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Chapter 1014 Assimilation Policy (3)

Ye Jingren and Ye Jingli took the bus to Malingbao Railway Station.

There are many European-style cathedrals in Malingborg, which are few in Europe.

Many European-style cathedrals in Chu, Wu and other countries were still preserved in the past.

However, as the assimilation policies of various countries continue to deepen, these European-style cathedrals have all been demolished in the name of endangered buildings.

Countries are trying to prevent the resurgence of European native religions and affecting the acceptance of assimilation policies by indigenous peoples.

Constantly using various methods to eliminate the various influences of native religions in Europe?

The first impact was on the churches that were everywhere.

Ye Jingli said with emotion: "Malingbao is indeed the territory of the empire and is more tolerant, rather than being petty like other European countries.

I have never been to Malingborg before, and its original name should have been Constantinople.

You can see the blend of authentic European culture and Ottoman Turkish culture in this city.”

Ye Jingli then complained: "The whole ride in the car made my butt hurt.

There was no rail connectivity between the countries before.

Fortunately, we had some rest time as we visited Ci'antang hospitals in various places.

Malingborg Railway Station can directly reach any railway station in the empire, which is really convenient.

We arrived at Malingbao and could finally go home.

I have been in Europe for more than a year, and I already miss my parents and naughty little sister very much."

Ye Jingren also had a smile on his face. While waiting for the train, he said happily: "If Europe can build some cinder roads, it is because countries have no choice but to do so.

You see, all European countries are building railways domestically.

The last station on the railway is far away from the border.

European countries simply don't want railways to be connected together.

Railroads transport people and nuclear material too efficiently.

The power of train guns is comparable to naval guns, and the fortresses in various European countries cannot stop it.

Unless one day a hegemon appears in Europe and subdues all countries.

Or European countries have to maintain a state of peace.

Only in this way can the railways of various European countries have a chance to be connected together.

If the railway can transport passengers, it can transport soldiers.

The monarch of every country is afraid that the enemy's army will use the railway to directly occupy their territory."

When Ye Jingli heard what his elder brother said, he nodded to express regret, but he also understood the situation.

They quickly lined up and boarded the train home.

The Empire's new trains are diesel locomotives, not coal-burning steam trains.

There is no longer an unbearable pungent smell and thick black smoke when it is running.

Ye Jingli and his eldest brother sat in their seats and read the newspapers provided by the train.

They soon heard the whistling sound of the whistle, and the train soon started to move.

Ye Jingli sat comfortably on the seat and said happily: "It's still more stable when the train is moving. It's more comfortable to sit on."

They talked and laughed all the way, looking at the scenery on both sides of the railway from time to time.

The long tunnels and railway bridges spanning valleys and rivers give people a glimpse of the power of industry.

The train soon arrived in Liangguo. Every time the train stopped at a station, passengers got on and off. This line was very busy.

The train arrived at Huanglong Mansion, the capital of the Liang Kingdom, one of the main transfer stations on this line.

Ye Jingli said happily: "Brother, the train passes through Liang State, which is the Persian Governor-General of the empire. It is getting closer to our home."

Ye Jingren knew that to return home, he still had to cross the entire empire, but entering the territory of the empire was like a foreigner returning home, and he immediately felt at ease.

While they were waiting for the train to depart, the train conductor's voice sounded over the train's announcement.

"Lin Dafu, the director of Liangguo Ciantang Hospital, is looking for Shaodong's family urgently. Please get off at this station immediately when you hear it."

This broadcast was played three times in a row.

Ye Jingli looked at Ye Jingren with a questioning look in his eyes?

Ye Jingren immediately stood up and walked towards the car door.

Ye Jingli followed his elder brother and got off the train.

Ye Jingren said in a gentle tone: "No matter what Lin Dafu wants to do? He has mobilized so many people to find us, we must meet him."

The two brothers of the Ye family soon saw Lin Dafu, who was anxiously wandering around at the entrance of the train station.

When Lin Dafu saw the two young masters, he stepped forward and said excitedly: "Young masters, I've waited a long time.

I sent a telegram to the hospital in Qingguo and learned that the two young masters were returning home by train.

I don’t know which train the young masters are on, so I can only come from Europe, stop every train in Huanglong Mansion, and send out a broadcast to look for the two young masters.”

Ye Jingren frowned and asked: "Dean Lin, you are so mobilized to find our brothers, what is the problem with Ci'antang Hospital in Liangguo?"

Lin Dafu said humbly and anxiously: "The two young masters are not in trouble at Ci'antang Hospital.

