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Chapter 1012 Assimilation Policy (1)

The two brothers Ye Jingren and Ye Jingli came to Xinghai, the capital of the Song Dynasty.

Their identities are no longer doctors of the Red Hulu Organization, but the young masters of Ci'antang Hospital.

Ye Jingren accepted the assignment from Red Hulu and went to West Africa to provide medical assistance.

He found that there was an extreme shortage of doctors in Europe, especially surgeons who could perform operations.

This is an extremely huge blank market, and their family’s pharmaceutical company Ciantang is transforming into a hospital.

The empire's hospitals and pharmaceutical companies are facing tremendous competition pressure.

Ye Jingren immediately sent a telegram to his father to persuade him to shift the family's focus to Europe.

The Ye family's Ci'an Tang annexed small hospitals and cooperated with local nobles.

Ci'antang Hospital has now established branches in various European countries.

Ye Jingren and his third brother Ye Jingli completed the tasks assigned by Hong Hulu.

Ye Jingli's medical skills have made significant progress through training and combining theory with practice.

The family arranged for the two brothers to check the situation at Ci'antang Hospital.

Ye Jingli walked on the street and saw that the people of Song were extremely happy.

When he first arrived in the Song Dynasty, most people in the Song Dynasty looked sad and gloomy.

He was very curious about what could happen in just three or four days that could change the minds of most people in the Song Dynasty.

Ye Jingli immediately bought several newspapers from the little golden retriever newsboy hawking on the street.

He looked at the content in the newspaper and said in surprise: "No wonder the people of Song are so excited.

Jin Kuohai, Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty, visited America. He reached trade treaties with all the major American powers Zhao, Wei, and Cao.

Song products opened the door to American countries.

The Song Dynasty could also obtain a large amount of raw materials from American countries.

This is also very beneficial to our Ci'an Tang.

The medicines produced by our Ci'antang can be sold to America.

Through indirect means, we have gained access to markets that were previously unreachable.

Every pill sold in a new market is a real profit."

Ye Jingren looked at the contents of the newspaper. He had been in the society for many years, and he could immediately see that there was nothing hyped in the newspaper.

"I think the most important thing for the Song State is that Song Prime Minister Jin Kuohai sold several brand-new warships to the Xiang State.

The manufacturing of warships consumes a huge amount of funds, and the maintenance and personnel costs of warships are even higher than the cost of building ships.

The current situation in Europe makes it obvious that a war cannot be fought.

There was no need for the Song Dynasty to maintain a huge navy.

The wool comes from the sheep, and the country's money to support the army comes from taxation.

If a country cannot afford to support its army, it will inevitably find ways to exploit its people.

Now that the country has decided to get rid of the burden, the people will definitely be happy."

The two brothers discussed the situation in the Song Dynasty and soon arrived at Ci'antang Hospital in the city center.

They saw a long queue at the hospital gate.

When Ye Jingren saw this scene for the first time, he was very surprised.

He is now used to this scene, mainly because the reputation of Ci'antang Hospital has been established.

This also has something to do with the two brothers. In West Africa, they not only rescued the soldiers of Chu State, but also rescued many soldiers of Song State.

Among the people they rescued were children of powerful people.

In particular, newspapers from both countries have interviewed the Red Hulu Hospital.

This directly made the two brothers very famous in the Song and Chu countries.

There has been no shortage of patients since Ciantang Hospital opened its doors, and the doctors quickly established a reputation for their superb skills.

They were walking in the corridor of the office building.

Ye Jingli said with disdain: "The level of these doctors in Song is really not good.

A minor illness like appendicitis has a mortality rate of up to 30%.

Our Ci'antang Hospital can control it to about 1%.

What's more, our Ci'antang Hospital specializes in fracture surgery.

Our doctors at Ci'antang have adopted the latest technology, but the doctors in Song have not even learned the most basic techniques."

When Ye Jingren heard his third brother say this, he immediately scolded: "Third brother, pay attention to your words and deeds, don't make unreal remarks.

The Song Dynasty has done very well, mainly because the empire's technology developed too fast."

Ye Jingli curled his lips and said: "I am not a high-end talent in the empire, so I don't want to join the nationality of these small countries.

Our Ci'antang Hospital provides doctors with generous treatment, and many doctors are willing to come to Europe to work.

But they only work for three to five years, earn a considerable amount of money, and then return to the country immediately.

Many people are unwilling to let them stay here forever.

Only in terms of the environmental security of the empire, Europe, which is always shrouded in the cloud of war, is not qualified."

