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Chapter 671

After driving all night, we finally arrived at the dock before the ship left.

Mu Siyu stood at the dock and watched Shang Zhi and the ship owner talking.

The ship owner looked in the direction of Mu Siyu, saw the token in Shang Zhi's hand, and nodded.

Shang Zhi came back and said: "The ship owner said that their ship was chartered by a caravan and could no longer be rented to us. However, the caravan owner was willing to let us take the ship and asked if we would mind coming together."

"The other party doesn't mind. What do we have to mind? Let's get on the boat!"

Chanyi said: "My slave, please first find out what that caravan does!"

"I've asked about it," Shang Zhi said, "They sell porcelain. This time they transported a batch of porcelain to Rouge City and passed through Sanlin City on the way."

Everyone got on the boat.

Mu Siyu thanked the ship owner first, and then asked the ship owner to take her to thank the caravan owner.

What Shangzhi showed the ship owner was the token of the Qin family caravan. After all, so many of them wanted to join someone else's chartered ship. Without a reassuring identity, the other party would not be so easy to talk to.

The Qin Family Caravan is very famous in this industry. After Qin Wenhan became the owner, the Qin Family Caravan's business became better and better, and its reputation became more and more prosperous.

"This is Boss Li." The ship owner introduced the two of them. "This is Mrs. Lu."

Mu Siyu said to Boss Li, "Thank you very much for today, Boss Li. If it hadn't been for your convenience, we would have had a headache right now."

"You're welcome, Mrs. Lu." Boss Li is an old man. He looks quite serious, but his words are still polite. "I like to be clean. Just don't let your people wander around outside my room."

"Of course."

After getting on the boat, Mu Siyu had to catch up on her sleep. After all, in order to rush on the road last night, she only found an open space and squinted for two hours. Now her eyelids were fighting and she couldn't hold on any longer.

When she woke up after a long sleep, she found that there were a few more people on the boat. After asking, she found out that some travelers who were on their way asked local fishermen to catch up with the boat in fishing boats, and then they boarded the boat.



"What's wrong?"

"Those people are not ordinary travelers."

"My slave asked, one is a salesman, and he is rushing home to celebrate the New Year! One is a scholar, and he failed the exam several times, so he went home in despair. The other two old people want to go home to visit their relatives."

"Go and invite the old man with the white beard over. Tell him that I think he is pitiful and give him some food."

Chanyi glanced at the old man with a white beard.

He was in tatters, hunched over, and his face was full of vicissitudes of life, and he looked quite pitiful.

"Slave, go right away."

Not long after, Chanyi invited the old man with the white beard over.

"Old man, I have some pastries here. You can eat some to fill your stomach." Mu Siyu said.

The white-bearded old man cupped his hands: "Thank you, madam."

"Chanyi, the wind is a bit strong, please close the window."


Chanyi closed the window and then closed the door.

Mu Siyu looked at the white-bearded old man eating pastries and said, "Old man, you are not very hungry. You are eating so gracefully. You don't look like you have been hungry."

"Madam is so kind-hearted, she must give as much as she can, and she won't starve an old man like me."

The voice that spoke was that of a young man.

Mu Siyu listened to this familiar voice and said, "I knew it was you."

The old man with a white beard tore off the human skin mask on his face, and then took off the fake hood, revealing a handsome face.

"How did you tell?"

"The eyes, and your demeanor." Mu Siyu said, "Of course, you disguise yourself very well. If it were anyone else, I wouldn't be able to recognize you. And your face now is also fake, right? Look.

It looks so weird."

"Is this the legendary woman's intuition?"

"Probably." Mu Siyu handed over a cup of tea, "I have a bad feeling when you appear here. The murderer you are chasing is not on this ship, right?"

"He hasn't been found yet," Qi Xiao said, "However, according to my analysis, he should be on this ship. I dare not bring too many people on board. I hope the cunning villain did not see our disguise.


"I'll help you find it."

"Don't alert others." Qi Xiao shook his head, "I will handle it myself. Just protect yourself. If anything goes wrong with you, wouldn't Mr. Lu want to kill me?"

Qi Xiao disguised himself as an old man with a white beard and walked around the ship.

There were more than twenty crew members on the ship, more than thirty people in the caravan, plus the twenty-five people brought by Mu Siyu, and the three people brought by Qi Xiao, there were about ninety people in total.

There were sounds of arguing from outside, and Chanyi came in and said, "Our people had a dispute with the people from the caravan."

"What's going on?"

Mu Siyu asked as she followed Chanyi out to check the situation.

It turns out that Boss Li doesn't like to be disturbed, but Mu Siyu's subordinates always walk around there, which disturbs Boss Li's peace. Of course, the people he brought were not happy and started to quarrel with her people.

"Boss Li, I'm really sorry, my people are ignorant." Mu Siyu learned the reason and apologized to Boss Li first. "Lu Ying, what's going on?"

"We have three brothers who have no food, so we wanted to ask the people in the kitchen. The people in the kitchen said that Boss Li's men took it away. I wanted to ask Manager Zhong next to Boss Li, so I walked here a few times.

, I made a fuss with Boss Li."

"Is there still such a thing?" Manager Zhong said, "Mrs. Lu, don't worry, I will investigate it carefully. If our people really do such a rude thing, I will apologize to everyone."

"Manager Zhong is only responsible for the investigation. If my people lie, I will not spare them."

Manager Zhong summoned all his men.

I asked everyone, but they all refused to admit that they had done such a thing.

"I didn't lie." Lu Ying said, "If you don't believe it, you can ask the people in the kitchen."

The people in the kitchen testified for Lu Ying that it was indeed Boss Li's men who had taken away several other meals, leaving Mu Siyu's three men hungry. The daily meals were set in quantity, and there was no extra.

come out.

"Who is it? Since you have done it, you should dare to do it." Boss Li said coldly, "Manager Zhong, let the people in the kitchen identify each other to see who broke the rules."

The people in the kitchen were so busy that they didn't even touch the floor. How could they remember that person's appearance?

Everyone asked for a long time, but he did not tell the reason. In the end, the matter was settled, and only a few people restrained their subordinates.

"That person should be a murderer." Qi Xiao said in a low voice as he passed by Mu Siyu, "He is good at disguising. Now he is disguised as someone else and is among us. This is very dangerous."

"What do you want to do?" Mu Siyu said, "I will cooperate with you."

This chapter has been completed!
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