The royal family of Liang Dynasty issued a reward order. The child was five and a half years old and had an enlarged liver.

Which hospital's doctors can perform this surgery will be able to enter the Liang Kingdom's medical insurance system."

When Lin Dafu talked about the medical insurance system, he looked extremely eager.

Ye Jingren was not surprised at all by this situation.

From the very beginning, the empire's government-run hospitals have had extremely favorable fee plans for public servants and their families.

With the improvement of the imperial system, especially the development of the navigation industry, the insurance industry has risen.

The empire's medical insurance system has also taken shape, and all people in the public sector are covered by medical insurance.

For people with low grades and their families, medical insurance will reimburse more than 50% of the cost, and for people with grades above seventh grade, medical insurance will reimburse them in full.

Because government-run hospitals have a medical insurance system, they have no shortage of patients.

These private hospitals cannot enter the medical insurance system and can only rely on their reputation to attract patients.

Ye Jingren knew that those who could come to the hospital had some wealth.

The real poor don't look down on hospitals in the city at all.

I can only find a barefoot doctor in the countryside, drink a few cheap decoctions, and take a few cheap pills handed down by my superiors.

If it happens to be cured, the patient will be blessed with great blessings.

Even if the barefoot doctors in the countryside couldn't cure him, they appointed him.

Ye Jingren nodded and said, "This is a good opportunity that you really cannot miss.

If the operation is unsuccessful, what responsibility should I bear?"

When Ye Jingren heard that it was the Liang royal family, he backed down.

Even the royal family's doctors cannot handle this matter, so it must be an extremely difficult matter.

Once the patient fails to come to Taiwan and messes up the matter, it will definitely affect the development of Ciantang Hospital in Liangguo.

Lin Dafu led the two young masters into his car.

He also observed the behavior and found that the two young masters had some doubts about this matter.

He immediately explained: "Two young masters, the patient is not a member of the royal family, but a noble son who surrendered to the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

King Liang's methods of governing the country were somewhat crude.

Han immigrants and local aborigines often clashed, and there were countless murders.

The King of Liang wanted to take this opportunity to ease the relationship between the Han immigrants and the local indigenous people.

There are only two top surgeons in the royal family, and they have all been held back for various reasons.

Disease is something that is beyond human control.

The child's condition had deteriorated, and it was too late to find a doctor from other places.

If the two young masters were not active nearby, I would be helpless to deal with this situation.

Only external forces like us can solve this matter without any scruples."

Ye Jingren nodded, he somewhat understood what Vice President Lin was thinking.

There were differences between King Su Meng of Liang and certain forces in the country.

In order to balance the domestic forces, he could only win over the surrendered indigenous forces.

The domestic forces in the Liang Kingdom definitely did not want to sit back and wait for death, and they used various methods to obstruct the doctors of the Liang Kingdom from treating diseases.

This method is very effective, and emergencies cannot be delayed at all.

As long as it is blocked for a day or two, the child will lose his life.

Ye Jingren weighed the pros and cons and quickly decided to take the job.

There is no doubt that Liang State is a centralized state, and the monarch holds real power and is difficult to be ignored.

Even if King Su Meng of Liang is really ignored, he is the son of Emperor Su He.

As long as he complains to Emperor Su He, he can easily regain his position.

The Ye family is in Liang Wang Su Meng's camp and there is no risk at all.

Ye Jingren made up his mind, but he didn't do everything.

"I can go and see the sick child, but I can't guarantee that I can cure it."

Dean Lin Dafu said excitedly: "Shaodong's family has specialties, and no doctor can guarantee that he can cure all diseases.

Our Ci'antang Hospital goes to treat patients, which shows the attitude of our Ci'antang Hospital."

The car started slowly and headed to Liangguo First Hospital.

After the identities of the Ye brothers were reviewed, they were qualified to treat children.

Ye Jingren's physical examination was over, and he already knew what was going on.

He whispered a few words to Ye Jingli.

Ye Jingren made preparations for the operation, and Ye Jingli walked out of the operating room to inform the patient of the possible risks.

Ye Jingli received the informed consent form for the operation and began to cooperate with his elder brother in the operation.

Ye Jingren said happily: "As expected of the official hospital of Liang Kingdom, this is the real sterile operating room.

This level of sterility is what our Ci'antang Hospital is pursuing."

Ye Jingren moved very quickly. While he was speaking, he had already broken the ribs and opened the child's chest.

Ye Jingli looked at his elder brother's skillful movements.

The elder brother's actions seemed rough, but he didn't hurt a single blood vessel.