When Ye Jingren heard his third brother's words, he did not refute and could not refute.

European countries have limited resources, and they need to catch up for decades to catch up with the empire.

But in these decades, the empire will not stand still.

Many people have a strong idea in their minds that they can go to Europe to make money, stay in Europe permanently, and live and die with Europe. Many people do not have this idea.

The two brothers Ye Jingren and Ye Jingli came to the dean's office.

He saw the director, Li Mi, organizing a group of doctors to sort out their equipment, as if they were about to travel far away.

Ye Jingli asked curiously: "Dean Li, what are you going to do?

I worked very well yesterday, why did I leave the hospital today?"

Ye Jingli is worried that the hospital’s doctors will be poached by competitors.

They signed contracts in the empire, but there was nothing they could do when local dignitaries poached people.

We can only try our best to improve the treatment of doctors and make the local dignitaries feel heartbroken when they poach them.

Dean Li Mi heard the underlying meaning of Shaodong's family.

He said with a smile: "Young master, we are preparing for a free clinic.

Wang Shilang of the Medical Department of the Song Dynasty personally came to inform that the hospital in Xinghai City will send at least one-third of its doctors to the Xinghai countryside for free clinics."

Ye Jingli also smiled when he heard that the employees of Ci'antang Hospital were prostitutes.

When he was in the empire, he often encountered this kind of thing.

If something like this happens, you can only follow the orders of the government.

If you refuse such a trivial matter, you are not a friend enough, and you will definitely be judged by others.

Ye Jingren said: "My skills are relatively advanced, so I am one of the people who go to the countryside for free clinics."

Ye Jingli's eyes lit up and he immediately said: "My medical skills are better than most of you, and I am particularly good at surgical first aid.

Free clinics cannot do without me, so count me among them.

Our young masters at Ci'antang Hospital will not respond to the government's call, which will leave a trail for others."

Ye Jingli knew that what he said was a high-sounding cliche.

His real purpose is to confirm whether this is a real free clinic?

Ci'antang Hospital had just made a name for itself, and other colleagues were poaching people like crazy.

If the two brothers believed Li Mi easily, it would lead to a massive loss of doctors in the hospital.

The reputation of Ci'antang Hospital has plummeted, and they can't hold their head high in the family.

The two brothers of the Ye family followed the team and, under the arrangement of the Song government, went to the somewhat remote Tai'an Township in Xinghai Prefecture.

The two brothers of the Ye family have experience in setting up field hospitals in harsh wilderness.

They built a simple hospital in Song Dynasty, which was a piece of cake.

The hospital set up in tents soon began to receive patients.

Most doctors conduct clinics at long tables outside.

Only the Ye family brothers and a small number of doctors could enter the tent to perform operations.

As soon as the simple hospital was set up, a patient with a fracture was brought in.

Ye Jingli saw his injuries and injected the man with anesthetic based on his experience.

Seeing the patient's frightened expression, he comforted him: "You are lucky enough to have met our brothers when you were injured.

Your fracture can be easily cured.

If you don’t have surgery, you will definitely be disabled.”

The patient gradually fell asleep, and the two Ye brothers, with the cooperation of other doctors, immediately began the operation.

Ye Jingli fixed the broken bones with steel plates.

He said curiously: "I thought we were condolences to the hard-working Han immigrants.

I've completely lost my mind. Most of the people outside now have yellow hair and blue eyes.

We need to treat these barbarians.

In West Africa, I also treated many barbarians and even black indigenous people who were all black.

Regardless of the differences in appearance, for our surgeons, the treatment methods are exactly the same."

"This is the result that the imperial court wants. The imperial court has always promoted those guys with yellow hair and blue eyes. As long as they learn Chinese and identify themselves as Han people, they will be Han people.

The local indigenous people actively learn Chinese. Once they are classified as Han Chinese, their taxes will be reduced by half.

Even for the sake of this visible benefit, the local indigenous people who only speak a few words of Chinese must still be classified as Han and think that what they speak is a dialect."

Ye Jingli was startled when he heard this voice. He saw that it was an injured patient. He woke up in the hospital bed before the operation was over.

This was not the first time Ye Jingli encountered this situation.

When they were in West Africa, due to the lack of anesthetic drugs, soldiers from the Song and Chu states were tied to hospital beds while they were awake and undergoing amputation operations.

He has experienced this kind of thing before, and what he is experiencing now is completely a piece of cake.

