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Chapter 713 The painting style is not right

Prime Minister's Mansion. Mu Siyu came out of Su Zhiliu's room and was about to go to the kitchen to see how the soup was going today when she heard Lu Zhiqing's voice.

Lu Zhiqing's voice is very recognizable. It has the delicateness of a girl and the cheerfulness of a boy. Her clear voice can be heard from across the yard.

"This bug is so fun. It will grow up and become as big as Xiaobai. When it is as big as Xiaobai, we can hold it and sleep."

"This is an insect. It can't grow that big." A strange child's voice sounded.

"Who is this?" Mu Siyu asked Shang Zhi.

Shang Zhi smiled and said: "The young master of the Song Dynasty opposite us, their mansion is opposite us."

"The Censor of the Song Dynasty? He is the very old-fashioned Censor of the Song Dynasty who dared to read a book? I heard that our Prime Minister Lu was also interviewed by him."

"That's that very powerful lord. He is the representative of Qingliu. Even the emperor can't do anything to him."

"The mansion opposite is not cheap. Song Yushi is a famous Qingfeng with two sleeves. Can he afford it?"

"His wife is also in business and is doing quite well."

Mu Siyu understood: "It turns out there is a virtuous wife."

The two of them peeked out their heads secretly and looked at the children playing in the yard.

Apart from Lu Zhiqing, Lu Shaojing, and Xia Xiaoan, the remaining chubby child should be Song Yushi's child.

Lu Zhiqing was a little unhappy because she didn't succeed in cheating. She put her hands on her hips and said to the little fat boy: "Song Hanzhi, you said that I was your boss that day, and you believed everything I said. Now that you don't believe me, are you breaking your promise?


Shang Zhi clicked his tongue: "Second Miss is so amazing, she can use idioms at such a young age."

Mu Siyu: "..."

Her brother and sister were both able to help the family with a lot of work at such a young age, and both of them also studied well.

Besides, from what she said, how could she sound like a little girl?

"No, my father said that a man's words are hard to follow."

"Then I said this bug can grow to the size of Xiaobai, do you believe it?"

Xiaobai is the local dog raised by the housekeeper.

"But, how could a bug..."

"Okay, Song Hanzhi, you still don't believe your boss."

The corners of Mu Siyu's mouth twitched.

Shang Zhi suppressed a smile.

"Shangzhi, is this child really my child? Why is his style different from the other children?"

"Madam, accept your fate, this is your biological child." Shang Zhi said, "Our second young lady is very cute!"

"Cute...it's quite cute. It even confused the little boy." Mu Siyu shook her head, "Forget it, you should comfort the young master of the Song family!"

That night, Lu Yi stayed in the study for a long time. Seeing that he still had no intention of returning to his room after such a late hour, Mu Siyu, who was waiting in the bedroom, lost his temper and came directly to the study to arrest him.

"Let me see what happened that made Mr. Lu not even come back to his room." Mu Siyu opened the door and came in, "Is it possible that the study room is decorated with red sleeves?"

"Nonsense." Lu Yi saw her and put down the pen in his hand, "There are some things that I haven't settled yet. It's settled now. Let's go back to the room!"

"I heard from my servant that you didn't look too good when you came back, as if you were angry. It's strange, it's really strange. Who can actually make Prime Minister Lu angry? I'm getting more and more curious."

"This man is very close, right on the opposite side." Lu Yi said, "How about I ask the emperor to ask for permission and directly remove the official position of censor? Those guys who only know how to quarrel are really irritating."

"If you really report it to the emperor, it is possible for the emperor to remove it, but the crime is serious." Mu Siyu pressed Lu Yi's shoulder and said warmly, "The censor is an official responsible for supervision. There are good benefits to such an existence.

There is also a bad side, the good side is that it can supervise the poor performance in all aspects, but the bad side is that the censor sometimes does not see it so comprehensively, and it is inevitable to make generalizations."

Mu Siyu stopped what she was doing, put her arms around Lu Yi's neck, stuck her head out from behind, looked at his handsome face with some wrinkles, and continued: "Instead of not playing this chess, it is better to crack this chess."

"You mean..."

"Place one or two censors in each department so that they can better understand the operations of each department. If they want to participate in something, the two censors must first reach an agreement. Only one participating will not work.

It must be signed and sealed by two people at the same time for it to be effective. This can avoid many people who are blind to the wind and let them solve it internally first."

"This is okay."

"Right? The censors are also very boring. If they don't do something, they feel like they are getting paid for nothing. It happens that all departments are extremely busy and they are extremely idle, so let them help!"

"My wife, you are so smart." Lu Yi said.

"You're just confused." Mu Siyu said, "How can such a small trick defeat you?"

The matter was settled, and half of Lu Yi's inner depression dissipated. However, when he mentioned the Song Yushi opposite him, Lu Yi still gritted his teeth with hatred.

On the second day, Mu Siyu chatted with Su Zhiliu for a while, looked at Lu Zhihua and Lu Shaoli, and then left.

She plans to visit Dream Home to learn about recent sales.

Although she is now almost out of the business and is only responsible for important projects, she still does not neglect the business in the store and knows almost everything she needs to know.

"Madam, Mrs. Song from across the street is here to visit."

"The wife of Song Yushi?"


Mu Siyu said to Chanyi next to her: "It seems that I can't go to the store today, so you can go there for me! By the way, there is a happy event in the second master's family. You can help give everyone some wedding money, just think of it as

Feeling happy."

"Guys are going to be happy again." Chanyi said.

"Shang Zhi, go and ask Mrs. Song to come in."

Shang Zhi is her eldest maid, which represents her attitude. Ordinary servants inviting Mrs. Song in and Shang Zhi inviting Mrs. Song in are two different concepts.

Not long after, Shang Zhi brought in a lady with good looks.

"I have met the Prime Minister's wife."

"Mrs. Song, don't be too polite, please take a seat." Mu Siyu smiled.

Mrs. Song responded with a smile: "Then it is better for me to be respectful than obey my orders."

"Mrs. Song today is..."

"We moved here not long ago. Last time I wanted to come for a visit. I heard that my wife was not in the house so I didn't bother her. Now that I can see her today, I wanted to come and visit. I hope I won't delay my wife."

"No, I am very happy to meet Madam." Mu Siyu said, "However, although Madam and I have just met, the young master of your house is a frequent visitor to our house and gets along very well with my daughter."

"Hanzhi! I've heard for a long time that Hanzhi has made a new friend, but I didn't expect that he turned out to be the lady of the prime minister's house."

This chapter has been completed!
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