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Chapter 673 Arrive at Sanlin City

The three of them recognized Mu Siyu and did not dare to stop her, so they immediately went inside to pass the news.

"Madam, please come inside."

Mu Siyu's face looked ugly after being soaked in water for so long.

However, she was more concerned about Qi Xiao's situation.

If it weren't for Qi Xiao, she might not be able to see the sun today.

Qi Xiao was lying on the bed, and when he saw her coming in, he slowly sat up.

"Just lie down and don't move."

She strode over, held his shoulders, and pushed him back.

The ship's windows were open, the sea breeze blew in, and there was a salty smell in the air.

"How are you? There is no doctor on the ship, so there is no way to treat you. But we will arrive at Sanlin City in two days. Then we can get off the ship and find a doctor."

"It's okay." Qi Xiao said.

"Thank you for yesterday!"

"If you say this, you are out of touch. Besides, after I save you, I will ask Mr. Lu for a favor when I get back. This life-saving grace is very valuable." A smile flashed in Qi Xiao's eyes.

"Even if there is no life-saving grace, based on your relationship with our Lord Lu, as long as you say a word, we will do our best."



"I took note of it."

The three subordinates looked at each other outside.

One of them said: "Have you ever seen adults be so polite to others?"

"Even if he is the emperor, we adults are too lazy to answer, let alone joke with others."

"Yesterday, my lord was searching underwater for a long time. We all asked him to give up. He was still unwilling to give up. It was really dangerous in that situation, but your lord didn't seem to consider that at all."


Mu Siyu came out and said to her three subordinates: "Thank you for yesterday."

"Ma'am, you're welcome. We are just following orders."

During these two days, Mu Siyu borrowed the small kitchen and asked Chanyi to make soup for Qi Xiao to condition his body according to her recipe.

Two days later, Qi Xiao's body had almost recovered, but Mu Siyu still asked Qi Xiao to get off the boat to see the doctor.

Only then did the shipowner and boss Li know that Mrs. Lu was the legendary number one businesswoman and the wife of the current Prime Minister Lu.

They watched Mu Siyu and Qi Xiao get off the boat, with strange expressions on their faces, as if they regretted not taking this opportunity to hug their thighs.

That is Prime Minister Lu's woman, and her existence is like the God of Wealth to businessmen. This status makes them covet even more than Prime Minister Lu's wife.

"What about that murderous maniac?"

"He will come to Sanlin City."


"Sanlin City has what he wants."

Mu Siyu invited Qi Xiao to stay temporarily in the Lu Mansion in Sanlin City.

Qi Xiao asked his subordinates to send a signal to others and ask them to come here to meet up.

He seems to be recovering well now, but if the murderer appears again, it will be difficult to catch him in his current state. He has to take care of himself quickly before the man commits the crime.

Mu Siyu arranged for servants to take care of Qi Xiao, and she quickly returned to the shipyard to investigate the theft of the blueprints.

"The blueprints were stolen, was the safe damaged?" Mu Siyu asked.

Kite took out the safe and said, "Master, look, we haven't touched it since that incident happened."

Mu Siyu carefully checked the safe.

The box was not damaged, so it could be opened with the password. However, there were only five people who knew the password to the safe. Apart from her and Kite, the other three were the shipbuilders.

All three shipbuilders are suspected.

When Mu Siyu brought them over, they had already expected this situation.

"It was my old lady's birthday that day, so I went back early and didn't come back to the boat shop after that," Master Tang said.

"The boat I made was launched that day, but it didn't achieve the effect I wanted. I was in a bad mood, so I went to the wine shop to drink. The wine seller can testify that I drank until midnight, and then I went home."

"I went to bed very early that day, and I lived alone. No one testified for me. But I assure you, I really did not do this."

Kite stretched out his hand and said: "Master, I was checking accounts in the warehouse that day. At that time, I vaguely heard a sound, which was very small. Later, I heard a cat meowing. I thought it was a cat causing trouble, so I didn't take it seriously.

Now think about it, the meowing is the problem. We don’t have cats here, and because the things here need to be well preserved, nothing can go wrong, and the sealing is also very good, so where did the cats come from? "

"After what happened, did you search the area?"

"Yes." Kite said, "I also reported it to the official. Mr. Mo came to see it in person, but found nothing."

"The most important thing now is not that things are lost, but that our things are gone. The people who stole things stole our technology. If they use our blueprints to build ships and then deal with us, it will be very troublesome.

Things. Three masters, I had nothing to do on the way and drew a few more drawings. If it is made according to this technology, it will definitely be better and more lethal than the previous one. "

The three masters looked at the drawings Mu Siyu took out.

"Wonderful, it is indeed a wonderful idea."

"Madam, you are truly a genius."

"As Madam said, if we build it according to this blueprint, I'm afraid we won't have a chance even if the warships of the Liang Kingdom get close to us. But Madam, why did you directly hand over the blueprint to us? Are you not afraid that we just stole the blueprint?


"I believe you." Mu Siyu said, "Besides, if it were you, there would be no need to steal the drawings, because you can just follow them and draw one. Why do you need so much trouble?"

"Master Mo said the same thing." Kite said beside him.

"Ignore the previous drawings and let them work according to the new drawings." Mu Siyu said, "Still according to the previous rules, one team is responsible for one part, and the final combination can only be completed by ourselves."


Mu Siyu dragged her tired body back to Lu Zhai.

Qi Xiao happened to go out, and when he saw her coming back, he said, "How is the investigation going?"

"The fact that the safe was opened means that the person who opened the box either learned the password from someone else, or the other person is a person who is good at cracking mechanisms."

"Did you get the safe back?"


Chanyi brought over a box.

Qi Xiao took it and carried the box back to the room.

Mu Siyu followed him in.

Qi Xiao pulled out the hairpin on his head, fiddled with the box and said, "There is no damage. Have the masters in your hands checked it?"

"I checked. I don't think it's them." Mu Siyu told him her reasons. "They have no reason to bother. Others don't have access to the blueprints. They have access to them often, so there is really no need to steal them."

Qi Xiao shouted outside: "Qi Sheng."

A subordinate walked in: "Sir."

"Whereabouts powder."

Qi Sheng took out a bottle of medicine from his arms and handed it over.

This chapter has been completed!
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