulties in the workshop.

Mu Siyu listened quietly.

Mrs. Tong heard a noise in the kitchen, went in and saw Lu Zhiyun putting the food she just brought out back into the pot to warm it up.

Lu Zhiyun was too small and was not as tall as the stove. She picked up a stone, stepped on it, and stretched her arms with difficulty.

Mrs. Tong quickly helped her.

"Thank you grandma."

"Xiao Yun'er, what is going on in your little head? How can you be more thoughtful than adults?"

"Xiao Yun'er usually has nothing to do, so she can only help out. Grandma has to fetch water and chop wood, so it's very hard every day."

Mrs. Tong looked at the lovely Lu Zhiyun and comforted her.

The village chief and the village chief's wife chatted for a while and then left.

Only then did Mu Siyu take a hot bite.

Lu Xuan sat down not far from her and said, "You haven't been back for two days and haven't looked at the new house. Take some time to check it out. If there's anything you're not satisfied with, you can still change it."

"I'll have another busy day tomorrow, and finish the rest of the work at home the day after tomorrow." Mu Siyu said, "Have you been to see it? How do you feel?"

"I don't understand. It's all in vain." Lu Xuan touched his cheek.

"I see that you have recovered well recently. Don't stay at home all day. Go out for a walk occasionally." Mu Siyu said, "Do you want to go out and find a job?"

"Me? What kind of job?" Now he writes well in his storybook, has the ability to make money, and his whole person is less gloomy and more energetic.

But when it came to going out to work, I never thought about it.

"Isn't there a private school in the next village? You can go there to teach."

Lu Xuan's eyes flashed brightly.

But soon, it went out, as if it had never appeared.

"Can I do that?"

"You and your brother have been reading books for so many years, can you ask me now?" Mu Siyu raised her eyebrows: "Uncle, this is not your character!"

"Can it be the same? Teaching and educating people is related to other people's lifelong future." Lu Xuan said: "I haven't taken the imperial examination myself, who knows if I can teach others well?"

"Brother-in-law, believe me." Mu Siyu looked at him seriously: "With the way you fight against me, you will definitely be a very responsible wife."

Lu Xuan: "..."

Thank you so much for her comfort.

"By the way, the third volume has been written." Lu Xuan said: "You are right, I can't always stay at home. Can I go into the city with you tomorrow?"

"Okay! I'll call you tomorrow." Mu Siyu said, "It just so happens that you can meet Fang to take care of things."

This chapter has been completed!
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