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Chapter 758: The Rebel Commander

Hubeicheng. Mu Siyu also got the news.

"How many people came?"

"One hundred thousand." The county magistrate said in a deep voice.

Everyone was silent.

At this time, there were more than a dozen soldiers in armor in the room. Most of them had never seen a war, because they had outstanding performance in these few battles and had just been promoted based on military merit.

"Madam, their equipment is also very sufficient." The county magistrate added, "According to the news, there are quite a few of them just from the thunder."

"There will be a fierce battle this time." Mu Siyu said, "Are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid! The city is here and the people are there, but the city is dead and the people are dead." Everyone's eyes were firm.

Mu Siyu came to the city wall.

She looked down at the troops outside.

"Madam, they raised a flag to express their intention to send someone to negotiate peace."

"See what they want to say and agree to them."


The flag bearer here also waved a response flag.

Not long after, a man came to the city gate on horseback.

The city gate opens an entrance that can accommodate the person coming in.

Mu Siyu met the man in the attic not far from the city gate.

That was a middle-aged man in his forties.

He was an ordinary-looking man with a beard. Before he said anything, he smiled and gave a big salute to Mu Siyu.

"I've met Mrs. Lu."

"Who are you? What do you want to talk about?" Mu Siyu said calmly, "Sit down and talk!"

"Thank you, madam." Davidin sat down opposite, "My surname is Dai, and my given name is Weidin. Because I have been a teacher for twenty years, the world calls me Mrs. Davidin. I came here today because I really don't want to see the tragic scene of people being devastated.

Madam, everyone in the world knows that you have a Bodhisattva heart, so you must not bear to see innocent people die miserably."

"If Mrs. Dave came all the way to see me just to say this, then you can go. Who is the cause of this tragic situation? Is it me? Your master is very ambitious, and those who died innocently died because of his ambition.

If you want me to open the city gate and surrender, then don’t say anything else and leave here immediately. If the two armies are fighting, I will not let my subordinates make things difficult for you."

"Madam is different from ordinary women. I also know that I can't persuade madam with this three-inch tongue. But madam, you must also think about the people. My lord is well prepared. Now he is approaching with a large army. As long as he gives the order

, even if your Hubei City is impregnable, you are still no match. Do you really want to see such a beautiful Hubei City turn into ruins? Do you really want to see those who trust you die under the flames of war? "

"Are you done?" Li Guyuan, who was standing nearby, said coldly.

Davidin stroked his beard and softened his expression: "As long as Madam opens the city gate and surrenders, my lord promises not to harm the people here, nor to touch any plant or tree here. What Shanghai North City was like before, what it will be like in the future

In this way. As long as the master achieves great things, my wife will be the hero, and your life will not have any impact. The glory and wealth will only be better than now."

"Then tell me, how can it be better than now?" Mu Siyu smiled lightly, "Everyone knows that our Lu family is highly valued by His Majesty. It is not unreasonable to say that the current Lu family is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. If it is better than

It's better now, then the only choice is to sit in that position directly. Could it be that your lord-in-law worked hard to plan, but in the end he made wedding clothes for us? If so, there is no need to go to such trouble and just go back and forth from where you are.


Davidin: "..."

Li Guyuan sneered: "You have nothing to say?"

"Master Dawei, tell your lord that if you want Hubei City to surrender, you have to step over my body." Mu Siyu looked at Davidin sharply, "The people in Hubei City can only die in battle, not surrender."

Once Hubei City surrenders, the city behind will be unable to stop their army, and that will be a real catastrophe.

"Madam, don't you think about yourself or your husband?" Davidin sighed softly, "Master Lu has been missing for so long, isn't Madam at all curious about where he went?"

"My husband is upright and a hero. He will not fall into the hands of villains like you. In other words, even if he is unfortunate enough to be plotted by you, he will not let me trade the entire city for him. What a big deal.

If something happens to him, I will accompany him to the Palace of Hell. However, I will not let the people of the world pay for our husband and wife. I tell your lord, if you are a man, don't play tricks."

The negotiating envoy finally left in despair.

It was obvious that the other party wanted to intimidate Mu Siyu, and it was best to win without a fight.

"Master, if Mr. Lu is really in their hands..."

"No." Mu Siyu said, "If it fell into their hands, they wouldn't wait until now. They would threaten me from the beginning."

"That's right."

"Gu Yuan, do you think my decision is right?" Mu Siyu was confused, "The opponent has a hundred thousand people, and they also have weapons that we have never thought of. My decision can affect so many people. Those people

They all have families, and if anything happens to them, their families will suffer, and all of this is caused by a decision of mine."

"Master, don't believe what those rebels say. Have you ever heard of the vegetarian wolves? They don't hesitate to start wars and cause chaos in the world, but they also strive for power. All this is because of their ambitions."

Davidin returned to the rebel camp and conveyed the conversation to the rebel leader.

The rebel leader Xiao Li sat there, tapping his fingers lightly on the table.

"What is the layout of Shanghai North City?"

Xiao Li's voice was hoarse and dull, as gloomy as his face, giving people a very dangerous feeling.

"It's very strict," Davidin said. "Their morale is very good, and almost everyone is in the best condition."

Zhou Pengfei said from the side: "Lord, we have the best weapons. We can attack directly without being polite to them."

Xiao Li looked at Zhou Pengfei coldly.

Zhou Pengfei's expression changed greatly: "My lord, it's not that my subordinates are incompetent, it's actually that the woman named Mu is too cunning. Also, she is particularly good at mechanism skills, and we really can't guard against her."

"Attack in half an hour. Remember, I want Mu Siyu alive." Xiao Li looked at Zhou Pengfei coldly, "If you dare to hurt her even a hair, kill her."

"Yes." Zhou Pengfei felt cold in his heart and quickly responded.

Coming out of the camp, the lieutenant said: "Why does my lord value a woman so highly?"

"A woman who is good at mechanical skills and can make money, is she an ordinary woman? If she didn't know how to praise, I would also like to support her." Zhou Pengfei said irritably, "But that woman is better than a man.

Her bones are still hard, so if you want to capture her alive, you won’t be able to capture her alive unless you destroy Hubei City.”

This chapter has been completed!
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