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Chapter 564 - King Xuan's Wedding Banquet

The housekeeper took Lu Shaoyu into the side room.

Fan Yan was drinking in the room.

Seeing this scene, the housekeeper saluted Lu Shaoyu and said, "I would like to ask Mr. Lu to persuade the prince. It is almost time to welcome the bride, but he..."

"I see."

Lu Shaoyu walked towards Fan Yan and sat down opposite him.

Fan Yan looked up and saw him and said, "You came quite early. Since you're here, come and have a drink with me."

"I can't drink." Lu Shaoyu said.

"Then why did you come to me?" Fan Yan muttered, "to see my joke?"

"It's almost time to welcome the bride. If the girl's family smells the smell of alcohol on your body, I'm afraid they will think too much."

"They can think whatever they want. This marriage was not what I wanted in the first place."

"Then you resist!"

"..." Fan Yan drank with his head down.

"I don't dare to resist, I only dare to vent my dissatisfaction in this way. If the imperial concubine in the palace knew about it, I don't know if she would be in trouble."

This marriage is not what Fan Yan wants, nor is it what the imperial concubine wants.

In the final analysis, in this battle between the concubine and the queen, the queen temporarily won.

"The butler is preparing a hangover soup. You have a bowl, take a bath, change into your wedding clothes and go to the wedding!" Lu Shaoyu said, "That's all I can say. You should know that this marriage is a gift from the emperor. If

If what you did today reaches the ears of the emperor, even if you are his son, he may not feel sorry for you."

"Xiao Yun'er is here too?" Fan Yan asked.

"How could she not come to such a banquet?" Lu Shaoyu said, "After all, this is etiquette."

"I can't let Xiao Yun'er look down upon me." Fan Yan stood up, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

The eldest princess was chatting with the ladies.

As the emperor's biological sister, the eldest princess lost her consort when she was young, but she was still able to talk to the emperor over the years and was the object of all the ladies' efforts to please her.

"Who is Mrs. Lu?" the eldest princess asked, "I have always wanted to meet the legendary strange woman, but I have never been able to get the time. Today is a good opportunity, so I have to take a good look at her style."

"There is more than one Mrs. Lu here." The woman next to her said with a smile, "Which Mrs. Lu does Her Highness want to meet?"

"Of course she is Lord Lu Yi's wife," the eldest princess said.

Mu Siyu took a few steps forward and saluted the eldest princess: "I have met Her Royal Highness the eldest princess. The civilian woman is Mrs. Lu Mu."

The eldest princess looked at Mu Siyu and raised her arm slightly: "Please get up quickly."

"Thank you, Princess."

"Come over here and let me, the princess, take a closer look."

The eldest princess looked at Mu Siyu who was approaching, and said with a smile: "We finally meet you today. You are younger than I imagined."

"The princess is praised. In fact, I am just a businessman and I don't dare to be praised by the princess."

"Hey, even if they are both merchants, they are still different. Your reputation as a merchant has spread to the Western Regions, and it can be said that you are famous all over the world."

People next to her looked at her with envy, jealousy or curiosity.

Mu Siyu answered the eldest princess's question in a neither humble nor condescending manner.

In fact, the eldest princess is just an ordinary woman. She is just curious about how Mu Siyu got to where she is today step by step.

When Mu Siyu said that her family was poor and she learned carpentry in order to change her family's situation, and then embarked on this path, some people despised her, some admired her, and some were moved.

There were a lot of things to do to welcome the bride. Fan Yan just led the wedding team to welcome the bride. The eldest princess entertained the female guests and waited here for Fan Yan to welcome the bride through the door.

Lu Zhiyun made many friends again.

No matter what these people think in their hearts, at least they are friendly on the surface.

Jiang Zi's eyes were filled with jealousy as she saw Lu Zhiyun enjoying herself like a fish in water.

She suffered a loss from Lu Zhiyun before, and their family became more and more unlucky. Some time ago, Jiang Fengyang was not only not promoted, but was demoted.

Jiang Zi placed the blame on the Lu family.

In fact, not only Jiang Zi felt this way, but also Jiang Fengyang and Mrs. Rong felt this way. Therefore, they didn't look good when meeting the Lu family.


The hand of the maid serving tea slipped, and a pot of water was poured in Lu Zhiyun's direction.

The water was still emitting thick smoke, which was obviously freshly boiled water.

If this pot of water were poured over, wouldn't Lu Zhiyun's skin peel off?

call out!

A dart was shot.

The dart collided with the kettle, making a banging sound, and then the kettle was knocked away.

Jia Linglong patted her chest and said, "It's so dangerous, Xiaoyun'er."

Lu Zhiyun's face turned pale and she said softly: "It almost hit me."

The maidservant knelt on the ground, kowtowed in the direction of Lu Zhiyun and begged for mercy.

"This slave didn't do it on purpose. Please forgive me, Miss."

Lu Zhiyun ignored the maid and looked around, looking for the person who threw the darts.

This is Prince Xuan's Mansion, and the female nurse who has been following her has not come with her, so she is not hers.

Lu Zhiyun saw a familiar figure walking past not far away.

Xie Chengjin.

The maidservant was still kneeling and begging for mercy.

Lu Zhiyun said: "Are you a servant of Prince Xuan's Mansion?"


"Since you are a servant of Prince Xuan's Mansion, your master will naturally punish you if you make a mistake. Why do you keep begging me for mercy?"

"I beg you, miss. If the master finds out about this, I will not survive."

"The water almost splashed on me just now." Lu Zhiyun looked at the maid, "If it were splashed, the face would be disfigured in the least case, or die in the worst case, right?"

The maid's face turned pale.

"So, why do you think I want to plead for you?" Lu Zhiyun said, "Punish me as you want. This is the rule. Doesn't the dignified Prince Xuan's Mansion even have these rules?"

The ladies next to me didn't speak.

At first I thought the maid was quite pitiful, but after listening to Lu Zhiyun's words, I felt that she was right.

There is no circle without rules.

In a wealthy family, rules are most important.

"Zhiyun, you weren't splashed, were you?"


The maid suddenly rushed towards Jiang Zi: "Miss Jiang, you said there would be no problem, please help me."

Jiang Zi's eyes flashed with panic.

But soon, she calmed down and glared at the maid with an angry face: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Miss Jiang, you obviously asked me to do this, and you said there would be no problem. You will give me one hundred taels of gold when the matter is completed," the maid said.

"Nonsense, I don't know you at all." Jiang Zi kicked the maid hard, "You are a vicious and cheap maid. Not only do you harm others, you also want to slander me."

The maid screamed and fell into a coma.

That kick was very hard.

"It seems that there is something else hidden in this matter." Lu Zhiyun said, "Come here, take this maid with me to see the eldest princess. I think this matter should be investigated carefully. Whether it is an accident or man-made, we must find out.


This chapter has been completed!
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