When Ye Jingli saw the swollen liver, he exclaimed, "Bugs, there are worms on the liver."

Ye Jingren reprimanded: "Keep quiet, you will be surprised if you don't see it.

This is a parasitic disease. There are many parasitic diseases in Africa, and you are not inexperienced.

Last time we encountered a parasitic disease, a white worm was pulled out of the eye."

Ye Jingli has been treated for several cases of parasitic diseases, but he still feels panic when encountering such diseases.

He watched his elder brother operate skillfully and quickly took out the three white worms from his liver.

He searched carefully and cut out an worm cyst the size of an egg yolk on the child's liver.

The scalpel cut open the insect cyst on the tray, and there were densely packed insect eggs inside.

Dr. Liang Guo, who helped them, saw this scene and ran directly to the corner and vomited.

Ye Jingren took out the tray with the parasites and walked out of the operating room.

He saw Liang Wang Su Meng waiting outside.

He said solemnly: "Fortunately, we fulfilled our mission and the child's surgery went smoothly.

He suffered from parasitic disease, and I have treated the parasites on his liver.

In order to expel the remaining parasites in the body, parasitology experts need to provide more professional treatment."

Prince Liang Su Meng looked at the pale Mai Tiyin, patted his shoulder and said: "Mai Aiqing, there is absolutely no need for you to maintain your previous life.

Embracing our Han life is a healthy lifestyle."

Ye Jingren felt a little funny when he heard what Liang Wang Su Meng said.

Parasites don't care who you are. If you meet a suitable host, you will definitely become a parasite.

But the lifestyle of nomadic tribes does lead to more parasitic diseases.

Eating raw meat, drinking raw water, and not roasting or cooking the food properly will make you susceptible to parasitic diseases.

Mai Tiyin was defeated by the Han people, who always respect the strong.

The Han people are strong and everything is good for them.

Mai Tiyin said excitedly: "The king has given us such good conditions. Our tribe is willing to obey the king's order and go to live in the city."

Liang Wang Su Meng smiled and said: "This matter is not urgent. Go and see your son in the ward. This is your only son.

Just embrace our Han life and get timely treatment by doctors.

Mai Aiqing will never appear again, and only one of the five sons lived past the age of six."

Mai Tiyin looked excited. He gave Ye Jingren a thumbs up and walked quickly towards the ward.

King Su Meng of Liang looked relaxed. The most stubborn fortress was solved, and his subsequent policies could be implemented easily.

He walked out of the hospital and returned to Liangwang Palace.

The situation in Liang Kingdom is different from that in other European countries.

Liang State owns oil, which is the most popular mineral now, and Liang State has a lot of surplus money in its finances.

The Liang Kingdom did not have the strength to dominate Europe. Su Meng, the king of Liang, only wanted to be a regional power.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Based on this situation, Liang Country’s assimilation policy does not need to be too hasty.

The Liang State mainly adopted a gentle policy, allowing the aborigines to receive the good life of the Han people, and let them actively want to become Han people.

King Su Meng of Liang dared to do this mainly because Ottoman Türkiye was a nomadic country.

This has led to the identity of the aboriginal people in Liang Kingdom to be tribal, and each tribe has its own customs and culture.

King Su Meng of Liang understood the habits of nomadic tribes, and the common denominator of nomadic tribes was Mu Qiang.

As long as he keeps Liang strong and at the same time coerces and induces these nomadic tribes, he will surely be able to complete the assimilation.

The surrounding environment of Liang Kingdom is relatively good, and there is no room for expansion.

King Su Meng of Liang did not need to adopt an eager assimilation policy towards those monarchs in Europe.

He believes that low-cost moisturizing and silent assimilation policies have the best effect.

The self-confidence of Su Meng, King of Liang, comes from the fact that the appearance of the people is not much different from that of the Han people.

As long as several generations of interbreeding occur, the aborigines will naturally become Han Chinese.

There is no need for him to be anxious at all. If he adopts an urgent assimilation policy, it is very easy for unexpected problems to arise.

When Su Meng, king of Liang, did this, he found that Liang Feng, king of Xiang, did something similar to him.

A good policy is a policy that suits one's national conditions.

The Ye brothers set foot on the train home again.

Ye Jingli said happily: "What happened in Liang Kingdom allowed us to overfulfill the tasks assigned by our family.

I hope everything goes well on this return trip. I don’t want this rare rest time to be ruined by other things.”

Ye Jingren nodded in agreement. He picked up the newspaper on the train and said in surprise: "A war has broken out in America. Red Hulu will send us tasks. This vacation will end early."

This chapter has been completed!
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