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Chapter 812 The starting point and the way back

"Don't talk nonsense."

"What kind of man is he hiding behind a woman?" The tall man looked at Lu Shaoyu provocatively.

Lu Shaoyu sneered: "You don't naively think that if you say a few words, I will have a duel with you and then have a monkey fight with you, right?"

Tall man: "..."

Others: "..."

What metaphor is this?

Xing Jiashi burst into laughter.

Lu Shaoyu glanced at her.

Xing Jiashi suppressed a smile and said, "You are injured, so don't stay outside for too long."

"I want to meet the leader of the Tara tribe. You saved me, so I should show my sincerity." Lu Shaoyu said.

"Okay, I'll arrange it."

Lu Shaoyu entered the clan leader's tent.

Everyone else was taken out.

A girl wearing a red veil pulled Xing Jiashi's arm: "Xiao Shi, what's his name?"

"His surname is Lu, you can just call him Mr. Lu." Xing Jiashi said.

"Xiao Shi, what do you think of keeping him as my husband?" The girl is none other than the daughter of the Tara clan leader, Xing Jiashi's good sister and savior.

Xing Jiashi was stunned and lowered her voice and said, "Dona, he can't do it."

"Why? How good-looking he is!"

"He is the son of Prime Minister Huiguo, and he is also a very important minister there. In other words, he is an eagle in the sky. If you confine him to your home and become a chicken, it will be a waste of nature."

"I can ask him, maybe he is willing too. I am the daughter of the leader of the Tara tribe, and I am a flower here. Many men have wanted to be my husband, but I have not agreed. Now I have fallen in love with him, and I don't want to give up.


Xing Jiashi couldn't help but feel worried when she saw her little sister's budding expression.

The head of the Tara tribe personally sent Lu Shaoyu out.

"Master Lu is so generous, and my tribe and I would like to express our gratitude."

"Clan leader, you're welcome. If you hadn't saved me, my subordinates and I would have been in a lot of trouble." Lu Shaoyu said, "Then I won't bother you."

"Xiao Shi," the patriarch called Xing Jiashi, "You will take care of Mr. Lu. Just tell me what he needs. Don't hide it."

"Okay, patriarch."

Duona came out from the side, holding a garland in her hand, and said to Lu Shaoyu: "I made this up myself and gave it to you."

"Donna," the patriarch frowned, "don't mess around."

Duo Na has a flamboyant temper and doesn't care when she is scolded by her biological father. Instead, she looks at Lu Shaoyu: "I like you, do you want to stay and be my husband?"

"I'm afraid that I will let down the girl's good intentions." Lu Shaoyu said calmly, "I have no intention of loving my children. I just want to do practical things for the people of Huiguo, so I will leave after I recover from my injury."

"Then can I marry you..."

"Donna." The patriarch was angry. "Come in with me."

Dona's head felt hot and she couldn't move when she saw the beauty. But the patriarch had lived for so many years and had seen more than they had ever heard. How could he not know that his daughter was just talking nonsense?

Donna was taken into the tent by the clan leader.

Xing Jiashi said: "Dona has a simple temper and has no ill intentions. Don't mind her."

"I know, so I know that such a girl is not suitable for me." Lu Shaoyu said, "Although I don't think there is anything wrong, but you and her are sisters, will this affect your relationship?"

"No, Duona is not that kind of person." Xing Jiashi said.

"Pretty boy!" the tall man said angrily as he passed by.

The good brother next to him took him away.

The clan leader was so polite to him, which showed that this man was not someone to be trifled with.

The Tara tribe is unlike other tribes. They rarely have contact with outsiders, and of course the tribe leader does not take outsiders seriously. This is the first time that the tribe leader is so polite to outsiders.

"Does Miss Xing plan to live in the Tara tribe forever?" Lu Shaoyu asked.

"Isn't it nice here?"

"Okay, okay, but with all due respect, have you heard the story of the frog in the well?" Lu Shaoyu looked at her, "The first time I saw you, your eyes were full of curiosity about the world. It seemed like a black hole, thinking

I wanted to put all the mysteries of the world into it. At that time, I thought, this little girl must not be a stickler for rules."

"Then what?"

"We in the Lu family have never followed the rules, so I don't think there's anything good about following the rules, and I don't think there's anything bad about not following the rules. People in the capital live in their own trap, and it's too tiring to live.

Yes, you are a rare living person. This Tara tribe should not be your destination, but your starting point..."

"Master Lu, I will think about it carefully." Xing Jiashi said, "What about you? Where is your return journey? Where is your starting point?"

"What do you think?"

"It is really not easy for Mr. Lu to live under the halo of his father and mother, but to have such a dazzling brilliance himself. Mr. Lu has a heart for the world, and your starting point and return must be the world."

Lu Shaoyu smiled lightly.

"Ever since the accident happened at home, I have always avoided thinking about everything there. But when I see Mr. Lu, all I seem to think of are happy times. Maybe seeing Mr. Lu again is not only Mr. Lu's luck, but also my luck."

The Tara people live a peaceful life. Lu Shaoyu is here to recuperate his body, and under the treatment of local doctors, his complexion is gradually getting better and better.

Xing Jiashi woke up to a burst of shouting.

When she walked out of the tent, she saw Lu Shaoyu lifting the tall man over his shoulder and throwing him down.

Bang! The tall man's heavy body came into close contact with the ground and made a violent sound.

"Hahaha... You are no good. You can't deal with a pampered young man."

Not only were the men of the Tara tribe around, but Lu Shaoyu's subordinates were also there. People on both sides were laughing, and the atmosphere was either harmonious or tense.

Men of the Tara tribe have always respected the strong.

Lu Shaoyu seemed gentle and gentle, but he didn't expect to be really talented. At this time, everyone's views on him changed a lot.

"Brother Li, I heard that a girl from the Tara tribe has fallen in love with you. Do you want to stay and be the son-in-law of the Tara tribe?" the subordinate next to him teased Li Guyuan.

Li Guyuan had long been on good terms with them. Even though he was Mu Siyu's apprentice and was considered a senior brother to Lu Shaoyu, his subordinates also liked to get along with him.

Li Guyuan said with a smile: "If our Lord Lu is willing to stay and be the son-in-law of the Tara tribe, as his senior brother, I will stay to take care of him for the master, and I can reluctantly become a door-to-door son-in-law."

"Then there's no chance for you." The person next to him said, "My lord plans to leave in the next two days."

Xing Jiashi listened to those people's conversation and then looked at Lu Shaoyu in the crowd.

He is going back to the capital.

Maybe after this separation, they won't have the chance to meet again.

This chapter has been completed!
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