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Chapter 282

Jiang didn't understand what happened, but as long as it had anything to do with Lu Yi's family, it was definitely not a good thing.

As soon as Lu Yi and others left, she immediately went out to ask people in the village. When she learned that it was related to Lu Dazhu's madness, she was so anxious that she asked Mu Dahai to go to the city to find Mu Zhengyi.

Mu Dahai still cared about this son. When he learned that the village chief's son was going to the city to arrest Mu Zhengyi, he pestered him to follow him.

Mrs. Tang was walking around in the yard, as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

"Yi'er is really confused. Why did he provoke Lu Dazhu?"

Yao's shrew hugged Lu Yi's lap. Isn't provoking Lu Dazhu the same as provoking Lu Yi? They live a good life, why do they have to make trouble for themselves?

Mu Sijiao fed her child rice cereal.

At this time, the child was quiet, not crying or fussing, but he was eating rice cereal a little faster, which showed that he was very hungry.

Tang walked towards Mu Sijiao and said, "If it is confirmed later that your brother did it, will you admit it?"

Mu Sijiao stopped feeding rice porridge and looked up at Tang: "Are you really my mother? Why should I recognize something I haven't done? Your precious son is so good, go and recognize it for him!


"I'm going to die." Tang pinched Mu Sijiao's arm. "Why are you shouting so loudly? Are you afraid that others won't hear you?"

"Oh, sister-in-law, don't scare the child." Jiang Xiaotong said with a smile: "I don't know what to do with this matter, don't worry!"

Tang's face was cold and he said angrily: "It's not your fault, so of course you're not in a hurry."

"What did my sister-in-law say? We are a family, and your business is my business. In fact, if my eldest nephew is really confused, we can just find an excuse to get over it!"

Although Mr. Tang couldn't stand Jiang Xiaotong, he always felt that this woman was like a vixen and she didn't know how to cause trouble at home in the future, but he listened to these words.

That's right! There is no evidence, so why do you think they deliberately harmed Lu Dazhu? If you want to blame, you can only blame Lu Dazhu for his bad luck, it has nothing to do with them.

Lu Dazhu calmed down here.

Once you know the cause, you just need to take the right medicine.

"I really don't understand why Mu Zhengyi wants to harm our Dazhu?" Yao said: "Our Dazhu has always been honest and has never had any quarrels with Mu Zhengyi."

"How many of you know that a weasel fell into your trap?" Lu Yi asked from the side.

"We were frightened at that time and the sound was a bit loud. The village lady happened to pass by and asked me what happened, so I told me. Our village has always been like this, so how can there be any secrets? If only one person knows, that is the whole village.

We all know it.”

"In other words, everyone knows that I set the trap. The weasel fell into my trap. If anything bad happens, it was me who caused it."

Yao was surprised: "Lu Yi, are you saying you want to make our two families enemies?"

"It's just a guess." Lu Yi said calmly: "I'm not sure either."

"You are so smart. Whatever you say it is, it must be what it is. Damn it, you have such a poisonous heart!" Yao slapped his thigh: "Fortunately, it didn't go as he intended, otherwise we would be too stupid."

"Doctor Zhu, how is my husband?" Zhang Molan asked.

"Don't worry, it's okay." Dr. Zhu said: "Eat light food during this period and don't work too hard. Just wait until the remaining toxins in his body are discharged."

A few hours later, the village chief's son escorted Mu Zhengyi back.

The village chief took several clan elders to interrogate him personally.

The villagers were watching outside and listening to what was going on inside.

"You don't know?" the village chief sneered: "Mu Zhengyi, you lit the thing on fire, right? The thing you brought back was lit by yourself. You don't know what its use is?"

Mu Zhengyi said without changing his expression: "Village Chief, I really don't know what that incense is for. I thought it was for repelling insects, so I lit it. There are a lot of insects in that area, as you know


"Where did that fragrance come from?" the village chief asked again.

"Someone gave it to me."

"Who sent it?"

"I have a good relationship." Mu Zhengyi said: "She couldn't bear to leave me. Before leaving, she gave me a few sticks of incense, saying it could repel insects."

"Nonsense." The village chief scolded: "Can the fairy incense repel insects?"

"Village chief, do you still know about the fairy fragrance?" Mu Zhengyi smiled half-heartedly.


Jiang said from the side: "Village Chief, since it is a misunderstanding, let's forget it!"

"Do you know that Dazhu almost went crazy?" The village chief was angry with this family. "You just want to end it with a casual sentence?"

"Then what do you want?" Jiang said generously, "I'll pay him a tael of silver to replenish his health. Is that okay?"

"How can one tael of silver be enough?" Yao said from the side: "Five taels!"

"You are robbing!" Mr. Jiang patted the stone table.

"You harmed my son, shouldn't you have an explanation?"

"I told you it wasn't intentional. Who made your Dazhu unlucky?"

"Village Chief." Lu Yi spoke next to him. "You can check the origin of this incense first. As far as I know, this kind of incense is not available in every store. It must be available through special channels. In addition, in order to avoid

It's unnecessary trouble. To buy this kind of incense, you must log in the information, which means you can find out who bought this incense by asking the boss."

"Fifty taels is five taels." Jiang said, "I'll give you five taels of silver and forget about it."

Yao looked at Lu Dazhu: "Dazhu, what do you think?"

"Just do whatever mother says!" Lu Dazhu said.

"Okay, five taels then." Yao extended his hand to Jiang.

Jiang had an instinctive fear of Lu Yi. Seeing that five taels of silver could solve the problem, he immediately went inside and took out five taels of silver and gave it to Yao.

"Is Aunt Jiang getting rich? She used to be so stingy, but now she doesn't even bat an eyelid when she's given five taels of silver."

"Mu Dongyuan has been with Master Wang for so long, and Mu Sijiao has become Master Wang's concubine. It's normal for someone to stay here and have enough food and clothing. It's normal to have money."

People in the village discussed the affairs of the Jiang family.

There was no more farce to watch, we all dispersed.

As soon as those people left, Jiang immediately closed the door.

Mu Siyu asked Lu Yi: "Did you ask Aunt Yao for five taels of silver?"

"Even if this matter comes to the county government, Mu Zhengyi can't bear much punishment. He can impose at most a dozen sticks as a warning, not to mention that the current county magistrate doesn't care about such a trivial matter. If the village chief handles this matter

The most important thing is to punish him by kneeling down in the ancestral hall, which won’t do much. It’s better to get money.” Lu Yi said: “What’s more, this Mu Zhengyi will cause big trouble sooner or later, so why rush to deal with him?”

"I believe this. I don't think their family has a single day of peace." Mu Siyu said, "Forget it this time. Next time, I will definitely give him a good beating first."

This chapter has been completed!
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