He also has experience in this situation, and his doctors are very cautious in using narcotics.

If you use it a little too much, the person will never wake up.

Ye Jingli asked: "Brother, do you have a good drinking capacity?"

"Of course, I'm famous in my hometown as someone who never gets drunk after a thousand cups.

Don't worry about the difficult red hair or the unreasonable golden hair.

After a few drinks, these people are all friends."

Ye Jingli said helplessly: "There's nothing you can do about it. There are so many people like you. If you use too little anesthetic, it will be useless. If you use too much anesthetic, you will be gone."

Now all that's left is suturing, and I'll try to be careful with my technique so that you don't feel too much pain."

Ye Jingren saw that his third brother handled this unexpected situation very well, and he had grown up.

He sighed: "I heard that the Imperial Royal Hospital is clinically testing a local anesthetic.

If the clinical trials of this drug are successful, it will be a real blessing for our doctors."

He saw the patient on the bed and couldn't help but groan as the suturing began.

This kind of pain is worse than the legendary torture.

He suggested: "Brother, please talk about something you are familiar with to divert your attention.

If you focus on the wound, you will feel more and more pain."

The patient on the hospital bed, he was also the one who listened to the advice, and immediately talked endlessly about the assimilation policy of the Song Dynasty.

This is what he has always been responsible for and what he is most familiar with.

"Then let me tell you about the imperial court's policy of assimilating local indigenous people.

Nowadays, the word aboriginal is no longer allowed to be spoken because it is said to have ambiguity. Now it is uniformly called aboriginal.

The key policy for the imperial court to assimilate the aborigines was taxation.

The Han people have light taxes. The Han people who have the right to speak will not object to this policy. Even grassroots officials like us readily accept it.

As long as the aboriginals meet the criteria for Chineseization, they will become Han Chinese and will also enjoy light tax treatment.

This method is extremely sharp. The indigenous people who were previously resistant to the assimilation policy actively learned Chinese from teachers sent by the imperial court.

Most of the aboriginal people will drift with the tide, and they are easily affected by the court's policies.

But there is a group of die-hard elements who are unwilling to assimilate and even persuade the surrounding people of the same ethnic group to be consistent with them.

If the court has carrots, it must have sticks.

We will arrest these die-hard elements immediately.

Education can change him, so let him change his mind and start a new life.

If they still don't want to change, then they can only let them live in another place.

The dignitaries of other vassal states are in desperate need of golden-haired eunuchs.

As long as these people are castrated, they won't cause much trouble at all."

When Ye Jingli heard these words, a trickle of sweat broke out on his forehead involuntarily.

The Song Dynasty was really cruel to these uncooperative natives.

"A carrot in one hand and a stick in the other. This is for dealing with adult Aboriginal people.

In fact, the life of the aborigines during the Kingdom of England was not good, and only a few people had enough to eat.

Many people live by eating black bread.

As long as they can eat white flour steamed buns, they can also marry a wife and have several children.

These people will behave extremely calmly.

As long as the imperial court makes the lives of the aborigines better, many aborigines are not stupid and they will naturally know what to do.

The adults' thinking has been solidified, and they can only rely on carrots and sticks, gentle policies and severe punishments.

The key is children, they must go to primary school, it is compulsory for them to go to primary school.

As long as they have completed six years of boarding primary school, the primary school student must have completed assimilation and become a standard Han Chinese.

With the development of time, there will inevitably be more and more Han people in our country.

This generation of primary school students became the dominant group, and that was the day when the imperial court’s assimilation policy was completely successful.”

Ye Jingli watched the patient talk non-stop, talking about the assimilation policy of the Song Dynasty.

He has already analyzed from it that the assimilation policy of the Song Dynasty was mainly aimed at primary school students.

As for the large number of adult indigenous people, economic and legal means were used to prevent them from resisting.

These people may miss their homeland in their hearts, but the Song Dynasty didn't care at all.

After Ye Jingren listened, he couldn't help but applaud and said: "Okay, that's great.

I have traveled to many European countries and read about the assimilation policies of many countries.

I think the policy of the Song State was one that was implemented for a long time and had the fewest problems, and the Song State had capable people."

But Ye Jingren didn't know the assimilation policy implemented by the Song Dynasty.

This is the experience and lesson learned by Song Dynasty Prime Minister Jin Kuohai from the three major powers in America.

He also introduced an assimilation policy based on the actual situation of the Song Dynasty.

This is an assimilation policy with an implementation time of ten years.

This chapter has been completed!
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