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Chapter 609 The fire is man-made

The anger on the Queen Mother's face disappeared.

She looked at Mu Siyu calmly: "Golden body?"


"Can the Ministry of Accounts spend so much money?"

Who doesn’t want to make a big deal out of what she likes, but the money in the treasury is not what she can use if she wants to, and asking her to take out the money privately would be a hundred dissatisfaction.

"The Ministry of Finance must..." Mu Siyu said, "But the Queen Mother, I am willing to take this money."

"Oh? This is not a small amount of money." The Queen Mother looked at Mu Siyu with a half-smile, "Mrs. Lu is bleeding so heavily, the Ai family feels a little sorry."

"The Queen Mother is the mother of the world, and I am also your subject. It is my duty to do anything for you." Mu Siyu said, "If the Queen Mother really feels sorry, why not give her a plaque with the words

——The House of Kindness, isn’t it good?”

When the time comes, if this plaque is placed in the resort, it will become a scenic spot and maybe even become a check-in destination.

After all, in this era, most people have an instinctive fear and respect for the imperial power. If a family has a reward, even generations of ancestors will benefit from it.

"You are indeed a businessman." The Queen Mother said, "Then the Ai family will help you."

This is how the story of the fire in the Buddhist temple ended.

It ended in such an understatement, not to mention that the frightened Imperial Palace officials who knelt there didn't believe it, and even Aunt Yang, who was accompanying the Queen Mother, felt like she was dreaming.

After leaving the Queen Mother's main palace, Mu Siyu arranged for the palace staff from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to continue working.

"Throw out all the burned things. The things we prepared before are no longer good. Now we have to clear out the side courtyard at the back, so the original design needs to be replaced." Mu Siyu said, "You press mine first.

Please prepare materials. If you don’t have enough money, just ask my maid. In addition, if this matter is completed, each of you will be rewarded heavily."

"Mrs. Lu, we are all palace servants of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the palace will give us monthly silver coins every month." A eunuch said sheepishly.

"What is given to the palace is from the palace, and what is given to me alone is given to me alone. Don't worry, if you don't tell me about this matter, and I don't tell it, no one will know. This matter is very difficult. Again

In addition, you have been frightened by me for a long time, so I can't let you work in vain. So far, no one who has followed me has not given me a reward, so don't worry!"

In this palace, everyone is very thoughtful. Looking at the honest and friendly faces of these people, no one knows what kind of people are hidden under those ordinary faces.

However, no matter what kind of person they are, as long as they have weaknesses, they can be used to her advantage. And what she can use is not only the identity of Mrs. Qing of Dali Temple, but also the golden finger of the God of Wealth.

Who doesn’t like the God of Wealth?

Anyway, she quite liked it.

"Madam, look..." Chanyi handed a lamp to Mu Siyu, "I found it inside. Who can light a lamp in broad daylight?"

"Who was in there just now?" Mu Siyu asked.

"The slaves' attention is all on Madam. Apart from paying attention to Madam, they really don't pay attention to who enters the Buddhist hall."

After all, this place is in chaos and there are so many people coming and going from the palace. How can you pay attention to so many people?

"Someone deliberately set a fire, presumably because they wanted to see us angered by the Queen Mother." Mu Siyu said, "Chanyi, you are thoughtful, you will monitor the people around me during this period. Shangzhi, you stay by my side to protect me.

I. This division of labor and cooperation will prevent you from focusing on me, and the bad guys will take advantage of you."


Xiao'e ran in from outside.

"Madam, the courtyard next door cannot be moved."

"Why?" Mu Siyu asked.

"The courtyard next door is haunted," Xiao'e said. "Every time in the dead of night, you can always hear crying. It comes from the abandoned courtyard next door. It is said that it has been there for twenty-two years."

"Did you hear that?"

"I heard it." Xiao'e nodded.

"If it is really haunted, when I explained to the Queen Mother just now that I had opened up the deserted courtyard next door, she did not stop me." Mu Siyu said, "It means that the Queen Mother believes in Buddhism and does not believe in ghosts."

"Madam..." Xiao'e said, "The Queen Mother is really not afraid of this ghost, but ordinary palace people like us are!"

Mu Siyu looked at the palace officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

They all looked like they were hesitant to speak, and they probably did not dare to touch the side courtyard next door.

However, she had already spoken out, and if she went back on her words at this time, the Queen Mother would not be able to explain it.

"If there really is a ghost, can you live? Besides, even if it is a ghost, it must be a little kid who can't make any big waves. Otherwise, why can you only cry and scream but not see its shadow at all after so many years? I

I don’t believe there are ghosts in this world. It’s not so much a ghost, but more like an echo of some of the layout of the courtyard next door. Well, I’ll take you to see it.”

"We're not going."

"Those who are willing to come with me will receive five taels of silver each."

There must be a brave man under a heavy reward.

No, the first palace official stood up immediately.

"If you die, just die. I just hope that after I die, my wife can keep her promise and send the money to my little sister. She married a man who is not a thing, and all he does is beat her and scold her all day long."

"Don't worry, you won't die, but I will give you money. Is there another one? If not, I will take Tang Fu to check it out first."

"I am willing to go. Like Tang Fu said, just die, as long as the money is sent to my mother. Back then, my family was poor, so I became a eunuch without telling her. When she found out, she almost hanged herself. I cried and begged.

She was the only one who survived. I was an unfilial son and I felt sorry for her. But I was weak and could not lift my hands or shoulders. At that time, there was no other way except to be a eunuch."

Mu Siyu listened to the tragic life stories of each of them and saw that each of them seemed to be saying their last words. For a moment, she didn't know whether she should be moved or dumbfounded.

"Okay, let's go!" Mu Siyu said, "If you are really caught by a ghost today, I will give your family ten times the amount of money."

Encouraged by Mu Siyu's generous reward, the group followed to the side courtyard next door.

"This place... is so big!"

"I heard that this place was once the palace of a beloved concubine."

"What kind of beloved concubine is she? She's right next to the Queen Mother."

"Aren't you afraid of ghosts now?" Mu Siyu said to the palace people behind her while observing the surrounding terrain, "Don't worry, you are so cowardly. If there were really ghosts, I would have captured you just now."

"Madam, it really doesn't look like there is a ghost here." Tang Fu said, "Then why do you think you can hear crying?"

"Is it possible..." Mu Siyu said, "No one has lived here for a long time, and some aggrieved palace maids like to come here to cry secretly?"

"It's right behind the Queen Mother's palace, right?" Chanyi said, "Maybe it's the wind! In such a long corridor, if there's wind, the echo will sound like crying."

This chapter has been completed!
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