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Chapter 824: The Curse of the Capital

Xing Jiashi has traveled extensively in recent years, lived in many places, and knows many interesting things.

Mu Siyu got on well with her and appreciated her opinions. Of course, she was also very interested in what she said about the Yunying tribe.

Xing Jiashi settled in Lu Mansion.

Mu Siyu took her to various workshops and asked her to personally watch the production of this hidden weapon.

Therefore, Xing Jiashi participated in this matter almost throughout the process. She also knew the design of this concealed weapon very well and could solve any problems by herself in the future.

"Qing'er and Shaojing will be back tomorrow, and the house will finally be lively." Mu Siyu said, "Jia Shi, what kind of hot pot do you like?"

Xing Jiashi was looking at the abacus next to her. After listening to Mu Siyu's words, she said, "Madam, I'm not picky about food. I can do anything."

"Okay, I'll make several flavors of hot pot, and then you can choose the one you like. What accounts are you calculating?" Mu Siyu came over.

"I brought some specialties from the Yunying tribe and sold them in the market these days. I am now checking the accounts." Xing Jiashi said, "That day I saw the account books brought by the 'Dream Home' accountant and accidentally discovered

His accounting method is quite simple, so I followed him. Madam, you won't be angry if I do this, right?"

"Why should I be angry? That accounting method is not only used by my subordinates, but is now being spread as much as possible so that more people can learn this simple accounting method. If you want to learn anything, just ask

The people in the mansion will teach you. But what are the specialties you brought? Are they easy to sell?"

Xing Jiashi introduced what she brought.

"It's not easy to sell, is it?" Mu Siyu said with a smile.

"It's really not easy to sell." Xing Jiashi said, "Only some customers who like new things picked some. Most people didn't dare to buy it when they saw the fine hair on the beef."

"Before, beef could not be sold in the market. Now it has been relaxed and beef can be sold. Then the dried beef you brought from the Yunying tribe is not so rare, and of course it is not easy to sell."

Xing Jiashi nodded: "The Yunying tribe's specialties are only beef and mutton. I didn't know that beef could be sold in the capital before, so I picked up the air-dried beef and brought it back."

"My resort needs these ingredients..."

"Madam, no need, I can't always trouble you..."

"Listen to what I have to say." Mu Siyu said, "Show me the thing and I'll taste it first. If it works, use it. If it doesn't, I won't give you face."

"Thank you ma'am."

Xing Jiashi lives in the west wing, and the Yunying friends she brought live in another courtyard.

After she had eaten, she planned to visit them and find out whether they were used to living here. Just after crossing the wooden bridge, she saw Lu Shaoyu and his men walking over from the other end of the bridge.

Xing Jiashi bowed and stood aside.

Lu Shaoyu stopped and asked, "Miss Xing, are you used to living here?"

"Thank you, Mr. Lu, everything is fine with me."

"How is the concealed weapon doing?"

"Madam was very attentive and helped us a lot."

"That's good."

Lu Shaoyu was about to leave when he suddenly heard Xing Jiashi calling him.

"Sir, is this guard sick?"

Lu Shaoyu looked in the direction Xing Jiashi pointed.

She was talking about Lu Ye.

Lu Ye looked confused: "No!"

"Your arms..."

Lu Shaoyu said: "Pull up your sleeves."

Lu Ye rolled up his sleeves, revealing his arms that were red, swollen and covered in abscesses.

"I must have been bitten by some insect, it's just a little itchy."

"No, I have seen your symptoms before. The arms were first red and swollen, accompanied by abscesses." Xing Jiashi said, "This is a disease, and it is very troublesome and contagious."

"Have you seen the doctor?" Yi Jian asked next to him, "This is no joke. You can't hide your condition."

"I saw the doctor. The doctor also said that I was bitten by some poisonous insect and gave me some antidote." Lu Ye said.

"I don't know if this guard's symptoms are the same as those I've seen before, but the early stages of the symptoms I've seen before do look like this guard's."

"Thank you, I will give him another diagnosis." Lu Shaoyu said, "Then we'll excuse you."

Lu Shaoyu originally planned to go back home, but now he turned around and walked out with two of his henchmen.

Lu Ye's voice came: "Sir, it's not such a coincidence, is it? I haven't left the city, how could I be infected with that kind of infectious disease?"

"Just in case, it would be better to seek treatment from an imperial doctor." Yi Jian said, "If it is really an infectious disease, wouldn't it be easily passed on to adults if they are with you all day long?"

Lu Ye stopped talking.

Although he didn't believe that he would get that kind of disease, Lu Shaoyu's safety was definitely not a joke.

That night, Mu Siyu and Xing Jiashi had dinner and talked about Lu Shaoyu's apparent return and departure. They said that this man was busier than his father and that he didn't know who the real regent was.

"Master Lu hasn't come back yet?"

"That's right! I don't know what I'm busy with."

Xing Jiashi was a little worried.

The infectious disease was very troublesome, and many people died at that time. If it hadn't been for a registered disciple from Yaowang Valley who happened to pass by and cured those people with his superb medical skills, it would probably have become a catastrophe.

She didn't know the specific situation, and it was hard to tell Mu Siyu, lest she worry too much.

Lu Shaoyu did not come back that day. The next day, Xing Jiashi went to the Metropolitan Procuratorate and hesitated at the door for a while. When she mustered up the courage to ask the gatekeeper to pass the message for her, Lu Shaoyu came out from inside.

"Miss Xing." Lu Shaoyu recognized her.

"Master Lu, are you okay?" Xing Jiashi asked worriedly.

"Thank you for your concern, miss. I'm fine, but my man is really in trouble." Lu Shaoyu said, "You are right, he has an infectious disease."

"Then do you have any diagnosis and treatment methods?"

"It just so happens that there are two disciples in Yaowang Valley who work in Taiyuan Hospital. The infectious disease was discovered in time and did not let it spread, so it is still under control. This is all thanks to the girl. If you hadn't reminded me in time, when the matter developed seriously,

If it is, it will be difficult to control. You have prevented a big trouble from happening."

"Until it is cured, the danger has not been resolved. You have to pay attention to this matter." Xing Jiashi said, "I saw with my own eyes people in a village died, and not a single person was left alive. If it hadn't been for timely treatment,

, people in other villages will also be affected."

"I will take it seriously. I will be living outside during this period and will not go home to avoid bringing danger to my family. If my mother asks about it, don't say anything more. Just pretend you don't know about it.


This chapter has been completed!
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